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Chapter 1044 It’s Time to End It

Chapter 1044 It’s Time to End It


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1044 It’s time to end it

  . The conference room was silent.

  A pair of eyes with different expressions shot at the man who stood up from the conference table.

  Director Feng’s face was stunned at first, then turned into anger, and then there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

  Guixu was the opposite.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a subtle murderous intent flashing in his pupils.

  He recognized that face.

  The man was Malik, the captain of the Desert Scorpion Special Forces. He was suspended for investigation a few months ago because of the failure of the operation and the serious losses caused.

  It happened that the Enlightenment Society entered the “business contraction period” and there was no need for external military operations. Therefore, the organization of the Desert Scorpion Special Forces has not been rebuilt, and this person has been on standby in Shelter No. 13.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the high-level bionic people airborne by the Tianren Organization had increasingly taken away the power that belonged to him, so that he had few people to use, otherwise there would be no need to promote this guy.

  Guixu didn’t expect that the dog he promoted would suddenly go crazy and bite him back.

  There was no need to wait for him to start the attack, as the representative of Tianren had already stood up with a dark face.

  ”What do you mean?”

  A pair of electronic eyes flashed a creepy red light.

  The bionic man codenamed “Tianlei” stared at “Malik” intently, not hiding his blatant murderous intent.

  Faced with the murderous gaze, Zhuang Lan, who was disguised as Malik, was not panicked at all.

  This iron lump without emotion, I’m afraid the only real thing left is this murderous intent.

  She had no doubt.

  After taking over the entire world, these guys will immediately turn their guns around and continue the purification in a more thorough way until all the heretics in their eyes are eliminated.

  Zhuang Lan did not answer the bionic man’s question, and did not even look at him. She just glanced around at the doubtful faces on the conference table and spoke in a calm tone.

  ”You have been locked up here for too long and have no idea what is happening outside.”

  ”Just a few months ago, the Alliance seized control of the Orion missile cruiser, and 100,000 neutron torpedoes are under the control of the survivors.”

  ”The game is over.”

  ”Outside the gate of the shelter are the survivors who have united. No matter which direction you attack, you will be surrounded and suppressed from all sides at the first time.”

  ”Heavenly punishment may come, but it will never fall on anyone except you–”

  ”Shut up!”

  A hysterical roar interrupted her voice.

  Zhuang Lan looked at the man and saw Director Feng of Shelter No. 13 panting and staring at her with bloodshot pupils.

  It was a look of hatred to the bone. It

  was as if he wanted to pull out the cramps and skin off the skin of “Malik” on her body.

  Without waiting for Guixu and Tianqi to speak, he was furious like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

  ”What nonsense! The Orion is the legacy of the Human Union Space Force. Even if the survivors managed to climb up, they would not be able to obtain the driving authorization! Not to mention, the starship is already in our hands, and they don’t even have a chance to get close!”

  Although the hysterical roar was a bit incoherent, it still had some basic logic.

  The survivors sitting at the conference table exchanged glances, and the panic in their eyes faded a little.

  Indeed –

  the Orion is a regular warship of the Human Union Space Force.

  Even if the Human Union no longer exists, it is impossible for a few scavengers to pick up this garbage.

  The Lagrange Point Space Station is still in operation.

  Only the regime recognized by the Space Force can legally inherit the legacy that once belonged to the Human Union.

  These wastelanders living outside the shelter are just usurpers.

  Looking at the whispering shelter residents and the hysterical director, Zhuang Lan’s eyes were filled with pity and contempt.

  These guys have long forgotten their original oath.

  The reason why they were born in a paradise like the shelter was never because of any natural right, but because 200 years ago, a group of nobler people chose to face hell and left the hope of survival to them in the shelter.

  Their fathers once solemnly promised to continue moving forward with the souls of those who died, to rebuild a home for mankind on the barren wasteland, and to regard those children living in hell as their own children.

  At this moment, their children have undoubtedly betrayed their fathers’ oath.

