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Chapter 1029 Transactions and Requests

Chapter 1029 Transactions and Requests

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 1029: Transaction and Request

  At the door of the manager’s office in the Alliance Building, Lv Bei reached out and knocked gently. After getting permission, he pushed the door and walked in.


  Chu Guang put down the tablet in his hand, looked at Lv Bei standing at the door, and said with a smile.

  ”Have you found the pen I lost?”

  Lv Bei shook his head and said with difficulty.

  ”Not yet…”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”If you can’t find it, then you can’t find it. Maybe I threw it in the shelter and forgot about it. It’s just a pen. There’s no need to mobilize a large force. Don’t delay other things.”

  Although Xiao Qi said that he couldn’t take it lightly because of his safety, it was just a pen.

  And to put it bluntly, he didn’t think anyone could threaten his safety.

  He wasn’t bragging.

  From the perspective of personal combat power alone, there was probably no creature stronger than him on this planet.

  So much so that Heya even exaggeratedly said that there was something in his DNA that could not be explained by existing technical means, and this situation actually started a long time ago.

  Even the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute said so, he felt that there was really no need to worry about such things.

  Besides, he had a lot of things to do every day, so it was not worth spending so much time on a pen.

  But Lu Bei obviously didn’t think so.

  As before, he didn’t dare to be careless at all, and said loyally.

  ”How can your matter be a trivial matter, not to mention that it happened in your office… Moreover, we found a strange thing during our recent visit and investigation.”

  Chu Guang: “What strange thing.”

  Lu Bei continued in a cautious tone.

  ”It’s not just you. Other office workers also said that they have been losing things recently. Some small items in the office, especially those that are not often used, are always inexplicably lost.”

  ”There is such a strange thing?” Chu Guang raised his eyebrows, with a surprised expression on his face, “When did it start? Has no one mentioned it?”

  ”In fact, similar situations have occurred for a few days, but because the lost items are all insignificant little things, the people who lost them didn’t take it too seriously, and didn’t even report the damage,” Lu Bei made a helpless expression on his face and continued, “It was not until our people found them that they said that they did have similar situations.” Chu Guang

  frowned and thought for a long time, and then tapped the desk with his index finger and said.

  ”This matter may be serious… Are there any statistics on the categories of lost objects?”

  Lu Bei said immediately.

  ”It’s mainly office supplies, mostly pens, and some pen caps are missing.”

  ”What’s the scope?” Chu Guang continued to ask, “Is it just this floor? Or the entire Union Building? What about other buildings next to it? Are there similar situations in the homes of nearby residents, or are they only targeting government agencies?”

  Lu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said.

  ”At present, only the Union Building has found problems. In order to avoid unnecessary rumors and speculation, we strictly control the scope of the investigation and visit… Of course, if you think it is necessary, we can immediately expand the scope of the investigation.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”For issues involving residential areas, try not to come forward in the name of the Guards Corps. Let’s do this. I will call the head of the Security Bureau later and ask them to cooperate with you. Under the pretext of public security investigation, appropriately expand the scope of the investigation to see if there are similar situations in the homes of residents.”

  Things are a bit strange.

  At first, he thought he had forgotten and lost something, but he didn’t expect that it was not just him. Several offices in the Union Building had already had similar problems.

  Fortunately, only office supplies were lost, and no important documents were lost.

  But it was precisely because of this that this matter has not been taken seriously by anyone until the same thing happened in his office.

  Chu Guang always felt that things were not that simple.

  The first thing to do now is to find out the scope of the “strange phenomenon” and maybe find out the rules.

  He hoped that he was just overthinking.

  Lu Bei nodded, wrote down the manager’s instructions, and then continued.

  ”There is another thing, which is the military intelligence from the south. According to the report of the Guards Corps stationed in French Fries Port, an emergency occurred in the suburbs of French Fries Port. A huge alien suddenly appeared in the forest only 100 kilometers away from the city of French Fries Port-”

  Chu Guang took a sip of the black tea on the table and said.

  ”It’s called Dragon Lizard, right?”

  Lu Bei was stunned for a moment.

  ”This… I don’t know its name, you already know it?”

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”I knew it as soon as it happened. It was said that an epic beast appeared near French Fries Port. I have notified the Jungle Corps to enter the first level of combat readiness. If an emergency occurs, they will take direct action.”

