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Chapter 1014 “Mind is more important than matter”

Chapter 1014 “Mind is more important than matter”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1014 “Mind is stronger than matter”

  In the temple at the root of the holy tree in Doma City, the fireflies flying in the air are like a pair of eyes that gather and disperse.

  Sitting cross-legged on the rattan bed, Ye Shi stared at the sky with his eyes wide open. His sight seemed to pass through the flickering fireflies and the rattan wall that could block all light.

  It was a feeling he had never had before. It was

  like when he was flipping through a comic book, he suddenly met the eyes of the little people in the book.

  But unlike before, he was not the one flipping the book this time.

  Instead, the eyes that met his eyes were those outside the thin pages of the book.

  ”…I see.”

  In an instant, he finally understood why He said that Gaia and the Tree of Insof were both Him and neither of them.

  Even more than that –

  he also understood why He said that it was a meaningless answer to them.

  ”You broke the ‘fourth wall’…” Ye Shi blurted out a sentence.

  It was a word that the forest people could never understand, just like the theory of dimensions.

  After all, their civilization has only reached the primitive tribal period, and those brilliant ideas have not yet been born.

  A chuckle came from the dark, and the sound seemed to come from the fireflies that gathered and dispersed.

  He has always been here.

  And always has been.

  ”That’s right, clever little clever ghost… Congratulations on finding the answer, but unfortunately there is no trophy.”

  Ye Shi’s eyes widened.

  A creepy feeling gradually climbed up the back of his head. This feeling was as if the people in the TV series suddenly crawled into his living room through the screen.

  He wanted to take off his helmet immediately and make sure there was no second person in his bedroom.

  But soon he realized that this was stupid…

  It was just a game.

  Even if it was very realistic in every aspect.

  ”… What’s behind the wall?” Ye Shi stared at the mural intently and asked aloud.

  The flickering fireflies answered with an inaudible voice.


  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”… Nothing?”

  The voice answered slowly, or perhaps all the answers had already been written on the wall.

  It’s just that he read too slowly.

  ”Yes, there is nothing here, but we also have everything. We are beyond the material and have become eternal. Our fate is no longer at the mercy of possibility. We have completely left this wild universe… and this is exactly what we are willing to devote all our life to after knowing everything about this universe.” After

  reading this information from the flickering light, Ye Shi’s shock could no longer be described in words.

  So that’s it.

  Whether it is Gaia or the Tree of Insof to describe His existence, it lacks rigor.

  Humans have only been to the extrasolar world of Alpha Centauri, so they subconsciously believe that His footprints only appear on the third planet of the main sequence of Alpha Centauri AB.

  Gaia is just a trace of Him left on this planet, including the “Tree of Insof” that appeared later, which may be some kind of “ecological maintenance system with autonomous consciousness.”

  The three-year war has never been a war between humans and Gaia, but an upgraded version of the war between forest people and valley people. Gaia is at best just a trump card in the hands of one of the two warring parties.

  The weapons of the warring parties also changed from spears and bows to “neutron torpedoes” and “Gaia seeds”.

  The so-called mother nest of the mutant slime mold was a product of artificial cultivation from the beginning.

  Regarding this matter, the academy researcher named “White Dove” has provided rich experimental evidence to support it.

  Even including the mother nest called Xia in the center of Qingquan City, it is impossible for it to fly to the earth on its own without the ability of interstellar navigation.

  From the beginning, it was a biological weapon developed by the colonists using the technology learned from Gaia, and even its memory is very likely to be artificially instilled.

  This is actually not difficult to prove. For example, Xiaoyu is the best example.

  Its memory was also taught to it by the people of the alliance, but it was taught something completely different.

  The catastrophe ended with the destruction of both sides. Both the colonies and the human alliance were submerged in the dust of history due to their own limitations, and could only be left to future generations to comment.

  Today, a new civilization has been born on the planet Gaia, and the earth in the solar system has also rekindled the fire of civilization.

  As for Him –

  calling Him Gaia is indeed one-sided, including the Tree of Insof discovered by the Gemini crew.

