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Chapter 1026 The End of the Universe is Food

Chapter 1026 The End of the Universe is Food


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1026 The End of the Universe is a Foodie

  It’s OK to be a little quiet.

  Han Mingyue was stunned for a long time, and then a helpless expression appeared on her face.

  ”Ah… I’m really sorry, please say sorry to it for us.”

  Dora nodded gently, then closed her eyes again, opened the invisible mental network, and established a connection with the nearby Baiyue Province mother nest consciousness.

  This time, she took a little longer.

  Professor Sun Zewen stared at her for a long time, then looked at Ye Shi who was standing aside, and said instigatingly.

  ”Don’t you also have that psychic power? Why don’t you try it too?”

  Ye Shi made a helpless expression.

  ”Just because I can speak doesn’t mean it is willing to pay attention to me.”

  Sun Zewen: “…”

  This made so much sense that Professor Sun didn’t know how to refute it for a while.

  In fact, it was true.

  In fact, even if they don’t master psychic power, they can still make the mutant slime mold hive with higher intelligence understand what people are saying simply by using the “mind interference device”.

  However, the higher the intelligence of the creature, the more independent it is. So far, except for Xiaoyu, the Alliance has not really used that thing to tame any mutant slime mold hive.

  In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t find the hive in Baiyue Province, and considering the crop yield increase BUFF in Baiyue Province, Ye Shi estimated that A Guang in the shelter might have instigated Xiaoyu to do something bad to the hive here.

  In addition to the hive in Qingquan City, there are also several hives that died at the hands of Xiaoyu.

  But then again, it’s hard to say.

  After all, due to the investigation of the surviving crew members of the Gemini and himself According to the message from the psychic, the Alliance now has a new understanding of the nature of Gaia and the mutant slime mold. The technical prototype of the “Seed of Gaia” is actually the “planetary ecological maintenance system” of the pioneer civilization.

  Who would have a problem with the “holy relic”?

  With this thing, the Alliance may be able to create a few more habitable planets.

  In particular, the mother nest of Baiyue Province is the most similar to the system called “Tree of Insof” on Gaia among all the mother nests on Earth in terms of developmental characteristics.

  Ye Shi suddenly realized that this guy’s united front value was maxed out!

  Time passed by minute by minute, and Dora finally opened her eyes again.

  Looking at the people who cast expectant eyes on her, her face was full of embarrassed expressions, and she whispered shyly.

  ”It said… it doesn’t need your insincere apology, anyway, you won’t change. But if you really feel embarrassed, you can give it some of the colorful particles that fell on the ground… it also wants to taste it.”

  ”… Uh, colorful particles? ”

  Han Mingyue was completely confused by this sentence. She looked blankly at Professor Sun Wen Ze beside her, but the latter also looked stunned.

  Dora didn’t know how to explain it.

  This is the limitation of psychic power.

  The bridge of the mind can not only be built between people who agree with each other, but the information that can be transmitted must also be concepts that both parties understand.

  This is also the premise of “resonance”.

  She could only look at the people present helplessly, hoping that they who lived here could understand what the familiar consciousness hidden in the forest wanted to express.

  At this time, Ye Shi suddenly coughed lightly and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”It’s talking about… Could it be fertilizer?”

  ”Ah?!” Professor Sun Wen Ze looked at him dumbfounded, his eyes almost popping out.

  Not only Professor Sun Wen Ze, but other people in the group also cast strange looks in this direction, obviously caught off guard by this turn.

  ”Don’t look at me like that, I’m just guessing casually,” Ye Shi made a helpless expression, “How about we try it? ”

  This is the fastest way to verify it.

  ” “I’ll report it to the research unit first…” Han Mingyue nodded with a strange expression, then looked at Dora and asked, “Did it say anything else? Just this matter?”

  She always felt that it didn’t take so long to explain this matter.

  Sure enough, Dora’s face showed an expression of being seen through.

  Han Mingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she had found some incredible clues, and looked at the evasive eyes with interest.

  This guy is hiding something from her!

  Facing the sharp eyes, Dora did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and blushed and embarrassedly confessed.

  ”It told me that there are many treasures in this tribe, and encouraged me to steal some and hide in the forest. It also said that it can protect me and prevent others from finding me, as long as I help it bring some… those ‘colorful’ particles? Ah, of course I refused! Really!”

