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Chapter 1038 From the Void

Chapter 1038 From the Void


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1038 From the Void

  Since the history of human civilization, no physics experiment has ever been terminated after it was started simply because of risks. Recognizing risks, taking precautions, and carefully verifying them are the judgments of normal people when facing the unknown.

  Including the controversial hadron collider experiment from the beginning of construction in the old era, including the extremely dangerous fission nuclear power reactor, etc.

  The reason why the scientific expedition team set up the Seventh Research Institute near the No. 404 shelter far away from the city, and went to great lengths to set up the laboratory underground and provide nuclear explosion-level protection, is precisely a countermeasure against possible risks.

  In the most extreme case, the alliance can also blow up the laboratory and completely bury the possible unstable “anomalies” with 10,000 tons of structural materials.

  And every staff member knows these possible risks.

  If you don’t want to take any risks, then go to farm with a hoe, which is the least risky job in the wasteland.

  Of course, the possibility of the most extreme situation is actually not high, just like the rumor that the hadron collider will create a black hole and engulf the solar system.

  After all, this was not a device made by the pioneer civilization itself, but was completed with the help of a certain upright ape named Qiu Shiye. No matter how exaggerated the effect is, there is a limit.

  To make a simple analogy, it is entirely possible for a certain Doma people to make black powder under the guidance of human civilization to scare others, but it is nonsense to blow up the entire Gaia planet with a few kilograms of black powder.

  Humans cannot do such an outrageous thing as crushing a planet.

  However, the result of this experiment still surprised all researchers.

  From the recorded history of human civilization to the present, no physics experiment has ever produced a monster that does not belong to this world from the center of the laboratory…

  and now, this record has been broken.


  The deafening sound waves and an unknown object collided with the glass curtain wall that was stronger than concrete. The

  huge impact force not only broke the speaker in the operating room, but also made the glass curtain wall covered with a dense spider web.

  Fortunately, Yin Fang’s “retreat” made all the researchers present react. They quickly rushed to the door of the operation room, activated the manual mode, and opened the alloy door that was powered off.

  With the joint efforts of everyone, the alloy door quickly opened, and a group of people filed out.

  The situation was extremely critical.

  The monster hidden in the darkness hit again and again, trying to break free from the shackles on itself, and the glass curtain wall had already made a wail of being overwhelmed!

  However, no one in the entire operation room panicked, and everyone was very calm.

  The entire evacuation process was carried out in an orderly manner, and no one rushed to escape. Everything was just like a safety drill.

  People consciously lined up according to their rank – the lowest rank was in front, and the highest rank was at the end. They left the operation room at the fastest speed and quickly ran to the nearest safe passage!

  Director Dai initially wanted Yin Fang to line up in front of him, but was pushed back by the latter.

  Looking at Dai Huaian, who was stunned, Yin Fang glared at him fiercely and said.

  ”What’s written in the safety manual!”

  Dai Huaian’s face turned slightly pale, and he spoke hurriedly.

  ”But you are not a researcher from the Seventh Institute–”

  Yin Fang interrupted him without hesitation.

  ”I am a resident of Shelter 404, the chief scientist of the Alliance! Standing in your position, this is an order!”

  If there are residents of Shelter 404 present, the residents of Shelter 404 will always be the last to evacuate!

  This is the rule he set himself.

  And it has been written in the safety manual since the establishment of the scientific expedition team, and it is written in the first chapter of the manual!

  In the scientific expedition team, rank means responsibility, the higher the rank, the greater the responsibility, there is no such thing as climbing over everyone’s head and pushing the responsibility away completely!

  This was the case when I was in the academy before.

  The lowest-level explorers do the most dangerous work, and in the end they have to bear the risk of mission failure for the sake of the researcher’s career, and there is no compensation after being eaten up.

  He has tasted this pain, and he must never bring this dregs to the Alliance again!

  If he had no choice at that time, he would have been like this since he was born in the academy, but now he has stood in almost the same position as the “academy chief technology officer”.

  He wants everyone in the scientific expedition team to remember that since he said “I will be responsible”, he must take responsibility to the end! He

  must not wait until the time comes to be responsible and treat what he said as a fart!

  As for the fact that his death is the loss of the alliance, that is real bullshit.

