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Chapter 103 Rubber Band on Wrist

Chapter 103 Rubber Band on Wrist


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 103 The Rubber Band on the Wrist

  After separating from Jiang Yin, Xu Xiuwen went to the office of the school Youth League Committee teacher, but the person in charge, Secretary Li, was not in the office.

  Xu Xiuwen originally planned to go back to school first, but received a call from Hang Fei, so he rushed to the Art College.

  As a senior, Hang Fei has many juniors and seniors under him, some of whom are ministers or persons in charge of various organizational departments.

  Through these relationships, he conducted a round of publicity in the school.

  Hang Fei met with Xu Xiuwen, on the one hand to inform him to come to participate in the actor audition tomorrow, and on the other hand to discuss the preliminary preparations.

  The process of filming a TV series in China is simple to say. You need to file a record in the early stage, and then get a filming permit, and you can shoot.

  The filming permit is divided into Type A and Type B.

  Type A is valid for 2 years, and before the expiration of the validity period, it is valid for all TV series produced by the licensed institution.

  Type B is one license for one license, and it is used exclusively for a specific drama.

  Institutions that want to apply for a license must have a “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License”.

  These are all professional qualification certificates, and the company applying for the license is required to have a registered capital of no less than 3 million yuan.

  This alone is enough to stop Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen had never thought about starting a company. After going through the process step by step, it would be too late to get the license.

  The simplest and most convenient way is to find a qualified agency to register with, and use them to complete the preliminary application preparation work. It is not only fast, but also very professional.

  Hang Fei is a student of the directing department and is very familiar with the whole process.

  So after returning, he used his connections to find a suitable agency.

  There are many qualified agencies in the country, but Hang Fei’s connections are all in Jinling, so he also found an agency in Jinling.

  The film and television agencies in Jinling have not developed so well in recent years. Some agencies have gone downhill in the increasingly competitive market.

  Hang Fei found two qualified agencies but they were not developing well.

  One of them not only requires a registration fee, but also a share, while the other is in a worse situation, so it only wants a registration fee and no share.

  Hang Fei can’t make a decision for Xu Xiuwen, so he called him out today to meet and discuss which one to choose.

  After listening to Hang Fei’s introduction, Xu Xiuwen understood the situation.

  The first agency fee is 200,000 yuan, and if the TV series is sold, it will also have a 10% share.

  The second agency had only one requirement, which was a registration fee of 300,000 yuan.

  Xu Xiuwen decided to choose the second agency without thinking.

  Others might not have confidence in the TV series, but Xu Xiuwen was very confident.

  The drama “Boys Over Flowers” had been verified by many countries in the previous life and was a successful TV theme.

  As long as they didn’t shoot it too badly, there would be no worries about the market.

  Hang Fei called the head of the department of the agency on the spot.

  The two sides hit it off and agreed on a date to sign the contract.

  But this does not mean that it is over and they can be hands-off.

  Next, they have to cooperate with the agency to provide a series of information and documents required for applying for a license.

  Fortunately, it is 2005 now, and the review for this area is not as strict as it will be more than a decade later, and professional agencies have their own channels, so there is basically no big problem with the license.

  300,000 yuan is not a small number for Xu Xiuwen, but it can save a lot of trouble, so he is comfortable spending it.

  During this period, Hang Fei and Xu Xiuwen also had to hurry up to make other preparations for the filming of the TV series.

  After separating from Hang Fei, Xu Xiuwen returned to Jiangling at 6 o’clock.

  Xu Xiuwen was waiting for Tang Weiwei at the north gate of the school.

  He had already sent a text message to Bai Yueer to inform Tang Weiwei to come to the north gate to find him.

  Tang Weiwei came very quickly. The girl was still dressed simply today, wearing the pair of white canvas shoes that Xu Xiuwen gave her.

  This girl, who was ordinary and even rustic in the eyes of others, was only known by Xu Xiuwen. She was actually very hidden.

  From head to toe, there was no place that was not good-looking.

  It was just that she was too good at hiding.

  Xu Xiuwen enjoyed the superiority of “only I found the treasure, and no one else knew it”.

  After Tang Weiwei approached, Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to walk over and took the girl’s hand and walked towards the restaurant.

  Xu Xiuwen found a restaurant called Seven Leaf Clover, which was a relatively high-end restaurant on North Street. It was elegantly decorated, beautiful, and very quiet. The price was also a little expensive.

  It was the first time Tang Weiwei came to such a restaurant. She felt uncomfortable since entering the restaurant.

  Xu Xiuwen certainly saw it, but he couldn’t feel uncomfortable for her, so he could only let her adapt slowly.

  She couldn’t just eat steamed buns in the cafeteria all her life.

  Xu Xiuwen ordered four dishes and a soup. After the waiter left, Xu Xiuwen took out a red bank card from his pocket.

