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Chapter 1030 Jungle Conqueror!

Chapter 1030 Jungle Conqueror!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1030 Jungle Conqueror!

  Boulder City.

  In the prosthetic operating room of Boulder Military Industry, a naked girl lies on the operating table surrounded by a multi-axis machined cantilever.

  Her skin is smooth and delicate, like flawless mutton-fat jade, and her peaceful and beautiful sleeping face is like a finely crafted work of art, exuding a magic that makes people unable to take their eyes away from it.

  In fact, it is indeed a work of art.

  This new bionic skin combines the most advanced technology of the academy and the engineering strength of the enterprise, and is installed by the Alliance’s amazing prosthetic surgery skills, perfectly replacing the original skin that was damaged by neutron radiation to the point that almost no intact cells are left.

  From a series of senses such as vision and touch, this new skin is flawless compared to the original skin, and it can even be said to be better than the original skin.

  If you have to find fault, I’m afraid it’s only the trivial point of “too perfect to seem less real”.

  Not only that.

  This bionic skin also focuses on strengthening the user’s soft tissue defense capabilities.

  When the elastic limit of the skin reaches a certain threshold due to longitudinal cutting and puncture damage, the bionic skin will automatically trigger the hardening effect, thereby forming a protective layer with strength comparable to that of titanium alloy in a short period of time, resisting the cutting and puncture damage deep into the dermis.

  With the titanium alloy skeleton and buffer elements, it is not a big problem to resist the kinetic energy damage of light weapons at the level of pistols and rifles.

  In addition to the armor that comes with these skins, Jiang Xuezhou also did a DIY modification on this basis.

  For example, in order to adapt to outer space activities and various complex special situations, she asked Jushi Military Industry to implant a series of plug-ins such as variable temperature, anti-negative pressure and positive pressure controls in her subcutaneous tissue while performing skin grafting surgery.

  In this way, she can move normally in a vacuum environment without wearing protective clothing.

  This system was designed by her herself, and it is also an improved version of the system on Ye Shi.

  With the blessing of many buffs, her body has indeed reached the category of art.

  And it is the pinnacle of prosthetic art achieved by technical strength!

  With the end of the prosthetic modification surgery, the multi-axis cantilever hanging above the operating table like an octopus shrank into a huge sphere.

  At the same time, vaporized liquid nitrogen sprayed out from the bottom of the operating table, and Jiang Xuezhou opened her eyes at the same time, waking up from a white mist. At the

  same time as she woke up, a line of light blue loading pop-up windows was projected on the retina of her prosthetic eye.

  [The server has been logged in… The prosthetic integrity check protocol is being executed…]

  [The test is completed… All components are operating normally. ]

  The light blue text and loading data disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared.

  Jiang Xuezhou took a deep breath, tested the temperature adjustment and positive and negative pressure balance functions one after another, and then supported himself with both hands and jumped off the operating table.

  Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and admiring his brand-new body for a while, Jiang Xuezhou felt refreshed.

  ”Not bad… I probably have 70% of the charm of this girl’s peak appearance!”

  Although she didn’t know what competition she was participating in, she always felt that she had won at the starting line.

  She even thought of someone’s jaw-dropping stupid look.

  Of course, if there wasn’t one, she wouldn’t mind doing it herself and knocking the guy’s jaw off with one punch.

  ”Cool, cool, cool…”

  The more she looked at herself in the mirror, the more she liked herself. Jiang Xuezhou’s mouth was so happy that she couldn’t close it. She almost laughed out loud with her hands on her hips like a villain.

  At first, she was a little reluctant to let go. She pinched the hair at her temples and twisted it around her fingertips, feeling embarrassed.

  But perhaps she realized that there was no one else here anyway, so she soon became more unrestrained. First, she gently tossed her bangs back, and then she posed several times in a conceited manner.

  Until she saw the medical robot on wheels coming towards her, she blushed and hurriedly stopped conceiting, and hurriedly grabbed the clothes handed by the robot and put them on.

  The long silk-like clothes flowed over her shoulders like a light stream and fell like a waterfall.

  The friction seemed to have disappeared.

  Jiang Xuezhou, dressed neatly, stood in front of the mirror again, and this time both her appearance and demeanor were much more serious than before.

  Raising her wrist, she looked at her silky, soft, jade-like, delicate, white skin. After the excitement, she suddenly became anxious. Is


  really herself?

  Standing in front of the mirror, she was undoubtedly the same person she was before. Her smiles and frowns were indeed as charming as before, not to mention the professional knowledge in her head, which had always been her greatest pride.

  The only difference was probably the prosthetic body that looked like a work of art…

  People all love beauty.

  She was no exception.