  People are not wine, how can the saying that the fragrance lasts longer?

  He himself climbed up from an E-level explorer, and he has no doubt that another E-level researcher can climb to his current position!

  He also firmly believes that even if he defends the rules with his life today, there will definitely be researchers who are younger and more far-sighted than him standing on his shoulders, seeing things that he has no chance to see, and continuing to defend the rules he has defended like him! The

  deafening roar continued, and the solid glass curtain wall finally collapsed in an instant, and the broken glass shards hit the other wall of the operating room like shrapnel!

  Everything happened in a flash!

  The explosion happened less than half a minute after the start of the third set of experiments. Yin Fang even felt the surging air behind him.

  Fortunately, he was not caught by the monster hiding in the dark.

  At the moment when the glass curtain wall was about to break, he successfully escaped from the operating room and stumbled into the corridor.

  ”Quick! This way!”

  Dai Huaian, who was running in front, pulled him, and the two of them quickly rushed to the entrance of the safe passage after stabilizing their bodies.

  At this time, the staff on the surface manually started the backup generator, and the power supply of the underground passage was immediately restored.

  With the sudden light, Lin Dong, who was running in front, couldn’t help but look back and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

  ”I’m blazing…”

  It was an extremely huge lizard, with eyes as small as soybeans densely growing on both sides of the bloody mouth, like a burst pus bubble.

  The pitch-black scales exuded the breath of death, and under the illumination of the incandescent lamp, they could not reflect a single bit of luster.

  It was as if all wavelengths of light were absorbed by the blackest and darkest scales!

  That was…

  the death claw? !


  In front of such a monster, even “Nico” could only be a snack. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it “Death Monitor Lizard” or “Death Mouth”. At the

  same time when he met the pair of soybean-sized eyes, the bloody mouth slowly opened.

  At the same time, a hand grabbed the collar of Lin Dong’s neck and dragged him into the safety passage, who couldn’t help holding his breath. The

  violent airflow bombarded the entire corridor with the deafening roar. The aftermath of the safety passage alone shook his internal organs and almost didn’t recover.

  Pulling the former explorer who didn’t know how to live or die in front of him, Yarrick shouted at him.

  ”You are fucking going to die! Run!”

  Lin Dong didn’t have time to answer, and couldn’t hear what Yarrick said, but his feet still moved.

  With heavy and frantic steps, the twisting death monitor lizard chased to the entrance of the safety passage at an incredible speed.

  Fortunately, the narrow entrance stuck it in the doorway, with only half of its mouth able to stick in.

  Looking at the ugly giant mouth, Lin Dong, who had escaped from the dead, felt his heart pounding, almost jumping out of his throat.

  ”What a hell…”

  The other researchers had the same expression.

  Seeing that the lizard’s mouth opened wide and seemed to be about to roar again, Yin Fang quickly punched open the dust cover of the fire alarm button embedded in the wall and lowered the fireproof isolation door of the emergency passage. The

  alloy folding door fell from the sky, cutting off the lower half of the stairs of the emergency passage.

  The death giant lizard let out a deafening roar, causing the alloy folding door to tremble, but it seemed that it was over.

  ”Saved…” Dai Huaian leaned against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Their mission was over.

  Next, it was the work of the combatants…

  Just as a group of researchers ran from the laboratory on the third floor underground to the second floor underground, the second floor underground of the institute was a completely different picture.

  At the moment when the power went out in the laboratory, the twenty-seven players who were sitting on the chairs and shaking their legs in boredom stood up instantly as if they had been injected with chicken blood. The

  players present were all above level 30. Although they were not T0 or T1 top players, they were also the backbone of the server.

  An hour ago, they received the mission of the Guards Regiment to enter the Seventh Research Institute. They received the “Xiaguang” Type III power armor and the latest K-12 heavy exoskeleton from the officers of the Guards Regiment, as well as the improved bolt guns of the Giant Stone Military Industry, and squatted on the upper floor of the research institute on standby.

  According to the experience of those who have participated in the “Seventh Research Institute” mission, they only need to hang up in the research institute until the mission is completed, and they don’t have to fight in real life.

  Although the mission process is a bit slow, the reward is generous, and it can also brush the professional experience of the scientific expedition team and the favorability of key NPCs. Therefore, there have been many people who accept the mission, and even need to fight.

