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Chapter 1016: The Story Engraved on the Stone

Chapter 1016: The Story Engraved on the Stone


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1016: The Story Engraved on the Stone Slab

  Three more days passed after that.

  Just when the leader of Doma City, Tunnan, had only one breath left, Ye Shi finally left the temple and ended his long retreat.

  As for why he stayed for three more days, there was actually no special reason.

  It was mainly to transplant his findings on the murals and the murals themselves to the forum.

  This matter is simple to say, but it is still a bit troublesome to do.

  So much so that Ye Shi felt that his memory and concentration in reality had improved a lot, and he even suspected that he had awakened some special abilities in reality.

  But unfortunately.

  Perhaps because the real earth is in the “End of the Dharma Age”, or perhaps because there is a relic of a pioneer civilization missing, the ability of telepathy did not appear in his body in the real world.

  But to be honest, when updating the post, Ye Shi always couldn’t help but wonder if there are actually similar things in reality.

  For example, fortune-telling, feng shui, divination, and even tarot cards, etc., which are folk cultural “numerology”, are they actually a kind of primary manifestation of spiritual power?

  Just like the people of Doma prayed to the “Tree of Insof” and observed the future through the void.

  Although they did not correctly understand the essence of the Tree of Insof, because they repeated the same thing devoutly from generation to generation, both in the past and in the future, they inadvertently resonated with their future descendants around the indescribable existence of the “Tree of Insof”, and thus met their own future.

  From the results alone, although they always sought their own advice, it was no different from seeking the advice of the “Tree of Insof”.

  That existence that existed but was elusive only served as a “ladder”. Standing on the ladder, they finally saw part of the future, even if the future they saw was abstract.

  And this prophecy about the future did come true in the end.

  Ye Shi didn’t know how to summarize these findings with scientific theories. Perhaps the Alliance should send professional social science researchers to live in the orbit of Gaia to observe the civilization activities on the surface.

  Maybe this is just his personal opinion.

  But he always thought that this might be more useful than directly colonizing the planet.

  The universe is huge.

  They don’t have to stick to the star Alpha Centauri. There is a wider world waiting for them to explore.

  For example, other relics left by the pioneer civilization in this universe, and other new civilizations that have just stepped out of the cradle like humans.

  In short, after experiencing the events of Orion and Gemini, Ye Shi still has no doubt that he is still a staunch materialist,

  but his cognition is no longer as absolute as before, like a child.

  After all, he saw it with his own eyes.

  The real world is not black and white…

  After updating all his discoveries on the forum, Ye Shi finally walked out of the temple.

  But when he walked outside, he found that countless forest people were crawling on the ground and worshiping in his direction.

  Among them are not only the natives of Doma City.

  There are also residents of other tribes in the forest.

  They look solemn and pious, crawling under the roots of the sacred tree, bathing in the golden light of the dew.

  It was not until then that Ye Shi noticed that the flying fireflies had decorated the sacred tree with shining gold.

  A group of naked temple guards walked in.

  They carried a rattan stretcher covered with broad leaves and hay, and a burly body was lying on the hay.

  This body once belonged to a king with infinite power and authority.

  He was once the strongest in this forest, and both the ferocious beasts and the most warlike tribes surrendered to him.

  However, now he has come to the end of his life, just like a rotten rotten wood, and he can’t even walk on his own feet.

  Ye Shi looked at him with pity, and unexpectedly there was no hatred in his heart, nor any gloating or revenge.

  People can’t expect the monkeys in the trees to understand the same courtesy, righteousness, and shame as humans. He just did what he would definitely do.

  And his end has long been written in the prophecy, everything is as if it was agreed.

  ”I confess to you… I beg you to forgive the sins of me and my people.” Tunnan looked at him with a repentant look, trying to raise the hand that could no longer be raised.

  Ye Shi reached out and held his hand, speaking in a kinder tone than ever before.

  ”I forgive you.”

  That sentence seemed to forgive all his sins.

  Tunnan’s eyes showed a trace of gratitude, and he finally swallowed the last breath in his throat and closed his tired eyes. It

  was actually very easy to save him.

  Even without too advanced technology, just a shot of penicillin would be enough.

  But Ye Shi did not do so, and the man lying on the stretcher did not beg him to help.

  Looking at the deceased leader, the temple guard carrying the stretcher knelt on one knee, reciting eulogies, bidding farewell to the departing soul.

  ”Use cremation.”

  Ye Shi looked at the leading temple guard and said only this sentence, and then said no more.

