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Chapter 1037: Piercing the Membrane of the Universe

Chapter 1037: Piercing the Membrane of the Universe


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1037 Piercing the Membrane of the Universe

  Along the shore of Linghu Wetland Park, there is the Seventh Research Institute of Dawn City, which is affiliated with the scientific expedition team.

  This is a special research unit established by the scientific expedition team for “South Gate II and related topics of pioneer civilization”. It was not officially put into use until the beginning of the month, with 227 staff members.

  By the standards of the wasteland, this number is already quite enough, especially for a new research institute that has just been established and has not many projects.

  Not only are there a lot of staff and a sufficient budget, but the senior researchers of the institute are also good players in the alliance’s scientific research system.

  For example, the director Dai Huaian, 35 years old, is from Shelter No. 276. His research direction is high-energy physics, and he has been a professor in Camp No. 101 for a period of time.

  Later, recommended by Dr. Method, he joined the alliance’s scientific expedition team and held important positions in related research institutions. Both his ability and resume can be described as outstanding.

  Another example is Yarick, a physicist from Shelter No. 337, and Lin Dong, a former F-level explorer from the Wandering Swamp Science Committee.

  Although the resumes of these researchers are slightly thinner than Director Dai, their knowledge and abilities are not inferior to him, and they even surpass him in specific research directions. They are professional talents.

  At present, only the Alliance and the Academy in the entire wasteland have shown a strong interest in high-energy physics, a “future discipline” with low short-term economic benefits.

  If you add the willingness to spend money and the conditions to spend money, it seems that only the Alliance is left.

  In addition, the Alliance’s reputation outside almost does not need the Alliance to deliberately recruit. These talents who are useless in other places are consciously delivered to the door, and they are all ready to work hard.

  After all, the wasteland era is about to end. When are we not standing up now?

  Combining his old profession of high-energy physics, Director Dai quickly formulated the general direction of research for the institute-studying the membrane between the universe and the universe.

  In fact, he didn’t need to formulate this direction. The clues left by the remains of the pioneer civilization have almost pointed out the way forward for them, clearly telling them that there is a creator in this world and that the universe is nested layer by layer. Just like nesting


  Although this is the understanding of the universe by the “divine stick” civilization, this divine stick is far ahead of human civilization, just like human civilization is far ahead of the civilization of the Doma people.

  As long as they can continue to explore along the clues left by the pioneer civilization, they will definitely be able to comprehend the truth that belongs to mankind, just like the Doma people comprehended the Tree of Insof!

  And it is the truth that belongs to materialists!

  Director Dai has full confidence in this.

  And just at this time, Ye Shi, who returned from Nanmen II, brought a great gift to the “Seventh Institute” of the scientific expedition team – the “Cosmic Membrane Perforator”!

  This relic was completed by Dr. Qiu Shiye under the inspiration of the pioneer civilization!

  It can even be said that the latter taught the former hand in hand!

  Its effect is that after inputting a certain amount of energy, the matter of this universe can be transmitted to the universe of the Creator.

  Although its principle is too profound for the current human civilization, both the visible and invisible parts are as difficult to crack as the secret of heaven, but this does not affect the people who get it to use it directly.

  Just like a black box!

  Later, a soldier of the Burning Corps named Ye Shi, through his mastery of psychic energy, was inspired by Dr. Qiu Shiye and realized the method of using the perforator in reverse to “borrow” energy from the Creator Universe.

  Although the word “borrow” is used, the borrowed energy does not need to be returned.

  According to the clues left by the pioneer civilization, a beam of light from the Creator Universe is comparable to the energy of a star when placed in the “created universe”.

  In other words, what they borrowed from the Creator Universe is so small that it is like a piece of dust and can be almost ignored.

  I believe that the “Creator” will not care.

  It is for this reason that after several careful attempts, the Seventh Research Institute found that there was no safety hazard, and immediately increased the frequency of the experiment and worked overtime.

  It is not that Director Dai and a group of researchers are too anxious, but mainly because the prospects of this technology are too tempting!

  Even researchers who are former residents of the shelter who are not interested in money can see the economic value of this at a glance.