  In addition, a big guy who got up several times a night said that these researchers practiced the treasures he brought back from Nanmen 2 so intensively every day, and sooner or later they would refine the DLC.

  Therefore, there has been a rumor circulating on the forum that the “security level upgrade” task of the Seventh Research Institute actually has a “hidden task”!

  As we all know, “hidden tasks” are the key to becoming the son of the “Wasteland OL” version.

  If you can get a data pack, it will definitely be an “opportunity” to advance to T1!

  It is for this reason that, in addition to a group of middle-level players who have just passed level 30, some old players at levels 40 and 50 will occasionally come here to try their luck and see if they can find a way to open the hidden task.

  ”Brothers! Now!”


  ”Prepare for battle!”

  Even without the reminder of the officers of the Guards Corps, four level 50 big guys wearing power armor have already rushed up and rushed into the elevator dedicated to security personnel.

  With a crisp click, the landing capsule instantly passed through the elevator shaft leading directly to the laboratory on the third floor underground, and landed directly at the end of the shaft with a “bang!”

  If it were an ordinary person, he would lose half of his health before the fight even started after being hit like this.

  But there were three level 45 strength beasts and one intelligence brain standing inside!

  Level 45!

  When Old White was not at this level, he could already solo the nest on the B6 floor of the shelter.

  The four elders of their Super Fierce Corps are all here, so they can’t be killed by the BOSS!

  [Great Omen] at the front was not panicked at all, as steady as an old dog. While using the grenade gun, he also scratched the butt next to him, took a white phosphorus bomb and held it in his left hand.

  ”Mission refreshed! Target ‘Death Giant Lizard’! Judging from the name, it should be a Garbage-type alien, prepare incendiary bombs!”

  ”Attention! There is no need to pay attention to the laboratory facilities, but don’t destroy the holy relics!”

  ”Got it!” [Turning Danger into Good Fortune] responded, stuffed an incendiary bomb into the grenade gun in his hand, and blocked the corridor on the left and right with “Brother Zhao” next to him.

  [More Dangerous Than Good] and [Turbulent Waves] followed closely behind, one carrying a rocket launcher and the other holding a remote control terminal, releasing a half-meter-high automatic unmanned vehicle and a four-rotor combat drone.

  The entire four-person team was like a chariot rolling in the corridor, rushing towards the mission target with great momentum.

  At this moment, the giant lizard that broke through the isolation wall was sticking its head at the entrance of the escape passage, trying to catch the little mice hiding in the passage.

  But at this moment, the sound echoing in the laboratory attracted its attention.

  The threat of death is approaching!

  Feeling the threat that could not be ignored, it subconsciously pulled its head out, twisted its body and took two steps back, its soybean-like eyes fixed straight on the end of the corridor. The

  heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor, just like the sound of a war drum that was gradually beating!


  The death giant lizard snorted heavily, and its amber-like pupils narrowed dangerously.

  On the other side, the players carrying the grenade launchers looked at it unscrupulously, commenting on its distorted appearance.

  ”Fuck… it’s so ugly.”

  ”It looks a lot like SCP-682, but it’s balder than it… and a little bigger.”

  ”The question is, how did these physicists make this thing?”

  ”Maybe it walked out of the biological research institute on the set–”


  A violent roar interrupted the conversation.

  The spreading sound waves instantly shook the entire corridor, and at the same time shook the four iron lumps!

  Perhaps angered by the rash reaction of this group of people, the giant lizard with scales as deep as black holes instantly turned into a running truck, twisting its huge body and running over the corridor full of debris and wreckage!

  Realizing the threat of the “alien” in front of him, [Turning Danger into Fortune] was no longer arrogant, and quickly threw the white phosphorus bomb in his hand at it, while pulling the trigger of the grenade launcher with his right hand, responding to its battle cry with gunshots!

  ”Bang bang bang!”

  Hot flames burst out of the muzzle of the 19mm gun, and a cross-flowing iron rain opened up in the spacious corridor!

  Not to mention a lizard that looks like Junk-kun, even a super mutant standing here would be crushed into meat paste!

  However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

  The death giant lizard hit by the explosive bullet was like nothing happened, just let out a painful roar, and rushed up against the sparks.

