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Chapter 1022 A discovery that shocked the world!

Chapter 1022 A discovery that shocked the world!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1022 A discovery that shocked the world!

  Chu Guang did not personally go to the low-Earth orbit to greet Ye Shi, but chose to sit in the study of Shelter No. 404 and watch the live broadcast of the news channel of Dawn City TV.

  First of all, that place can be regarded as the front line of the confrontation between humans and celestial beings. If he went there, it would attract too much hatred. Secondly, there were so many small players picking up people for him anyway, and he didn’t want to steal the limelight from others.

  As a professional mascot, Chu Guang felt that he should stay where he should be and maintain his status as the boss of the camp.

  At the same time, thousands of miles above the sky.

  The silver-white scientific research ship slowly switched its orbit and approached the defense platform suspended in the low-Earth orbit.

  Through the glass of the cockpit, Ye Shi could even see the familiar faces stuck on the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bridge.

  Of course.

  He could see it because he had better eyesight, but Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t see it clearly.

  ”The space station access protocol is downloading…”

  ”The interface position is locked… The access procedure is being executed!”

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, communicated with the navigator of the defense platform and quickly completed all the preparations for the space station docking.

  To be honest, Ye Shi was actually quite shocked.

  He used to watch this kind of scene in the news broadcast, and never thought that one day he would experience the feeling of an astronaut.

  Even in the game.

  Even though he had just played something more exciting not long ago…

  Under the expectation of countless pairs of eyes, the connecting rod extending from the front of the research ship was fiercely inserted into the interface of the defense platform.

  The whole process was smooth and there was no delay, as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

  ”You have awakened your spiritual power too?” Ye Shi looked at Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the main driver’s seat next to him, in surprise, and whispered.

  ”How is it possible…” Jiang Xuezhou was slightly stunned, laughed and joked, “It would be great if that were the case, I could study myself.”

  ”Then how are you so skilled?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said with a chuckle.

  ”How could you ask such a stupid question? Of course, it’s because the interface of the space station is based on our standard.”


  The truth is so plain.

  Neither the Alliance nor the Enterprise has any technical accumulation in the field of space. In this regard, only the Academy is ahead in the entire wasteland.

  And it is far ahead of the survivors.

  Ye Shi was sighing, and the VM screen on his arm suddenly lit up, and then a line of flashing big words floated across.

  [Congratulations to the player “I got up more than ten times a night” for clearing the “Hyperspace Trek” and “Distant Colony” events! Unlock the only title “Civilization Savior” and “Pioneer Explorer”! ]

  The moment he saw this line of pop-up window, Ye Shi was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

  However, when he saw the next line of pop-up window, he couldn’t laugh anymore.

  [Welcome the Orion to return to the team, the Human Alliance Aerospace Force goes home! ]

  ”Damn it!”

  Confiscated just like that? !

  Noticing Ye Shi suddenly jumping up from his seat, Jiang Xuezhou looked at him in confusion.

  ”What’s wrong with you?”

  ”No, nothing.”

  Ye Shi coughed lightly and adjusted his mood.

  We are all descendants of the Human Alliance, and no one is more equal than anyone else. Therefore, the garbage on the wasteland has always belonged to whoever picked it up.

  Except for the shelter and the black box.

  However, even the shelter and the black box will be converted into rewards and distributed to the players who found them.

  As for this starship.

  Not to mention that the crew of the Orion has recognized his identity as the heir, this is at least what he and Jiang Xuezhou took pains to snatch back from the hands of the heavenly people and drove home!

  Although the Alliance’s recovery of this starship is not completely without legal basis, he thinks Brother Guang should not do this to himself.

  At this time, Ye Shi suddenly noticed that the mission reward was just a bunch of reputation and contribution points, except for the title, and there was nothing else.

  In an instant, a glimmer of enlightenment surged in his heart, and he immediately understood what the manager meant.

  So that’s it…

  Brother Guang has actually tacitly agreed to use this starship as a reward for him, as long as he can keep it from the hands of other survivors.

  The dog planner still loves him!

  Just when Ye Shi was relieved, the research ship had been firmly fixed on the connection module of the low-Earth orbit defense platform.

  The docking of the hatch was completed quickly.