  Once they understand the secret, they will truly master endless energy and even change the way they obtain energy!

  They will no longer have to rely on the light and heat in this universe, but can borrow endless energy from a higher universe!

  The heat death of the universe will be reversed at this moment!

  For humans who have spent their entire lives pursuing more material and energy, is there anything more tempting than this?

  It is no exaggeration to say that they will create a brand new era based on the new era!

  And this era will be more prosperous than the prosperous era!

  That will be the ascension of the entire human civilization!

  Any material rewards and real honors are insignificant compared to this great cause.

  Moreover, the route to Alpha Centauri has not yet been opened, and the plan to establish an observatory in the synchronous orbit of Gaia is still in the draft stage. The entire institute has only the “perforator” project to study.

  After several attempts to retract and release, the researchers of the 7th Institute have evolved from the initial “borrowing light from the wall” to sending different things to the Creator Universe.

  At first, they teleported a mouse, and later they tried to teleport centipedes, mutant bears, slime mold fruiting bodies, and even the cubs of the Death Claw.

  They originally planned to teleport mammoths, but the Dawn City Zoo did not agree, and they had not yet figured out how to get this thing into the underground laboratory, so they gave up.

  Based on a series of tests, the researchers of the Seventh Institute came to a preliminary conclusion.

  The maximum capture range of the teleportation beam ranges from 5 to 10 meters, and its capture range seems to be positively correlated with the input energy and is related to the start-up time of the perforator.

  In other words, the greater the input energy, the longer the hole created by the perforator in the cosmic membrane will exist, and the wider the interference range.

  Reasonable analysis shows that if the energy is sufficient, the teleportation beam can even swallow the entire planet!

  However, to achieve this, the energy consumed will be an astronomical figure, which may reach the level of stars!

  And this is the second, how to compress this terrifying energy into a standard fuel tank size is also a problem.

  Without improving the holy relics, maintaining a three-second opening time and a capture range of 10 meters in radius is already the limit.

  In addition, the matter that is transported to the Creator Universe will disappear permanently.

  According to the description of the pioneer civilization, they will become a beam of light or dust in another universe, unable to return from the world over there, or even if they return, they will not be able to maintain their original form.

  However, this has not been experimentally proven yet, so the researchers of the institute have reservations.

  Another thing is that only living things can be teleported, or corpses that have died within 72 hours.

  ”Dead things” including electronic products cannot be teleported alone, but they can be teleported as accessories of the teleported person.

  The definition of this accessory seems to be related to the self-cognition of the teleported person.

  The researchers tried to put a watch on the body of the slime mold fruiting body. After the perforator was activated, the slime mold fruiting body disappeared, but the watch fell to the original place.

  Then the researchers immediately conducted a control experiment, wearing the same watch on a monkey, and made sure that the monkey understood the concept of the clock. Then they conducted an experiment, and surprisingly found that the monkey and the watch traveled to the Creator Universe together! After

  this discovery, Director Dai immediately formulated a new experimental plan-wrapping a detector with an anti-corrosion film, stuffing it into a piece of meat, and then feeding it as food to the toothless giant lizard caught from the Baiyue Province.

  This toothless monitor is a variant of the Komodo dragon. The average adult is four meters long and weighs nearly 300 kilograms. It eats raw food and then relies on digestive juices to break down the food.

  After the toothless monitor has broken down the meat on the outside of the detector, it will naturally spit out or pull out the detector that cannot be broken down.

  The latter will continuously emit electromagnetic wave signals containing observation information before the battery runs out.

  If they can receive signals from another universe through the “hole” created by the perforator in the next experiment, it means that the toothless monitor they sent over did not become the light of another universe, but still exists in another universe.

  Not only that, they may be able to obtain more information about the Creator’s universe by analyzing the electromagnetic wave signals sent back!

  Without hesitation, Director Dai reported the experimental plan to the scientific expedition team in accordance with the work regulations and immediately started the experiment. On

  the third underground floor of the institute, in the isolation room where the universe model perforator is stored, the staff in protective clothing led the cage containing the monitor to the side of the perforator, and then quickly left the isolation room.

