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Chapter 1036 The boss who came to your door

Chapter 1036 The boss who came to your door


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1036 The boss who came to the door

  On the train to the Valley Province, Dora and Koala lay by the window and looked at the ever-changing scenery outside the window excitedly. The former wanted to poke her nose into the window.

  From the pleasant oasis to the castle integrated with the mountains, to the endless desert, all she saw along the way were beautiful scenery she had never seen before.

  The surprise and excitement on her face were no less than when she first saw the sea.

  ”This world… is so big!”

  There were so many words that could not express the excitement, and only this sentence came to her mouth.

  Repeating it in her mouth, Dora was extremely fortunate in her heart that she had made an unwavering choice to go to the sky with the ancestor.

  Although she felt a little lonely because she could not see her family again, she always felt that she would have no regrets even if she died tomorrow because she could see these scenery that she would never see in her lifetime.

  The residents of the forest do not care about the length of life.

  In the culture of the Doma people, how long a person can live is determined from the day they are born. They were born in the Tree of Insof and will eventually return to the tree in another form.

  Just like Dora.

  The little koala, who was hastily born one day more than two hundred years ago, also saw these magical scenes for the first time.

  Its surprise was no less than Dora’s, and it muttered.

  ”So that’s it, is this the planet where my father lived…”

  ”Luoxia Province? It seems different from the one in the database. The database shows endless automated farmland and irrigation systems… Such a large area has turned into a desert. I really want to know what the underground ocean current pipeline is like now.”

  It seems that a lot of things have happened in the past two hundred years.

  For it, it was just a nap…

  In the same carriage.

  Ye Shi and Bai Ge sat opposite each other.

  At this moment, the bandage wrapped around the latter’s head has been completely untied, revealing a face eroded by slime mold.

  Of course, it is better to say that it is the shape of the fruiting body rather than being eroded by slime mold.

  But actually think about it, how can a person live for more than a century under normal circumstances?

  While the fruiting body of the slime mold is repairing his body tissue, it is also slowly replacing the human tissue on his body, just like the biological prostheses made by Xiao Yu.

  When the replacement rate reaches 99% or even 100%, the user can no longer find a single original cell on his body, and even the DNA fragment of the original cell cannot be found.

  In this case, he is no different from the fruiting body of the slime mold, and can even be said to be the fruiting body of the slime mold.

  Just as Ye Shi was looking at him, Bai Ge, who was sitting opposite him, was also looking at him curiously.

  ”… Incredible, this should be the first time we meet, and you actually know me?”

  Ye Shi smiled and said.

  ”I’ve heard of it.”

  ”But your expression tells me that you know more about me than just hearing about it.” Bai Ge grinned slightly, and the expression seemed to be smiling, but it was a little scary.

  However, although this person is a little ugly, he is a kind and charitable person, otherwise he would not be so respected by the survivors of the Hump Kingdom.

  ”How should I put it? There is a special way of communication in our shelter… Have you heard of psychic energy?”

  ”I’ve heard of it, I saw it in the newspaper,” Bai Ge looked at Ye Shi with interest and continued, “So you know me through psychic energy… from your companions?”

  Ye Shi nodded.

  ”That’s right.”

  ”Incredible,” Bai Ge said with emotion, “I have been in seclusion in the Lost Valley for decades, concentrating on studying mutant slime molds and the spiritual abilities and characteristics displayed by slime molds, but I have not made any substantial progress until today… I didn’t expect that the topic that I still don’t understand, you not only completed the research, but also used it.”

  The envious tone was not mixed with a trace of falsehood.

  It can be seen that he was really convinced.

  Looking at this guy’s face with a formidable expression, Ye Shi didn’t know what to say.

  Scientific research is not cultivation.

  Why does this guy think that he can study faster than “Py everywhere” by working behind closed doors?

  Throughout the history of the Human Union, it seems that there is only one “professor” who is so awesome.

  Don’t say him.

  The doctor of conclusion who has lived longer above him is probably not at this level.

  But Ye Shi didn’t tear him down, just coughed lightly and said.

  ”Not after the research. We actually only have a limited understanding of this spiritual power. As for the application, we rely more on the wisdom of our predecessors.”

