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Chapter 1024 was installed!

Chapter 1024 was installed!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1024: It was installed!

  The magnificent steel structure pierced the sky, standing on both sides of the concrete platform as wide as a plain. From a distance, it looked like a double-edged steel spear piercing the sky from the bottom of the sea!

  It was an artificially cast valley, and it was in the center of the turbulent southern sea!

  Not to mention Dora’s eyes widened in shock, standing still, even Ye Shi, who got out of the hatch, was shocked and opened his mouth for a moment.

  He seemed to be in the center of an “eight” shaped giant tower.

  Looking up, there was an endless cliff, and only the highest point was the horizon that could be covered by a fist!

  This is the alliance’s space elevator!

  Although it is not as long as 90,000 kilometers, it is enough to shock his eyes.

  ”Fuck…” Ye Shi couldn’t help but mutter.

  Good guy.

  He has only been away for more than three months, and the alliance has become so awesome? !

  Jiang Xuezhou was also shocked, rubbed his eyes and looked again.

  ”…Is this made of ceramic steel?”

  She finally recognized the material of the steel structure. She took a deep breath, but was filled with sea breeze. She coughed several times before she calmed down.

  Ye Shi reached out and patted her back, concerned.

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”I’m fine…” After calming down her disordered breathing, Jiang Xuezhou raised his head and muttered, “You guys are exaggerating. Is this a starship built on the sea?”

  Or two upright aircraft carriers.

  But in any case, this is shocking enough for her who has only seen similar structures in the ruins of the Human Alliance era.

  Ye Shi understands her shock at this moment, after all, he is not much different.

  Although someone had given him a spoiler about the elevator on the official website forum before, the text description and dry photos are obviously not as spectacular as seeing it with his own eyes.

  ”…Although this is the first time I have seen this thing, I heard that it has been under construction for a long time and was only recently completed.”

  And –

  this is not just the credit of the Alliance.

  From the beginning of the space elevator project, the project was jointly participated by the alliance, enterprises, and units and organizations at all levels of the South China Sea Alliance. In particular, the Ideal Group has made a lot of efforts, and nearly 37% of the production capacity is completed by them.

  However, in contrast, the rewards they get from this project are also huge.

  I heard that as of yesterday’s close, the Ideal Group has accumulated a 50% increase in the past 120 trading days, and has

  once again become the number one enterprise in Ideal City! This is the first time since the completion of Ideal City a century and a half ago.

  The Ideal Group, which was once reduced to a property company, has once again opened up the imagination of the residents of Ideal City for the future with the completion of the space elevator and the injection of high-quality asset shares, and once again made itself great!

  In fact, it has changed from an enterprise in Ideal City to an enterprise of human civilization.

  When everyone vaguely realized it, this thing had actually happened.

  The same situation also happened to the Endpoint Group in Ideal City.

  As the representative of the “most conservative force” in Ideal City, the Endpoint Group has always opposed the expansion of enterprises outward for the sake of maintaining its own market share and seats on the board of directors.

  After all, there is no demand for the Internet in the wasteland, and the chaotic environment is not suitable for the construction of the endpoint cloud. A server costing tens of millions of Cr can be blasted into slag with just one rocket launcher.

  However, with the end of the wasteland era, this most conservative corporate subsidiary has become the most progressive force, actively promoting globalization like the Internet companies of the old era.

  At present, the postal, logistics, industrial, and financial industries of the alliance have gradually introduced the services of the endpoint cloud.

  I believe that it will not be long before the civil network will be opened with the expansion of the width of the submarine cable channel and the improvement of the infrastructure.

  At that time, the residents of Ideal City will be able to connect to the Internet of their hometown even if they are lying on the beach of French Fry Port, and even play chicken with netizens in Coral City buried under the sea.

  After two and a half centuries, the human survivors in the eastern part of the Middle Continent will once again welcome the Internet era!

  I believe that it will give birth to a new round of prosperity, and even turn the five giants of Ideal City into six, seven or eight giants.

  However, that is all later…


  Not long after the group left the elevator, a group of people quickly came from a distance.