  Han Mingyue raised his eyebrows, stared at her with interest and continued to ask.

  ”Oh? What treasures? ”

  Gaians are not very good at lying. The guy hiding in the forest probably didn’t expect his fellow countryman to be so honest.

  In any case, she felt that she was getting closer and closer to the truth!

  From the beginning, Ye Shi felt that this guy was thinking too much. After all, could the mother nest blow up the French Fries Port with a few bags of fertilizer?

  Moreover, for people who have established a psychic connection with each other, it is very easy to distinguish each other’s malice and kindness.

  At least he didn’t feel that Dora had any bad intentions.

  This is indeed the case.

  Facing the pressing eyes, Dora finally couldn’t resist and spoke. She tried to use her index finger to gesture at something she had never seen before, and whispered.

  ”For example… a yellow fruit with a milky white liquid on the outside.”

  Han Mingyue, who was still expecting to dig up some clues the second before, was so dumbfounded that her voice was out of tune.

  ”What? ! ”

  Dora, startled, shrank her neck and looked for help at the psychic “ancestor” standing next to her.

  Ye Shi sighed and held his forehead and said,

  ”She might be talking about… uh, coconut milk mango?”

  Han Mingyue, whose brain had frozen, came back to her senses in an instant, blushing and explaining hurriedly.

  ”Of course I’m talking about coconut milk mango!”

  Ye Shi: “……?” ”

  You’re blushing like a bubble teapot!

  Dora didn’t know if it was called this, but she couldn’t help swallowing her saliva.

  ”Is it delicious?”

  The food of the Doma people is not so varied, either sweet or tasteless.

  She still remembered that when she told the mother nest just now that food was just for filling the stomach, she was severely ridiculed by the latter.

  It was precisely because of this that she suddenly became curious about what the ancestors usually ate.

  ”Hahaha! That thing is indeed very popular, although I prefer the beer here,” Captain Chen Jianhong, who had been silent all the time, laughed heartily and interrupted the topic to make a round. “Speaking of which, it’s already noon. You didn’t eat when you got off the space elevator, right? I just know there is a good restaurant nearby. I’ll treat you this meal!” Ye Shi suddenly remembered

  at this time that he was busy talking about business all the way and had no time to take this guest from Nanmen II to have a meal.

  Looking at Dora with an expectant face, he said with a smile.

  ”That’s right, let’s eat first.”


  There are many plantations and farms distributed around the French Fries Port, producing cotton and sugar for the factories in the Golden Gallon Port.

  Because the local vegetation grows very fast, and in order to keep the soil fertile, these plantations and farms usually use a large amount of various types of fertilizers.

  Otherwise, the crops will only grow taller but not produce ears, or they will droop on the ground.

  Colorful particles…

  This is all Ye Shi can think of. The only thing he didn’t expect is that the slime mold mother nest in Baiyue Province would be greedy for this thing.

  The key is that the mother nests in other places are not like this? !

  Suddenly, Ye Shi remembered something else.

  I remember that many versions ago, the Biological Research Institute issued a report on the variant slime mold mother nest in the Baiyue Strait.

  The report mentioned that the mother nest in the area is suspected to exist in the form of the original strain of Naguo, and has established a symbiotic relationship with the local forest.

  Not only that.

  Through this special symbiotic relationship, the mother nest can also integrate the DNA of foreign species into other species in the forest to achieve the purpose of maintaining the ecological balance in the forest and increase the strength of foreign invaders.

  This amazing ability once made players dare not urinate and defecate anywhere, for fear that their gene sequences would be “stolen” by monsters in the forest.

  In fact, if you think about it carefully, this guy might really be the mother nest that looks most like “Gaia” – or “Insof Tree”.

  First of all, like the Insof Tree, it is not limited to the single form of mutant slime mold, but blends into the environment silently. It has no specific form, but is everywhere.

  Secondly, it can allow two completely different creatures to merge with each other, instead of just integrating into itself like other mother nests.