  As if it had sensed a threat, the toothless giant lizard made a hissing sound and twisted its huge body restlessly in the narrow iron cage, making the cage bang.

  After confirming that the staff had left the scene, the researchers standing behind the glass curtain wall immediately remotely activated the remote-controlled robot in the isolation room and pressed the switch to turn on the perforator.

  As the perforator started, a dazzling light was instantly released from the center of the perforator, completely covering the giant lizard in the cage.

  There was no sound.

  When the light that was impossible to look at dissipated, the lizard that was originally lying in the cage and twisting its body had disappeared, leaving only the chains that bound its limbs alone.

  Watching the strange scene behind the glass curtain wall, Yarick, who was standing next to Dai Huaian, said with a moved expression.

  ”No matter how many times I see it, I can’t help but say one more thing… This is incredible.”

  As a physicist in cryogenic hibernation in Shelter 337, he has been engaged in physics research at the end of the prosperous era, and the research topic is still the most cutting-edge direction in the physics community. He has seen a lot of incredible things.

  However, even so, the scene in front of him really shocked his eyes –

  a 300-kilogram lizard just disappeared in front of all of them.

  And there was no trace left.

  ”… After all, it is the technology of the ‘pioneer’. How can you rule hundreds or thousands of galaxies without two brushes?”

  Staring at the cage behind the glass curtain wall, Lin Dong’s face was full of obsession, muttering to himself.

  Sure enough –

  this is the scientific research exploration he longs for! What

  they are facing at this moment is the real unknown, the truth that human civilization has never discovered!

  Compared with this thing, the ruins he explored before and the black boxes he excavated are simply weak!

  Looking at Lin Dong with an obsessed face, Yarick made a helpless expression and cast his eyes behind the glass curtain wall.

  ”Whether that pioneer civilization ruled hundreds or thousands of galaxies or not… this technology, which is far beyond the understanding of our current civilization level, is indeed no different from magic to us.”

  He felt like a “Doma man” at this moment.

  Although he had never really seen a Doma man, he had only heard about it in the internal reports of the scientific expedition team.

  The researchers in the operation room were whispering to each other, and Director Dai was looking at the time on his watch, waiting for the toothless giant lizard to digest the meat in its stomach.

  Although the speed of time in the two universes may not be the same, that is not what this experiment is about.

  What they want to verify is whether the matter transmitted to the Creator’s universe still maintains its structural integrity.

  If no signal is received, they will speculate whether the failure of the experiment is due to the difference in the speed of time in the two universes, which leads to the loss of the detector signal, and then continue to arrange control experiments to verify this conjecture.

  Just as he was waiting quietly, the movable door behind the operation room suddenly opened to both sides, and a young man in a white coat walked in from outside.

  ”How is the experiment going?”

  Looking at Yin Fang who suddenly visited, Director Dai’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression. Obviously, he didn’t expect that this big guy would attach so much importance to this experiment and even come to the scene in person.

  However, the surprise only stayed on his face for a while, and soon turned into surprise and pride.

  Dai Huaian smiled and reported immediately.

  ”We have just finished the first set of experiments! The experiment went very smoothly. The detector was successfully taken to another universe by the toothless giant lizard… Next, we will conduct the second set of experiments to confirm whether the detector is working properly.”

  ”It seems that I came at the right time,” Yin Fang smiled and nodded, saying in an appreciative tone, “I have a very strong premonition that everyone present today will witness history.”

  This affirmation from the chief scientist of the alliance inspired everyone present.

  Not only Director Dai Huaian, but almost every researcher showed excitement and joy on their faces.

  Without interfering with the experiments of the researchers of the seven institutes, Yin Fang just sat on the edge of the operating room as a bystander and watched quietly.

  In a sense, his work style was somewhat influenced by Chu Guang. He would not interfere with the work of his subordinates if he could, and would leave professional matters to professionals, unless his subordinates were lazy and didn’t work.

  When anyone is fully focused on a career, they hate others to point fingers at them.

  This is human nature.

