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Chapter 1010: Abducted by “aliens”?

Chapter 1010: Abducted by “aliens”?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1010 Kidnapped by “aliens”?

  ”What the hell? Brother, you’re not online?”

  The bedroom door slammed open.

  Seeing his brother rushing out of the room, Ye Jiu, who was gnawing on a chicken claw, was startled and almost dropped the half-gnawed chicken claw.

  ”Brother, things are not what you think. In fact, I called you…” Looking at his brother with a dark face, Ye Jiu said in a low voice with a guilty conscience, but saw that the former’s attention was not on the already opened takeaway box at all.

  ”I can’t go up.”

  ”I can’t go up?!” Ye Jiu was stunned, muttering to himself, “Why do you always run into all the good things…”

  ”Bullshit, not good at all.”

  Sitting on the sofa, Ye Wei didn’t care about the takeaway at all, just looking at his sister and urging her.

  ”Take your helmet and try it. Is the server crashed?”

  ”Pfft – do you think this is possible?”

  ”Just try it.”

  Unable to resist the urging of his brother, Ye Jiu, who had just come off the line, reluctantly put the helmet on his head again.

  Looking at his sister who was back online, Ye Wei waited for five minutes in a restless manner, and these five minutes seemed as long as an hour.

  In fact, seeing Ye Jiu motionless, he already had the answer in his heart, but he still couldn’t help but hold on to the one in ten thousand possibility, hoping that it was not just him who had the problem.

  Unfortunately, however.

  This has become impossible.

  After a while, Ye Jiu took off the helmet.

  Without waiting for her to speak, Ye Wei asked unwillingly.

  ”What’s the matter? Is it a server problem?”

  Ye Jiu rolled his eyes at this guy and threw the helmet aside.

  ”Obviously, you have a problem.”


  Ye Wei sank into the sofa and had completely given up the unrealistic fantasy of server failure.

  Since the disconnection, he has tried hundreds of times, but the result is that he can’t connect back.

  Before, he couldn’t get off the line, and now he can’t get on the line again.

  Ye Wei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

  ”Damn, why do I have to deal with all these problems?”

  ”I’m also wondering, this closed beta is like a fake, I haven’t encountered any bugs…” Ye Jiu muttered, and suddenly thought of something, looked at his brother and said, “By the way, aren’t you very familiar with Brother Guang, why don’t you ask him?”

  Ye Wei sighed and said.

  ”I asked, and he said it might be an abnormal state… He also said that the new map five light years away is being tested and it is not his responsibility, so I should come back as soon as I find a chance.”

  To be honest, he even felt that Brother Guang cared more about the Orion missile cruiser than he did.

  The only thing that comforted him was that Brother Guang said he was still alive, and there was no doubt about that.

  However, thinking that Jiang Xuezhou was alone five light years away at the moment, he suddenly became anxious again.

  ”Five light years… Even if I wanted to help you pass a message, I couldn’t pass it,” Ye Jiu glanced at the ceiling, looked at him and asked, “By the way, why are you in an abnormal state? Did you eat poisonous mushrooms?”

  Ye Wei: “… How is it possible.”

  Don’t even mention mushrooms.

  He even drank the water he brought with him, and didn’t touch the “tribute” of the natives.

  ”What’s going on…” Jiujiu scratched the back of her head, a little confused.

  Mainly because of her brother’s perception attribute, it was outrageous enough to be attacked by surprise, and he was even unable to get back online.

  Ye Wei calmed down and thought for a while, and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”I think it might be hypnosis…”

  ”Hypnosis?!” Jiujiu’s eyes widened, “But… not… what’s the use of hypnosis?”

  Ye Wei glanced at her, ignored her, and analyzed calmly.

  What’s the use…

  it’s very useful.

  Everyone saw the “Ancestor” descend on the city of Doma, and saw with their own eyes the incredible miracle he brought down.

  His identity is beyond doubt.

  Then, in the name of the “Ancestor”, he announced his will-

  the holy object in the sky fell into the mortal world, and fell into the hands of the sinners in the Forbidden Forest Valley.

  If this holy object is not sent back to the sky, it will bring disaster to the whole world.

  This is a perfect excuse for war.

  The leader of Doma City can not only use this excuse to attack the “criminals” in the Forbidden Forest Valley, but also use this excuse to command the “heroes” in the entire forest.

  Ye Wei felt his eyebrows twitching fiercely.