  As for the phosphorus fire from the explosion of the white phosphorus bomb, it simply ignored it and rushed over in two steps!

  The eyes of [Feng Danger Turning Good Fortune] standing on the right were wide open, and he couldn’t help but shouting “Fuck!”.

  Charging against the metal jet of armor-piercing bombs? !

  ”This thing is a carbon-based creature?!”

  ”Who the hell knows–” [Danger and Less Good Fortune] holding a rocket launcher pulled the trigger, and a stream of white smoke rushed towards the giant lizard that twisted its body forward.

  Almost stuck at the edge of the safe distance, the high-explosive rocket hit the shoulder of the lizard!

  The air wave of the explosion swept across the entire corridor, and the whistling shrapnel whizzed and scraped on the alloy wall and hung on the chest armor of the power armor.

  This rocket did have some effect, and a palm-sized hole was blasted on the shoulder of the giant lizard!

  The red and black blood dripped on the floor, making a hissing sound, like a strong corrosive inorganic acid.

  【Turning Danger into Fortune】 swallowed his saliva, staring at the lizard with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  ”It must be fake…”

  What his buddy just fired was a barrel with a metal hydrogen warhead!

  Even if the armor-piercing effect of the high-explosive bomb was average, the terrifying explosion power was enough to overturn the Chimera armored vehicle!

  However, the dead lizard seemed to be fine! Only a layer of skin was lost!

  Even more than that –

  the palm-sized wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

  ”The expansion pack… is on?”

  Looking at the horrifying scene in front of him, 【More Dangerous Than Good】 struggled to squeeze out a sentence from his mouth, until 【Turbulent Waves】 on the side woke him up with a loud shout.

  ”Switch to armor-piercing bullets! What are you standing there for?!”

  The ground unmanned vehicle poured out its firepower, and the grenade launcher hanging on the barrel was scattering one after another at the death giant lizard in front of it.

  The Death Giant Lizard seemed to have adapted to their attack rhythm. It twisted its neck to take the attack on its face, then threw its arms and quickly crawled forward!

  Half of its face was broken, so it turned the other side and opened its eyes alternately to see the front clearly.

  When the other side of its face was also broken, its face that was beaten up at first returned to its original shape.

  [More Dangerous] had finished loading and quickly fired the second rocket!

  But this time, the Death Giant Lizard seemed to be prepared. It pecked forward with its narrow mouth at an incredible speed, and then lifted it up, and actually pushed the high-speed armor-piercing shell to the ceiling!


  The armor-piercing shell that was enough to penetrate the side armor of the tank exploded instantly, and the burning metal fragments were like gorgeous fireworks that covered half of the corridor.

  So far, the four players who faced the battle have already shown all their strength, and no one dared to take it lightly because of the advantages of equipment and level.


  in the face of that overwhelming force, it seems that being serious is not enough to solve the problem.

  [The most dangerous] watched helplessly as the beast opened its mouth, bit, twisted, and…his leader [The Great Omen] was torn in half, including the armor, and one half was thrown to the other side of the corridor.

  ”Brother Zhao!!” [The most dangerous]’s eyes instantly turned red, and he threw away the bolt gun in his hand and pulled out the ceramic steel combat knife tied to his arm.

  The bolt bullet has a safe distance limit, and it has lost its effect when it is close to the face!

  The knife is more useful at this time!


  Bathed in the hot blood, the death giant lizard let out a hearty roar, and then slapped the tin can next to it with one claw.

  With a crisp sound of “clam!”, [The most dangerous] wearing power armor was like an oyster that was cracked open, and his eyeballs instantly exploded and splashed on the tactical eyepiece of the helmet.

  It’s not just speed-

  in the face of this super-standard combat power, the power he is most proud of was also ruthlessly crushed!

  Two teammates died one after another, and [The most dangerous] felt sad in his heart.

  ”I’ll fight you!”

  It was impossible to run away, and it was impossible to escape at this distance.

  Without saying a word, he activated the self-destruction program of the power armor, then drew out his combat knife and pounced on it.

  Seeing the prey rushing up to die, the death giant lizard grinned, opened its huge mouth and bit forward!

  Under the squeeze of the bite force that tore through space, [More Dangerous] felt like he was caught by a door, and was instantly squeezed into ketchup by the cracked steel, and sprayed out from the broken shoulder armor!

