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Chapter 1040 Echo on the Wall

Chapter 1040 Echo on the Wall


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1040 Echoes on the Wall

  The strange disappearance of the Death Lizard shocked everyone standing at the scene.

  Whether it was the player, the NPC, or Chu Guang.

  Yin Fang was the first to react. He rushed to the place where the Death Lizard had fallen before with the fastest speed, and reached out to touch the ground.

  Rubbing his index finger and thumb, his brows slightly frowned.

  The corrosive blood had completely disappeared.

  However, traces of corrosion still remained on the synthetic material floor.

  In addition, the human tissue devoured by the Death Lizard also dissipated into the air along with the virtualized particles, as if assimilated by some unknown force.

  What exactly is that force?

  Yin Fang suddenly remembered what happened in the previous experiments.

  The researchers of the Seventh Institute tried to use a perforator to transmit a simple mechanical object such as a clock to the Creator Universe. The result of direct transmission was no response, but it was successful when it was worn on a monkey.

  The gap created by the perforator on the membrane of the universe seems to be related to the subjective cognition of the teleported person. Although this understanding is a bit idealistic, the facts they saw are indeed objective.

  Walking to Yin Fang’s side, Chu Guang looked at the corrosion marks left on the ground and whispered.

  ”What is this thing like?”

  ”I don’t know. We have too few clues…” Yin Fang shook his head, paused for a moment, and then continued in an uncertain tone, “But I do have a guess.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and signaled him to continue.

  Yin Fang paused and continued.

  ”The pioneer civilization mentioned the ‘wall’ and explained it as the existence between universes, and warned us to be careful and not to release them.”

  Chu Guang said after thinking for a moment.

  ”You mean, this lizard is the thing on the ‘wall’?”

  ”To be precise, it is the projection of something on the ‘wall’. I don’t think it has the ability to drill through an almost invisible hole. What we are facing is probably the ‘image’ it presents through the small hole with the help of some force.” Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang who was thinking, and continued seriously, “Of course, this is just my speculation based on logic. If the membrane of the universe is so fragile that even we who have just walked out of the mother planet can destroy it at will, this universe cannot exist until now… unless you believe that we are the only civilization in this universe.”

  This is obviously impossible.

  After all, it was not long ago that they discovered the existence of the pioneer civilization, and even their understanding of “void” was inherited from the pioneer civilization.

  ”The projection of the void creature, it sounds creepy,” Chu Guang smiled lightly, “but the other side seems to be afraid of us, so there is nothing to worry about.”

  Looking at the confident smile on Chu Guang’s face, Yin Fang couldn’t help but smile to relieve his emotions and said a joke.

  ”Of course it will be afraid of us. Remember what it said just now? It has been to many worlds similar to ours.”

  ”I guess this is not the first time it has hit a wall.”


  [Experimental Log of the Seventh Research Institute of the Alliance Scientific Expedition]

  [No.: TAG.7444154]

  [Name: Death Giant Lizard. ]

  [Description: It is a giant lizard with an indefinite number of eyes on both sides of its mouth.

  It is brutal and aggressive by nature. It can destroy a nearly half-meter thick concrete structure and break through the isolation facility with quasi-nuclear protection capabilities with just physical strength.

  In addition to its extraordinary strength and desire for hunting, this unidentified life form also has an almost incredible recovery ability and damage resistance. Even if it encounters fatal injuries, it can maintain combat efficiency and recover from damage in a relatively short period of time. ]

  [Experimental Record: [Super Fierce Corps] Four fifth-stage awakeners launched an offensive against it with “company-level firepower”, using equipment including grenade launchers, white phosphorus bombs, and individual rocket launchers, and only one person survived.

  In subsequent experiments, the [Administrator] personally took action and repeatedly destroyed its body tissues, concluding that the creature’s regeneration ability had an upper limit, and it could be killed by multiple kills.

  Five minutes after the life form was killed, the remains of the body disappeared out of thin air, which was specifically manifested as decomposition into tiny invisible particles after virtualization, and its whereabouts were unknown.

  In addition, the experiment showed that the creature had a certain degree of intelligence and language ability, but only showed a limited desire to communicate when facing an unbeatable opponent.


  【Note 1: The experimental facilities on the B3 floor of the Seventh Research Institute should consider the possible invasion of organic life forms, and add physical disinfection devices in the isolation facilities. 】

  【Note 2: According to the information revealed by “TAG.7444154”, there are suspected to be multiple parallel universes. If this information is accurate, the “multi-layer nested structure of the universe” and the “creator” conjecture are suspected to have omissions. 】



  The official forum of “Wasteland OL” is as lively as ever today.