  If Ye Shi were to rename Him, perhaps calling Him “Pioneer” would be more appropriate.

  That is a civilization with a history far older than that of humans, and the time span between the two in this universe may be counted in hundreds of millions or tens of millions of years.

  For their own reasons, they chose the latter between material and spiritual, and after the prosperity of both material and spiritual reached its peak, they completed the dimensional upgrade within the scope of civilization and ascended to another dimension.

  No –

  maybe it’s not just another dimension.

  Using dimensions to describe their existence is one-sided, after all, both the low-dimensional universe and the high-dimensional universe are part of this universe, and what they broke is the fourth wall.

  To define their existence, perhaps we need to use a completely new word.

  For example, “void”.

  That is the world outside the vision of all living beings in this universe, that is, the world outside the “fourth wall”.

  If this universe is compared to a computer game, then what they pass through is the screen of the monitor.

  They drilled a small hole or opened a big hole on the screen, and went to another universe with a completely different Planck constant.

  But then again, is there any point in doing this?

  They may have lost their previous form and even their mass when they went to another universe, and only a beam of light or an electromagnetic wave would be left.

  And the universe outside the “window of the horizon” may also have its own “window of the world”, just like a nesting doll, it also exists in its own void.

  Compared with the universe they used to be in, they have undoubtedly completed the final dimensional upgrade and met their own “creator”.

  But compared with their own once infinitely prosperous existence, it is also a collapse.

  They have turned from giants into dust.

  Ye Shi couldn’t understand why they did this. He could sense from his answer that he knew the outcome of everything from the beginning, and he knew it much more clearly than an ant like him.

  But he didn’t care.

  To ask why –

  because that was what they wanted all their lives.

  They burned all their selves in the universe they were in, and turned into light outside the universe…

  ”We passed through the ‘Window of Vision’, found our creator, and said hello to him.”

  ”Although he can’t see us, we all saw him… That’s enough for us.”

  ”From then on, our story is no longer in this universe, and what you see now is just the echo after the ‘Big Bang’.”

  ”As for Gaia, the branches of the Tree of Insof… They are just traces of our existence.”

  ”Your compatriot is very smart. He found the answer, and I believe you must have noticed it. As I said, ‘Anyway, you have succeeded before.'”

  ”The answer was on the mural in front of you from the beginning. The child named Dora read to you the part she could understand. And what you see now is the content she can’t understand.”

  After figuring out everything, Ye Shi heard this voice in his mind.

  The two seemed to happen at the same time.

  In the comprehension of the mural, he gradually “saw” everything that the crew member who had understood all this had experienced, and everything that was fully recorded on the growth pattern.

  The incredible thing made him more and more shocked, and he even doubted the nature of this game.

  Staring at the increasingly bright fireflies, he couldn’t help but blurt out a question.

  ”How did you do it? That ascension… Including going to the void.”

  The voice in the dark did not answer.

  Or maybe He had actually answered, but he couldn’t hear it, let alone understand it.

  After all –

  they were having this conversation, and there were countless tens of thousands of years between them.

  The experience on the Orion has proved that information transmission across time and space is not omnipotent.

  They can only press the teleprompter in each other’s hands, and can only prompt each other about the existence that they know.

  He slowly opened his mouth and left the last message.

  ”We have communicated enough. It is of no benefit to you to know too much.”

  ”If I must say something, I have only one piece of advice-”

  ”Unless you make the exploration of the spiritual world your lifelong pursuit, don’t try to break the fourth wall.”

  ”Not everyone can pass through there smoothly. There are also many messy things trapped in the wall. Even if you just take a look from a distance, it will bring you great trouble… You should be glad that you met me.”

  ”By the way, there was a fool among you who begged me to take him to the ‘heaven’, but he did not realize that the ‘heaven’ also has its own maze. As you have realized, there are new universes outside the universe, and there are new horizons outside the horizon… The truth is infinite.”

  ”In short, I wish you good luck, stupid materialist.”

  ”Maybe we will meet again.”

  The voice disappeared.