  Their way to solve the problem is to kill the problem together with the person with the problem.

  Perhaps –

  the suffering they have experienced is also a part of retribution.

  Just like the light on them.

  The two exist at the same time.

  Zhuang Lan gradually had a glimmer of enlightenment in her heart, and finally completely understood why that person lent her freedom.

  That is indeed the redemption that only she, or the residents of the shelter, can accomplish. Her

  dry lips moved, and she slowly spoke.

  ”…This is true, and it happened several months ago.”

  Seeing the hysterical face gradually filled with fear and despair, Zhuang Lan continued in a calm voice.

  ”A few months ago, I was also confused about why the Orion would open authorization to those wastelanders and civilians… But now, I no longer have any confusion in my heart. Their choice is the most correct choice.”

  The air was as quiet as if it had solidified.

  Director Feng looked at her in despair, and then cast his struggling gaze towards Guixu, trying to get an answer.

  The look seemed to say-“Tell me this is not true.” The

  latter put on a troubled expression and sighed. Just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Tianqi’s eyes.

  It was no longer necessary.

  In fact, there was no need for “Malik” to come out and make it clear. There were rumors that the Orion had fallen as early as several months ago. Now it is at most a layer of window paper.

  Zhuang Lan glanced at Guixu, who was sneering, and then at the representative of the bionic people who looked at him coldly, and immediately understood what they meant.

  They were done with it, and had been since before this meeting began.


  The current strength of the Enlightenment Society and the Celestial Beings gathered in Shelter No. 13 is not enough to fight against the survivors on the surface, but it is still no problem to deal with the dishonest residents in the shelter. The

  undisguised expression was almost obvious –

  you can say whatever you want.

  I’m going to show my cards.

  Whatever –

  this play has been played to the end.

  Without exposing their true faces, Zhuang Lan turned her eyes to Director Feng and the several residents of the shelter who were still hoping for a chance sitting next to him, and said in a cold voice.

  ”You put your hopes on a group of executioners, hoping that they will kill all those who oppose you and those who disagree with you in a swift and decisive manner, and then pretend that nothing has happened, the original problems will be solved, and the beautiful utopia will automatically come-”

  ”What a naive delusion.”

  ”Where do you get the confidence that a knife that has been stained with human blood since its birth will suddenly be used to cut fruit one day in the future? Where do you get the confidence that you are the lucky one in a million, instead of becoming a new problem?”

  ”The reckoning will come soon, whether it is the space station at the Lagrange point or here.”

  ”Wake up, this is your last chance.”

  After saying the last sentence, Zhuang Lan stopped talking and left time to the people sitting at the conference table.

  However, the result was regrettable.

  Even at the end when the dagger was revealed, she did not see anyone stand up to confess their momentary confusion or say a word for her.

  They are not really unable to wake up, but they are unwilling to wake up.

  This is the so-called noble bloodline that has been sheltered by the afterglow of their fathers and has been in peace for a long time in the wasteland.

  They would rather bear the cost of their mistakes than admit the existence of mistakes.

  Looking at those pairs of dodging eyes and the director of the shelter who seemed to have lost his soul, Zhuang Lan’s eyes finally showed complete disappointment.

  And just at this moment, applause suddenly rang out in the silent conference room.

  The applause was crisp, not like clapping on the hands, but on the face.

  Zhuang Lan looked in the direction of the sound, but saw that the person was not any of the survivors present, but Apocalypse who had been watching coldly.

  ”Well said, but it’s meaningless.”

  Seeing that pairs of eyes were looking at him, he smiled coldly, put down his applause, and no longer concealed the chill in his scarlet eyes that penetrated deep into his bones.

  ”I think the same as you, these guys living in the shelter are not worthy of calling themselves the heirs of the prosperous era. They have been waiting for us to give them victory from the beginning to the end. If you ask me… they are not even as good as the wastelanders outside.”

  ”You, how can you say that about us.” Director Feng stared at it with wide eyes, and a trace of fear was printed in his pupils.

  Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a loud “bang” pierced through the conference table and hit his knee.

  Feng Zhiheng lost his balance and his head hit the table. He curled up on the ground with a painful and twisted expression. Half of his pants were instantly stained with blood.

  The bullet probably pierced the artery.

  Seeing the director who was shot and fell to the ground, there was an uproar in the conference room. Even Guixu, who was ready to turn against him, showed a stunned expression. He didn’t expect the Tianren side to be so decisive.

  The person who fired the gun was the bionic security guard standing at the door of the conference room.

  After he fired a shot, he immediately backhanded the butt of the gun and knocked the stunned human colleague next to him to the ground, and confiscated the latter’s weapon.

  Then he immediately aimed at Zhuang Lan who was standing there, waiting for Tianqi’s order, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, shooting him into a sieve and sending him away.

  In the previous several security program upgrades, the Enlightenment Society had already obtained the authority of the security system of Shelter No. 13 and placed it under the control of the Lagrange Point Space Station.

  This is why Guixu did not take the director of the shelter seriously –

  the incomplete management authority in the hands of that guy was just a trouble for the Enlightenment Society.

  ”Who allowed you to talk to me standing, bug?”

  Looking down at Director Feng who was kneeling and struggling under the conference table, Tianqi’s mouth curled up a sneer, and the restless intellectual plug-in finally felt a little calm.

  Sure enough –

  dead organisms are good organisms.

  Their only use is to turn into turbid organic mineral veins to supply the raw materials necessary for flexible components.

  Although the pursuit of higher evolution is his lifelong pursuit and that of the Torch Church, seeing this ugly appearance, he suddenly didn’t want to return to the flesh and blood body so much.

  They have actually completed higher evolution.

  Now, it is the best.

  Feeling the murderous intent everywhere, Guixu suddenly felt a little cold in his neck.

  In order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed lightly and stood up, straightened his collar with both hands, and said to the survivors who were shivering and huddled in the corner.

  ”Okay, I wanted to talk to you politely… but you forced me.”

  After saying this, he walked leisurely to the side of “Malik” and looked him up and down with his eyes.

  ”You are not Malik… let me guess who you are.”

  Zhuang Lan sneered and said in a cold voice.

  ”No need to guess, my name is Zhuang Lan, from Shelter No. 68.”

  Guixu’s face was surprised.

  ”Zhuang Lan…”

  This name sounded familiar to him. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered who this guy was.

  That was the spy he sent to Shelter No. 0 to steal the original Torch Plan, a clown who messed up things.

  This guy didn’t kill the key person, but only killed an insignificant Weilant officer.

  Later, this guy was caught by the Alliance. He thought she was dead, but she was still alive.

  Looking at this unexpected acquaintance in front of him, Guixu couldn’t help laughing out loud.

  ”So that’s how it is. The Alliance didn’t execute you, hahahaha… But by the way, how did you become like this?”

  Looking at the president who was laughing wantonly, Zhuang Lan also replied with a smile.

  ”Aren’t disguises and disguises your most skilled tricks? How come you can’t see the same tricks when they are used on yourself?”

  Guixu’s smile cooled.

  ”Is this a holographic image?”


  Zhuang Lan simply nodded in acknowledgement, and then stopped acting and removed the optical camouflage on his body.

  ”But not all of it.”

  She did undergo a full set of modification surgery, even installing organs that were not originally there.

  As for the holographic camouflage, it was hiding something else –

  light blue ripples spread out around.

  In the circles of transparent ripples, a silver-gray exoskeleton instantly appeared.

  The moment he saw the exoskeleton, Guixu’s smile froze on his face.

  How did this thing get into the venue?

  Could it be that –

  she has an insider? !

  But even if there is an insider, how did this guy hide it from the bionic man? !

  Without giving him time to think, Zhuang Lan had already grabbed his neck with one hand and picked up this guy who was hiding behind the scenes and pretending to be a ghost like a chicken.