  As the air pressure in the cabin of the research ship was adjusted to the same level as the platform bridge, the closed hatch opened with a “hiss”!

  A group of players who bought tickets moved their positions and rushed from the French windows to the hatch of the bridge. And then, the pairs of eyes that fell on the hatch could not be moved away!

  I saw a tall girl standing there.

  The emerald green skin was like the tender buds hanging on the treetops in early spring, and the black hair swaying gently with the air flow was as smooth as silk.

  She was wearing the uniform of the Orion crew. The monotonous white shirt and light blue casual pants could not hide the enchanting wild curves at all.

  In sharp contrast, the pair of talking eyes carried a hint of pious and holy elegance.

  Although this piety was a little frightened at this moment.

  There was no other reason.

  It was mainly because the “ancestors” were too enthusiastic.



  ”So cute!!!”

  ”Giao! The emerald green skin looks unexpectedly sexy.”

  ”Is it true that it can photosynthesize?!”

  ”So big!!!”

  ”Fuck! The damn Ye Shi didn’t tell the truth!”

  ”Come out and get beaten!”

  Although Dora could feel that those pairs of eyes did not contain any malice or evil thoughts, she couldn’t help but shrink back. Unable

  to withstand the enthusiasm of the crowd, she tried to say “hello” in human language, but she didn’t expect to make the atmosphere even more boiling.

  Seeing that all eyes were attracted to Dora alone, the little koala who was left aside scratched his round metal belly, looking like he didn’t know what to do.

  ”Uh, it seems that I am redundant?”

  At first, it wanted to help Dora out of the predicament, but found that the latter seemed to unexpectedly enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention.

  Finally, at this time, the two “real people” came out of the cockpit and finally helped the embarrassed Dora out of the predicament.

  ”Fuck! You bunch of dogs – cough! Don’t scare people.”

  Seeing the expression of Big Eyes that was about to drool on the ground, Ye Shi almost spoke without restraint as usual.

  Fortunately, he saw the camera mixed in the crowd in time, so he stopped the words that came to his mouth in time.

  At the same time, the reporters who had been waiting outside the crowd for a long time rushed forward and squeezed to the edge of the cabin door.

  Microphones were instantly pressed under Ye Shi’s nose. Before he could brag with his good brothers, the overwhelming questions came like a string of cannonballs.

  ”Hello! Mr. Ye Shi, your comrades told me that your righteous act saved human civilization not long ago. Do you have anything to say?”

  ”No, no, I just did a little work.”

  ”Mr. Ye Shi! Does your name have any special meaning?”

  ”Ahem – it’s not convenient to say.”

  ”Dear Sir, I got up more than ten times a night. Hello! We are the Goblin Observer -”

  ”Get out! Let your boss do it himself!”

  Looking at Ye Shi who couldn’t stand the siege of a group of reporters, Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help shrinking his neck, quietly slipped out of the research ship along the edge of the hatch, and walked to his mentor. Looking

  at the serious face, Jiang Xuezhou felt a little uneasy, but still walked over.


  Looking at the precious apprentice who was lost and found, Yang Kai’s face floated with a comfortable smile, but soon frowned again.

  ”Why are you dressed like this?”

  The bloated space suit and the round helmet seemed out of tune with the temperament of the academy, and the limelight was all taken away by the people of the alliance.

  Jiang Xuezhou was silent for a while, then took off the visor of her helmet, revealing the face that was disfigured by neutron radiation.

  The scars left by the damaged cortex and tissue hyperplasia crawled from the top of her head to the bottom of her neck, and as expected, spread all over her body.

  Seeing the once lively and beautiful face turned into this, Yang Kai was struck by lightning and froze on the spot. The

  D-level researchers accompanying him were also frightened by this face, and they all whispered to each other.

  Awakened by the whispering voice, Yang Kai turned back fiercely and glared at the students who were gossiping.

  Everyone immediately shut up and dared not speak.

  Looking back at his apprentice, Yang Kai’s Adam’s apple moved, and his voice, which had never had much emotion, was filled with a bit of shame and self-blame.

  ”…I’m sorry for making you suffer.”

