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Chapter 1020: Five Light Years in a Moment

Chapter 1020: Five Light Years in a Moment


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1020: Five Light Years in a Moment

  [The hyperspace engine is charging… It is expected to be completed in 32 minutes. ]

  [Progress: 1.1%]

  On the bridge of the Orion, Ye Shi, standing in front of the control console, looked at the holographic screen floating in front of him with a surprised expression on his face.

  ”Did you change the startup program?”

  ”I just changed the UI,” Jiang Xuezhou said with a proud smile, “The old UI of the People’s United Aerospace Force is too sloppy, and laymen can’t understand it at all. I transplanted the shipborne AI on the research ship to the platform of the Orion’s shipborne server.”

  ”This… will it work?” Ye Shi looked at her in surprise.

  Jiang Xuezhou said lazily.

  ”Don’t forget that I am an expert in this field after all. In addition, the shipborne on my research ship was designed by myself, and no one is more familiar with its ability than me.”

  It’s really the Yangtze River behind the waves pushing the old waves.

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, and he had a deeper understanding of this guy’s ability.

  Dora and Koala stood in front of the French window not far away.

  The former’s eyes were glued to the French window, as if she wanted to take a closer look at the emerald green planet and remember its magnificent outline forever. The

  little koala’s camera moved, looked at her, and then looked at the planet close at hand.

  ”It’s a very beautiful planet.”

  Dora was slightly stunned, and didn’t react for a while. After a while, she said awkwardly.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome, I really think so.”

  The little koala clicked the camera, staring at the vast expanse of emerald green, and continued in a chatty tone.

  ”The scenery there should be very good, and maybe even unique in this universe.”

  Dora stared at it in a daze, and suddenly blurted out a sentence.

  ”I…suddenly I can feel your soul.”


  The little koala turned the camera around and looked her up and down in surprise, as if he didn’t expect to hear this sentence.

  Dora’s face also had an uncertain expression, as if she didn’t see it very clearly, but after a moment, she nodded affirmatively and said in a determined tone.

  ”I saw it, but I’m not sure… it’s yours.”

  The murals carved on the wall can host the soul of the creator, and if you can establish a spiritual connection or resonance with the creator, you can understand the meaning of the murals.

  This is the most basic use of “psychic energy”.

  And now, the murals on the wall are moving, and they move like people.

  This is a craft she has never seen, or a form of existence.

  That’s why she can’t decide whether the soul belongs to the little koala itself or to the person who created it.

  But maybe, it doesn’t make any difference.

  Who can prove that a person’s soul has nothing to do with the person who created him?

  Maybe their souls don’t come from the Insof Tree at all, but from the beginning, they come from the inheritance from generation to generation…

  Suddenly, Dora seemed to understand something, and a hint of enlightenment gradually appeared in her eyes.

  After coming into contact with things she had never come into contact with, she had a new understanding of her abilities and beliefs, and she was one step closer to the truth that “He” had once understood.

  The little koala looked at her quietly.

  Although it could not understand her feelings at the moment, it was a little curious about what she said.

  In the world of 0 and 1, it was difficult for it to understand the existence that could be seen but not determined.

  It wanted to try to help her see more clearly.

  ”What shape is it?”

  Dora closed her eyes, shook her head, frowned and thought hard for a while, and gave an ambiguous answer.

  ”I can’t tell, is it a… very friendly and easy-going person?”

  The little koala continued to ask.

  ”Are there more specific characteristics?”

  Dora paused for a while and then said.

  ”That’s all about him, but there are some other things… He has some expectations for you, as if he has placed a part of himself on you.”

  ”For example?”

  The voice seemed to contain a hint of expectation, but it was not so easy to detect.

  But Dora was sure she heard it.

  And it was that hint of expectation that made her sure that the soul she saw belonged to it.

  At least part of it was!

  ”He hopes… you can see what happens after he leaves, many things he hasn’t seen.”

  As if to imply this answer, the little koala was stunned for a long time, and after a moment, he said with some emotion.

  ”… So that’s how it is.”

  Dora tilted her head.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing… just a little unexpected,” the little koala’s camera moved, “I thought my mission was over, but it seems that his expectations of me are not just what I understand, thank you.”