  Although he is the chief scientist, he is not necessarily more professional than the others in the research on pioneer civilization. If he gives random instructions, he may lead the whole project into trouble. It is better for him to squat quietly and watch as a mascot, and give some valuable suggestions when appropriate.

  In fact, if he was not curious about the relics of pioneer civilization and the “universe outside the universe”, he might not come to the scene to watch, and he would just read the report on the tablet.

  The time for the second group of experiments is coming soon.

  Perhaps they want to show off their skills to the respected chief scientist of the alliance, and the researchers present are also very energetic. From the director to the grassroots operators, they are all concentrating on the experiment.

  They first placed a signal receiver in the isolation room, then adjusted the parameters of the perforator from “input state” to “output state”, and then inserted a brand new empty fuel tank into the reactor.

  As for the previous fuel tank, it can no longer be used because of a hole.

  This is also one of the small details of using the perforator.

  Every time the membrane of the universe is penetrated in the forward direction, a cylindrical hole will be left on the fuel tank of the reactor, just like a movie ticket with a cut corner, which cannot be used again.

  However, if the membrane of the universe is penetrated in the reverse direction, that is, “borrowing light from the Creator Universe”, there will be no impact.

  After all the preparations were made, the staff in the isolation room withdrew step by step, and then the researchers in the operation room started the remote control robot deployed in the isolation room in advance, and started the perforator step by step.

  Then, the sun-like shining light once again filled the entire isolation room, carrying terrifying energy from the reactor in the isolation room.


  this experiment seemed to be different from the previous ones. It seemed that what overflowed from the reactor was not only energy, but also something else.

  Yin Fang frowned slightly.

  At the same time, the researcher standing in front of the terminal shouted in surprise.

  ”Gamma rays detected!”

  Everyone showed surprise on their faces, and Yin Fang was slightly stunned.

  Gamma rays?

  Could it be that

  this time it was not just energy?

  While Yin Fang was thinking, the shining light had gone out.

  Director Dai, who was standing by, obviously thought the same thing as him. After all the indicators showed normal, he immediately ordered the staff in protective clothing to enter the isolation room to check the signal receiver installed next to the perforator.

  The result of the experiment was beyond everyone’s expectations.

  They did not receive the video sent back by the detector, but instead received a special signal.

  Looking at the people who were gathered in front of the terminal with solemn expressions, Yin Fang also stood up and moved closer.

  ”What’s on the signal receiver?”

  Hearing Yin Fang’s question, Director Dai hesitated and said for a moment.

  ”We are analyzing the signal, and the result of the interpretation seems to be… a string of binary numbers.”

  At the same time he said it, a string of binary numbers that had been analyzed and processed appeared on the screen of the terminal and filled the entire screen.

  The operator quickly analyzed the numbers further, and with the help of AI for scientific research, it was transcoded into decimal numbers, and soon found repeated digital segments from them.


  The researcher named Lin Dong read out the numbers on the screen in a low voice. Suddenly, he realized something and took a breath.

  ”Hiss… Come to think of it, there are exactly seven knobs on our perforator!”

  Yarick also realized this and frowned, saying solemnly.

  ”This string of numbers looks like a key, and it is tailor-made for us.”

  ”What will happen if we input this string of numbers into the dial of the perforator?” The researcher standing aside suddenly thought.

  Another researcher shook his head and said.

  ”I don’t know, no one knows.”

  The string of numbers contained too little information, and they couldn’t even judge the other party’s intentions.

  ”Do you want to try to input this set of numbers into the dial?” The researcher standing next to the terminal turned around and cast his eyes on Director Dai.

  Director Dai subconsciously looked at Yin Fang, and seeing that the latter did not raise any opinions, he looked at Yarick on the side and asked.

  ”Is the risk controllable?”

  Yarick shook his head.

  ”Too little information… But in theory, it should be controllable.”

  Director Dai frowned.


  ”After all, the helium-3 fuel we used was less than one kilogram,” Yarick shrugged his shoulders, “It’s impossible to summon a space battleship with these hundreds of grams of helium-3.” The

  maximum projection radius of 10 meters is obviously not enough for something of that level to pop out.