  ”Do you mean that in the era of the Human Union, someone has already mastered the large-scale application of spiritual energy?” Bai Ge’s expression was slightly moved. After a sigh, he said in a tone that was half joking and half sincere, “To be honest, I don’t know whether to feel comforted or depressed.”

  ”Actually, there is nothing to be depressed about. Compared with what we lost from the prosperous era, this loss is not worth mentioning at all.”

  Ye Shi did not comment, but continued in a casual tone.

  ”In addition, we call this spiritual energy ‘morphogenic field’. If you pay attention to the news, you should be able to see it in the newspaper. If you are interested, you can also join us.”

  The expression on that face seemed to be a little moved, but Bai Ge did not answer immediately.

  His eyes fell on Ye Shi’s wrist, and suddenly changed the topic to talk about something else.

  ”Is this… the prosthesis of the academy?”


  Ye Shi lifted his sleeves and showed him – or showed off Jiang Xuezhou’s technological achievements, and said with a smile.

  ”Isn’t it a very ingenious design?”

  There is only one thing that is not perfect, but there is no need to talk about it here.

  ”It is indeed good,” Bai Ge said with some approval in his eyes, pausing for a moment, “A long time ago, I thought the academy was probably hopeless. Those guys who only knew how to repeat what their predecessors said would eventually rot in the swamp. I didn’t expect that I was pedantic… After I left, so many geniuses still emerged.”

  ”Haha, he is not a genius, but that guy is indeed talented in the field of mechanics.”

  Ye Shi smiled embarrassedly, said a few humble words on behalf of someone, and then looked at Bai Ge and said.

  ”Do you have any ideas? I guess you definitely didn’t suddenly show up just to take a look at Nanmen Er’s guests.”

  When he said this, he cast his eyes toward the window, only to see the two “children” still staring out the window happily, admiring the scenery along the way outside the train with great interest.

  ”Of course,” Bai Ge smiled, put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Ye Shi, “Actually, I came here for you.”

  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment.


  Bai Ge nodded, took out a neatly folded copy of “Survivor Daily” from his arms, unfolded it and placed it on the table.

  Ye Shi glanced at the headline of the newspaper. The news published on it seemed to be what he had just said when he was interviewed by reporters when he returned to Earth about the establishment of an extrasolar exploration team.

  I didn’t expect this brother to be interested in this matter.

  Staring at Ye Shi with his eyes sharp, Bai Ge continued.

  ”…I heard that you are planning to recruit volunteers for the expedition team from all over the world. Is that true?”

  Ye Shi said with an embarrassed smile.

  ”It’s just a proposal. In the end, it still needs to be approved by the representatives of all parties in the community.”

  ”This is a very good proposal. I believe it will not be difficult to pass… Based on my observation of your managers,” Bai Ge nodded approvingly. “By the way, are you short of biologists and material engineers on your ship? I mean the professional ones.”

  Ye Shi shook his head.

  ”Not yet. Do you have any recommendations?”

  He just said this casually.

  What he didn’t expect was that the old monster sitting opposite him showed a bright smile and said something that he didn’t expect.

  ”What do you think of me?”

  Ye Shi: “…?!”



  I didn’t expect to pick up a big guy when I went out. Ye Shi was also surprised by this unexpected harvest.

  A scientist who has lived for more than a century, and his life span is probably infinite, and he can be used until “Wasteland OL” is shut down!

  There was no reason to refuse, and Ye Shi immediately agreed without saying a word.

  Although Bai Ge joked that he couldn’t keep up with the times at his age, he didn’t take this humble and polite remark seriously.

  This kind of scholar who can leave his name in history, even if he can’t reach the level of SSSR, the rarity of SSR level is enough.

  In addition, this big man didn’t have any special requirements for treatment. He only asked to leave him a cabin as a laboratory, and to take his Xiaohong and the Titan in the Lost Valley with him.

  Compared with the “Tree of Life” in Baiyue Province that is good at sowing, Xiaohong is better at fusing metal materials and evolving “regenerative armor” on this basis.

  According to Baige, he can help repair the damaged hull of the Orion and enhance the defense capability of the Orion.

  With the addition of Xiaohong and Baige, the Orion is equivalent to having two more layers of defense enhancement and blood recovery buffs in battle!

  Ye Shile’s mouth corners can hardly hold back the gun.

  Just for this one gain, the second half of the journey is worth it!