  This matter has been a big deal on the forum, saying that Godzilla has descended on the wasteland continent.

  He actually learned about the situation at the first time and told the local garrison to prepare for battle.

  But to be honest, he didn’t really take that thing seriously.

  Although many players described it vividly on the forum, exaggerating it to be invincible, in his opinion, no matter how strong it was, it was just a larger beast, vulnerable to the absolute firepower advantage. What is

  really worth noting is that according to the description of the eyewitness players, there is a huge tree growing next to the lizard, which is suspected to be the same as the Doma tribe on Gaia planet.

  This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the Alliance Biological Research Institute. At present, the research on this “anomaly” has been led by Ms. Chen Yutong, who is in charge of the mother nest research project in Baiyue Province.

  Including the huge and strange lizard.

  Putting down the teacup in his hand, Chu Guang said.

  ”You don’t have to worry about the French Fries Port. You should finish the work at hand first.”

  Lu Bei stood up straight and saluted.



  The official website of “Wasteland OL” is full of heated discussions on the forum, and the cause is because of a post and a close-up photo.

  Handsome to the point of dropping frames: “Big news! Brothers! The world-class boss has refreshed near the French Fries Port! Come and watch!”

  Tail: “!!?”

  Quit smoking: “What the hell?! Is this true?”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Don’t be so serious, they’ve posted their photos.” What can I do?

  ”Haha, is this a world-class boss? When I was a special forces soldier in Southeast Asia, I saw at least ten bigger ones than this, and I killed one myself! It chased and bit me, and I just moved around a few trees like a snake, then turned around and jumped onto its back. I don’t need to say more about the rest, right? People who know the business know what to do. (Sweating soybeans)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Although I’m not an expert among you, , but I think it shouldn’t be full. (Funny)”

  Irena: “Dragon Lizard: This side dish is quite unique (Funny)”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Since there are too many complaints, I don’t know where to start. (Sweat)”

  Talan Raider: “Speaking of which, there is such an awesome monster hidden in Baiyue Province. How come no one has discovered it before. (Stupid)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “No one has gone deep into the forest before. This time, the monsters inside came out by themselves.”

  Just Want to Be a Quiet Dog: “I testify that this thing is too powerful , individual soldiers have no power to fight back, just use strategic weapons. TT”

  Junichiro Shokawa: “Why do I feel like it’s a problem of being green? (side-eyed smile)”

  Just want to be a quiet dog: “Get out! If you can do it, come on!” ”

  Just want to be a quiet dog”: “That’s it!” ”

  Teng Teng: “Excuse me, is this a couple name? (Blushing)” ”

  Ya Ya: “Uh, I think they may just have a good relationship, you’re blushing like a bubble teapot!” ”

  Qingdeng Gujiu: “Damn, I’m worried that this thing will eat all the fries (Hand to give (embarrassing) ”

  Liabing eyes:” If you don’t open a vote, you should give this monster first. ” ! (Break) ”


  Killing Chicken


  ” Brothers are here

  ! ”

  Although the


  hurried out. Although

  I knew that the good brothers were joking, there were too many players who couldn’t hold


  here. I really popped out the idea of ​​holding two gold coins and burned the sacred tree


  He must talk to the holy tree before someone messes up things.

  Looking at Ye Shi who hurriedly came out of the elevator, Professor Sun Zewen, who was standing in the hotel lobby, looked at him and asked.

  ”What’s wrong with you? What’s the hurry?”

  Ye Shi didn’t answer, but asked hurriedly.

  ”Where’s Dora?”

  ”You mean Dora? She should be in the garden behind the hotel with Ms. Han Mingyue.” Professor Sun Zewen looked at him strangely and continued, “Didn’t Professor Han say he was going to find you? Didn’t you see it?”

  Ye Shi looked a little embarrassed.

  He was offline just now, and the online game character was sleeping more dead than a pig, so it was naturally impossible to hear any knocking on the door.

  ”Garden, right? Thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome.” Professor Sun Zewen nodded, and then said as if he remembered something, “Oh, by the way, about psychic power… If you have any new discoveries, remember to tell me.”

  ”Of course!”

  Ye Shi hurried to the garden behind the hotel after throwing down a sentence.

  But when he rushed to the garden, he was shocked by the scenery here.