  The two leaders were Han Mingyue, a researcher at the Alliance Academy of Social Sciences, and Sun Zewen, a researcher at the Alliance Institute of Biology.

  Needless to say, the former was well-known among players because he often appeared in newspapers and issued tasks to players.

  As for the latter, new players might find him unfamiliar, but old players who entered the game in the alpha version could still recognize him.

  He was a resident of Shelter 401 and an expert in mind interference devices and resonance field theory.

  The so-called resonance field theory is also the morphogenetic field theory.

  Because the morphogenetic field theory was recently officially established in the Alliance Institute, he, as a researcher in this field in the pre-war era, immediately became a contemporary leader.

  His white hair and beard and his immortal appearance did have some of the demeanor of a leader.

  However, Ye Shi remembered that when he first met him, this guy was not like the elegant old professor he is now, but was being pointed at by a predator while rubbing pills.

  Just when Ye Shi was reminiscing about the days when he and his good brothers went to the dungeon together when the server was just launched, the old man had already rushed to him with an excited look on his face and touched his hand.

  Ye Shi was startled by the enthusiastic look and almost doubted the old man’s orientation.

  As if he also realized the abruptness of his action, the old man smiled embarrassedly and quickly sent his hand back to apologize.

  ”Sorry… I’m a little excited. That… May I ask if you really have mastered psychic power?”

  ”Yes…” Ye Shi nodded stiffly.

  Professor Sun Zewen rubbed his hands excitedly, and it seemed that he didn’t know how to express his feelings at the moment.

  I think so. After all,

  it was a field that had never been penetrated in the prosperous era. It was the first time that humans came into contact with other dimensions outside the three-dimensional world.

  Ye Shi suddenly felt like a qigong master, with a bit of a charlatan flavor.

  Although he was not a real charlatan, he did communicate with Him.

  Even if what he actually talked to was just an echo left by Him in this universe.

  ”It’s incredible… If you’re not lying, your experience will explain the realm beyond the dimension that we have never been able to understand… Ah, wait, I’m not saying you’re playing tricks, I saw the news.”

  Looking at Professor Sun Zewen who was hurriedly explaining, Ye Shi shrugged his shoulders lightly.

  ”It doesn’t matter. In fact, even on the planet Gaia, there are staunch materialists who doubt the existence of the Tree of Insof. After all, that kind of thing is not something that everyone can see.”

  Dora said that the Qiu people had no psychics, but Ye Shi didn’t think so.

  For primitive civilizations with extremely exclusive religious culture, it is extremely difficult to accept psychics unless their culture itself contains psychic elements.

  Maybe there are psychics in the Qiu tribe.

  But because of their worship of the ancestors and the sky, and their hostility to the Tree of Insof, it is likely that their society will spontaneously reject these psychic awakening aliens.

  After all, their technical level has not yet developed to the point where they can unlock the “mind interference device”, let alone use the power of pure technology to communicate with Him and hear His ridicule.

  The result is that even if a person awakens psychic power, his subjective rejection will weaken his spiritual perception ability and eventually purify himself.

  Ye Shi has experienced this situation personally.

  When he was still a “stupid materialist”, he could not feel the existence of psychic power at all, and at most his sixth sense was stronger than others.

  When he tried to understand those things that he originally rejected and became a “smart materialist” or “cunning pragmatist”, psychic power miraculously appeared again.

  This is also the most interesting part

  of psychic power. The existence and strength of this spiritual ability are also determined by the spirit.

  Professor Sun Zewen stared at Ye Shi intently, and his hungry expression was like appreciating a work of art, which might make the latter feel creepy.

  But soon, his eyes shifted to Dora, and his expression became more and more fanatical.

  ”Humans on the planet Gaia… all have psychic power?!”

  Ye Shi shook his head and said.

  ”Not everyone, even the tribes in the forest, only some people can.”

  ”Just some people are incredible enough!” Professor Sun Zewen sighed, looking at him with fiery eyes and said, “Next time you go to Nanmen 2, please take me with you!”

