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Chapter 1017: Psychic Pathfinding

Chapter 1017: Psychic Pathfinding


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1017 Psychic Pathfinding

  ”Psychic… This, this is too incredible.”

  Shelter 404, Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  After reading the report from five light years away, Yin Fang put down the tablet in his hand, his face full of disbelief.

  To be honest.

  When Chu Guang first saw this report, he was no less surprised than him, and even thought that Ye Shi was playing tricks, deliberately throwing some smoke bombs to tease other people on the forum.

  However, as time went by, more and more clues were updated in the forum posts, and this possibility became very small.

  That guy is not very good at lying. If he really made up a story, it would be exposed in three sentences at most.

  After picking so many words, there is no flaw, and even the manager was shocked, so it can only be serious.

  Putting down the black tea in his hand, Chu Guang said with a subtle expression.

  ”You may not believe it, but in fact, these data you see… were transmitted from five light years away through similar methods.”

  Yin Fang was stunned for a while, unable to say a word for a long time, and finally sighed.

  ”It seems that there are still too many things in this world that we don’t understand…”

  ”But it’s also very exciting, isn’t it?” Chu Guang said with a faint smile, “A civilization that is thousands or even hundreds of millions of years ahead of us has revealed the secrets for us. As long as we continue to search along the clues they left, we may be able to go further than them.”

  The existence of players is actually the best proof.

  The first generation of managers of Shelter 404 has obviously found a way to penetrate the fourth wall, and has established something similar to an “information network” based on the morphogenetic field.

  Although the Alliance’s exploration of the morphogenetic field is still in its early stages, Chu Guang believes that sooner or later they will be able to fully unearth the secrets.

  Heya, standing aside with his arms folded in front of his chest, suddenly said with interest.

  ”I’m very curious about the child from the planet Gaia… Do you think that psychic power is related to some special pheromones in the pituitary gland?”

  Seeing that excited expression, Yin Fang suddenly shuddered for no reason.

  Chu Guang coughed.

  ”For extraterrestrial intelligent life, I am in favor of non-interference… Besides, they also have human blood flowing in their bodies, and some things are forbidden.”

  ”I know, I just want to borrow some DNA for research… Don’t talk as if I want to cut open people’s stomachs, okay?” Looking at Chu Guang with a subtle expression, He Ya couldn’t help but complain.

  The barbaric research methods were centuries ago.

  Chu Guang’s expression was subtle.

  ”I’m just reminding you, nothing else.”

  At this time, Yin Fang suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”But then again, according to the meaning of this research report, the residents of Shelter No. 404 themselves have some kind of “psychic” level characteristics, right? That is, the ability to transmit information across time and space…”

  ”Any questions?” Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  ”I just think it’s a bit strange,” Yin Fang shrugged lightly, “After all, the gene sequences stored in this shelter are public research projects, but all along… I haven’t heard that the Institute of Biology has found anything unusual.”

  This time He Ya also frowned and fell into deep thought.

  ”It’s a bit strange indeed…”

  If the biological characteristics of the awakened psychic are obviously different from those of other psychic awakeners, she should have discovered it long ago.

  In this case, there is only one explanation.

  This difference is not reflected in the biological level…

  Chu Guang thought for a while and tried to put forward his own opinion.

  ”I don’t know much about research, but is there a possibility… Although ‘psychic power’ and ‘morphogenetic field’ describe the same phenomenon, they are just different professional perspectives, just like the two sides of a piece of paper.”

  Yin Fang’s eyes lit up and he touched his chin thoughtfully.

  ”It’s interesting…”

  Heya was silent for a long time and sighed.

  ”…It seems that we can only leave it to the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Social Sciences to figure it out.”


  Nanmen II, Gaia Planet, deep in the Forbidden Forest Valley, an inconspicuous cave is buried in the rolling mountains. The

  mountain road leading to the cave entrance is almost buried by dense vegetation, and from time to time in the distance, the cries of wild beasts and pterosaurs can be heard, and the rustling sound seems to be dangerous lurking in the dark.

  If there is no guide leading the way, even experienced explorers will inevitably get lost here.

  However, Ye Shi, who was walking here in power armor, felt like he was walking in his own backyard, without any sign of being trapped by the dense forest.

