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Chapter 1031 “Rivers of Scraps”

Chapter 1031 “Rivers of Scraps”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1031 “Rivers of Crumbs”

  There is always no shortage of people who think alike in this world.

  Especially in the French Fry Harbor, there are so many people connected by the same morphogenetic field.

  Next to the sacred tree, on the open space roughly cleared by the lizard’s tail, tons of food were loaded in barrels and trailers, like the scene of a large buffet party.

  Like fruit-flavored nutritional paste, exquisite pig, duck, cattle and sheep feed, that’s all basic operations.

  Strong players simply formed a hunting group and went to the recommended level 50 map to buy a large number of goods, and pulled the hunted iron-backed ants, giant beetles, and Titan worms in trucks one after another.

  According to the information on the official website, the dragon lizard likes “crunchy” food.

  Especially those iron-backed ants that like to build nests in the ruins, it likes it even more!

  Obviously, it’s not just Squirtle, or even just the Jungle Corps. Almost all the players around them want to be the dragon knight. The

  three old turtles carrying barrels of nutritional paste were stunned for a moment by the pile of food.

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”That’s too much!”

  ”Isn’t this too much?”

  The three old turtles were dumbfounded, but the dragon lizard that was dozing at the root of the holy tree was overjoyed.

  It just took a nap, but when it opened its eyes, it didn’t expect that the food would be delivered to it!

  Thank you for the gift of the great tree of life!

  It was not reserved at all. Looking at the pile of delicacies, it immediately approached without saying a word.

  Its sloppy appearance was like a pig hearing the dinner bell, and it wolfed down the iron-backed ants on the ground!

  The swift and swift action was like a bomber licking the ground, not only overturning the ground, but even rolling up the half-rotten wooden stakes stuck in the ground.

  This guy’s digestive ability is not ordinary. A few pieces of wood residue are just snacks for it.

  In less than half an hour, the “mountain of corpses and bones” displayed around the holy tree was swept away.

  The well-fed dragon lizard raised its head and burped loudly, then rolled up its tail, curled up and lay comfortably beside the sacred tree, its cheeks making a “hum” sound that shook the earth.

  And then –

  that’s it?

  A group of players looked at each other, each with a confused expression on their faces.

  One of the old players at level 40 swallowed his saliva and looked at the big brother beside him and asked.

  ”Brother… then what?”

  The goods worth tens of thousands of silver coins were fed in, and only a few noises were heard.

  He felt that this was not catching Palu in the forest, but feeding monkeys on Mount Emei.

  No –

  the monkeys on Mount Emei are more dedicated than this guy. How can they sleep without saying hello after eating? !

  The big brother was also confused. He didn’t expect this dragon lizard to play by the rules. He scratched his head awkwardly.

  ”… Uh, how about waiting for it to wake up and ask?”

  Hostile behavior is prohibited in the safe zone.

  At present, it seems that we can only wait for it to wake up and ask.

  At this time, there were shouts of cursing not far away.

  The leader of the Silver Corps, Silver Daddy, threw the shovel in his hand to the ground with a look of rage.

  ”What a rip-off!”

  He spent a full 100,000 silver coins to buy a large number of iron-back ant corpses from nearby hunter players. He was just thinking of taking this opportunity to subdue this beast, but he didn’t expect that he didn’t even have a chance to get close to it when it was eating.

  What’s even more outrageous is that this dog fell asleep directly after eating!

  He wanted to chop off the tail of this dog lizard with a knife.

  Seeing the murderous look on the leader’s face, Silver Sword and Silver Hand standing next to him hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

  ”Fuck, brother, calm down!”

  ”Let me go! I saw its health bar!”

  ”You don’t want your account anymore?!”

  They were not really afraid that this dog would delete the account and start over, but they were mainly worried that the blood would splash on them.

  At this time, several hunter teams came out of the forest dragging prey, and shouted at the grinning Silver Dad.

  ”Brother, I dragged the prey for you. Come to us next time if you need it.”

  ”Remember to pay the balance.”

  Silver Dad: “I%@%#!”

  There was a lot of chirping noise in the open space in front of the sacred tree. The dragon lizard that was napping on the ground seemed to have not heard it, and continued to snore and fatten up.

  Seeing that he was not the only one who lost all his money, Squirtle, who was holding an empty bucket in his hand, finally felt balanced in his heart, muttered viciously, and laughed.

  ”Hey, a bunch of idiots, how many levels have you not learned your lesson? Is it so easy to get the wool of the dog planner?”


  The Water Sword Turtle and the Foolish Eight Turtle looked at this guy who didn’t realize that he had been scolded, and subconsciously stepped aside to pretend to be a stranger.

  At this moment, the dragon lizard crawling under the tree of life suddenly made a short muffled sound.


