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Chapter 1035 Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 1035 Unexpected Visitor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1035 Unexpected Visitors

  The next morning.

  The Dolphin quietly left the harbor of Golden Gallon Port, just as it had arrived.

  Although Dora was quite interested in staying here for a few more days, there were too many people here.

  After the media’s extensive publicity, almost everyone in the entire Golden Gallon Port knew about her, the guest from Nanmen II.

  Including psychic power.

  Although the Alliance never hinted that this spiritual power had any connection with religious beliefs, Dora still felt the enthusiasm that was as surging as a tsunami.

  Since the major evening newspapers published the relevant information, they were almost blocked wherever they went.

  Even when the group was leaving Golden Gallon Port, a wave of pilgrims appeared at the port, almost causing a stampede.

  ”Dear…Ms. Dora, my left eyelid has been twitching recently. I beg you to condescend to help me tell my fortune.”

  ”You, you can see the dead, right? Can you help me take a look at my father…”

  ”Sir! I am a rat tribe member! I burn incense to the Rat God every day, but I haven’t made any money after 20 years of worship. Can you help me see if the Rat God is still there? Or…is the Silver Moon Goddess more powerful?”

  ”Insof Tree! Please grant me peace!”

  Although most people were watching the excitement, only a small number of them were truly “pious”, but even so, it was terrifying enough.

  After all, the population base of Jingalon Port was there, and the surging crowd almost squeezed the guards who maintained order into the sea.

  The appearance of the people worshipping with one heart scared Dora, and she didn’t know what to do for a while.

  Fortune telling?

  What is that?

  Is it the local people’s own Insof Tree?

  But no matter how hard she tried, she only saw the shadow of a person…

  The cargo submarine slowly sank and started the cruise mode.

  Until the crowd disappeared from sight, Dora, who was standing in front of the French window of the bridge, said with lingering fear.

  ”The people here are too enthusiastic…”

  Ye Shi, who was standing aside, said teasingly.

  ”Now you feel the feeling of being asked as if you have 100,000 whys, right?”

  Dora said embarrassedly with a red face.


  She really had a lot of things she didn’t know and wanted to know, and she didn’t mean to cause trouble to others.

  Including what the “100,000 whys” were, she still didn’t understand it until now, but she was embarrassed to ask.

  Ye Shi coughed and said.

  ”…I just said it casually, but it’s not to the point of apologizing. If you really don’t understand something, it’s better to ask.”

  In fact, it’s good to have this experience.

  Before, this guy had too strong an idol filter for the “Original Ancestor” and was cautious with everyone.

  This mode of getting along is actually very tiring.

  Because one person’s idol filter means another person’s idol burden.

  Not everyone is keen on enjoying this “fun”.

  And she should have realized by now that even the “heaven” where the “ancestor” lived was not the perfect paradise she imagined.

  The cargo submarine went north along the east coast of Borneo Province and docked at the harbor of Mammoth City.

  The situation here is completely different from the cyberpunk hodgepodge of Golden Port.

  The urban area outside the port is lined with rows of concrete grid buildings with a high volume ratio, while the core port area is an elegantly decorated, clean and tidy church. The

  two completely different areas formed a clear contrast, just like a cow’s head growing on a horse.

  However, because the local Protestants are highly secularized, and the beliefs of the mammoth people who originally lived here are not deeply rooted, and they are more inclined to “pragmatism”, the two sides get along relatively well.

  Relying on the huge wealth brought by the immigrants of Silver Moon Bay and the huge local labor resources, this settlement that was once submerged in floods can be regarded as a place that has been rebuilt through destruction. It has taken advantage of several waves of dividends of the times and is now considered one of the few production bases with heavy industrial background on the coast of the Borneo Sea.

  And this is also one of the political legacies left by Laxi.

  Looking at the port that was reprinted on the French window, Dora looked at Ye Shi curiously and asked.

  ”Are we at Silver Moon Bay?”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”We are almost there. This is Mammoth City, not far from Silver Moon Bay. This place and Jin Gallen Port are both considered to be the settlements of survivors in the Borneo Province. The port area is similar to Silver Moon Bay. We have no plan to dock here. Just take a look from a distance.”

  Dora nodded, looking out the window and said.

  ”Same… But I always feel that the atmosphere here is so heavy. Is it because of famine?”

  Ye Shi didn’t know much about the situation here, so he looked at Han Mingyue.

  The latter had heard about the local situation because of her professional field and because her students had taught in this area.

  Meeting Dora’s curious gaze, she thought for a moment and said,

  ”Not really, there was no famine here, but there were some changes. Including wars, civil unrest, etc. In short, many people died. Moreover, the strict laws may also be one aspect. It is definitely not as free as Golden Gallon Port.”