  The priest named Sagui became the new leader.

  It is said that Tunnan abdicated the position of leader to him when he was dying.

  Interestingly, after the defeat of the Senate, the Qiu people got a leader who led them out of the wilderness.

  After the tragic defeat in the eastern mountains and the death of Tunnan, the forest tribes picked up the Senate system abandoned by the Qiu people, and unexpectedly saw the buds of a classical republic that had never existed in the forest!

  The war did not bring them all destruction, but also brought them things they had never had.

  Perhaps that was what He meant by “interesting”…

  These things that happened outside the temple were told to him by Dora through telepathy when Ye Shi was in seclusion.

  He did not really cut off all contact with the outside world.

  After all, Jiang Xuezhou was still waiting for him in the synchronous orbit, and he had to let someone report his safety for him.

  Seeing Tunnan, who closed his eyes and rested, being carried away, Sagui stepped forward with trembling steps, knelt respectfully in front of Ye Shi, and said in a solemn voice.

  ”Supreme Ancestor, I beg you to give your child enlightenment…”

  He lowered his posture very low.

  Just like a child who made a mistake facing his strict father.

  Ye Shi looked into his eyes and used a gentler tone than he had ever used before.

  ”Engrave your history on the roots of trees, on stone slabs, in the soil, and in every place you can see… Let the things that happened on this land be passed down forever.”

  ”You don’t need our advice, you need to face your own heart.”

  Sagui had a lost expression on his face, and seemed to have realized something.

  He bowed his head respectfully, thanked from the bottom of his heart, and then stood up with the help of the temple guards and walked in front of his people.

  The era of Tunnan is over.

  A new era has begun.

  Looking at Sagui who walked in front of all the little green men and gave an impassioned speech, Ye Shi’s mouth curled up with a relieved smile.

  Just as he was about to leave, a silver-white drone suddenly floated beside him and hit him hard on the shoulder.

  ”What the hell are you doing! Do you know how worried I am about you?” An anxious voice floated out from under the drone. It can be seen that Jiang Xuezhou was really worried.

  ”Didn’t I tell you I’m safe?” Ye Shi rubbed his shoulders and said sarcastically, “And don’t say you haven’t thought about it in your heart, ‘It would be good to let this guy suffer a little.'”


  Jiang Xuezhou was obviously choked by this sentence. It was obvious that she had thought so.

  A group of natives could trap him, but it was impossible for him to be in any danger of life.

  After all, she installed all the parts of that guy herself, and she knew his abilities too well.

  ”…I always feel like you’ve become a different person.” The drone in the air shook, and a low muttering came out of the speaker.

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, smiled faintly and said.

  ”Really? Maybe… You may not believe it when I say it, but I have awakened my psychic power.”

  ”Really?” The drone’s camera was pointed at him, and the voice was full of doubtful surprise.

  ”Really,” Ye Shiyi said seriously, “If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you my skills when I get back.”

  ”I can show you my skills… but you can’t do anything stupid.” Jiang Xuezhou’s voice suddenly became awkward.

  Ye Shi made a helpless expression.

  It’s okay to do something stupid…

  what else can he do. It’s

  really nonsense.

  ”Let’s talk about serious things. I have an idea.”

  I always feel that it feels weird to hear the word serious from this guy.

  But Jiang Xuezhou still asked in confusion.

  ”…What idea?”

  Ye Shi paused for a moment and said what he thought.

  ”I found some interesting things in the temple of the Doma people. Various clues indicate that before our civilization was born, when our home planet was still a dead planet… there was a civilization in this universe that was much more advanced than ours. I will call it the ‘pioneer’ civilization.”

  ”I will write down a detailed report for you after I return to the starship… I want to look for the remains of that pioneer civilization after all this turmoil is over.”

  ”This journey may be very long, and I am not sure when it will end… or even never end. We may continue on this road until the end of the universe.”

  ”Would you… like to accompany me?”

  Those ruins should be much more interesting than those in the wasteland, and their value is probably much higher than the latter.

  He felt that the respected administrator should support his idea, and maybe even sponsor him a spaceship.

  The more he knew about His existence, the more Ye Shi could not restrain his curiosity about Him and this game.

  Is this really just a game?

  He thought of the rumor that has been circulating on the Internet.

  Wasteland OL is not just a game, but a gift from advanced civilization to mankind.

  Ending the wasteland era is only the main plot on the surface, and in the deep code there is actually a dark plot underneath the bright plot –

  that is the exploration of the essence of the world.

