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Chapter 1045 “Heavenly Thunder”

Chapter 1045 “Heavenly Thunder”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1045 “Sky Thunder”

  In the deep and dark space, an umbrella-shaped spacecraft is slowly approaching the blue planet from a distant orbit. From a distance, it looks like a dandelion falling from the sky.

  Compared with the entire blue planet, the dandelion-shaped spacecraft is as small as dust.

  However, if you look closer, it is a completely different scene.

  The steel ribs of the umbrella are stretched out, covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.

  Countless rings with a diameter of one meter are inlaid on the long strips of umbrella ribs, pointing to the “handle” tip pointing to the ground, like the suction cup on the leg of an octopus.

  A few months ago, the alliance activated the gravity well to remove orbital garbage floating in outer space, and this space-based weapon was transferred and deployed outside the synchronous orbit.

  Now, as all the garbage in the low-Earth orbit has fallen into the southern sea, this killer weapon has been moved back again.

  The direction calibration was completed quickly, and the rings gradually emitted a faint blue light, just like a bright light that slowly lit up in the long night.

  And this light lasted for a whole day…


  On the other side, at the ground command center of Dawn City, a group of officers led by Vanus were standing solemnly, staring at the light blue holographic screen in front of them.

  A military operation codenamed “Heavenly Punishment” has begun.

  Many corps of the alliance, led by the Skeleton Corps and the Death Corps, are setting out from Pioneer City and Ravenka Industrial Zone respectively, advancing towards Shelter No. 13 in the central area of ​​the Great Desert in the north and south directions!

  While the ground troops were galloping towards the headquarters of the Enlightenment Society, the strategic weapon named “Sky Thunder” had arrived at the battlefield as early as yesterday and entered the final stage of strategic attack preparations.

  Looking at the aerial footage of the orbital weapon on the holographic screen, a senior officer couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”To be honest, using this weapon to deal with them always makes me feel like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.”

  ”Sky Thunder” is a one-time weapon, and it is basically scrapped after it is used, just like a missile.

  Although this thing is very effective against organic bodies, it is not as effective as an electromagnetic pulse against androids.

  A long time ago, the Enlightenment Society equipped a large number of android soldiers and intelligent weapons with the help of the celestial beings, and even now the Enlightenment Society has almost been assimilated by the celestial beings.

  Even if the neutron plume can wipe out their peripheral personnel from the surface of the earth with one click, the ground forces of the Alliance still have to fight those androids with real swords and guns.

  Vanus knew very well what his subordinates were thinking.

  From a tactical point of view, using “Sky Thunder” to deal with the Enlightenment Society is indeed not the most efficient means, but from a strategic level it is another matter.

  ”Now is the time to use a cannon to kill a mosquito.”

  Vanus continued with a stern expression, holding the brim of the officer’s hat with his index finger.

  ”It can even be said that this weapon was born for this moment.”

  Even in the most intense stage of the war with the Southern Legion, the Alliance never played this trump card in its hand.

  Because the other party is human after all, and has not completely degenerated into a beast or another existence.

  But the Enlightenment will be different.

  Including the Celestial Beings they depend on.

  They have in fact committed unforgivable crimes and threatened the right of all survivors in the wasteland to survive.

  No one deserves “heavenly punishment” more than themselves.

  The light that fell from the sky will not only bring destruction.

  At the same time, there is deterrence!

  Just as the two were talking, a cold electronic sound rang in the empty command room-“The

  ’SOG’ system has been deployed, and the phase-neutron killing strategic space-based railgun has entered the third charging stage.”

  ”Countdown: 0 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.”


  The high-hanging sharp blade flashed an increasingly dazzling cold light, and the countdown to the end was silently reciting the final sound.

  On the ruins covered with yellow sand, mutant wanderers wearing battle-damaged exoskeletons are searching for valuable treasures in the wreckage of orbital garbage, and by the way, they are looking for human scavengers hiding in the ruins.

  Long ago, the people of the Enlightenment Society issued a high reward to them.

  If they can find a shelter that has been opened but not yet discovered, they will be rewarded with 100 fertile slaves, and at least.

  As for those strange metal parts, they can be exchanged for usable exoskeletons and assault rifles designed specifically for their physiques at the resource exchange point.

  In fact, apart from the survivors hiding in the tortoise shells and the Enlightenment Society that retreated to Shelter No. 13, there are no living people living on the surface near the space elevator ruins in the Great Desert.