  Looking at that fiery look, Ye Shi took a step back subtly, made a regretful expression and said.

  ”I may not go again.”

  Professor Sun Zewen looked at him blankly, blurting out subconsciously.


  Ye Shi thought for a moment and said.

  ”How should I put it? The ruins on that planet have been excavated, and the Tree of Insof has told us everything He knows about the pioneers… I don’t really want to disturb the people living on that planet. I have caused them enough trouble.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”But I will propose to the administrator to build an observation station there to passively observe their civilization process without interfering. Perhaps you can consider promoting this matter with me.”

  Professor Sun Zewen looked at him in astonishment, half puzzled and half surprised.

  But in the end, he was relieved and just nodded with mixed feelings.

  ”This may be the best choice…”

  He wanted to say whether direct intervention would be more efficient, but soon thought of the Human Union. It

  ’s actually good to keep a respect for the universe.

  As a survivor of the Human Union era, he felt the fall of the old glory far more than all the younger generations here.

  ”Well, there’s nothing to regret… I think even if we don’t have to go back to the Human Union era to find the lessons of history, the lessons left to us in the past two centuries are profound enough.”

  Han Mingyue smiled heartily and patted Professor Sun on the shoulder, then looked at the little girl named Jiang Xuezhou and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”I also found the most professional prosthetic doctor in the alliance for you-Mr. Ibers, CEO of Jushi Military Industry. He will be responsible for your prosthetic surgery and replace your bionic skin designed jointly by the Academy and Kangmao Group-”

  Before Jiang Xuezhou could speak, Ye Shi on the side became nervous and interrupted Dr. Han Mingyue’s words.

  ”Ibers?! Let that madman do the surgery?”

  Han Mingyue said with a smile.

  ”He is indeed a little mentally ill, but his craftsmanship is probably the best on this planet… Even people in the company say so.”

  There is nothing wrong with this statement.

  But Ye Shi is still a little worried.

  Jiang Xuezhou held Ye Shi’s hand and whispered.

  ”Don’t worry about me, I am also an expert in prosthetics, I can take care of myself…”

  Seeing that Jiang Xuezhou said so, Ye Shi said nothing more.

  Looking at the young couple who were clinging to each other there, Han Mingyue said in a joking tone.

  ”Okay, okay, it’s only a matter of a few days, and the operation will be completed soon… Your mentor’s research ship is already waiting on the helipad, you should go there quickly.”

  Jiang Xuezhou nodded and was about to leave, but Ye Shi, who was standing aside, was stunned.

  ”Aren’t you coming with me?”

  Jiang Xuezhou glanced at him a little embarrassedly.

  ”What nonsense are you talking about? You want me to walk around with this… weird look? I hate it even if you don’t. Anyway, I won’t follow you from now on… Just take Dora and Koala around, I’ll wait for you in Dawn City.”

  When she was in the sky, she had discussed with her mentor to go to Boulder City to cure her illness first.

  When she said this, she seemed to remember something and added a warning.

  ”And… Don’t use someone’s worship of the ancestor to do strange things! That’s immoral!”

  Dora tilted her head.

  Maybe it was because Jiang Xuezhou’s expression was too vague, her psychic power didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.

  However, although she didn’t understand, others beside her did.

  Han Mingyue’s reaction was the biggest, and she laughed out loud, while Professor Sun Zewen coughed awkwardly, pretending not to understand.

  Although he is also a resident of the shelter, he has recently become a rising star in the academic world and a leader in the field of “psychic power”, so he still has a little idol burden.

  As for Ye Shi, he has been choked by his own saliva.

  Weird things are okay…

  This is really a case of wanting to accuse someone of something. At least wait until he has the tools to commit the crime before you can frame

  him! But then again, after returning to Dawn City this time, should we try to find a way to place one?

  Just as Ye Shi was thinking about this question seriously, Dora, who had been silent all this time, said in a low voice with some embarrassment.

  ”Did I cause you any trouble?”