  And after all, it’s just a small hole, so small that it can’t even be observed with the naked eye.

  The thing that popped out in the end is probably the same level as the energy they input.


  Finally, when it came to the final decision, a pair of eyes looked at the guy with the most ideas in the room.

  Looking at Yin Fang, Director Dai of the Seventh Institute asked nervously.

  ”Do you think… do you want to add another set of experiments?”

  No one knew what was in front of them at the moment. This was a real blind box.

  Hidden in the blind box might be opportunities, dangers, or nothing would happen.

  But there was one thing that was beyond doubt.

  If they didn’t take this step, they would never be able to discover a new world.

  Should they maintain awe of the universe and retreat cautiously?

  Or should they take a brave step forward?

  No one could know the results of the experiment in advance before the experiment.

  Looking at those pairs of nervous and expectant eyes, Yin Fang knew that he could no longer remain silent.

  Forget it.

  These guys are here to take the blame.

  ”Your eyes tell me that you already have an idea in your mind…”

  After a pause, Yin Fang looked around at everyone present and continued in a serious tone.

  ”In that case, let’s give it a try.”

  As he expected, when everyone heard his decision, they showed excited expressions on their faces.

  Someone is willing to take risks and responsibilities, and has the ability to take them, and the whole thing suddenly becomes easier.

  At least in terms of feeling.

  For a moment, Yin Fang suddenly felt what Chu Guang felt.

  That guy didn’t seem to do nothing as he seemed.

  And maybe, what he did was the most difficult and least easy thing…

  The third experiment quickly entered the preparation stage.

  Just in case, Yin Fang applied to the Guards Corps to temporarily increase the security level of the No. 7 Institute, and dispatched an additional platoon of troops to the laboratory.

  The entire platoon has a total of 30 people. Except for three officers, the remaining 27 reinforcements are all composed of awakened people from Shelter No. 404.

  After making all preparations, the laboratory staff, under the instruction of Director Dai, adjusted the parameters of the perforator according to the string of codes obtained from the Creator Universe, and then evacuated the isolation room according to the previous process, and remotely activated the window through the robot.

  It is worth mentioning that if the parameters are randomly entered, the perforator cannot be activated.

  This has been verified in previous experiments.

  That is why the researchers at the Seventh Institute were prepared for the possibility that nothing would happen when they were conducting the experiment.

  Fortunately, the most wasteful situation did not happen.

  At the moment the button to start the perforator was pressed, a dazzling white light lit up again in the isolation room.

  Looking at the numbers jumping on the screen, the researcher standing in front of the terminal shouted excitedly.

  ”Gamma rays are increasing! This time… the measured value is stronger than before!”

  Yin Fang stared at the transparent glass curtain wall in front of him, and in his heart he was stunned, and gradually had a sense of foreboding.


  seemed to be coming out from there.

  However, even if he wanted to stop the experiment at this time, it was too late.

  In an instant, the lights in the operating room suddenly flickered, and then went dark with a “hum”.

  ”What’s going on?!”

  ”The power is out?! Why at this time–”

  ”Wait, did you hear anything?!”

  Everyone was at a loss as to what was going on, and suddenly there was a hissing sound in the pitch-dark darkness, like a low roar from the abyss.

  Listening to the voice coming through the glass curtain wall, Yin Fang felt his hair stand on end, and a chill ran down his spine, or a sense of déjà vu.

  That happened before he joined the alliance.

  At the time, he was still the team leader of an exploration team in the academy, doing some garbage picking and rummaging for the academy.

  However, even though he was fully prepared for every mission, he still failed in one mission, resulting in him being the only one to survive.

  That operation could only be described as a disaster.

  In order to save his career, his superiors almost unhesitatingly threw all the blame on him, so that he had to leave the academy and escape from the Wandering Swamp.

  That incident was almost a shadow of his life…

  and at this moment, the nightmare that he had buried deep in his heart once again emerged from his heart.

  But it was different from before.

  This time he was no longer an insignificant little character, but stood on a completely different position from before.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Yin Fang made a prompt decision and shouted at the researchers present.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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