  The first little green people on the planet Gaia are actually the product of the fusion of human DNA and DNA of other species…

  Taking advantage of the time before lunch, Dr. Han Mingyue reported the situation of “the first contact between Gaians and Gaia seeds”, and soon attracted the attention of the Alliance Biological Research Institute. Almost

  not long after the group had lunch, Ms. Chen Yutong, who was giving a report in Shuguang City, brought several researchers from Shelter No. 79 to fly over.

  The mother nest of Baiyue Province has always been her subject.

  Even though her research focus has temporarily shifted to the development of “killing dose” vaccines some time ago, the research on the mother nest of Baiyue Province has not been interrupted.

  ”It’s interesting… The mother nest of the mutant slime mold is actually interested in fertilizers. We have never heard of it before.”

  After understanding the specific situation, Chen Yutong touched his chin with interest, looked at Dora and continued to ask.

  ”We have a lot of fertilizers here. Does it have a specific fertilizer requirement?”

  At this moment, Dora was holding a bowl of shaved ice with red sugar syrup in her hand, stuffing one spoonful after another into her mouth with an intoxicated look, even if her head hurt so much that she couldn’t stop.

  At this moment, she finally understood why the mother nest told her that once she tasted this taste, she would never go back.

  Not to mention going back…

  She even had the urge to stay here forever!

  As for the edge of the universe, the remains of the gods who planted the “Tree of Insof”, let the little koala accompany the respected ancestor to find it!

  ”Grass… strawberry flavor!”

  Looking at Dora, whose head was damaged by the ice, and Chen Yutong, who was confused, Ye Shi coughed lightly and reminded her.

  ”You’re asking about fertilizers.”

  ”Ah!” Dora suddenly came to her senses, put down the spoon and said embarrassedly, “Well… it doesn’t specify.”

  Chen Yutong stared at her for a long time, and suddenly burst out laughing.

  ”Hahaha… Interesting! Let’s have some of them.”

  Anyway, this thing is cheap.

  After saying the second half of the sentence in a teasing tone, Chen Yutong glanced at the researcher waiting on the side, who immediately understood and made a phone call to make arrangements.

  It didn’t take long.

  The newbies of the two goblin corps immediately appeared at the farmers’ market on the outskirts of French Fry Port.

  According to the task requirements, they purchased fifty tons of various types of fertilizers, including organic and inorganic, and then transported them to the nearby military base by truck, and drove propeller planes to sprinkle them into the nearby forest.

  The particles flying all over the sky swept over tens of thousands of acres of forest area at lightning speed, and even swept in the players who were doing tasks nearby.

  Being covered by the particles falling from the sky, the player [Just Want to Be a Quiet Dog] instantly raised his head in annoyance, only to see that the instigator had already flown away.

  Patting the dust off his body, he complained with a curse.

  ”MMP, what is this?!”

  [Just Want to Be Quiet Dog] bent down and quickly picked up a particle from the ground and threw it into his mouth, but he spat it out within a second.

  ”Pah! It’s bitter!”

  This set of smooth operations directly stunned a passerby teammate in the team, who couldn’t help but blurt out.

  ”Fuck, you dare to put anything in your mouth!”

  [Just Want to Be Quiet Dog] laughed.

  ”What does it matter? Anyway, I won’t die–”

  Before he finished speaking, there was a rustling sound from the surrounding bushes.

  The people who were originally smiling and playing suddenly became alert, and their hands reached out to the things on their waists and pointed to the shadows nearby.

  After all, this is the forest of Baiyue Province!

  Officially certified level 30 map!

  It’s not surprising to encounter some outrageous alien species here. In a sense, it is even more dangerous than the desert!

  After all, if you die in the desert, no one may know about it, but if you give yourself a head at your doorstep, you will most likely be laughed at by your friends all day.

  The rustling sound became more and more obvious, and the shaking amplitude of the surrounding vegetation became larger and larger, and everyone’s face gradually showed a trace of uneasiness.

  ”Brother, how about we retreat?” [Just want to be a dog in peace] was a little scared, he was not good at dealing with such a hidden opponent.

  [Just want to be a dog in peace]’s expression was uncertain, and finally he made up his mind and waved his hand.


  Just as he finished speaking, an incredible scene suddenly happened!

  The forest in front of him seemed to come alive, twisting and growing upward at an incredible speed, and spreading to the surroundings.

  I have never seen such an outrageous scene before. The three players standing in the forest were stunned, and the rifles in their hands became useless.