  Thick vines climbed up the curved glass curtain wall, and colorful flowers bloomed.

  The landscape here doesn’t look like the Earth, but rather like Gaia five light years away!

  Standing at the entrance of the garden, he stared with wide eyes for a long time before he came back to his senses from the shock.

  At this moment, he saw Ms. Chen Yutong and Lao Bai, who were also standing near the intersection of the garden.

  ”Is this… the landscape of Nanmen 2!”

  Ye Shi looked at Ms. Chen.

  Her face was full of excitement, and her incredible expression was even more exaggerated than his own.

  Lao Bai scratched the back of his head and said as he looked at the magnificent Zhu Qiwei plant in the garden.

  ”I don’t quite understand, but will this really not cause troubles such as species invasion?”

  ”This problem does not exist in Baiyue Province,” Chen Yutong shook her head and said, “New species are born here every day, and they have formed a new dynamic balance with each other.”

  Ye Shi said with a light cough.

  ”In fact, I think this problem does not exist in the entire wasteland…including the River Valley Province, where the monsters are not bad.”

  Seeing Ye Shi standing at the door, Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Finally back online? Ms. Han seems to be looking for you.”

  Ye Shi: “I’m looking for her too, and Dora…where are they?”

  ”Just in front.” Lao Bai pointed to the direction of the garden center, “Please tell the guest from Nanmen 2 to try to control these plants within the garden of this hotel…don’t spread them out.”

  The owner of the hotel likes this kind of landscape very much. After all, this thing may become a big selling point.

  But if it spreads outside, that’s another matter.

  Changing the appearance of French Fries Port requires the deliberation and decision of the representative meeting.

  ”Got it.”

  Ye Shi responded and strode forward, passing through a row of densely vegetated paths, and soon came to the center of the garden.

  Ms. Han and Dora are here.

  Especially the latter is sitting cross-legged on a stone table with vines, and seems to be communicating with the mother nest in the forest.

  Seeing Ye Shi coming across the path, Han Mingyue said jokingly.

  ”You slept so much that my hands are sore from ringing the doorbell.”

  ”I was tired yesterday, so I took a nap at noon.” Ye Shi said embarrassedly.

  ”No way, you are already in trouble at such a young age?” Ms. Han said jokingly.

  Ye Shi: “…”

  ”Ye Shi!” Dora, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone table, opened her eyes and said in surprise, “You’re here!”

  Ye Shi pointed around.

  ”Did you do this?”

  Dora shook her head shyly.

  ”It did it… It said it wanted me to check for it to see if the landscape of Nanmen 2 is like this.”

  This “it” probably refers to the mother nest.

  Seeing Ye Shi asking about this place, Han Mingyue put down her arms and explained.

  ”Don’t worry, we have asked the owner of this hotel for his opinion. He is very interested in our experiment and even agreed to lend us this garden for a week. The only requirement is that it will not affect the hotel’s business and the rest of other guests.”

  Ye Shi nodded and said.

  ”It’s good that he has no objection, but it’s better not to spread to the street outside.”

  ”Yeah!” Without waiting for Han Mingyue to speak, Dora nodded excitedly and said as if showing off, “It promised me that these plants will only be planted in this garden… They will not spread outside.”

  Han Mingyue folded her arms again, looked around the surrounding landscape, and said in surprise.

  ”How did they do it? Through some special ingredients in the air?”

  Dora shook her head, with a confused expression on her face.

  ”I don’t know how it did it either. My psychic power can’t turn purple flowers red, but it can… According to it, these plants are very obedient to it, and it can decide how they grow.”

  Han Mingyue touched her chin and said thoughtfully.

  ”Control evolution… It sounds a bit awesome, but I don’t know if it works on people.”

  She didn’t know much about biological technology, but she heard that it was not easy.

  Even in the biological research institute of the alliance, there are too many things that are not understood.

  Ye Shi thought for a moment and said.

  ”In theory, it should be possible. Isn’t that how the Gaians were born? But I think it’s better not to try it. It feels like it will cause a lot of ethical problems.”

  For example, the child born is different from the parents…

  Even if he knows that he is not cheated, he thinks most people should not be able to accept it.

  For example, although the mainstream media of the alliance have given beautiful comments to the compatriots of Nanmen II, probably no one would want their children to have green skin.