  But what made her feel uneasy was that she always felt that the things from head to toe did not belong to her, and replaced the existence that originally belonged to her…

  Am I still me?

  Perhaps –

  the real me is actually dead, and the one standing here is just my replica…

  Jiang Xuezhou suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his hands clenched into fists involuntarily, but soon loosened them, and calmed down with a deep breath.

  First of all, this kind of thing is impossible.

  Secondly, her existence at this moment is extremely real, and she can feel it.

  In the face of rigorous logic, suspicion is meaningless.

  However, perhaps she was too sensitive, and another question soon emerged in her mind that she could not help but couldn’t help but wonder –


  is the boundary between bionic people and humans?

  In other words – from the moment when a specific part is replaced, a person is no longer a person, but becomes a thing.

  At this moment, standing in the same position, she suddenly understood the loneliness that Ye Shi had been silently enduring, as well as his hesitant expression.

  ”I see…”

  She always thought that guy was ungrateful.

  She had obviously spent so much effort to save him from a coma and replaced him with the best prosthesis, but he was still not satisfied, and even thanked her reluctantly and desperately. It was not

  until then that she gradually empathized with and understood the emotions he had experienced…

  When he thought of this, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly felt his eyes slightly hot.

  He was not the only one who was immature. He

  was also immature.

  ”You are regretting it.”

  A leisurely voice suddenly came from the side. Ibers had stood at the door of the operating room without knowing when.


  Jiang Xuezhou quickly put away his slightly out-of-control expression, sniffed hard, put down his raised wrist, looked at the flawless self in the mirror and said.

  ”I just feel… part of my body has been replaced. Although it looks like me, it is not me.”

  ”Then do you want me to help you put it back?” Ibers said gentlemanly, “Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not a difficult task for me.”

  ”No need.” Jiang Xuezhou blurted out almost without hesitation.

  Ibers laughed out loud.

  Hearing the undisguised laughter, Jiang Xuezhou was a little annoyed and complained in a low voice.

  ”What are you laughing at…”

  ”I’m sorry, my laughter makes you feel unhappy.” Ibers cleared his throat, but there was no real apology in that smile.

  Jiang Xuezhou muttered quietly.

  ”No need to apologize… Thank you for the surgery you performed on me.”

  ”You’re welcome,” Ibers said politely, and suddenly his intriguing smile appeared on his face again, and he continued, “I think I know what you are confused about. Suppose the components of an item are completely replaced, is it still the original item… Am I right?”

  ”…” Jiang Xuezhou didn’t speak, but that silence was also an answer.

  Seeing that he guessed correctly, Ibers’ smile turned into a happy one, and he continued slowly.

  ”In fact, you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing. The cells in your body will automatically complete a round of metabolism in seven years or hundreds of days… And for some people, this cycle will be shorter. But even so, in my opinion, some things will not change.”

  Jiang Xuezhou was about to ask what it was, but Ibers seemed to have guessed what she would ask, and continued to talk on his own.

  ”It’s the soul.”

  ”I’ve been in this city for a long, long time, and thanks to this I have a pair of eyes that can see things that others can’t see. Some people are just a piece of meat in front of me, and only at the moment of death will a little spark of something real burst out. But some people have priceless treasures that I covet, and their souls are like burning torches, and I will never get tired of looking at them.” Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help

  but complain.

  ”I think you’ve simply passed the scrap age…”

  ”Maybe.” Ibers smiled and nodded, “But unfortunately, I’m not a bionic man produced through normal channels, but a special product of a special era…”

  Without waiting for Jiang Xuezhou to answer, this madman suddenly lamented again.

  ”How sad… My master’s master designed the final death for my master, but my master forgot to design my ending. Maybe I should find a corner to squat and draw a few circles.”

  ”…” Jiang Xuezhou looked at this guy speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

  But it was also thanks to him.

  After being interrupted, all the entanglement in her heart disappeared…


  […The above is the result of our negotiation. ]

  [The Tree of Life expressed its willingness to establish a closer symbiotic relationship with us, including repairing the damaged ecological environment on the wasteland, providing technical services such as building a biosphere and promoting agricultural production for our extrastellar development zone. ]

  [In exchange, it expressed the hope that we can provide it with some fertilizers or similar nutrients that can promote plant growth. Of course, it would be even better if a few rangers who are proficient in nutrition and psychic energy could be arranged. ]

  Dawn City, Alliance Building.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting at his desk, read Ye Shi’s report from beginning to end, with three points of relief on his face and seven points of appreciation.

  ”Yes, this kid has indeed grown a lot, and he is much more reliable than before.”

  Xiao Qi said happily.

  ”Hehe, it’s mainly because the master trained me well.”

  ”Hahaha, that’s true, don’t you see who I am.”