  As the players who participated in the “Protect the Seventh Research Institute” mission logged off one after another, a piece of news that shocked everyone was quickly updated on the forum.

  Bo Tao Xiong Yong: “Big news!!! Researchers at the Seventh Research Institute used a perforator to attract void creatures! Four level 50 brothers in our group went down to the dungeon, but three of them were killed in an instant!”

  Enthusiastic Little Firecracker: “I’ll testify! As soon as the alarm sounded, these four rushed up to occupy the elevator, and bang bang fed the big lizard until it was eight-tenths full.”

  Feng Xiong Hua Ji: “Go to hell! We have output too, okay! (Angry)”

  Xiong Duo Ji Xiao: “That’s right! Without our output preparation, the manager could have killed the opponent in one move?”

  Irena: “If you hadn’t added the last sentence, I might have believed it. (Squinting smile)” Bo Tao Xiong Yong

  : “Well, in fact, it’s not as exaggerated as one move. I was watching the whole process. The blood of that lizard is not ordinary thick, and Brother Guang can kill it with two hammers. Half a tube of health, died on the 3rd or 4th hit.”

  Quit Smoking: “What the hell? ! Can it withstand three hits from Brother Guang? ! So awesome? !”

  Night Ten: “Khan, I told them to take it easy, and they really practiced for the new expansion. (Awkward)”

  Tail: “!!! New expansion is coming? ! (⊙o⊙)”

  Fang Chang: “It depends on whether there are any new surprises. (Squinting smile)”

  Waves: “Speaking of which, this monster is a bit weird. The bodies of the monsters that were killed before were left in the original place, but after this monster died, there was not even a hair left, as if it was wiped out by the server.” The

  Most Fierce Tiger in the Pond: “+1, I was also at the scene, not to mention that there was not a single hair left on the monster, even the parts of the dead players that were eaten disappeared with it. (°ー°〃)”

  Lao Bai: “A brand-new game mechanic, sounds interesting. (grin)”

  Irena: “But I want loot more, it’s too uncomfortable when nothing drops. (funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “You want to try it to see if it tastes good, right? (funny)”

  Irena: “You found out. (funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Actually, what I care more about is not the fact that monsters disappear after death, but the addition of a setting about ‘parallel world’ to the TAG.7444154 entry in the data card of the Seventh Research Institute in the official website’s setting collection.”

  Kuangfeng: “Is there any problem with this setting?”

  Fang Chang: “Not that there is any problem, but the content inside makes me a little concerned. I’ve been thinking before… Is there a possibility that the wasteland in Wasteland OL is actually a parallel world? And the content of TAG.7444154 is some kind of revelation given to us by the game designer.” The

  originally lively post was abnormally quiet for a while, and no one responded for a long time.

  In fact, not to mention the spectators in the post, even Fang Chang himself, who typed this line in the post, felt that it was a bit outrageous, although this idea had been brewing in his mind for a long time. Is

  this game…

  really just a game?

  Sure enough, he was not the only one who thought so.

  The moment he updated this line of conjecture in the post, the spectators who came to their senses posted their own opinions.

  In addition to the vast majority of opponents, there were also quite a few people who agreed with his conjecture.

  Quit Smoking: “What the hell? You mean Brother Guang is actually an alien? (Frightened)”

  Fang Chang: “I never said that, but it doesn’t matter whether he is an alien or not. Even if he is a human, he can also be the spokesperson for an alien civilization.”

  Ya Ya: “This… How is it possible! No matter how realistic this game is, there is still a little difference from reality, right?! (°ー°〃)”

  Jiujiu Loves Pineapple: “According to this statement… those who died are really dead, except for us. (Guilty)”

  Debt Eyes: “It sounds a bit scary, but it is surprisingly reasonable… The NPCs in this game don’t feel much different from real people, even if artificial intelligence is used to solve them. Explanation, it’s a bit too realistic. Uh, a friend of mine told me. ”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Call Professor Yang! The delusional symptoms of this group of Internet addicts have worsened! ∑(Д)”

  Kuangfeng: “Well… I can’t refute your point of view, but I have only one question, how is this thing possible?”