  Dora blinked.

  Although she didn’t know what she did, she clearly heard the soul living on the cold steel thanking her from the bottom of its heart.

  It seemed that it didn’t matter who it belonged to from the beginning.

  In fact, it was all the same…


  The 32-minute countdown ended.

  At the moment when the hyperspace engine was fully charged, the entire broken starship suddenly shook slightly.

  Ye Shi, who was standing next to Jiang Xuezhou, suddenly grabbed her hand without warning.

  Jiang Xuezhou’s hand shook slightly, and he dodged a little embarrassedly, but he didn’t pull his hand out of his palm.

  ”You, what are you doing…”

  Listening to the whisper, Ye Shi also showed an embarrassed expression on his face.

  ”Nothing, I’m just afraid that I won’t see you again if I’m not paying attention.”

  Hearing this, Jiang Xuezhou felt sweet in his heart and snorted softly.

  ”How is it possible, I’m a genius…”

  She was not bragging.

  Given enough time and resources, she could even transform this antique into something even more awesome.

  [Charging completed, entering the hyperspace channel…]

  ​​The light blue text was printed on the holographic pop-up window, and the bright galaxy was reflected on the dark floor-to-ceiling window in an instant.

  At the same time, the thousands of shining starlight dust turned into dazzling blue and white, and in an instant turned into a myriad of light tracks, illuminating the entire bridge white.

  This was the first time that Ye Shi entered the hyperspace channel while awake.

  At the same time, this was also the most shocking experience he had ever had since he put on the gaming helmet and entered this world.

  The universe shrank into a point in front of him, and then it expanded infinitely.

  At that moment, he seemed to tear apart the space, jumped out of the dimension he was originally in, and went to a world he could not see or touch.

  It happened in an instant.

  In just a blink of an eye, his physical body had crossed five light years and jumped from Nanmen II to the solar system with the Orion.

  ”It’s incredible…”

  Looking at the familiar sun and the blue planet, Ye Shi was stunned for a long time, and finally uttered a heartfelt sigh.

  After three Earth months, they finally returned to the familiar Earth-Moon system.

  And as a hero who saved the Earth!

  Not only he showed an incredible expression, but also Dora who was standing in front of the French window.

  She widened her eyes, held the window with both hands, and wanted to poke her nose into it.

  Suddenly, she turned her head and cast a surprised and excited look at the two ancestors.

  ”Is that… your home?”

  Ye Shi nodded and said with a smile.

  ”Yes, its name is Earth.”

  Dora tilted her head and showed a confused expression.

  ”But… it seems to have more water?”

  Ye Shi: “Uh… this is normal, after all, we live on the ground.”

  Dora made a dazed expression and nodded as if she understood.

  ”Is that so? But in this case… our planet can also be called Earth.”

  Ye Shi smiled and said.

  ”You can say that you have developed your own culture and language… But no matter how you call your home planet, we will probably translate that word as ‘Gaia’.”

  Just as the two were communicating, Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in front of the control console, suddenly became nervous.

  ”Wait, there seems to be something in low-Earth orbit… It’s a steel structure about 500 meters long and wide, with a thickness of about 50 meters in the center. No… Where did the space junk go?!”

  Looking at the situation in low-Earth orbit, Jiang Xuezhou was confused and had no idea what was going on.

  Ye Shi was not surprised at all, and said with a smile.

  ”Did you forget about the gravity well?”

  Jiang Xuezhou was stunned, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence.

  ”It has been… deployed successfully?!”

  Ye Shi nodded.

  ”Yes, and that was two weeks ago.”

  Two weeks ago, the gravity well deployed in the southern waters was officially turned on, pulling the garbage in low-Earth orbit into the atmosphere and guiding them to crash in the southern waters.

  According to what the players said on the official forum, the space junk that fell from the sky was like a meteor shower, forming burning tracks in the air, as if a layer of star rings was put on the earth.

  The whole process lasted for a full ten days!

  Whether it was the players in Avent City or the players in Dawn City, they could clearly see the dense orbital debris falling from the sky like an asteroid belt.

  To be honest, Ye Shi was a little regretful that he could not see the spectacular meteor shower.

