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Chapter 1021: Let this kid pretend alone

Chapter 1021: Let this kid pretend alone

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 1021: This guy installed it all by himself. On

  the low-Earth orbit defense platform, the central control bridge, heads were eager to pass through the French windows.



  ”Good fellow… Brother Ye Shi really brought that thing back?!”

  ”Tsk, you still call me brother!”

  ”That’s right! Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west–”

  ”I heard that he also brought back a Gaian!”


  ”What are you excited about! What does it have to do with you?”

  ”Damn! Can’t I be curious about what others look like?”

  ”Hey, “Wasteland OL” can be renamed, and the public beta can be directly called “Starry Sky OL.”

  ”Shh! Don’t let the dog planner hear it!”

  These guys huddled in front of the French windows are all players of the Alliance.

  Among them are players from the Burning Legion, as well as other legions and even individual players who have not joined the legion.

  Welcoming the return of the Orion missile cruiser is a limited-time event in the server recently. As long as you sign up, you can participate.

  Of course.

  Once this limited-time event is launched, it is almost foreseeable that everyone will sign up.

  However, the bridge space of only a few hundred square meters obviously cannot accommodate so many people.

  Moreover, the people standing in the “audience seats” are not only the people of the alliance, but also representatives sent by the survivors of the wasteland, such as the academy, enterprises, the South China Sea Alliance and even the Eastern Empire.

  As the saying goes, it is better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone. What’s the point of admiring such a large starship behind closed doors? It

  ’s not just Ye Shi who is anxious to show off. Chu Guang also has this need.

  Standing behind a group of players, looking at the crowd crowded by the window, Fang Chang couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”I can even imagine that guy’s face can’t suppress the gun.”

  ”Hahaha, there’s nothing I can do. Who wants me to be pretended by this guy?”

  Lao Bai smiled and patted Fang Chang’s shoulder, and cast his eyes on the deep universe not far away.

  Looking from here to the synchronous orbit, the starship can’t be seen at all.

  But the familiar face seems to have flown in front of them.

  He even heard the guy’s unbridled laughter.

  Maybe this is also psychic power.

  The one standing at the side and paddling around sighed and said.

  ”I didn’t expect it… this time you all failed collectively, but in the end it was this most unreliable guy who turned the tables.”

  ”Not that he’s unreliable,” Kuangfeng touched his nose and smiled faintly, “It’s just that Fang Chang usually makes the decisions, not to mention him, Lao Bai and I are used to lying down.”

  ”Hahaha, it seems to be true.” Lao Bai said with a smile.

  This time Fang Chang was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly and said.

  ”Actually, I’m not surprised that he can turn the tables. This kid is very lucky… Remember the Iron Heart? It was also a familiar situation, and in the end he was the only one who survived.”

  The commander of the fountain whistled and said teasingly.

  ”Just luck?”

  Fang Chang shrugged.

  ”Of course, there is also perception.”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha, humor!”

  Just as everyone was joking, several small D-levels from the academy were looking at these noisy guys with disgust, but they didn’t dare to say anything more.

  The reason is simple.

  These guys are so full of martial virtues, and their reputation in the wasteland is even more resounding.

  However, although they dare not confront them head-on, this does not prevent them from making a few comments behind their backs.

  ”Do these guys expect to see the starship in synchronous orbit with their naked eyes?”

  ”Stupid wastelanders, hehe.”

  ”But then again… I heard that some of them have mastered psychic powers and can communicate with their compatriots five light years away?”

  ”Nonsense.” A D-level researcher chuckled and glanced at his E-level colleague next to him, “Do you believe whatever others say?”

  The little E-level was stunned for a moment and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Then… what about the morphogenetic field? The top management has already set up a research project, so it can’t be nonsense, right?”

  ”That sounds a little more reliable.”

  ”… Aren’t they the same thing?”


  In addition to complaining about the residents of the Alliance’s shelter blocking the entire floor-to-ceiling window, some researchers also had expressions of envy on their faces.

  This envy was not entirely directed at the starship, but also at this “low-Earth orbit defense platform” itself.

  Although the academy has mastered countless technologies left over from the pre-war era, only a few of them can be restored to reality, and most of them are stored in the database.