  This was not because of the powerful performance of his power armor, but because his psychic power gave him the ability to communicate with the “Tree of Insof”. Every insect and even every leaf here was his eye.

  Rather than saying that he was an explorer who broke into this forest, it would be better to say that he was a guest of this forest.

  And this relic buried deep in the forbidden forest has been waiting for him here for a long time…

  ”This is it… The last relic on this planet, a temporary laboratory left by Dr. Qiu Shiye of the fifth department of the Gemini missile cruiser of the People’s United Air Force Fleet.”

  ”If nothing unexpected happens, the missing reactor is here.”

  Qiu Shiye’s body was not found in the wreckage of the Gemini, and the poem engraved on the ruins mentioned the maze and the cloud.

  Combined with the meaningful words left by him, Ye Shi reasonably inferred that Dr. Qiu Shiye should have dismantled the reactor and moved it to somewhere in the forest.

  What was dismantled was not only the reactor, but also the experimental instruments of the fifth department and so on.

  In the subsequent investigation, Ye Shi confirmed the last location of Dr. Qiu Shiye’s activities through the growth cycle of trees – that is, this cave located halfway up the mountain.

  This was once the place where the Qiu people held sacrificial activities, but it was later abandoned due to natural reasons.

  As for the purpose of their sacrifice, there is obviously only one reason that can be thought of…

  that is, their ancestors once slept here.

  To be honest, Ye Shi was actually quite surprised that Jiang Xuezhou actually missed these clues.

  With her ability, she would never dig near the bridge and lose the clues to advance the excavation.

  Of course, everyone makes mistakes.

  And he himself actually relied on psychic tricks to find the cave that was suspected to be the entrance to the laboratory, so there was nothing to laugh at her.

  Finally reaching the entrance of the cave, Ye Shi placed a beacon that transmits radio signals at the entrance, and then checked his exploration tools for the last time.

  Just then, a soft hum was heard from the communication channel.


  Hearing the soft cold hum from the communication channel, Ye Shi, who was about to enter the cave, made a helpless expression and sighed.

  ”My respected and dear Miss Captain… May I ask how I have offended you again?”

  There was silence in the communication channel for a long time, and then a gnashing voice came.

  ”…You know it in your heart.” It

  ’s okay if you know it in your heart.

  Hearing the answer with a hint of grievance in the anger, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smile.

  However, this subtle laughter angered a jealous person who was angry.

  ”! You, what are you laughing at!”

  Ye Shi said in a teasing tone.

  ”Nothing, I just feel… someone who is sulking is like a child.”

  Jiang Xuezhou said angrily.

  ”You are like a child! You are the most like a child!”

  The reason why she is angry now is not that this guy took the initiative to let someone get on the boat, but that he acted as if nothing had happened, as if it was she who was making trouble.

  ”Yes, yes, I am a child, so you give way to me,” Ye Shi replied with a smile, and paused for a while and continued, “In fact, you also want to take her with you.”

  Jiang Xuezhou: “!?”

  Seeing that there was no sound on the other end of the communication channel, Ye Shi smiled and teased.

  ”I guessed it right?”

  After about half a minute, a small voice came from the communication channel.

  ”This, is this psychic power.”

  Ye Shi thought for a while and said.

  ”Although telepathy is also a kind of telepathy… But I guess this level of telepathy is probably different from the kind of psychic power you imagine.”

  Jiang Xuezhou grinned.

  ”Who is telepathic with you!”

  Ye Shi laughed out loud and said arrogantly.

  ”Of course it’s me, who else can it be.”

  He didn’t continue to tease Xuezhou.

  At this point, he paused for a moment and changed his voice to a solemn one.

  ”I’m sorry that I didn’t discuss Dora’s affairs with you, but… I really didn’t expect that you would be jealous of her affairs. If you mind, I will make it clear to her for you. When she gets off the ship on the other side of the earth, it will be…” It

  is still necessary to bring a “Gaian” representative back to the earth, which is also one of the side quests he received.

  Whether for the significance of scientific research or for the significance of communication between civilizations, the alliance hopes that he can bring one or more people back.

  In a friendly or bribed way.

  Dora voluntarily left her world, which is naturally the best.