  Unexpectedly, his master cared so much about him. Jiang Xuezhou smiled embarrassedly and quickly closed the visor of his helmet again.

  ”It’s okay, he said he doesn’t dislike me… ahem! Besides, technology is so advanced now, just change to bionic skin.”

  She heard that bionic skin combined with gene repair technology can make people never age. She had been struggling for a long time whether to change it.

  It’s just that the thing is too avant-garde, and she has never made up her mind. Now she doesn’t have to struggle.

  Looking at the shy and cheerful smile, Yang Kai felt mixed emotions.

  At this moment, his eyes fell on the young man named Ye Shi not far away, and suddenly he thought of something.

  Speaking of it…

  his apprentice’s object seems to be this guy?

  However, just when he was about to ask about the progress of their relationship, he suddenly noticed Qi Liu standing beside him with a smile, so he immediately held back the words that were almost on his lips.

  The college is not a charity after all.

  In order to prevent unnecessary variables, and for the future of the two.

  Some things are better to ask in private…

  From the moment the research ship and the low-Earth orbit defense platform collided, McLen, who was standing in the corner of the space station, stared at the direction of the hatch.

  After looking at the “Alliance Soldier” standing in the middle of the crowd and being interviewed by the media, and then at the emerald-skinned “Gaian”, McLen remained silent.

  He was invited here as a representative of the Eastern Empire together with the envoy from Norton City.

  In addition to paying tribute to the warriors who saved human civilization on behalf of the Eastern Empire, he also had the purpose of spying on the Alliance.

  They needed to confirm the integrity of the Orion missile cruiser!

  And its impact on geopolitics!

  Although it was a pity that he didn’t see the majestic warship with his own eyes, General McLen suddenly felt that it didn’t matter whether he saw it or not.

  The Alliance has in fact shouldered the responsibility of defending the new era and glued the fragmented order back into a whole.

  Not only that.

  They have now inherited the colony of the Human Alliance era – the legacy five light years away.

  In the face of these many great achievements, a Human Alliance era missile cruiser is not important at all, and the latter will even become a burden that is tasteless and a pity to discard.

  Although the Alliance has never declared victory or is in a competition with the survivors of the wasteland, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they have won everything…

  Emperor Saren dreams of being like that man, dominating the order of the world, even the order within the Weilants.

  But unfortunately, even the order within the Weilants was eventually divided by half by the Alliance.

  Looking at the Alliance soldier who was surrounded and admired by the reporters of Ideal City, McLen suddenly felt an unprecedented fatigue.

  However, there was also a sense of relief.

  It is no longer possible to catch up with the Alliance.

  Even if the Eastern Empire has thrown away the historical baggage of the Legion and divided the largest part of the Legion’s legacy, it is almost impossible.

  Fortunately, the ending of the Weilants is not too bad.

  They were not left behind by the times as the ambitious man named Tyr said, but went to the new era with the wastelanders.

  He relaxed and cast his eyes on the messenger from Norton City and asked in a casual tone.

  ”When we return, His Majesty Saren will certainly ask us for our opinions. I want to know what you think?”

  The messenger seemed to be distracted. Hearing the voice beside him, he blurted out a sentence subconsciously.

  ”It’s so big.”

  McLen: “……?”

  Noticing the increasingly sharp eyes, the messenger finally realized the inappropriateness of his words, and hurriedly changed his words with a wry smile.

  ”I’m talking about the starship… It’s so big.”

  McLen: “…”

  That answer made him speechless.

  And at this moment, he heard the young man standing in the crowd loudly announced when facing the reporter’s question about the ownership of the starship.

  ”The Orion missile cruiser is a heritage of all mankind! It should not belong to a certain person or a certain organization.”

  The reporter asked sharply.

  ”Does the organization you are talking about include the Alliance?”

  Ye Shi answered without hesitation.

  ”Of course it includes!”

  At this point, he took the lead and continued without waiting for the reporter to continue asking questions.

  ”Therefore, I propose to form an extrasolar exploration team in the name of the Sticky Community, and use the Orion as the flagship to investigate the external star system to find more relics left by the pioneer civilization! Habitable and unattended planets! And – other civilizations in this universe except us!”

  The reporters at the scene were shocked when they heard this.