  Hearing the sound, the noisy crowd stopped and looked at the big guy who was sleeping soundly.

  ”Did you hear it?”

  ”What happened just now?”

  ”I seem to smell the smell of snail noodles…”


  Looking at the lizard that suddenly turned over, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in the heart of Baiyinzhi’s father.

  However, before he could react, the short muffled sound was as long and distant as a machine gun.


  The black torrent gushed out from under the raised tail like a fountain, and swept over with a devastating force!


  Looking at the oncoming torrent, Baiyinzhi’s father only had time to let out a cry of surprise, and was instantly submerged in the black energy with his good brothers around him.

  This guy probably ate too much and had a stomachache.

  The solid-liquid mixture, like a mountain torrent, directly dealt a wave of AOE damage, sweeping a fan-shaped area on the ground, covering at least one-third of the players.

  Including the three old turtles standing in the distance watching the fun and not minding the trouble, and the other guys who were eager to tame the big lizard, none of them escaped.

  The dragon lizard, unaware of the situation, grumbled from its stomach and continued to sleep comfortably.

  Looking at the indescribable scene, the crown of the Tree of Life swayed gently, whispering something no one could understand.

  What a pity.

  If it had been sprayed closer.


  No one has ever been drowned by shit in Wasteland OL since its launch.

  Fortunately, it didn’t happen this time either.

  In the evening of that day,

  the little players who had been busy all day dragged their tired bodies back to French Fries Port.

  The stench that filled the sky directly killed half of the street.

  The local residents thought that some chemical had leaked and hurriedly put on gas masks, only to find out later that it was a false alarm.

  That night, the beach of French Fries Port was crowded with people bathing, and the laundry orders were even scheduled for three days later. The laundry workers who were paid by order seemed to be the biggest winners.

  After all, if you don’t take a bath, you won’t be allowed to save the game, which is unbearable for anyone.

  The “dragon knights” wanted to cry but had no tears.

  This was really a loss of both the wife and the army.

  The only consolation is that the feces of dragon lizards can drive away wild beasts, and it is said that it can also be used as medicine.

  Although no one dares to try the latter, there is still ready-made experience to follow for the former –

  some players who are too embarrassed to go back tried to go to the high-level map to give up their heads and go back to Dawn City directly. As a result, they wandered around from the afternoon until dark without seeing even the shadow of an alien species.

  If this thing is made into an amulet and worn when exploring the ruins, it will be invincible!

  In addition, the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute also purchased some samples, although the purchase volume was small.

  In short, with these gains, it can be regarded as making up for the small losses of many investors.

  Although compared with the cost they invested, this gain can only be described as “better than nothing”.

  Late at night.

  The garden of the Marina Hotel.

  The Tree of Life in the depths of the forest found Ye Shi again through Dora and said with a voice full of complaints.

  ”…Although I don’t object to you feeding my child, you fed it too much. It’s not my fault if it doesn’t go looking for trouble with other alien species. You’ll have to fend for yourself when the time comes.”

  As the top of the food chain in this forest, the dragon lizard also has its own meaning of existence.

  Ye Shi said with an awkward expression.

  ”Well, I will tell others not to feed that guy.”

  He felt that after this lesson, no one would make a fool of themselves again even if he didn’t remind them.

  But it’s quite strange to say that he still doesn’t understand what these guys are thinking, thinking that they can tame that guy into a pet by feeding him a few pieces of meat.

  The main reason is that they haven’t awakened their psychic powers, right?

  If he were to do the same thing, there might be some hope, or an experienced animal trainer would do the same thing, but letting these pure amateurs do it would definitely be a no-win.

  The Tree of Life approved of his answer and continued.

  ”It’s mainly because you gave too much. Actually, a little bit doesn’t matter… This child only knows how to sleep after eating. After a long time, he might even forget the hunting skills and just beg for food from you.”

  ”This is not good for him or you.”


  No words were spoken all night.

  The next morning, when it was time to check out, Ye Shi settled the bill at the hotel.

  Although the lobby manager repeatedly stated that the unique “South Gate Second Landscape” garden was enough to pay their room fee for the whole year and the hotel owner had waived their bill, Ye Shi still insisted on paying the bill.

  If you want to ask why, it is naturally because Brother Guang has already allocated the funds.

  There is really no need to save money for Brother Guang, this guy prints money himself.

  But for Dora, the paper with beautiful patterns and patterns is a new thing.

  Blinking her curious eyes, she raised the hundred-dollar bill she asked from Ye Shi above her head and looked at it for a long time, then looked at Ye Shi and asked.

  ”What is this?”

  Ye Shi replied casually.

  ”Banknotes, money, silver coins, whatever you want to call it, you can use it to exchange things from others.”

  Not only can you exchange things from others, this thing can even exchange real money with mysterious buyers outside the game.