  Due to the lack of order and the indulgence of the Enlightenment Society, this area has long become a paradise for mutants.

  Today, as usual, the earless “Fang” is burying his head and searching.

  But unlike usual, its sensitive nose suddenly smelled a faint scent from the noisy sand.

  Different from the rust that can be smelled everywhere –

  that smell is like death itself!

  It raised its head alertly, twisted its neck, and looked around like a groundhog that got out of a cave.

  However, at this moment, a touch of surprise and panic suddenly appeared in its ferocious and bloody eyes.

  In the rolling sand and dust, dozens of huge silver aircraft flew forward close to the ground.

  The deafening roar came from far away, and the flashing plasma plume was like magma erupting from a volcano!

  It seemed to be the “Overlord” transport plane of the alliance!

  In addition to the transport plane, next to the array of transport planes flying close to the ground, there were also “Cloud Dragonfly” flapping wing aircraft gliding side by side with their wings flapping!


  The mutants standing in the garbage dump, who had never seen such a scene that shook the earth, were completely panicked. While picking up the weapons in their hands and loading them, they howled and called their teammates.

  Thousands of mutants emerged from the ruins.

  Some wore exoskeletons and had large-caliber rifles in their hands, while others wore nothing but a few pieces of iron hanging on their bodies, relying on shouting and yelling to build up their courage.

  The surging silver torrent had obviously noticed them, and the two “Overlord” transport planes lowered their altitude, with their bellies almost touching the ground, and reduced their speed to the limit!

  At this moment, the hatch of the transport plane opened in an instant, and dozens of Chimera armored vehicles filed out and poured out of the tilted hatch!

  ”Prepare for battle!!!”

  A player leaned out half of his body from the turret of the armored vehicle, holding the heavy machine gun on the turret with both hands, and swept the ruins in front of him!

  The 37mm gun on the turret was not to be outdone, and high-explosive shells were ejected one after another, hitting the bunkers in the distance like drums!

  Under the crossfire coverage of the .50 caliber machine gun and the 37mm gun, the mutant wanderers crawling on the edge of the ruins were instantly beaten and couldn’t raise their heads! At

  the same time when the mutant wanderers were suppressed by firepower, a “Thunder” fighter plane roared through the air and emptied the bomb bay in just two seconds!


  The roaring rain of bullets was like thunder, following closely behind the flashing sparks, and instantly rolled out a “trench” several meters long and more than half a meter deep on the ruins!

  Dozens of mutants carrying anti-tank rocket launchers were killed instantly, and the originally solid defense line was torn open in an instant!

  The dragonfly flappers rushed forward, and the hanging machine guns fired at the ground. In

  just a few breaths, more than half of the nearly 3,000 mutants were killed or wounded in the bombardment. The survivors were stunned and fled for their lives. Of course

  they couldn’t escape.

  Even if they could escape the strafing of the Chimera armored vehicles and dragonfly flappers, they would definitely not escape the punishment that would come in an hour!

  The small Alliance forces cruising outside the nuclear strike area were like scissors, cutting off the mutant forces of the Enlightenment scattered near the wreckage of the orbital elevator base, and driving them towards the nuclear strike area.

  Only the permanent bunkers of the shelter could block the neutron plume falling from the sky.

  What awaited them was doomed to be death.

  The [Mole on the Run in the Canyon] half-stuck out of the turret, squinting his eyes and looking at the direction where the mutant wanderers fled.

  It was too weak.

  Compared to the opponents he had faced before, these guys can only be described as vulnerable.

  Of course –

  maybe it’s not that their opponents are too weak, but that they are too strong now, so that there is no one on this planet who can be their opponent.

  Maybe this is the last battle.

  If a new expansion is launched, I think I can only go to another planet.

  Pointing his index finger at the communicator beside his ear, [Mole on the Run in the Canyon] shouted a charge into the communication channel.

  ”Brothers -”

  ”Our brothers lurking in Shelter No. 13 have risen up, it’s time to send these rats to hell!”


  The deafening voice penetrated the roar of the engine, and he was responded by a shout of excitement.

  ”Kill -!!!”


  ”Bang -!”

  Shelter No. 13.

  At the same time as the gunshots in the conference room, another gunshot was heard at the orbital transfer station of the shelter.