  Ye Shi looked at the fireflies above his head blankly, feeling lost in his heart, and couldn’t let it go for a long time.

  After spending nearly a month in this temple, he thought he had successfully broken the fourth wall, but he didn’t expect that he was still a little short of it.

  What he saw or heard was only the echo of the explosion left in this world when a certain pioneer civilization broke through the void and left countless tens of thousands of years ago.

  That was all the information left on this planet.

  The crew of the Gemini had already recorded their research results on the murals of the temple.

  If they wanted to find more clues about the pioneers, they might have to go to other galaxies in the universe.

  ”…Although it’s a bit far-fetched to blame the pioneers behind Gaia for the destruction of the human alliance, the cost of excavating these ruins is too damn heavy.”

  Thinking of the past experiences, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and it was difficult to evaluate for a while.

  Of course.

  In this process, human civilization did not gain nothing.

  In addition to the gains in the fields of biotechnology and aerospace engineering, they also gained a lot in the field of sociology.

  The reborn ones will be more resilient and stronger than they used to be.

  As for himself, he also gained a lot from this expedition.

  Although he couldn’t determine the sequence level without VM, he could clearly feel that his perception attribute had been strengthened a lot, at least jumping up three or four levels.

  And it’s not just that.

  Ye Shi suddenly found that he could read the growth lines on the temple wall fluently.

  In addition, the fireflies also understood his voice, as did the cricket-like insects.

  His “psychic power” seemed to have awakened.


  Just as Ye Shi was surprised at the changes that had taken place in himself, the war between the forest people and the valley people also entered its final climax.

  Under the leadership of Tunnan, the coalition forces of the forest tribes won victory after victory, and frequently made ingenious plans to defeat the Qiu State defenders deployed along the ridge and make them flee.

  Especially in the most recent battle, Tunnan, wearing power armor, was like the ancestor descending to earth. He was invulnerable to swords and guns, riding a giant bear and charging forward. He was still unstoppable in the Qiu State army, and even the most courageous warriors of the Qiu State were killed on the battlefield.

  Countless soldiers dared not look at him, let alone stop him, and they all fled.

  The appearance of power armor on the battlefield of primitive people can undoubtedly be called a “dimensionality reduction strike.”

  As for how Tunnan mastered the use of power armor, it was not a difficult thing.

  As long as he could establish a connection with the past through “psychic energy”, it would not be a difficult problem for him.

  That battle became Tunnan’s battle to become a god, and he defeated thousands of soldiers of the Qiu Kingdom alone! The

  situation on the battlefield was precarious for the Qiu Kingdom, but the elders had no way to deal with the “invulnerable” Tunnan, and could only pray for the blessing of the ancestor.

  Seeing that the Qiu people were about to be destroyed, at this critical moment, a warrior named Qiu Ling suddenly stood up.

  He had previously appeared at the meeting of the Council of Elders with the prophecy of the ancestor, and on behalf of the Qiu people, he went to the depths of the forbidden forest to find the lost holy objects of the ancestor.

  Although the holy object has not been found, he has passed the test of the ancestor and brought back the prophecy left by the ancestor.

  The ancestor named Qiu Shiye told them that their mission was to go to the end of the world and keep going until there was no way forward.

  The will of the ancestor was like a sweet rain after a long drought, which made the Qiu people, who could no longer bear it, breathe a sigh of relief.

  They have always been responsible for guarding the forbidden forest valley, and now they can finally leave this increasingly difficult place to survive.

  Qiu Ling brought back not only the prophecy of the ancestor, but also the hope of escaping.

  He not only reorganized the army of Qiu State, but also led the soldiers who had revitalized their troops to defeat the forest tribe’s attempts to encircle and annihilate them several times, and covered the old, weak, women and children in the tribe, and took livestock and means of production to break through the mountains and escape into the uninhabited eastern mountains.

  There is the lower reaches of the nameless river, connected to a calm sea.

  According to the ancestor in the sky, as long as they climb over the mountains at their feet, cross the hot rain forest and head east, and cross the vast desert and grassland, they will find a land that is far more fertile than the Forbidden Forest Valley.