  Xu Xiuwen put the bank card on the table, pushed it in front of Tang Weiwei, and said seriously, “Weiwei, this card contains all my assets. From now on, I’m handing it over to you. Please keep it safe and don’t lose it.”

  Tang Weiwei thought of what he said yesterday. In fact, she regretted agreeing to Xu Xiuwen when she returned to the dormitory last night. She felt that she was not capable of managing the accounts and was worried that she could not manage it well.

  But she was not a person who did not keep her word. Although she was worried that she could not do it well, since she had agreed, she decided to work hard.

  Tang Weiwei carefully picked up the bank card and asked, “How much money is in it?”

  ”More than 1.3 million!”

  ”Ah? No, no, it’s too much.”

  Tang Weiwei was stunned when she heard more than 1 million!

  When she thought of putting so much money in her hands, she was really afraid of losing it.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned, “You promised me yesterday, do you want to regret it?”

  Tang Weiwei shook her head and explained, “No, I mean you can give me some money first, and when the money is not enough, I will ask you for it. This money is too much.”

  Hearing that the girl thought so, Xu Xiuwen laughed, “It’s okay, I believe you. It’s too troublesome to do what you said.”

  Xu Xiuwen believed in Tang Weiwei very much and was not worried that she was the kind of woman who would run away with the money.

  She was the kind of girl who was so simple that people would trust her without reservation.

  Tang Weiwei knew that she had no way to change Xu Xiuwen’s attention, so she stopped talking and just held the bank card tightly with both hands.

  Tang Weiwei was still like this until the waiter served the food.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and asked, “You are so nervous, are you afraid that others don’t know that you have money on you? Besides, it’s just a bank card. If you don’t know the password, it will be useless. It doesn’t matter if you lose it. You can just apply for a new one. You don’t have to worry so much.”

  Tang Weiwei nodded, but her expression was still very nervous.

  ”You don’t want me to feed you, do you?” Xu Xiuwen had to change his method.

  Tang Weiwei thought of the last time he fed her fried noodles, and her face blushed again.

  She hurriedly shook her head and said, “No, I can do it myself.”

  Tang Weiwei carefully put the bank card in her hand into her pocket and pressed the pocket with her hand.

  But after doing all this, Tang Weiwei still didn’t move her chopsticks.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that it must be her concept since childhood that she should not move her chopsticks first when eating at the same table with a man.

  So Xu Xiuwen picked up the chopsticks and started eating the food first.

  Tang Weiwei saw him move his chopsticks, and after a while, she picked up the chopsticks to eat.

  Xu Xiuwen ate quickly, and after he finished, he rested his chin on his hand and tilted his head to watch Tang Weiwei eat.

  He suddenly noticed a rubber band on Tang Weiwei’s wrist and asked immediately, “What is this?”

  Tang Weiwei followed his line of sight and saw the rubber band on her wrist. Her face immediately turned red and she hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

  Xu Xiuwen reacted immediately and asked very happily, “Did you prepare it specially because I said last time that you would look good with your forehead and eyebrows exposed?”

  Tang Weiwei did not refute.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that he guessed right and was very happy.

  He said, “You can tie your hair up now. Although it looks good this way, I prefer you to show your forehead so that I can see your face clearly.”

  Tang Weiwei prepared the rubber band, but she had not decided whether to tie it up. Xu Xiuwen’s words helped her make the decision.

  The girl put down her chopsticks, took the rubber band off her wrist, and then started to tie her hair.

  Xu Xiuwen took a look and was amused by the girl’s clumsy technique. This hair-tying technique was not as good as his.

  ”Sit down, I’ll help you tie your hair.”

  Xu Xiuwen took the rubber band from the girl and started to tie her hair.

  He had helped girls tie their hair more often than Tang Weiwei.

  His technique was indeed more skilled, and he tied it up quickly and did a good job.

  Looking at Tang Weiwei, who had lifted her bangs and exposed her entire cheeks, the girl had clear eyes, rosy lips, and red cheeks, which made it hard not to be moved.

  Tang Weiwei looked into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes, felt his fiery gaze, turned her head quickly, and said in a panic, “I’m not full yet.”

  Seeing the girl’s nervous behavior, Xu Xiuwen chuckled softly.

  Tang Weiwei was actually very full, so she stopped after a few bites.

  Looking at the three plates of leftovers on the table, the girl whispered, “What a waste.”

  She turned her head and glanced at Xu Xiuwen, “Don’t order so many dishes in the future, it’s such a waste of money, and it’s not easy for you to make money.”

  ”Okay, I’ll listen to you.” For a girl like Tang Weiwei, you can’t just be tough and overbearing.

  In some matters, Xu Xiuwen would give in to her and listen to her.

  Hearing that Xu Xiuwen listened to her opinions, Tang Weiwei was so happy that she ignored Xu Xiuwen’s sight.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally would not miss this opportunity and sucked it up directly…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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