  In other words, the exploration of clues about the Creator.

  Ye Shi had a hunch that the Creator existed not only in the world of Wasteland OL, but also in the real world.

  Both “Ye Shi” and “Ye Wei” are actually characters in a movie or a novel.

  Just like he was looking down at Tunnan, a pair or pairs of invisible eyes were also looking down at the echoes left by him and “Him” in this universe through the ubiquitous window of vision. There

  was silence on the other end of the communication channel for a long time, and then an excited and even choked answer came.

  ”I am willing to…”

  ”I am willing to accompany you to the end of the universe!”

  She actually didn’t know what a “pioneer” was, and she was even more confused about Ye Shi’s adventure in the temple. She only knew that he seemed to be like Dora, and successfully communicated with an indescribable existence through the strange “ghostly symbols” on the wall.

  That was indeed a very interesting research material. Maybe it could help her career go further, upgrade from C-level to B-level, and become an existence on par with her former mentor!

  But for her, those things are no longer important…

  The sentence just now was the most romantic and affectionate confession she had ever heard in her life.

  Listening to the answer from the other end of the communication channel, Ye Shi’s face floated with a sunny smile.

  Originally, he was going to apologize to her, but now it seems that her anger has disappeared…

  Not just himself.

  She has become mature.

  Looking at the forest people who have returned to their historical trajectory, Ye Shi is ready to leave here.

  At this time, Dora, who had been waiting at the door of the temple, suddenly knelt in front of him and said in a pleading voice.

  ”Respected Ancestor… please take me to heaven.”

  She felt that he was about to leave.

  And he would be gone for who knows how many centuries.

  Living on earth, they might never meet these ancestors again.

  Looking at that pious face, Ye Shi somehow thought of the fool mentioned by “Him”.

  That fool was probably Dr. Qiu Shiye. After thinking about it, it could only be that guy.

  He longed for Him to take him to heaven, but in the end he found that the world in heaven was completely different from what he imagined.

  Ye Shi thought for a moment, looked at her and said.

  ”The sky is just another earth, it is not the paradise you imagine… If you make the exploration of the spiritual world your lifelong pursuit, you should listen to His voice more, not ours.”

  If you must say, these forest people should be the children of “pioneers”, not human civilization.

  At least in spirit.

  Without the interference of external forces, they will probably take a similar path as the “pioneer” civilization and ascend to the world of the Creator.

  The Qiu people are the children of the “Human Union” in the true sense. They will probably take a similar path as the “Human Union”, regard the “Utopia-style world of great harmony” as a spiritual paradise, and regard the exploration of the material world as their lifelong pursuit.

  The two civilizations will give birth to different countries and organizations on the same planet.

  And the sparks of friction and collision between these primitive countries and organizations will provide the Alliance with a large amount of artworks and valuable sociological experience.

  The Alliance may be able to gain some inspiration from it to enhance or improve exchanges with other extraterrestrial civilizations.

  Of course, these are all later stories.

  Ye Shi said so, but Dora still refused to give up, staring at him with her bright eyes.

  ”I want to go and have a look… Please, take me there, I’m willing to do anything.”

  Looking at those pious eyes, Ye Shi was silent for a long time, but finally softened his heart.

  ”Since you have helped me so much, I can take you to heaven. But you have to remember that this will mean that you can never come back here, and you will say goodbye to your hometown and family forever… Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Dora nodded seriously.

  ”I want to know more… truth, pioneers, the tree of Insof, the poem engraved in the ruins, the murals on the wall and the clouds in the sky… I want to know what they mean.”

  ”The leader of the Qiu people said that he saw his answer and he would continue to move forward in the maze. I also saw my answer, but it was buried in the clouds in the sky… I want to go there and take a look. Please take me with you.”

  In the future that she could see with her ability, she and her people were still wandering in this forest. As for the more distant future, it was beyond her ability to see.

  She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life in confusion and waiting.

  She wanted to know the truth she longed for.

  Even, she was willing to pay the price of her life for it.

  Looking at that serious face, Ye Shi finally recognized that determination and stopped dissuading him.

  In fact, if you think about it carefully, it would be nice to add a psychic translator to his ship.

  Although he also awakened psychic power, he was the captain after all –

  well, Xuezhou was the captain appointed by the Orion, and he was the second-in-command executive officer.

  But there was no difference.

  ”Get up.”

  ”From now on, you are also a member of the Orion crew.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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