  The main reason is that most of the creations in the Prosperous Era are formed based on the complex and dazzling industrial chain, and the wasteland obviously does not have such a dense and complex huge industrial chain.

  In fact, let alone the academy, even the alliance and even the enterprises can hardly simply copy the prosperity of the Human Union era.

  However, the alliance has done something that others have not done.

  That is to use the heritage of the Prosperous Era to create another kind of prosperity.

  If the Prosperous Era is a utopia for the people of the old era, then the new era is undoubtedly a utopia for the wastelanders.

  They have created a future for the wastelanders themselves…

  Unlike those “little D-level” who point fingers, Yang Kai, a B-level researcher, seems much calmer.

  Because of his work, he often travels between the alliance’s territory and the academy’s territory, including the special zone of the Science and Technology Committee, so he is used to the behavior of these players.

  Looking at Yang Kai, whose facial expression was not very volatile, the man standing beside him smiled softly and said,

  ”Congratulations, your apprentice is safe and sound… and conservatively estimated that she will probably be promoted to Class B this time.”

  Few people can train a Class B researcher before retirement.

  After all, researchers in the academy usually retire at the age of 50.

  Even for a researcher like Yang Kai, who is young and promising, it took him nearly 20 years to go from an apprentice to Class B, not to mention his students.

  However, no one expected that the accident would happen when no one was paying attention.

  A small E-level researcher rocketed to C-level at an incredible speed, and soon after becoming C-level, he encountered major events such as the “death agent” and “Orion”.

  Looking at the history of the academy for a century and a half, this situation is unique.

  ”It’s good that he is fine.” Yang Kai responded to the congratulations of his colleagues with a stiff expression.

  The man laughed and said.

  ”Yes, it’s good that he is fine.”

  Yang Kai glanced at him and said nothing, but he was calculating in his heart.

  This person’s identity is extraordinary. He is Qi Liu, the director of the Investigation Department, one of the four major departments of the academy!

  Although he is not a researcher of the Investigation Department, in the academy with strict hierarchy, A-level is the father of everyone except the chief technology officer and the conclusion doctor.

  Only the directors of the four major departments and the retired directors have this level!

  Although from the resume, Yang Kai has met the standards for promotion to quasi-A level, which is the so-called A-level.

  But even quasi-A level is still quite different from the real A level in terms of authority and status.

  However, compared to his reservedness, Qi Liu did not show too much condescension, but was surprisingly easygoing.

  Yang Kai was a little undecided for a while, not sure what this big guy was up to.

  Qi Liu smiled at him, and suddenly changed the subject.

  ”Speaking of which, there is a rumor in the academy recently. I wonder if Mr. Yang has heard about it.”

  Yang Kai was slightly stunned and said cautiously.

  ”I have been on field duty in the alliance for some time, and I don’t know much about the things in the rear… I hope Mr. Qi can give me some advice.”

  Qi Liu raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and then continued with a smile.

  ”It’s just a rumor, I just said it casually, don’t take it too seriously…”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”It is rumored that the respected Dr. Conclusion found our chief technology officer to talk, saying that he hopes to set up a separate department based on the four major departments to study the void, dimension theory and the pioneer civilization that left this universe, and then merge the related projects of the morphogenetic field into it.”

  Yang Kai opened his eyes wide in surprise when he heard this.

  The reason why he was shocked was not entirely because of the rumor that Director Qi said, but because the rumor actually came from Director Qi’s mouth… Can

  this still be called a rumor? !

  Above the four directors is the chief technology officer, who else could have told him except the chief technology officer himself? !

  Looking at Director Qi who was smiling meaningfully, Yang Kai was so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

  It might not only be his apprentice who makes history, but he, the master, can also get some credit and make history by the way…

  ”Generally speaking, quasi-A-level are the reserve directors of the four major departments, and the promotion process is generally to be placed in deputy positions for training first, and then take over after the previous director retires… However, this department that has been added out of thin air is not easy to use the original method.”

  ”The deputy director of our investigation department is quite interested, but I’m still waiting for him to hand over his work. Who should I find to take over if he is gone? What’s more, the remains of this pioneer civilization are different from the remains of the Human Alliance… We have never seen what psychic power looks like, right? I can’t be so shameless as to tell other directors that this job is ours.”