  But he soon thought that he had witnessed the rise and fall of civilization, which was much more awesome than a meteor shower, so he was not so regretful.

  This wave is not a loss!

  Jiang Xuezhou looked at him in a daze, and his mouth opened slightly.

  ”Can you… really get in touch with the Earth?”

  Ye Shi shrugged.

  ”Didn’t I say it a long time ago? I have always been in contact with the Earth, and I also helped you pass a few words to the Academy?”

  On the issue of the celestial beings, the Alliance and the Academy signed an intelligence sharing agreement, so the Alliance did not keep the matter five light years away from the Academy secret, and even communicated with the researchers of the Academy.

  He also heard on the official website that the Academy was quite shocked after learning about the existence of the morphogenetic field, and even suspected that the researchers of the Alliance were joking.

  But now there is probably no controversy.

  When the Orion missile cruiser arrived in front of all of them, all doubts were broken.

  Although there was nothing to brag about.

  Dora stared at this side blankly.

  Although she didn’t understand what the academy meant, she was still shocked by his words.

  The Doma tribe should have made great achievements in the study of psychic energy. This was even the most direct reason why Tunnan’s attitude towards the ancestor changed from respect at first to arrogance later.

  However, even if they were quite insightful in the study of psychic energy, the exchange of information must be carried out face to face, and it was far from being able to achieve such long-distance communication.

  The gap between them seemed to be only a small river, but in fact it was five light years or even farther.

  ”Amazing…” Dora sighed sincerely in her heart, and her admiration and respect for the ancestor increased by one point.

  This is incredible!

  ”But…wait, didn’t you have awakened psychic energy at that time?! Why…my mind is a little confused, let me sort it out…”

  Jiang Xuezhou took a deep breath and hugged the helmet that rolled away with both hands, but his mind became more and more confused.

  Especially when she thought of the previous bet, her whole face turned red.

  Looking at the incoherent Xiao Jiang, Ye Shi smiled and said,

  ”The reason why I can establish contact with the earth five light years away is not because of psychic power… emmm… but it’s hard to say. The morphogenetic field may be another explanation of psychic power, at least that’s how I understand it.”

  As for more professional matters, it’s better to leave it to professionals.

  ”Then, then… what’s the matter with this steel structure?!” Fearing that this guy would remember the bet, Jiang Xuezhou hurriedly changed the subject. His index finger operated on the holographic screen and dragged the strange-shaped magnifying glass in the distance to his front.

  From a distance, the thing looked like a steel plate lying in low-Earth orbit, with its central axis pointing straight to the center of the earth.

  Looking closely, the steel plate was inlaid with gun barrels that stood like hedgehog steel needles, pointing far away at the sea of ​​stars outside the atmosphere.

  According to other players on the official forum, this 0.25 square kilometer defense platform was equipped with a total of 50 electromagnetic accelerators, which consisted of four connecting plates and were pushed from the surface into low-Earth orbit through an anti-gravity system. It was said

  that these electromagnetic accelerators were built according to the standards of the anti-ship electromagnetic guns in the inventory of Shelter No. 60, and at most only three shots were needed to overload the deflector shield of the frigate class.

  As for the ship-borne shield of the missile cruiser class, although it had not been specifically tested, it was thought that it would only take a round of salvos.

  At present, the Alliance has mastered the means of defense in low-Earth orbit. Even if the celestial beings at the Lagrange point have other trump cards in their hands, the survivors on the wasteland have full confidence to deal with them.

  The neutron plume is not as terrible as imagined.

  As long as it is destroyed before it enters the atmosphere, the barrier of the geomagnetic field itself will be enough to reduce its power to an almost harmless level.

  ”That is our low-Earth orbit defense platform… a planetary defense facility built by the Alliance, its allies, the Enterprise, and you.”

  ”Unless the Pioneers come back from another universe, I can’t think of anything that can break through its defense… unless it is an alien who has mastered interstellar navigation like us.”

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou with a surprised face, Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”Let’s just go over and stop in the synchronous orbit… My good brothers are already there waiting for us to go back.”


  (Thanks to the leader of “Tomato Beef Brisket Excellent Review” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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