  Fang Chang: “Then I don’t know. After all, compared with the world in the game, our current era should be in the old era before the prosperous era, and the technological gap is about the same as Nanmen II.” Fang Chang: ”

  And… that morphogenetic field theory, don’t you think it’s familiar? The transmission of information through resonance sounds just like a game helmet…”


  The discussion on the forum is still going on.

  And it has gone from a discussion about the new expansion and game mechanics to a discussion about the essence of the game.

  To be honest, Chu Guang knew that sooner or later there would be such a day, and the little players of “Wasteland OL” would sooner or later realize that the world under their feet is not virtual, but really exists in a parallel universe.

  Now, this day seems to be getting closer and closer…

  Alliance Building.

  Administrator’s Office.

  Looking at the heated discussion forum on the holographic screen, Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  ”…There are still many smart people. It seems that we have to expand the establishment of the ‘planning team’.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the table, tilted his head.

  ”Aren’t A Guang and Xiao Qi enough?”

  ”Of course not,” Chu Guang smiled and touched its little head, saying in a gentle tone, “The Wasteland Era is over. We have to design a new game so that they can continue to play in the new era.”

  The war in the Free State has come to an end, and the alien species in the Valley Province are almost killed into protected animals. As the situation of “more people than monsters” gradually intensifies, this situation is spreading to other provinces. In a

  short period of one or two years, or as long as two or three years, the wild alien species outside the Baiyue Province on this planet will sooner or later be killed to extinction.

  After all, it takes five or six years for a Death Claw to hatch and grow to adulthood, while players only need three days to stand up again, and they can also retain the death experience completely.

  As the snowball of the alliance rolls bigger and bigger, the order of this planet is gradually returning to normal. This is of course a good thing for the survivors living on this planet, but it may not be the case for players who join the game later.

  At this time, there are only two choices.

  Either reduce or even suspend the issuance of closed beta qualifications, control the inflow of new players, and reduce the proportion of combat professional players.

  Or open up a new map and divert combat professional players to a brand new planet similar to Gaia!

  Chu Guang is of course more inclined to choose the latter, after all, it is not his style to kill the donkey after it has done its job.

  Today’s Alliance has established a foothold in the wasteland, and it is time to lend a hand to fellow countrymen in another world.

  Under the connection of the morphogenetic field, the two worlds can actually seek common prosperity!

  In addition, regarding the problem of the new map, the experimental record of “TAG.7444154” also provided him with an excellent idea to solve the problem-

  that is, to find a habitable or relatively habitable planet, and move the tree species of the Seventh Research Institute, the Tree of Life, and some of the resurrection points of combat professional players there!

  Then use the perforator to continuously create new “void aliens” for players to use as wild monsters!

  Although this sounds a bit suicidal, if you think about it from another angle, it is a way to have the best of both worlds.

  In this way, it not only solves the problem of players having no monsters to spawn and improves the gaming experience, but also allows researchers in the alliance to experiment more freely, which helps to enhance human civilization’s understanding of the void.

  Is there a more perfect idea than this?

  Maybe there is.

  But he can’t think of a better one for now!

  Just when Chu Guang was secretly happy, a murmur suddenly came from a corner of the office.

  ”… Incredible, a young civilization that has just walked out of its home planet has actually comprehended the mystery of the void.”

  The rustling sound was like the friction of leaves outside the window. If you don’t pay close attention, you may not be able to hear it, or even if you hear it, it is easy to treat it as an auditory hallucination.

  However –

  the faint sound did not escape Chu Guang’s ears, and a pair of sharp eyes quickly shot to a corner of the room.


  Seeing Chu Guang’s sudden action, Xiao Qi, who was sitting at the table, was startled and quickly turned his head to look behind him, but he saw nothing except the bookshelf.

  ”…Master? Is there…something there?” Xiao Qi said nervously with a worried expression on his face.

  The sound wave collector is connected in good condition, and it can be sure that there was no sound just now.

  Not even a decibel of vibration.

  However, Chu Guang did not move his eyes away, but stared straight in the direction of the bookshelf.

  The voice was silent for a while, and it came slowly after a long time.

  ”…Me? Can you see me?”

  There was a hint of obvious surprise in the voice, as if he had seen something incredible.

  To be honest, Chu Guang couldn’t see the guy who was muttering to himself.

  But he could indeed sense that there was a pair of eyes looking at him from a certain direction.

  That sight did not contain any kindness or malice, and it seemed that all it could do was look.

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly realized the identity of this guy.

  ”Are you the one who stole my pen?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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