  ”Are the laws of the same province different?” Dora looked at her puzzledly, “They have different…chiefs?”

  ”Not only are the chiefs different, but the overall thoughts of the society are also very different, just like you and the Qiu people. You believe in spiritualism, and the Qiu people believe in materialism. Golden Gallon Port… let’s just say it’s equal to us, at least on the surface. The Mammoth Country is on the other side of the scale, tending towards authoritarianism. Even if they seem to be closer to us, we must recognize this.”

  When she said this, Han Mingyue paused for a moment, curled the corners of her mouth and continued.

  ”As for the law, the difference is huge. If you make a mistake in Kingalun Port, you will be locked up in a small dark room at most, but here you will not only be locked up, but you may also be spanked.”

  Dora shrank her neck.

  ”Then let’s not go…”

  She was worried that she would offend the other party because she didn’t understand the local customs.

  Seeing her nervous look, Han Mingyue laughed and said in a teasing tone.

  ”Don’t worry so much, as long as you behave like a normal person, you don’t have to worry about being spanked.”

  ”The architecture here is quite interesting, not as messy as Kingalun Port.”

  The little koala was taking a photo from a distance in front of the French window and recorded the data in the database.

  After half an hour, it said in an electronic voice with a hint of expectation.

  ”I’m beginning to wonder what Silver Moon Bay looks like again.”


  Just as Ye Shi said, Silver Moon Bay is on the other side of the Zhuobal Mountains not far from Mammoth. This semi-arc port is like a crescent moon at night. Just

  like in Golden Gallon Port, everyone was warmly welcomed by the locals as soon as they landed.

  Although many people have seen photos in newspapers, most of the locals are still eager to see the demeanor of the guest from Nanmen II with their own eyes.

  Fortunately, the population base here is not as large as that of Golden Gallon Port. Although the port was crowded for a while, it did not paralyze the traffic of several streets like when they just left Golden Gallon Port.

  With the previous experience in Golden Gallon Port, Dora was much calmer this time. She just smiled and waved to people to show her friendliness, and did not show any more cramped appearance.

  The group got on the special car to the train station at the port.

  Soon after they arrived at the train station, they met members of the Silver Moon Bay Municipal Council and even an envoy sent by the King of the Camelback Kingdom.

  Looking at the group of people getting off the train at the station entrance, the bearded envoy opened his arms with a smile from a distance, warmly greeted them and sent greetings from the Camelback Kingdom.

  Especially when facing Ye Shi, he shook his hand solemnly after a warm hug.

  ”Dear Mr. Ye Shi, on behalf of the King of the Camelback Kingdom, I pay my highest respects to you! Thank you for stopping the plan of the gods and saving our crumbling world.”

  Ye Shi was quite comfortable with this flattery.

  However, he is not the young boy he used to be. Both his pattern and knowledge are much higher than before.

  Faced with the compliments of the Camelback Kingdom envoy, he just secretly laughed in his heart, and still said with a humble smile on his face.

  ”That is not just my achievement, but the result of everyone’s unity.”

  The envoy seemed a little surprised that his cunning was different from the intelligence, and his expression was slightly surprised, but he quickly continued the conversation.

  After a few compliments, he politely told the royal family about the invitation.

  ”…I wonder if I can have the honor to invite you and your guests to move to Camelback City. Our majesty wants to entertain you for a few days.”

  Ye Shi continued politely.

  ”Please tell your majesty that we appreciate his kindness, but we have already wasted too much time on the road. In order not to delay the agenda of the sticky community, we have to speed up our journey to Dawn City…I am afraid we can only visit next time.”

  ”That…it’s a pity.”

  The envoy made a regretful expression, but did not say much, just nodded respectfully.

  ”Please take the greetings from the survivors of the Camelback Kingdom to Dawn City. We will always be your friends and the friends of the survivors of Nanmen II. May the spirit of the sea of ​​sand be with you and wish you a safe journey until the end of the universe.”

  ”Thank you for your blessing. I will take it back to my hometown.”

  Ye Shi smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to the king’s messenger.

  After finally dealing with all the social activities, the group went to the VIP waiting room of the station.

  This station is also one of the assets of the Niuma Group.

  The railways of the entire Luoxia Province are basically completed by several collectively controlled enterprises of the alliance, but they are handed over to companies registered locally for operation.

  This naturally includes the section of Silver Moon Bay.

  It is precisely for this reason that the alliance had already made arrangements long before the group got off the ship and temporarily closed the VIP waiting room. After all,

  the flow of people here is not small, if there is any disturbance or accident.