  ”So I recommended you to the organization… Your research team is probably the team closest to the ‘morphogenetic field’.”

  Qi Liu said with a smile and gently patted the shoulder of Yang Kai, who was stunned.

  ”Congratulations in advance, Director Yang… If nothing unexpected happens, the four major departments will become five major departments in the future!”


  Just when Yang Kai was so shocked that he couldn’t speak, Jiang Xuezhou, who was on the Orion missile cruiser, was also snorting nervously.

  Seeing her sniffling, Ye Shi wanted to take off her helmet to help her wipe it, but he was afraid of being beaten by her, so he could only hand her the paper with heartache.

  ”Do you have a cold?”

  Jiang Xuezhou shook his head vigorously, turned around and blew his nose, then turned his head and stared at him seriously.

  ”Ye Shi…”

  Feeling the serious gaze through the dark helmet eyepiece, Ye Shi was slightly stunned and said.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Jiang Xuezhou hesitated for a while and said in a low voice.

  ”When you get off the ship later, you can say you are the captain… Or I will switch with you and transfer the position of captain to you.”

  Ye Shi said in confusion.


  Jiang Xuezhou said in a low voice.

  ”Didn’t you say you would take me to the edge of the universe on this ship… I, I’m afraid that after I go back, my master will know that I’m the captain and take this ship away from me.”

  Puff –

  Ye Shi almost choked on his own saliva, and said with a dry cough.

  ”I don’t think the academy should be so petty.”

  In the past, he complained about the academy’s pettiness, and Jiang Xuezhou was angry with him. Why is he making fun of himself now?


  It was indeed different before.

  They had nothing before, but now they really have a starship!

  This is what the academy covets the most.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou’s nervous look, Ye Shi couldn’t help but sigh that this game is too damn real, even the hard-mouthed part is so real.

  Although the arrogant people in the academy are always as excited as if their tails were stepped on when facing some of the ridicule of the wastelanders, when they really encounter something, they still have some idea of ​​their family’s bad habits.

  ”That’s a starship! A missile cruiser of the Human United Aerospace Force! And it’s intact! Do you know what this means?”

  ”What it means…” Ye Shi whispered guiltily, “This ship is so broken, can they still use it as a colony ship…”

  ”It’s hard to say,” Jiang Xuezhou said seriously, “Its hyperspace engine is still usable, and it is the only usable hyperspace engine in the solar system.”

  That serious expression made Ye Shi’s heart warm.

  It can be seen that she has regarded this place as their future home. Her elbow has unconsciously turned towards him, and she finally stopped talking about the academy every day.

  Does this count as a successful strategy?

  ”I’m talking to you seriously, why are you grinning!”

  Looking at Ye Shi who suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, Jiang Xuezhou raised his eyebrows and pinched his waist unhappily.

  ”Haha, I just think you look a little cute when you are nervous…”

  Seeing Jiang Xuezhou, who was about to explode in the next second, Ye Shi decisively stopped teasing and continued in a half-serious tone.

  ”Then we won’t go back? Elope on the spot?”

  Ye Shi felt that the hand pinching his waist stopped.

  Xuezhou, who was standing in front of him, was silent for a while and muttered softly.

  ”…It’s not impossible.”

  It’s just…

  it’s a bit regrettable that she didn’t say goodbye to her family.

  And if she does this, she might betray her master.

  Although there is no so-called teaching grace in the academy where people are indifferent, and the relationship between mentors and students is more about mutual use and mutual achievement, her mentor is actually good to her, and there is still a grace of not killing.

  Looking at her tangled look, Ye Shi smiled and reached out to touch her round helmet.

  ”I am very grateful that you can think about me so much… But I won’t let you make such a difficult choice.”

  It is too naive to expect that transferring the captain to him can solve the problem.

  Just kidding, what the academy cares about may not be forgotten by Brother Guang.

  Jiang Xuezhou looked up at him, with surprise and emotion in his eyes.

  ”Ye Shi…”

  Ye Shi smiled at her.

  ”Don’t worry, we will leave with the blessings of everyone else… Leave it to me.”

  The Alliance will not let the Academy own this starship, and Jiang Xuezhou’s idea is purely redundant.

  On the other hand, the Academy and the enterprise will not allow the Alliance to own such a super-standard weapon alone, and it is the kind that can be flexibly maneuvered between the solar system and other galaxies.