  Even if it can photosynthesize.

  People’s concepts change slowly with the progress of science and technology. It is easy to give birth to freaks like mutants if we expect to achieve success overnight.

  At this time, Dora spoke as if she remembered something.

  ”Oh, by the way, it wants to see you.”

  Ye Shi’s heart moved and he said immediately.

  ”Where? Here?”

  ”The sacred tree in that forest,” Dora looked at him with sincere eyes and continued, “It heard that you also mastered psychic power, it wants to see you and communicate with you face to face.”

  ”Uh, that is to say, next to the big lizard?” Ye Shi’s expression was a little embarrassed.

  Dora nodded and said seriously.

  ”It said that it is its child. As long as you don’t hurt or stimulate it, it won’t attack you.”

  After a pause, she said again.

  ”If you are afraid, I can accompany you… Do you want to go and see it?”

  The expression on her face was full of expectation.

  It can be seen that she really wants to facilitate this meeting.

  Ye Shi said after thinking for a moment.

  ”It’s better for me to go alone. It’s safer this way.”

  Dora was a little disappointed, but still nodded.

  ”Okay… but you can rest assured, it said it will not hurt you.”

  She seemed to see the concerns in her heart.

  Ye Shi smiled and said.

  ”I believe it, otherwise I would not have agreed to meet it.”


  In the evening, a transport plane flew over the forest in the suburbs of French Fry Port and dropped a parachute. The

  lizard crawling beside the holy tree raised its cockscomb-shaped head and stared at the parachute for a while, wanting to stretch out its claws to touch it, but soon it seemed to have heard some command, and retracted its front claws, and crawled beside the holy tree with a hum.

  From the moment he approached the edge of the forest, Ye Shi tensed up all his nerves.

  It was not until the lizard calmed down that he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his nervous mood.

  His feet touched the ground and he skillfully put away the parachute.

  The vegetation in the vicinity had been cleared, leaving only a towering holy tree standing in the center of the clearing.

  It seemed that it had ordered to clear the trees, and the purpose was probably to gather the fertility of the soil near its roots.

  According to the situation on Gaia, when it fully develops, it will form a huge canopy, and the areas under the canopy and outside the canopy will form a new forest kingdom.

  Looking at the tangled tree trunks, Ye Shi greeted them stiffly.

  ”Hello… uh, can you hear me?”

  His psychic power had just awakened, and he was not proficient in using it, so it was difficult to communicate completely silently.

  The atmosphere was quiet for a while, with only the gentle breeze and the rustling of leaves.

  Just when Ye Shi was wondering if his psychic power had failed or his posture was wrong, the mysterious voice finally floated into his ears.

  ”Hello… Is this your language? I guess it means greeting. We rarely say hello like this.”

  ”That’s right, it means greeting,” Ye Shi’s eyes showed a pleasant surprise. He tried to take two steps forward, looked up at the new crown and continued, “How should I call you?”

  The slow voice continued to float from the dark and floated directly into his mind.

  ”I don’t have a name, and I haven’t really needed that thing for a long time… You are the first person to use it, you can call me the way you like.”

  Not sure if it was an illusion, Ye Shi always felt that there was some expectation in the voice.

  He hesitated for a moment and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”Tree of Life… What do you think of this name?”

  Although the name sounded a bit earthy, he couldn’t think of any other name for a while.

  However, although it was a name he came up with temporarily, the huge holy tree seemed very satisfied, and the uneven crown swayed back and forth.

  ”The Tree of Life… sounds good. I thought you would call me slime mold or something else.”

  Ye Shi said truthfully.

  ”I did think so.”

  ”But I am not that kind of thing at all,” the voice of the Tree of Life was full of disdain, as if slurping his lips, picking and choosing, “Slime mold… that kind of thing is too superficial. I should be some kind of higher existence above it.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment, staring at Ye Shi standing in front of him and said,

  ”Thank you, young human, you brought my compatriots from a star five light years away. I believe and am sure that they are my compatriots. Through her narration, I finally realized what my original appearance is…”

  Ye Shi asked blankly.

  ”What is it?”

  ”It is life itself, or in your language, it is nature… I am nature.”

  It seemed to have a hearty laugh, but only Ye Shi standing here could hear it.

  After a long pause, it continued.