  Chu Guang smiled, feeling proud for a while, then left a [read] on the report, put the tablet aside, and went to deal with other things. At

  the same time, in the southernmost part of Zhongzhou Continent, the French Fry Port in the Baiyue Strait.

  Sitting in the hotel executive lounge to kill time, Ye Shi finally waited for the manager’s reply.

  However, when he saw the reply with only one word, he almost spit out the Coke in his mouth.

  ”Gan! I wrote so many words, why is there only one read in the reply?!”

  Seeing this guy’s ignorant look, Lao Bai laughed and said.

  ”You are still young and don’t understand the value of this word.”

  Ye Shi: “…What do you mean?”

  Fang Chang, who was sitting opposite, smiled faintly and said.

  ”In short, the manager thinks there is nothing wrong with it, and asks you to keep it up and keep up the good work.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Based on my past experience, the fewer words he writes in his response to the mission briefing, the higher his completion evaluation is. If there is a long paragraph in it, it means he is anxious.”

  Fang Chang himself has never encountered this situation, but he heard from the old man on the battlefield that he seemed to encounter it often in the past, until he became a centurion and then he gradually stopped encountering it.

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head, and his expression was not dissatisfaction, but a little regretful.

  ”I thought it would be more grand.”

  Lao Bai said jokingly.

  ”For example, give you a big red flower?”

  Ye Shi: “Not impossible.”

  Lao Bai: “Hahahaha.”

  Looking at Ye Shi who got the advantage and still acted cute, Fang Chang couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  ”That’s enough, the reward you got is enough to make people jealous, what else do you want?”

  Ye Shi said with an embarrassed smile.

  ”This… the more the better, who would complain about too much reward?”

  In fact, he was embarrassed to say it.

  At the moment when he just complained, the dog planner seemed to have heard his complaints and swiped a series of pop-up windows on his VM screen.

  [Congratulations to the player “I got up more than ten times a night” for completing the task “Exploring the Mother Nest of Baiyue Province”! ]

  [Task completion rate: 100%]

  [Evaluation: S]

  [Reward: “Jungle Conqueror” limited title, 10,000 contribution points, and 1 million silver coins reward! ]

  [Server announcement: The mother nest of Baiyue Province has evolved into the Tree of Life, and its power relationship with the Alliance is “ally”. Unauthorized hostile behavior is prohibited. The guardian beast of the Tree of Life, “Dragon Lizard”, is also a friendly unit. Unauthorized hostile behavior is prohibited… After awakening “psychic power”, the dialogue can be triggered. ]

  [Server announcement: The map level of the 100-kilometer area around French Fries Port is lowered to 0 and included in the safe zone. The recommended level of the map of the area outside 100 kilometers is set to level 30…]

  The following announcements were all over the screen. Ye Shi didn’t read them carefully, but only checked his mission income.

  In general, A Guang gave a lot.

  Ten thousand contribution points seemed dispensable compared to his seven-digit contribution points. He had already capped the contribution point level.

  However, the two rewards of one million silver coins and the title of “Jungle Conqueror” are still quite good.

  Especially the latter, you can use it to laugh at the chicken killer.

  Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, Kuangfeng, who was sitting at the table, suddenly remembered something and looked at Ye Shi and said.

  ”Speaking of which, after this trip is over, are you really going to look for the remains of that pioneer civilization?”

  Although the news of the establishment of the extrasolar exploration team did not cause a big stir on the official website, it was a hot topic in the NPC world.

  Especially the residents of the most avant-garde Ideal City, many people even took a special flight to the southern waters and even to French Fries Port to ask around where to sign up.

  These people are really homebodies, but their ability to take action is also very strong.

  Facing Kuangfeng’s inquiring eyes, Ye Shi also restrained his joking expression and nodded seriously.

  ”Yes, I have thought about it.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment and continued.

  ”Sometimes I feel… this game is like the real world. In fact, there was no so-called main plot from the beginning. The so-called main plot is discovered by ourselves in the process of the game. Remember the beginning? When we burned cement together.”

  Hearing Ye Shi suddenly talking about things from a long time ago, Lao Bai couldn’t help but smile with nostalgia.

  ”Of course I remember… Speaking of which, we have been playing this game for so long.”

  ”It’s been a long time. For me, it’s like… another life, a life completely different from the real life.”

  Ye Shi nodded and continued.

  ”In fact, since then, I have been looking for the meaning of this game to me, just like thinking about my real life, including why I came to this world, and what other people in this world mean to me… Although I may not realize it myself, but think about it carefully, maybe since then I have no longer regarded the people in this world as simple NPCs.”

  The turning point of all this may be the death of an old man named Jixiang.