  Seeing that the vines were about to block the surrounding roads, [Just want to be a dog in peace] was startled and screamed.

  ”Fuck! What’s going on?!”

  The ID called [Just want to be a quiet dog] was a little calmer, but not much better. He pulled out his combat knife and cut off the vines wrapped around his ankles, shouting. ”

  Don’t worry about the situation, just retreat!”

  The same scene was played out in various parts of the forest. Player teams that were doing tasks retreated from the forest one after another.

  The crazy growing trees even alarmed the jungle corps stationed in the suburban military camp.

  A group of big guys carrying chain saws gathered in an instant and took the Chimera armored vehicle to the logging site that was said to be the worst hit by the “wave”.

  There were more than a dozen NPCs trapped in the warehouse there.

  According to them, it was the “trees” that did it.

  If he hadn’t seen the crazy wood with his own eyes, the team leader couldn’t help but wonder if he had heard it wrong.

  Just when the Chimera armored vehicle was about to drive to the logging site, an accident suddenly happened.

  I saw a tree root as thick as a thigh, like a python swimming on the ground, rushing across the cement road at an incredible speed!

  Limited by the visual obstruction, the driver did not see the tree root directly inserted into his crotch at all, and the front wheel of the armored vehicle directly hit it.

  The car body was directly shaken up at high speed!

  Caught off guard, the tin cans sitting on the armored vehicle flew out like lead balls and fell to the ground beside the road.

  Fortunately, these guys are all capable of fighting, and there is soft soil and grass in front of them, so there is no non-combat casualties.

  Listening to the NPC officer’s yelling inquiries on the communication channel, the team leader who finally recovered from the car accident said breathlessly.

  ”This is the Jungle Corps… Ranger Squad! You may not believe it, we just had a fight with a tree.”

  The surrounding trees and vines continued to go crazy.

  It’s not just trees and vines!

  All the vegetation around the entire French Fries Port is like taking drugs, growing wildly at an incredible speed!

  Although no casualties have been caused for the time being, the sudden situation still caught the residents and players of French Fries Port off guard.

  The forest was fine before, why did it suddenly go crazy? !

  Not only were the residents of French Fries Port shocked, but the “instigators” standing at the edge of the forest were also shocked by the commotion in front of them.

  Looking at the forest that seemed to come alive, Professor Sun Zewen kept mumbling, as if he was crazy.

  ”Psychic power! Is this the power of psychic power…”

  He obviously misunderstood something.

  But this kind of thing is no longer important.

  ”It seems to be messed up…”

  Chen Yutong swallowed her saliva and her face turned slightly pale.

  Who would have thought that a few dozen tons of fertilizer could produce such a terrifying power.

  At this moment, she had no time to calculate the economic losses, and she only prayed silently in her heart that no one would be hurt.

  If someone died, the cost of this experiment would be too high…

  However, her worries were obviously unnecessary.

  The residents of Port Fries knew very well what the forest in front of their homes was like. No one would cross the barbed wire and fence that separated the forest.

  As for the players.

  It was true that they were startled, but it was not true that they were killed by a few trees.

  Including the NPC trapped in the warehouse of the lumberyard, all the irrelevant people involved have been protected.

  Ye Shi, who was standing next to Dora, stared at the wildly growing trees and vines in front of him in amazement, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a word.

  ”Fuck… Is it so good at absorbing?!”

  At least wait for the next rain! ?

  Not to mention Ye Shi, Dora was also shocked by the terrifying growth rate.

  On the Gaia planet, the priests of the Doma people can also accelerate the growth of plants through prayer, but it is far from being so amazing!

  She saw with her own eyes that the vines that were only as high as the calf climbed up to the treetops in a short time, and the half-human-high dwarf trees grew an inch higher in just a few breaths.

  But –

  now is not the time to be shocked by this.

  Hearing the voice that floated into her ears from nowhere, Dora immediately came back to her senses and looked at Ye Shi who was standing beside her and said hurriedly.

  ”It said… these woods are gifts for you, you can use them directly, you are welcome.”

  The gift is okay…

  this misunderstanding is quite big.

  Ye Shi looked at Dora with a smile.

  ”Tell it for me that this gift is very good, and don’t give it like this next time.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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