  Dora, who was sitting in the waiting room, couldn’t wait to look at Ye Shi and asked.

  ”Why is it the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand? Don’t the locals believe in the Silver Moon Goddess?”

  ”This involves the particularity of the local area.”

  Looking at the crowded platform outside the waiting room window, Ye Shi recalled the information in the official website setting collection and said in a casual tone.

  ”The locals originally believed in the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand, including the doomsday theory in the belief of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand, and the plot of the desert as their homeland. However, as time went by, the end of the world did not come, and even the corner of Luoxia Province near the sea could maintain its beautiful appearance without relying on the oasis system of the pre-war era. The original set of rhetoric naturally seemed outdated.”

  ”So, some people who were dissatisfied with feudal ethics made some secular improvements to the difficult-to-explain parts of their beliefs in combination with the needs of real life after they had a certain amount of strength.”

  ”For example, there is no need to live in the desert for generations, and it is the same to carry a handful of sand from the homeland in your pocket. For example, believers born outside Luoxia Province don’t even need sand, they can just worship once a week, and even charity can replace worship.”

  Speaking of which, the last creed was added by the players of the Alliance.

  Ye Shi remembered that at first, a player with cat ears was regarded as the incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess by the local believers. Later, due to her and her three friends’ active performance in the local area, the legend of the Silver Moon Goddess added a few pages of content to persuade people to be kind.

  In short, since then, the believers of the Silver Moon Sect have had another career.

  Not only doing business and repairing churches, they have gradually started to do things like providing relief to disaster victims, teaching people to read, and spreading knowledge.

  Including the priest named Melgio they heard about in Jingallon Port, he is a loyal practitioner of this doctrine.

  In a sense, this can also be regarded as a kind of “passing on the torch”.

  ”I see…” Dora nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly said, “Then if that’s the case, does it mean that as long as there is enough time, our theory of the ‘Tree of Insof’ will undergo new changes?”

  ”Almost,” Ye Shi said casually, “As long as your society does not reject the birth of new things… In fact, haven’t you noticed? I seem to have mentioned to you before that your belief in the Tree of Insof is itself an improvement based on our ‘Dimension Theory’.”

  The Tree of Insof was first discovered by the crew of the Gemini. At that time, the Gaians did not distinguish between forest people and Qiu people, but lived in the woods like primitive tribes, which was a completely uncivilized state.

  After the crew of the Gemini passed on their discovery to the Gaians, it was considered an enlightenment to the latter.

  However, the latter could not understand the concept of ecological maintenance system and high-dimensional world, so based on their own wisdom, they interpreted the existence of high dimensions as gods.

  This is actually a very clever way, and the forest people who came up with this method can be called geniuses.

  It’s just that Tunnan’s self-righteousness was a little ridiculous later, but that’s another topic.

  After listening to his answer, Dora seemed to understand something and finally let go of some things.

  Before this journey, she had always been thinking about persuading the “ancestors” to bring her people to join the world of the ancestors.

  In other words,

  let the ancestors descend on that backward and ignorant planet, so as to lead the people on that planet to achieve glorious evolution.

  But now, she finally let go of that obsession with a hint of naive fantasy.

  Maybe the ancestors are right.

  Keeping a certain distance is the greatest kindness.

  Even if someone pulls them up to the sky, it doesn’t mean that her people can ascend to heaven.

  That is a completely different concept from taking one or two people away. They will completely get rid of the shackles of gravity and face problems that they have never encountered before as a whole civilization.

  And those more difficult and complicated problems are likely to be something they can never solve before they have learned to walk…

  unless they completely abandon their own civilization.


  The train arrived at the station.

  The group was preparing to get on the train.

  At this time, everyone met a “weird man” on the platform in front of the train.

  His face was wrapped in white cloth, and the whole person was wrapped like a mummy.

  Even in a place like Silver Moon Bay, this look can be considered avant-garde.

  But unexpectedly, the locals did not cast a strange look at him, and even looked at him with a bit of respect.

  And this respect even surpassed the envoy sent by the king.

  The man stared at Dora intently.

  After noticing his gaze, the latter also cast a curious look at him.

  Ye Shi did not notice his existence at first.

  Until he noticed Dora greeted someone in the crowd, he followed her line of sight and found the strange guy.

  How did a guy dressed like this pass the security check?

  He thought so in his heart, and was wondering who the man was, but he saw the man reached out and untied the bandage on his face.

  Looking at the face that was ugly to the depths of his soul, Ye Shi was stunned by his ugliness for a moment, and then he recognized him at a glance.

  ”…White Pigeon?!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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