  That is the resting place given to them by the ancestor.

  They will build countless cities on that land, establish an infinitely prosperous kingdom, live and work there, and explore a world far wider than the Forbidden Forest Valley.

  Qiu Ling persuaded his people to go on the road with peace of mind, and then stayed at the pass of the eastern mountains with 500 cavalry to cover the rear.

  Although Tunnan had already obtained the Forbidden Forest Valley, he was obviously not satisfied with the victory in front of him and wanted to get more.

  Ignoring the prophecy brought by the temple maid, he led the 3,000 elites of the Doma clan and the 2,000 most elite young warriors of the tribes, followed the retreating footprints of the “sinners” to the foot of the eastern mountains, and launched an attack at dusk.

  Qiu Ling had been waiting here for a long time.

  He ordered his soldiers to cut off the vines wrapped around the logs and let the rocks and logs roll down the hillside. The

  falling rocks and logs were like a mountain torrent, instantly overwhelming the five thousand tribal warriors under Tunnan.

  The residents in the forest had never seen the horror of a landslide, and they only thought it was a punishment from the ancestors. Even if they were not beaten to a pulp by the rocks, they were frightened by the sight of the sky and the earth collapsing, and fled in all directions.

  With the organizational ability of the tribal era, once the morale collapsed, it was almost impossible to reorganize it.

  Without missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Qiu Ling led his 500 warriors riding lizards to charge immediately.

  The wild lizards that followed the rubble and logs became the lingering nightmare of the forest people.

  Looking at the scattered soldiers, Tunnan wished he could bite his teeth to pieces.

  Although he knew that he was doomed to fail, he was still unwilling to give up. Instead, he relied on the invulnerable “iron armor” on his body and rode the giant bear alone to kill towards the heights.

  At this moment, a crisp sound of breaking through the air filled his ears, followed by a crisp “clang”.

  Before he could come to his senses and figure out what was happening, an arrow pierced his kneecap.

  It was an arrow shot by Qiu Ling.

  At this moment, he was holding the divine bow given to him by the ancestor!

  As for the arrow, there was nothing special about it, but the dark green crystal was used as the arrowhead.

  Tunnan screamed and fell off the giant bear’s back, rolling to the foot of the mountain.

  It was not until then that he remembered the prophecy brought back from the forest by the temple maid named “Dora”!

  Although he had misunderstood the true meaning of the “Arrow of Punishment” in various senses, at this moment, in his opinion, the arrow that shot through his knee was undoubtedly a warning to him.


  Swallowing the humiliation, he finally gave the order to retreat and retreated into the forest with less than 300 remnants.

  At the same time, Qiu Ling, who shot Tunnan down the hillside with one arrow and blocked the “hundreds of thousands of troops” without wasting a single soldier, became a myth in the eyes of the Qiu people and a new legend on this land.

  However, he was not like Tunnan, who stayed in this land of right and wrong because of his greed for victory.

  They want to go further.

  They want to step on the coast of the ocean and spread the seeds of civilization to every corner of this land.


  He raised the longbow in his hand and shouted at the high-spirited soldiers, strangled the neck of the wild lizard under him, turned around, and led everyone to the depths of the mountains.

  Although he didn’t want to let these guys go, Tunnan still swallowed his hatred.

  The sudden defeat completely broke his plan to unify the forest.

  Even if the Doma tribe successfully recaptured the holy land, it would have been seriously injured.

  After that, he and his people had to face the punishment from their ancestors.

  He stood up again with the help of his subordinates, but he felt weaker than ever before. The swelling and pain from his wounds even made him feel that he didn’t have much time left. All

  he had left was regret. He regretted why he had insisted on going his own way, why he didn’t listen to advice, and why he didn’t give that group of “criminals” a way out and give himself a chance.

  But now that things have come to this, it’s too late to say anything.

  After the sun went down, both sides announced their own victory and headed for the future they each recognized.

  As for what happened after that, it would be another tortuous and long epic…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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