  ”Good guy… He is holding the emperor hostage to command the princes?!”

  There is not only one power armor, but also an old one in his room.

  Although that thing is broken, as long as the strength is strong enough, it is still no problem to wear it and walk a few steps. The

  last thing these barbarians lack is strength.

  Next, Tunnan doesn’t need to do anything, just let him continue to turn a blind eye – or simply close both eyes, and then find someone to pretend to be him, or even pretend to be him himself, so that the whole plan can proceed smoothly.

  But the question is, how did these people hypnotize him? !


  Just when Ye Shi was puzzled, a group of fully armed guards were standing at the entrance of the temple at the root of the sacred tree in Doma City.

  These guards are the elites of the Doma tribe. Their gnarled muscles are as solid and hard as granite. Their wooden rattan armor is inlaid with dark green crystals, and their erected spears are like the horns of fierce beasts.

  Whether it is equipment or strength, these people show excellent quality.

  Not only that –

  as temple guards, they also have abilities that ordinary warriors do not have.

  That is psychic ability.

  This special ability not only gives them the talent to communicate with all living things in the world, but also gives them the ability to release psychological hints and negative emotions to the target.

  For example, it makes desperate warriors rejoice, and makes restless wild deer bow their heads docilely.

  As for hypnosis.

  It’s just basic skills.

  In the case of no defense, they can even make the “casted” not realize that they have fallen asleep, and when they come to their senses, they are already standing in a dream.

  If you use the “Tree of Insof” as a medium to cast a spell, you don’t even need to stand face to face with your opponent.

  That’s why, even if it only takes a volley of assault rifles to kill all of them, the premise is that you have to have a chance to shoot…

  Looking at the “iron armor” carried out from the temple, Sagui’s old face couldn’t help but show a trace of panic.

  At first, they couldn’t take off the armor, and he thought that Tunnan would give up, but he didn’t expect that he directly borrowed the power of the Tree of Insof, gained experience from the past, and finally figured out a way to force the power end.

  It’s not very difficult.

  Just press on a few key mechanisms.

  After hesitating for a while, Sagui finally couldn’t stand the torment in his heart, looked at the chief beside him, and said in a trembling voice.

  ”…You attacked the ancestor.”

  Tunnan’s face was expressionless, and he was not shaken by Sagui’s panic.

  ”The so-called ancestor is just a stronger person… He even understands the Tree of Insof better than you and me, and he is far less powerful than you and me.”

  Hundreds of years have passed since the second Judgment Day and the departure of the ancestor.

  During these long years, the tribesmen of the Doma tribe have always kept in mind the teachings of the ancestor and have never slackened their communication with the Tree of Insof.

  However, when the ancestor mentioned by the elders of the tribe really came before him, after the initial ecstasy and surprise, Tunnan was left with only disappointment in his heart.

  It felt…

  that’s all.

  The ability to call the wind and rain certainly shocked him, but they had played the same trick once a long time ago, and it was still the same after hundreds of years.

  The ability of the ancestor seemed to be just that.

  Tunnan’s disappointment was not

  only that their ancestor’s ability was as weak as before, but his understanding of the Tree of Insof was also far behind them, the younger generation.

  To this day, the ancestors still have not mastered the ability to communicate with each other, so they still have to try to understand the language that they have long abandoned, and even discarded, and try to understand those difficult calls like communicating with animals.

  This is all that Tunnan saw from that person.

  Those who once warned them not to slack off in their research on the “Tree of Insof” are now living like the sinners in the valley, even more ignorant than the latter.

  Looking at the leader with a sharp gaze, Sakui lowered his head and said with a bitter expression.

  ”The Tree of Insof told me that this may bring disaster to our tribe. I saw the future. The sky and the ground were all on fire, and there were many corpses…”

  ”I also saw the scene you saw, but I saw the corpses of the enemy. We will return the holy objects of the ancestors to their original owners, but in our own way, not at their mercy.”

  With an indifferent expression, Tunnan said this in a calm tone.

  He has defeated the gods, and soon he will defeat those sinners abandoned by the gods.

  The thousands of tribes in the forest will be unified, and he will become the emperor of mankind who is praised by thousands of people.

  Such a future also exists.

  And he saw it with his own eyes through the branches of the Insof tree and from the thousands of leaves.

  Looking at the indifferent leader, Sagui sighed softly, closed his mouth and said no more.

  There are many possibilities in the future, just like the leaves of the Insof tree.