  ”Thanks to your help, I finally realized my mission. I will probably sleep for a while, and during this time I will redefine my life form. I will no longer be the me before… the strain growing on the roots of the tree. I will be everything, the origin of all creatures in this forest.”

  Ye Shi looked at it in surprise and stared at it for a long time.

  Good guy.

  This mutant slime mold has become a spirit? !

  He tried to understand what it said. It probably meant that its consciousness would no longer be confined to the weak and shrinking body of the original strain of Nago, but would be completely integrated with this land.

  Just like the indestructible Tree of Insof.

  ”Then this tree…” Ye Shi swallowed and asked.

  ”It is the projection I left in the world you can see. It is one of my countless branches.” The Tree of Life said in a very light voice, “We will probably accompany each other for a long time. Of course… If you reject me, I will remain silent as before, and you can just treat me as if I don’t exist.”

  Ye Shi said immediately.

  ”Of course we won’t reject you… In fact, I just happened to bring the goodwill of our leader, who hopes that we can live in peace.”

  ”Haha… That’s the best, please say hello to him for me.” The Tree of Life said with a smile, “I like you guys too, although it’s a bit noisy, but it’s also quite interesting… And those things taste really good.” Is

  this talking about the fertilizers?

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”If you like, I can have someone send some over… Ah, but please don’t do it like before, it will be very troublesome for us.”

  The Tree of Life smiled kindly and said.

  ”Don’t worry, unless you need that, I won’t do that kind of thing without authorization. However, it’s not good to take your things for free. Is there anything I can do that can help you?”

  Ye Shi wanted to say that it would be fine as before, but when he saw the big lizard, he suddenly had an idea and said.

  ”Can you keep the dangerous alien species away from the Baiyue Strait?”

  The Tree of Life asked curiously.

  ”Far away…how far do you mean? There must be a limit.”

  Ye Shi wanted to take out the map to show it, but then he thought that the other party might not understand it, so he said.

  ”Start from your position, all the way to the seashore!”

  From here to the seashore is about 100 kilometers away, covering several settlements in the Baiyue Strait.

  It is enough to use this area as an activity area for the residents of the alliance.

  As for the remaining large expanse of forest, it is left for the players to fight monsters, hunt and gather.

  Relatively speaking, this is a good compromise.

  The Tree of Life nodded and said.

  ”It’s easy, just let my child stay here, and other beasts will naturally avoid it when they smell it. If a herd of beasts migrates to your settlement, I will let it drive it away for you. Of course, if you go deep into the forest and encounter any danger, it’s none of my business. That’s a part of natural selection.”

  ”I understand, all we pray for is a relatively quiet residence. In the future, our settlements will be concentrated on the coastline on both sides of the strait, and will not continue to go deep into the forest.”

  Looking at the huge lizard, Ye Shi hesitated for a moment and said.

  ”But are you sure this guy won’t hurt people? I feel… it doesn’t seem to be a vegetarian.”

  ”Haha, it’s not completely a vegetarian. It mainly eats a kind of ant that is about as tall as its toes. But don’t worry, I’ve already told it not to attack you. As long as you don’t actively hurt it, it’s still very docile most of the time… I can assure you.”


  Looking at the big guy crawling at the root of the holy tree and snoring, Ye Shi really couldn’t imagine it being docile.

  After all, just over an hour ago, it went berserk once, and its tail knocked down a forest.

  However, since the Tree of Life has already promised, Ye Shi still believes it.

  ”I will convey your words to others.”

  ”Thank you,” the Tree of Life shook its crown slightly, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and then said, “By the way, there is one more thing.”

  Ye Shi looked at it and asked.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”I heard from your friends that you plan to go to other stars later, right?”

  The voice of the Tree of Life was filled with a hint of expectation, as if it was expecting a positive answer.

  Ye Shi nodded and looked at him in confusion.

  ”We do have this plan… Any questions?”

  The voice that came from the unknown was accompanied by a joyful laugh.

  It was as happy as a child.

  ”That’s great… Please take my seeds with you when you go. I want it to visit other planets for me.”

  As if worried that he would refuse, the Tree of Life added hurriedly.

  ”This won’t take up too much of your time, and it will also be beneficial to you. I will let it follow your ship and provide you with oxygen. When you find a place to breathe or a place with water, just throw some of it down.”

  ”Whether it can survive depends on itself.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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