  Not only the numerous reporters, but also the researchers of the academy not far away, the commissioners of the corporate council, the representatives of the South Sea Alliance, and the envoys of the East Empire and the New World Federation… all showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Obviously, they didn’t expect him to make such a statement.

  Including the players on the scene.

  ”Damn, is Ye Shi stupid…” Debt widened his glasses and muttered in surprise, “He really plans to drive this thing to find the edge of the map?”

  Although the guy mentioned it on the official website, he always thought it was bragging, but he didn’t expect it to be serious.

  ”…I’m just curious about one thing, will the manager agree?” The construction site boy and the brick scratched the back of his head, his face full of confusion, “Let him drive this killer to the solar system?”

  This is not only the confusion of the construction site guy, but also the confusion of other players.

  ”No…” Looking at the direction of Ye Shi with interest, Fang Chang slowly said, “In fact, I think from my understanding of the manager, he will probably nod his head.”

  The construction site guy quickly looked at him.


  ”For a weapon that will never be used, it is a thankless task to turn against other survivors in the wasteland. We have the ability to destroy the world, but rebuilding our homeland requires trust. These 100,000 neutron bombs will only increase the trust cost between us and our allies.”

  ”Besides, instead of guarding against others getting it and using it, it is better to throw it out of reach of everyone…” After

  a pause, Fang Chang continued with a smile.

  ”I think it is not just the managers who think so. The board of directors of the company will definitely come to the same conclusion after discussion.”

  When he said this, Fang Chang looked at Ye Shi with a little more appreciation that he had not had before.

  This kid has really grown up.

  At least, he has become more intelligent.

  Facing those pairs of surprised or suspicious, nervous or unexpected eyes, Ye Shi raised his voice and continued.

  ”One hundred thousand neutron torpedoes are a trouble for everyone. Whoever is asked to deal with this trouble will become a new trouble. Instead of letting the mistakes of two hundred years ago continue, it is better to let this starship do something truly useful for mankind! This is not only my idea, but also the voice of the 3,000 deceased crew members of the Orion!”

  ”We will recruit crew members from the entire wasteland, accept the supervision of all mankind, and set off immediately after the decisive battle with the “celestial being” is over!”

  There was a crackling applause

  at the scene. This speech surprised almost everyone present, especially the guests who came to watch on behalf of third-party forces and the reporters from Ideal City.

  The senior researchers from the academy did not speak.

  But from the expressions on their faces, it seems that they are not very opposed to this idea.

  Carefully observing the reactions on the faces of everyone present, McLen, who was standing aside and watching, couldn’t help but admire him in his heart and couldn’t help but applaud this kid.

  What is pattern?

  This is called pattern!

  It directly rises to the height of human justice and the future of civilization. Even if someone wants to hinder the implementation of the plan, it is difficult to give a reason.

  Looking at the applauding supporters and media reporters, Ye Shi felt a little relieved.

  At this moment, a reporter squeezed in front of him, handed the microphone to him with a puzzled look and asked.

  ”Excuse me… Mr. Ye Shi, what exactly is the ‘pioneer’ civilization you mentioned? If I remember correctly, you should have returned from the planet Gaia?”

  Hearing this question, Ye Shi slapped his forehead, faced the cameras of the media, cleared his throat and continued.

  ”That’s exactly what I’m going to say next.”

  The scene fell silent.

  Everyone was eagerly waiting for his speech.

  Including those players who had already seen the spoilers on the forum.

  Ye Shi, whose vanity was greatly satisfied, slightly raised the corners of his mouth. The feeling that the whole world was focusing on him was even better than the announcement of the whole server!

  Then, with a solemn and dignified voice, he unveiled the mysterious veil shrouded in a five-light-year distance…

  ”For a long time, our knowledge and understanding of the planet Gaia have been seriously distorted.”

  ”It is indeed a vibrant planet, and it is also true that the hive consciousness named Gaia once dominated the planet, but all these phenomena are just the tip of the iceberg we see.”

  ”The truth is, there once existed a civilization on that planet that was more prosperous than the Human Union and countless times more prosperous. And what we call ‘Gaia’ is just one of the many manifestations of the ‘ecological maintenance system’ they left on that planet…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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