  The Insof tree gave them eyes to see the entire canopy, but he didn’t expect that his smartest child would be blinded by one of the beautiful leaves…

  At this time, a graceful girl walked out of the entrance of the temple.

  Walking in front of Tunnan and Sagui, Dora nodded slightly and said.

  ”Ancestor, you slept soundly and didn’t wake up.”

  Hearing “sleeping soundly”, Tunnan’s mouth curled up a little bit of ridicule, but it soon subsided.

  Looking at the beautiful temple maid, he gave the order expressionlessly.

  ”From today on, you will serve him and answer his every request, but you must not let him leave the temple. Otherwise, you and your family will be sentenced to death.”

  Dora lowered her head and said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  The atmosphere of war enveloped the entire forest, and even the birds standing on the branches could not help but lower their singing voices.

  In the name of “Ancestor”, representatives sent by various tribes in the forest gathered under the sacred tree of Doma City and held a meeting with the spiritual power given to them by the “Tree of Insof” as the medium.

  In the meeting, they communicated silently and shared the revelations obtained from the Tree of Insof and the holy words of the Ancestor.

  In the dream of revelation, they saw the fire and death that Sagui had seen before, and saw the forest turned into ruins.

  There is no doubt that it was the third day of judgment.

  According to the oracle of the omnipotent Ancestor, the beginning of the third day of judgment was precisely because of the holy object left on the land of the sinners.

  In order to avoid disaster, they must take back the lost holy objects in the sky before everything is irreversible, and take back their “holy land” from the sinners!

  In fact, they should have done this long ago!

  There was no suspense about the result of the meeting. The tribes in the forest all agreed to send troops to the Forbidden Forest Valley and nominated “Tunnan” as the leader of the tribes.

  In this way, the mighty army began to gather in the direction of Doma City.

  At the same time, in order to deal with the invasion of the forest tribes, the Senate of “Qiu State” also held an emergency meeting to mobilize young people from various clans to join the army and prepare to fight against the invasion of forest people.

  Only when the two sides were on the verge of a sword, a young man with a bow and arrow stepped into the Forbidden Forest surrounded by mountains.

  Due to the unique geographical conditions of being close to mountains and rivers, this forest is far more dangerous than any other forest outside the valley.

  Even experienced hunters will not easily set foot in the depths of this forest.

  Qiu Ling actually didn’t want to set foot on this land.

  However, he had to do it.

  The Qiu Kingdom has reached a life-or-death situation. He must find the sacred object in the forbidden forest before everything is irreversible and return it to the tribe of forest people to appease the latter’s anger.

  This is not only the expectation of the Senate, but also the will of the “Ancestor”.

  According to the Ancestor, only in this way can the creatures in this forest be saved.

  Although he has a little doubt about this optimistic idea, Qiu Ling still decides to complete the “trial” of the Ancestor.

  After all, this is one of the few things he can do right now.

  No matter if it works or not, he has to give it a try.

  Fortunately, the ancestor did not let him face the beasts in the forest alone.

  Under the guidance of the flying silver metal disc, he found a “magic bow” with the power to split mountains and rocks, as well as some “branches” that can summon fire on the plain outside the valley.

  With these two artifacts, he walked through the forest as if it were flat ground. With his rich patrol experience, he quickly found the location of the so-called “holy aura” holy object.

  But to his surprise, what he saw was not a holy object, but the burning palace that fell from the sky on the second day of judgment!

  Qiu Ling’s eyes floated with a trace of fear, even fear, and he lingered beside the dark entrance and dared not move forward.

  In contrast, an excited cheer broke out in the bridge of the Orion missile cruiser floating in the synchronous orbit.

  ”Found it!”

  Facing the holographic screen of the terminal, Jiang Xuezhou clenched his fists excitedly and couldn’t help but cheer.

  Through the drone’s camera, she clearly saw the wreckage of the Gemini!

  Green vines crawled all over the rusty steel hull, but still couldn’t cover up the majestic aura.

  Looking at the boy wandering at the entrance of the “ruins” at a loss, she restrained her excitement and said in a mysterious tone.

  ”What we are looking for is there…inside the temple in front of you!”

  ”Find it!”

  ”Then, bring it out intact!”

  (Qidian held an annual meeting and took a red-eye flight. I slept when I arrived at the hotel in the morning. I started typing when I woke up. I only wrote 4K words. I’m sorry brothers, I will try not to ask for leave. QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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