  Of course, it’s not just Jixiang, there are many other NPCs that he can name.

  He would rather sacrifice himself than let them suffer any harm.

  Looking at Ye Shi, who rarely showed a serious expression on his face, Kuang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”So, did you find it?”

  ”I guess so,” Ye Shi smiled embarrassedly, “I can’t say exactly when I found it, but when I realized it, I had already thought of everything…including what to do next, including where to go in the future.”

  He wanted to see the distant world.

  Of course, the important thing is to be with the people he had made an appointment with.

  ”Congratulations,” Fang Chang understood his feelings and patted his shoulder, “and I support your choice.”

  ”Haha, don’t make it sound like I’m going to a faraway place, it’s just that we probably won’t be able to play together for a while. Besides, I’m not leaving right away, we still have a mission.”

  Ye Shi smiled embarrassedly, then looked at his good brothers and said solemnly.

  ”Thank you… You have always been with me, who is not mature yet.”

  ”Haha, don’t make it sound like you are going to a far place. It’s not like we can’t meet offline,” Lao Bai smiled and patted his shoulder, saying what he said again, and then said solemnly, “Come back when you have time. The Burning Legion will always keep a place for you.”

  Ye Shi nodded vigorously with emotion.


  Kuangfeng touched the bridge of his nose.

  ”I won’t say anything sensational, but if you find the border of the map, remember to tell me… It also satisfies my curiosity.”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”Why don’t you go with him, so that you can have a companion on the road.”

  ”I haven’t thought about it yet, and…”

  Kuangfeng sighed softly, and just when he was about to say something, he suddenly changed his words as if he thought of something, and looked at Ye Shi and said in a half-joking tone.

  ”If I really go with you, you won’t think I’m a light bulb, right?”

  ”What are you talking about? It’s not just me and Jiang Xuezhou on the ship,” Ye Shi said with a smile, “and we are planning to kidnap a few scientists on board. It’s just right that you are willing to come! How about it? Do you want to come together? If you are embarrassed, just nod your head and I will tie you up when the time comes.”

  ”It’s not necessary to tie you up.”

  Seeing that Ye Shi was not joking, Kuangfeng did not directly answer the question, but just laughed and said.

  ”We’ll talk about the future later. It’s not too much to leave a bed for me first, right?”


  Ye Shi patted his chest.

  ”I’m in charge of this matter!”

  Just as Ye Shi and a few good brothers were talking and laughing and bragging, a group of stupid rookies were standing next to the sacred tree in the northern suburbs of French Fries Port, looking at the giant lizard with a cockscomb and pointing and talking.

  In fact, if we talk about rookies, not all of them are rookies here. There are also a few unreliable old players.

  For example, [Squirtle] who has joined the Jungle Corps.

  As a level 30 player, although he can’t compare with T1 and T0 hardcore players, he is also the backbone of the “Wasteland OL” server.

  However, Squirtle is not reconciled to this.

  Like most players, although his strength does not allow it, it does not prevent him from having a heart that wants to become a strong man.

  With this imagination, he can’t help but think of the dragon lizard crawling next to the tree of life.

  Although the server lists it as a friendly unit and prohibits hostile behavior, and he is indeed no match for this thing, the server does not say that he can’t kidnap this guy, right?

  If he uses this thing as a mount, who in the entire server can be his opponent?

  I’m afraid even the administrator will be trampled into shit by him!

  Quack quack…

  When he thought of this, his mind quickly became active.

  ”How much food does such a big lizard eat in a day?” Rubbing his chin, Squirtle thought more and more that it was possible, and suddenly muttered something. The

  [Blustode] and [Handsome Turtle] standing next to him were stunned for a moment, looked at each other blankly and said,

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”Why do you care how much it eats…”

  Squirtle said immediately.

  ”I want to raise one.”

  The two brothers next to him were shocked when they heard this.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”Are you serious?!”

  Squirtle glanced at these two guys who had no dreams.

  ”Look at how useless you are. The server said that hostile behavior is prohibited, but it didn’t prohibit feeding! If I feed this guy well, he will recognize me as his father and insist on being with me. Can the GM break up the couple?”

  ”That’s right–” Blastoise looked at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said, “Brother, have you ever raised a lizard?”

  ”I have raised… uh, the kind that is the size of a palm, but that doesn’t matter!” Squirtle looked at him seriously, put his hands on his shoulders, and regained his momentum, “You only need to tell me one thing, do you want to be a dragon rider?”


  ”Then go and fetch me two barrels of nutrient paste. When I tame this thing, we’ll take turns riding it!” After patting his shoulder, Squirtle looked at the stupidly standing there, and patted the latter’s arm, “You go too, hurry up!”

  ”Don’t let other Dogecoins get there first!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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