  Just when the train passed through the Lion City of Luoxia Province and headed towards the direction of the Valley Province, a strange thing happened in the Dawn City far away in the Valley Province.

  Some residents living in Dawn City claimed that they saw transparent paper airplanes at home.

  It was a very thin paper airplane, only the length and thickness of an index finger.

  Some people saw it from the balcony, watching it slowly fly across the sky, some people watched it fly past the window in their bedroom, and some people even claimed that their children watched it pass through the bedroom wall.

  At first, the story about paper airplanes was just a rumor, like an urban legend.

  However, due to the anti-espionage awareness developed by the residents of Dawn City during the war, some people reported the case to the Security Bureau after discovering the situation, which brought the matter to the surface and even appeared in the inferior newspaper “Goblin Observer”. However,

  the strange thing is that although nearly 70 people claimed to have seen the “paper airplane”, no one succeeded in taking a photo of the paper airplane.

  There was even one person who took a photo, but nothing was left on the photo.

  This incident quickly attracted the attention of the Guards Corps and was linked to the incident of the loss of a fountain pen some time ago.

  Although there is no direct evidence to prove that there is any connection between the two, the two strange things did happen at the same time.

  In particular, after the investigation and visit of the Guards Corps, the sample number and scope of the “lost pen” incident are highly overlapped with the “paper airplane” incident.

  In other words, the number of times this phenomenon appears is in the double digits, and it all occurs in Dawn City.

  In the manager’s office of the Alliance Building, Lv Bei reported the results of the investigation to Chu Guang with a serious look.

  After a pause, he carefully expressed his opinion.

  ”I wonder… these strange things may be the work of the heavenly being.”

  Chu Guang asked casually after repeatedly looking at the report in his hand.

  ”Has it caused substantial losses to us?”

  Lv Bei shook his head and said seriously.

  ”No substantial impact has been found for the time being… except that the lost pens can’t be found. However, it is hard to say whether this is some kind of reconnaissance method that we don’t understand.”

  It is because of the lack of understanding that the Guards Corps reacted as if they were facing a great enemy.

  After all, the impression left by the “heavenly being” on the survivors on Earth was too shocking.

  This group of people came up without even a word of greeting, and said “What does it have to do with you if I destroy you?” No one can stand it.

  Especially after the incident with the Orion, the Sticky Community has completely given up the idea of ​​negotiating with the Celestial Beings and the Enlightenment Society, and is ready to unite to eliminate this bug once and for all to prevent future troubles.

  Now both sides are preparing for war intensively, and it is hard not to be nervous at the slightest movement.

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and suddenly said.

  ”I don’t think they have this ability. And to be honest, if they can really make some reconnaissance planes that can penetrate walls, why don’t they use them in Dawn City or our space elevator, but send them to Dawn City, and even to the residential area.”

  Lu Bei frowned and said.

  ”Then… could it be that they are passing messages to spies hidden in Dawn City?”

  Chu Guang shook his head and said.

  ”The possibility exists, but it is not very high. Even if this method of communication can avoid our interception, it will cause too much noise. Just like now, it almost immediately aroused our vigilance.”

  Lu Bei fell silent.

  These things have actually been discussed several times in the meetings of the Guards Corps, and the opinions given by intelligence officials at all levels are the same, believing that the possibility of the two “strange phenomena” being related to the Celestial Being is very low.

  However, the question is.

  If it has nothing to do with the Celestial Being, who else could do such a thing?

  At least from the major survivors that the Guards Corps has learned about, there is neither the motive nor the ability to accomplish this.

  But at this moment, Lu Bei’s heart suddenly moved, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

  ”Could it be… related to the matter of Nanmen Er?”

  This time Chu Guang did not directly deny his guess, but pondered.

  ”I have actually been suspicious of this matter.”

  These inexplicable “strange phenomena” seemed to have started after the return of the Orion.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking, Lu Bei suddenly received a communication request.

  It was not even just Lu Bei who received the message.

  Xiao Qi, who was squatting in the pen holder, also received the message, and his face changed and he climbed out of the pen holder.

  ”What happened?” Looking at Xiao Qi, whose face changed drastically, Chu Guang immediately asked.

  Without the time to use the usual honorific title, Xiao Qi said anxiously,

  ”Something happened with the scientific expedition team!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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