  Trust has boundaries, and this super-standard weapon has exceeded this boundary.

  No one can guarantee that the 100,000 flying overhead will not point to themselves.

  In this way, this starship has room for operation.

  Before returning from Nanmen II, Ye Shi had already thought about how to deal with this problem.

  While announcing the discovery of the Gaia planet and the secrets of the pioneer civilization, he will also issue an initiative to gather volunteers from the wasteland to take the Orion to other galaxies outside the solar system to find the footprints of the pioneer civilization.

  This plan will be announced after he sets foot on Earth and will be implemented immediately after the crisis of heaven and man is resolved!

  In the name of exploring the remains of the pioneer civilization, volunteers from all parties jointly drove the Orion to the outer solar system. This was the best idea he could think of, except for dismantling the starship, and it also sounded the most reliable idea.

  Anyway, leaving this super-standard weapon in the solar system is also a hidden danger. If any party gets it, it will make the other parties nervous. Instead of increasing the trust cost of all parties, it is better to throw it out for exploration.

  And it is an exploration under the public supervision of personnel from all parties.

  They will regularly report the route and the clues they have investigated to the scientific research institutions on Earth, and obtain technical assistance from the latter. This is a win-win choice for all parties.

  For the major survivor forces, they can ensure that the ship is still under the control of human civilization as a whole, and obtain more data on exoplanets and clues of pioneer civilizations through the exploration of the extraterrestrial world.

  As time goes by, when the aerospace industry capabilities of human civilization develop, this super-standard power will naturally increase and decrease, and become less super-standard.

  Looking at Ye Shi’s confident expression, Jiang Xuezhou nodded vigorously and took his hand to board the scientific research ship.

  Dora and Koala followed behind the two of them, sitting on the chairs with their own different feelings.

  At the same time, in the browsing room of Shelter No. 404.

  Looking at the research ship slowly approaching the low-Earth orbit defense platform on the holographic screen, Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up a faint smile.

  In fact, for a moment, he was still wondering whether Ye Shi would be clever and elope with his girlfriend.

  After all, this guy had seriously discussed the technical feasibility of elopement on the forum, and a guy named [Professor Yang, the King of Thunder] even came up with a lot of smart ideas.

  But it seems that this kid is not stupid, and he still drove the ship back obediently.

  In fact, there is no need for this guy to worry at all. Chu is not a parent, and he will take everything except pots and pans.

  Although he has been talking about cutting leeks since the server was launched, he has never taken the treasures from the players. At most, when everyone was poor, he used the “dungeon harvest” that some players could not use at all as task props and settled them into silver coins.

  But who really lost money?

  Facts have proved that no one lost money.

  The Alliance has never treated anyone who has contributed to the Alliance unfairly.

  It was like this before, and it is still the same now.

  At this time, Chu Guang suddenly thought of something, put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile.

  ”Xiao Qi, isn’t it a bit bad to welcome someone empty-handed?”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, was stunned.

  ”Hey, are you preparing gifts now? But…is it too late?”

  Chu Guang smiled mysteriously.

  ”I mean, why don’t you issue a full-server announcement or something, similar to the hidden mission clearance, the world boss kill, and welcome the Orion back to the team and the People’s Alliance Air and Space Force home.”

  There is no other meaning.

  He just wanted to tease Ye Shi and send a banner to scare this kid.

  By the way, help this kid reduce hatred.

  He is the only one pretending to be awesome. These past two days, the official forum has almost become like Pinduoduo. When you refresh it, all you see are people shouting “cut him down”, as if the game won’t be playable without nerfing this guy.


  Seeing his master’s meaningful smile, Xiao Qi let out a long-drawn howl with sudden realization, and then he also grinned.

  ”Cool, cool, cool… You are worthy of being the master, so bad!”

  Looking at Xiao Qi who understood immediately, Chu Guang smiled and nodded with approval in his eyes. You

  are worthy of being his Xiao Qi!

  ”Don’t forget to give him a limited title and reputation reward to make him happy.”

  Since he has been promised the starship, don’t talk about money in the mission reward.

  That’s too vulgar!

  Of course, there is no need to mention the starship.

  If that guy really gets it, he will naturally think of how to keep it.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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