  As for the matter between men and women, it is completely unrelated.

  Not to mention nonsense, she has never shown any feelings for him in terms of men and women.

  The worship of ancestors and gods, and the desire to know the truth, are still very different from ordinary secular feelings.

  Let alone other things, Dora has the same reaction to Jiang Xuezhou, and it is not that she likes him in that way.

  Not to mention Ye Shi himself.

  Although it was a big deal and he was shocked, he really had no such thoughts.

  As for why, it was back to that nonsense question.

  But he actually understood that young girls in love and old girls in menopause are both sensitive.

  Xiao Jiang is undoubtedly the former.

  Hearing Ye Shi’s words, Jiang Xuezhou, who was in the synchronous orbit, blushed like a lantern and jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

  ”So-and-so-so is jealous, you-you-you don’t be so self-indulgent! How could I be jealous of a primitive man!”

  Ye Shi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and kicked the ball back.

  ”Oh? It seems that I am being self-indulgent. May I ask the respected captain, I don’t know where I did not do well and offended you again?”

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was caught off guard, hesitated for a long time and finally bit the bullet to spit out a sophistry.

  ”You, you acted on your own initiative… without the captain’s consent, you just, you let people board the ship without authorization.”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”The person hasn’t boarded the ship yet, it’s not too late to regret now. Then I let her go? Let’s find another one?”


  Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in front of the terminal, seemed to be choked, speechless for a moment, blushing and unable to speak.

  After a long while, she muttered in a low voice.

  ”You guy… I always feel like a different person.”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”After all, people will grow up… How about you? Do you feel a little better?”

  ”Not at all! Even angrier!” Looking at this complacent guy, Jiang Xuezhou glared at the holographic screen fiercely, and said something that was not what he meant.

  In fact, she also realized that she was a little unreasonable just now, but she was not like this before.

  Even most of the time, she was the more reliable one, but this time it was completely the opposite.

  It’s all this bastard’s fault…

  Jiang Xuezhou, blushing, took a deep breath to calm his wavering mood and put his attention back on work.

  ”I’ll leave the exploration of the ruins to you… Be careful ahead.”

  ”Got it.”

  Raising his hand and waving to the sky, Ye Shi put away the equipment he had checked, and then strode towards the inside of the cave…


  The nameless cave was pitch black and silent, and the sound of footsteps on the gravel was particularly conspicuous.

  The communication channel was quiet, and there was no sound either.

  Walking in the cave, Ye Shi suddenly remembered that Jiang Xuezhou seemed to be afraid of the dark.

  I don’t know if she has scratched the armrests of the chair while sitting in front of the screen.

  Or just turned off the camera.

  Thinking so in his heart, Ye Shi bypassed a stalactite column with a greasy luster, and finally found traces of someone coming here near a slope.

  It was a crooked staircase, and the square steps were obviously artificially dug.

  The scratches on the slope on one side looked like they were made when moving equipment.

  ”This cave is quite spacious.”

  Ye Shi looked around with a flashlight, and his face showed a surprised expression, and a hint of excitement in his eyes. It was not only

  the staircase under his feet that showed signs of artificial excavation, but also the rock walls on both sides.

  So that’s it.

  The skills of those Qiu people in mining, digging wells and building houses were honed in this cave for a long time!

  The intuition in the dark told Ye Shi that the end of this relic was not far ahead.

  ”I’ll go down and take a look.”

  Leaving this sentence in the communication channel, he squatted down and slid down the slope towards the space below the stairs.

  With a sharp metal friction, his feet soon touched the ground and landed in a spacious cave. The

  area here is very wide, a bit like it has been widened on the basis of the original cave.

  Ye Shi raised the flashlight, looked forward, and soon found an alloy door.

  Rather than saying it was a door, it was more like a steel plate across the hole.

  And it was obvious that it was a steel plate removed from the wreckage of a starship.

  A small exclamation came from the communication channel.

  ”You really found it…”

  Hearing the incredible exclamation, Ye Shi raised the corners of his mouth in pride.

  Without saying a word, he walked forward and reached out to remove the steel plate that had been rusted to the point of falling apart.

  ”If it’s just an experiment, it shouldn’t take too much fuel…”

  I hope there’s some left.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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