  But this time it miscalculated. It didn’t expect that the prey in its mouth would explode. With a “boom”, half of its head was blown off, and the unmanned vehicle and drone next to it were blown away and fell into the corner of the wall as if weightless.

  However –

  this seemingly fatal blow still didn’t kill it!

  This strange lizard seemed to be immortal. Large pieces of blood clots gushed out of its half-drooping head, and it grew back in just a few breaths.

  Including those amber eyes.

  What a pity.

  Although the power armor is nuclear powered, it is different from nuclear weapons after all. Conventional explosives that detonate the reactor are not enough to trigger a tactical nuclear explosion.

  [Turbulent Waves] was blown away by the shock wave and hit the wall. He was completely shocked.

  He sat on the ground, forgetting to get up, watching the monster approach, and was speechless for a while.

  What the hell… is this a fight? !

  The recovery ability is stronger than that of the mother of death claws, and the combat power is even stronger than that of the drugged garbage man.

  No –

  if the garbage man comes, he might be a snack.

  Perhaps, the only way to deal with it is to blow up the institute.

  The giant lizard covered in blood grinned at him, as if playing with its prey, staring at the dying man with its amber eyes, but not in a hurry to bite.

  In its opinion, the little mouse was dead.

  The only thing that confused it was where the strong omen of death just now came from.

  Could it be that

  there are creatures stronger than it in this world?

  But no matter what, these four little mice are obviously not its opponents…

  Just as the death giant lizard was looking at the prey that was close at hand, the sound of footsteps, not light or heavy, suddenly came into its ears, and the direction was still the end of the corridor.

  It slowly turned its head to look over there, and saw a blue power armor and a square iron hammer, which had already been reflected in the pupils as big as soybeans.

  Its eyes narrowed dangerously in an instant, and a low roar came out of its throat.

  However, before it could open its mouth to test, the wind-like airflow had already blown towards its face.

  That was also anti-armor-level power—

  and more ferocious than a rocket launcher!

  The huge head was like a watermelon hit by a truck, covered with countless pieces of minced meat and dark red blood clots and flew out, covering the entire wall.


  Shaking its bulky body backwards, the Death Giant Lizard finally roared, but there was obviously a bit of panic in the voice, as if it was being stared at by a larger giant.

  New granulations grew on the half-broken head, and sutured at a speed visible to the naked eye.


  careful observation would reveal that its regeneration speed was a full second slower than before!

  ”I see… It seems that even monsters that emerge from the void are not invincible, and their ability to self-repair will continue to weaken with the number of regenerations.”

  ”But I’m curious, what provides this self-repair energy? Organic matter? Or… like your existence itself, from the outside of the cosmic membrane?”

  The calm voice drifted into the ears of [Turbulent Waves], who raised his stunned face and saw the figure that walked out of the smoke, and his mouth opened into an O shape.


  Manager! ?

  If he remembered correctly, the last time this big guy made a move seemed to be during the Torch War? !

  He was not at the scene at the time, and only heard the players on the forum exaggerating more and more outrageously, saying that the hammer even tore the space apart and destroyed the avenue…

  Obviously, that was bullshit.

  Without paying attention to the expression on the face of the player sitting by the wall, Chu Guang tightened the nitrogen-powered hammer in his hand, and under the terrified half-faced gaze of the Death Giant Lizard, he took a step forward slowly.


  The Death Giant Lizard seemed to be frightened, swaying its body backwards, and roared at him in a hoarse and threatening manner.


  The deafening roar, wrapped in a weak sound wave, blasted towards Chu Guang, but just when it was about to touch his steel breastplate, it was blocked by the invisible air wall.

  The compressed nitrogen was as strong as steel, and it spread out like a circle of wrinkled ripples around.


  that was not what Chu Guang was most proud of.

  His sequence level will continue to increase with the upgrade of players.

  And with the continuous expansion of the number of players in the server and the continuous iteration and evolution of various sequence branches, he is now so strong that even he thinks he is a monster.

  Perhaps, only this existence that seems to come from the void is worthy of his personal action.

  Holding the hammer across his chest, he took a step forward in the terrified eyes of the Death Giant Lizard.

  ”Let me take a look——”

  ”How many times do you have to be killed before you die.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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