  ”I will never forget what happened in Shelter 68 that day, and what you did to deceive our trust. If it weren’t for the overall situation, I would have killed you long ago.” The

  murderous intent that penetrated into her bones penetrated the tactical helmet, and her right hand exerted a little force.

  ”Go to hell and repent, scum.”

  Things happened so suddenly that no one reacted.

  Guixu looked at the allies of the Celestial Beings for help, but the latter looked at him indifferently, with cold eyes as if they were admiring two crickets biting each other.

  He was completely desperate.

  It turned out that from the beginning to the end, these guys just used them.

  Of course, there seemed to be nothing to blame.

  The alliance between the Enlightenment Society and the Celestial Beings was a mutual use. He had the same idea when he first came into contact with the Celestial Beings, and even thought about when to kick these iron lumps away.

  But what he didn’t expect was that before the game was over, he had already lost his value in their eyes…

  They no longer needed him.

  He was so distraught that his heart was dead. In the pain of suffocation, the remaining consciousness slowly sank into the bottomless sea…

  Zhuang Lan did not kill him, but just knocked him unconscious, and at the same time implanted a nanometer transmitter in him to ensure that this guy could be found no matter where he fled.

  This guy was not only her enemy, but also one of the main war criminals who triggered the entire crisis.

  It would be too easy for him to die here.

  He should be tried in court and then hanged on the pillar of shame.

  Tianqi obviously saw that he was not dead.

  However, he did not show much concern for the life and death of an organism that had lost its usefulness. He just looked at Zhuang Lan who was facing him and teased coldly.

  ”Why, do you want to take him as a hostage?”

  ”I have never thought about it, and it is meaningless to you.”

  She moved her neck and took off the two scimitars attached to the exoskeleton.

  They were combat knives made of ceramic steel, which were more than enough to deal with a few iron lumps.

  ”Let’s make a break, human-like iron can, let me see how many pounds of rust are in your head.”

  ”Haha, I’ve been waiting for you to say this for a long time, organism.”

  Tianqi showed a cruel smile on his face, and the murderous intent like a torch was released in his scarlet pupils.

  ”Kill her!”

  The sound of gunfire rang out instantly, and the bullets rushed towards Zhuang Lan like a rainstorm.

  In a flash, she dodged over the conference table, picked up a chair with the back of her curved knife, and smashed it hard at the door.

  The chair hit the rifle in the hands of the self-defense man squarely, and the gunfire instantly swept uncontrollably to a corner of the conference room.


  Screams and howls came one after another, and the participants who squatted with their heads in their hands huddled down even lower, wishing they could squeeze themselves into the cracks in the wall.

  No one cared about Guixu who had fainted in the corner.

  Whether it was the residents of Shelter No. 13 or the residents of the foreign shelters who joined the Enlightenment Society, they were all like ants on a hot pot at this moment.

  At the same time, Zhuang Lan, who had stabilized his body on the other side of the conference table, raised his hand and chopped down the bionic man who tried to take the gun out of his arms, then loosened the knife handle, snatched the pistol that had been half exposed from his arms in a string of jumping electric sparks, and emptied the magazine directly in the direction of the conference room door!

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  The bionic security guard who had just stabilized his body was shot ten times in the chest. The control component and the metal cover were smashed into pieces, and he fell to the ground without a sound.

  No magazine was changed.

  Zhuang Lan threw the pistol back into the arms of the bionic man whose chest was chopped through, and pulled out the scimitar stuck in his chest, and then shot a sharp look at Apocalypse.

  The latter still looked at her indifferently, with a sneer on his face without any worry.

  ”You have good skills, but it’s a pity that it’s meaningless. Can you turn the world upside down by yourself?”

  The dense footsteps resounded in the corridor, getting closer and closer to the door of the conference room.

  A large number of bodyguards are rushing here.

  They are all bionic soldiers authorized by the Lagrange Point Space Station!

  Shaking the two scimitars in his hands, Zhuang Lan returned a similar sneer through the tactical helmet of the exoskeleton.

  ”Who told you that there is only one of me?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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