  But seeing Dora’s confused look, he realized that this guy obviously didn’t understand.

  ”Exchange? Why?” Dora’s confusion became more obvious.

  In the Doma tribe, exchange is undoubtedly a new word.

  Because everything in the tribe belongs to everyone, if you want something outside the tribe, just go and get it.

  And there is no exchange between tribes.

  Everyone worships the same god, follows the same set of lifestyles and behavioral norms. Basically, I have what you have, and there is no situation where others have it and I don’t.

  In addition, these people live like “dragon lizards”. They usually rely on hunting for food. When they are short of food, they can get everything by behaving like a spoiled child with the sacred tree. If there is no major change in the future, it is possible that they will continue to enjoy themselves in the tribal era.

  ”Why is there any reason…”

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to explain this problem.

  ”Your society has not yet developed to that stage. You will know when you… find the sea.”

  Dora tilted her head.

  ”Why find the sea?”

  Ye Shi said succinctly.

  ”Because you will find shells that are not in the forest, and then someone will take the prey in the forest but not on the seashore to exchange shells with the tribes living on the seashore… You know shells, right? They are those little things you see on the beach when you get off the boat.”

  That should be the oldest coin.

  Seeing that Dora still had questions to ask, Ye Shi quickly grabbed Ms. Han Mingyue who had just come out of the elevator and stuffed this “100,000 Whys” into her.

  ”This is a social science expert from the alliance! If you have any questions, just ask her. She knows better than me.”

  ”Wait, what are you talking about-”

  ”I suddenly remembered that I left something in the room. Here it is for you!”


  Leaving behind Han Mingyue who was confused, Ye Shi hurriedly left the hotel lobby and flashed into the elevator.

  Although she didn’t know what happened, looking at Dora who had a look of “I’m curious” on her face, Han Mingyue still roughly guessed something.

  Patting her forehead with her palm, she woke herself up from her sleep and looked at Dora and asked softly.

  ”Is there anything I can do for you?”

  Dora looked at her hesitantly and tentatively handed over the banknote in her hand.

  Han Mingyue pushed it back with a smile and said patiently.

  ”You don’t have to pay for such a small thing… Well, I don’t know what that guy said to you, but he probably didn’t make it clear. The use of this kind of thing is limited to transactions, understand? It’s not useful for friends to help each other a little.” Dora

  blushed and took the banknote back.

  Han Mingyue looked at her patiently and said softly.

  ”So, is there anything I can do for you?”

  Dora nodded gently and said in a low voice.

  ”There is one thing… I don’t understand.”

  Han Mingyue: “What is it?”

  Dora looked outside the hotel lobby, at the sparsely noisy street, and said in a low voice.

  ”There are many things here that I have never seen. I am very happy during the time I have lived here. I even wanted to stay here forever. But you told me that this is just a corner of the Alliance. There is not only the Alliance on this land, and there are more prosperous places than here.”

  Han Mingyue said with a smile.

  ”I guess so. The most prosperous place should be Ideal City. The prosperity there can extend from the surface to the sky… You should have a chance to go there and have a look.”

  Dora turned her head and looked at her, and smiled shyly at her.

  ”This place is enough to surprise me… Sometimes I can’t help but think, how nice it would be if my people on Gaia could live such a life.”

  Han Mingyue said.

  ”They will live it one day.”

  ”Why not now?” Dora looked at her seriously, blinked and said, “You said that at least half of your blood flows in our bodies, and we are originally a family. If you are willing to go to our place, we will also welcome you very much… Just like before, when Ye Shi came to our tribe.”

  Although there have been some minor unpleasantness, they have seriously reflected on their mistakes.

  Including the deceased chieftain Tunnan.

  And his apology was forgiven by the ancestor.

  Han Mingyue’s face showed a thoughtful expression, and after a moment, he said.

  ”Actually… the plan you proposed is indeed an option, but I don’t think our arrival is necessarily good for you.”


  ”You think too well of us.”

  ”Isn’t it?”

  Looking at the puzzled Dora, Han Mingyue shook her head gently.

  ”It has nothing to do with whether it is or not, it is just a perspective, like the two sides of the banknote in your hand. Our method is not perfect, and we believe that there will be a more perfect social form in the future to replace us now… and your society is not useless to us, we are just in a different period.”

  Sometimes she felt that this girl from Nanmen II was like her child.

  Pure as a piece of white paper.

  Of course, it is not accurate to say this.

  To be precise, she should be the child of everyone on this planet…

  Looking at Dora, who was still confused, Han Mingyue smiled and stretched out her hand, gently rubbing her hair.

  ”This journey is not over yet. What you have seen is only a small part of the world of ‘Origin’.”

  ”You will soon understand why I said that.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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