  ”How could that be?” Han Mingyue walked up to her with a smile on her face. “Let me introduce myself. I am a researcher at the Alliance Social Science Research Institute. I am entrusted by the Alliance administrator to be your guide for this trip to Earth… By the way, do you know what the Social Science Research Institute is?”

  Dora blinked.

  ”Your eyes tell me that it is an institution that studies us.”

  Han Mingyue’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, and then he said jokingly.

  ”It seems that Brother Ye Shi is not joking. This thing called ‘psychic energy’ really exists. But please don’t mind. Our research has no malicious intent. It is just to deepen our understanding of each other on the premise of peace… We hope to understand you.”

  Dora nodded gently.

  ”I can feel it.”

  Han Mingyue’s eyes were even more surprised, and the interest that appeared in her pupils became even stronger.

  ”Incredible… I am getting more and more curious about what is happening on the planet Gaia.”

  A society where psychics are common and the cost of trust between people is extremely low…

  This forms an interesting and sharp contrast with her previous research topic, and may bring her unexpected inspiration.

  Dora smiled shyly and said happily.

  ”We can talk on the way.”

  Just as everyone was talking happily, a killer whale transport plane landed at the airport in Dawn City.

  Under the escort of a team of soldiers wearing exoskeletons, a black box was loaded onto a transport truck and driven to the warehouse of the research institute under the Alliance Scientific Expedition Group.

  At this moment, the chief scientist and manager of the Alliance were standing in this inconspicuous warehouse.

  The black box was unloaded from the car, and two guards wearing power armor stepped forward to open the box, revealing the strange-shaped reactor device.

  Looking at the rough and even sloppy mechanical structure and metal dial, Chu Guang’s face showed a strange expression.

  ”…Is this the so-called perforator?”

  The so-called “pioneer” civilization left this world with a “holy relic” in the hands of the younger generation.

  To be honest, this thing is just a broken reactor-like thing, and the mottled rust makes people wonder whether it can still work.

  If he hadn’t watched the whole thing on the official website, he couldn’t help but wonder if Ye Shi was kidding him.

  The researchers present were whispering, exchanging surprise and suspicion in their eyes.

  Obviously, Chu Guang was not the only one who thought this thing was unreliable. Even Yin Fang, who was standing aside, had a subtle expression on his face.

  ”…Anyway, let’s try it first.”

  When Yin Fang said this, he waved to the side, signaling the researcher waiting on the side to come forward and insert a fuel tank of matching model into the cylindrical metal tank.

  This fuel tank was a second-hand empty fuel tank recovered from the Orion missile cruiser.

  This was also Ye Shi’s suggestion.

  According to him, only the fuel tank that was “once full of fuel and has not been opened after all the fuel has been exhausted” can be charged by the perforator.

  This sounds a bit mysterious.

  And it makes no sense.

  However, in line with the principle of controlling variables, Yin Fang still listened to the strange suggestion and operated it step by step in the first experiment.

  The researcher who had made all the preparations looked back at him, and immediately pressed the button after receiving the order to “start the experiment”.

  At the same time, an incredible scene happened. A dazzling white light suddenly bloomed from the center of the reactor and penetrated the solid tank in an instant, even making the latter transparent!

  Faced with the sudden scene, Lu Bei almost subconsciously blocked in front of Chu Guang, and the X-16 next to him also stepped forward half a step vigilantly, staring at the dazzling white light nervously.

  Fortunately, the terrifying energy did not exist for too long, and soon collapsed, and finally shrank into a point, which was filled by the fuel tank inserted in the reactor.

  As everything calmed down, the researcher operating the experimental equipment immediately stepped forward, disconnected the power supply, unplugged the fuel tank plugged into the tank body, and inspected it.

  It was at this moment that the most incredible scene happened –

  after a series of tests by everyone, the fuel tank that had been exhausted was actually full of helium-3!

  It was as if the empty fuel tank was fake…

  ”This, this is incredible…”

  Yin Fang’s face was full of surprise, his eyes fixed on the fuel tank.

  Chu Guang’s reaction was relatively calm, but after a moment he couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”I was filled with this kid.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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