  The residents of the shelter wearing exoskeletons, holding assault rifles in their hands and light blue identification strips on their arms, launched a surprise attack on the security forces stationed at the transportation hub with the cooperation of the hidden insiders.

  As Zhuang Lan said, she has never been fighting alone, and has always been fighting side by side with a group of like-minded people.

  Among them are not only the residents of Shelter No. 404, but also residents from other shelters, and deceived people who were bewitched by the Enlightenment and then suddenly woke up.

  They formed an organization called “Watchers”.

  While the Enlightenment was busy infiltrating the survivors in the wasteland, they were already plotting to infiltrate the Enlightenment, and with the help of “Malik”, they gradually reached into Shelter No. 13!

  Although the Enlightenment is very good at stealing, the Enlightenment has long been assimilated by the Tianren Organization into another half-human thing, sinking into the game of power and gradually neglecting its own business.

  That is why they were waiting for the punishment from heaven and were not aware of the infiltration of the Watchers. They were caught off guard by the sudden gunfire. The

  exploding electromagnetic pulse grenade instantly paralyzed the security drone whizzing in the air, and the sudden strafing caught the heavily armored bionic security guards off guard! Nearly

  a hundred Watchers quickly broke into the vicinity of the transfer platform of the rail transit transfer station and fired a round of bangs at the security robots that came along the stairs to reinforce.

  Nearly thirty robots were shot and exploded in an instant!

  They exploded into a dazzling ball of electric sparks in the pungent smoke, and then exploded in a deafening roar!

  The scene was in chaos, with gunfire and explosions, just like hell on earth.

  Although no one fired at civilians, stray bullets from the guns still caused casualties to dozens of unrelated personnel at the scene.

  Screams came one after another, alarm bells rang in the thick smoke, and people rushed to the safe exit.


  those who chose to turn a blind eye did not really escape from chaos and death, even though they had chosen to sell their souls and stand by the devil.

  And silence is not really without cost, it just came a little later.

  Even though, it is indeed worthy of sympathy.

  The battle continues.

  A dozen watchers wearing exoskeletons quickly took control of the engine room of the transportation hub, implanted viruses to shut down the running rail trunk line, and then played a broadcast announcing the occupation of the shelter, guiding the residents of the shelter to evacuate to the designated safe area. In the

  conference room on the other side, Tianqi, who was confronting Zhuang Lan, still had no expression on his face, but his scarlet electrons exuded a chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

  The situation gradually began to become unfavorable to the Enlightenment Society, and perhaps he had to think carefully about the time to turn his face.

  But it seems too late to regret now.

  The other party obviously calculated this, so he chose to attack the Enlightenment Society and Tianren at this juncture.

  ”I leave this to you.”

  Throwing this sentence to Tian Lei beside him, Tianqi turned around neatly, took the two bionic participants out of the conference room, and rushed towards the direction of the shelter’s server room.

  At the same time, a group of robot security guards rushed into the conference room, and the dark assault rifles in their hands seemed to be able to shoot everyone in the conference room into sieves in the next second.

  ”Go to hell.”

  Looking at the organism wearing an exoskeleton in front of him, Tianlei showed a grim smile on his face, and raised his right hand to signal the security guards to open fire.

  At that critical moment, the ceiling above everyone’s head suddenly exploded.


  The shattered fragments, accompanied by billowing smoke, fell like a waterfall, covering the entire corridor outside the conference room, catching the security robots off guard. Someone

  had buried explosives in the ventilation duct!

  And not only that –

  at the same time as the broken steel bars fell from the sky, wanton laughter also landed on the heads of the security robots!

  ”Ha ha ha! It’s finally my turn to show off!”

  Wearing a light exoskeleton, holding an assault rifle [Medical Miracle], he stepped on the ceiling and fell from the sky, shooting at the bionic man standing at the door of the conference room!

  Tian Lei’s eyes flashed red, his arms stretched forward like lightning, and a huge gun barrel was released from his palm. He was about to fire, but his head flew into the sky with a “clang”. The

  scimitar in his hand was like a phantom. Looking at the headless bionic man who turned around and tried to parry, Zhuang Lan raised his hand and chopped it again, and chopped it directly into the chest of the bionic man against the gushing sparks!


  The loud sound of metal clashing echoed in the corridor, followed by a deafening explosion.

  Seeing the boss being killed in seconds, Medical Miracle was stunned and shouted.

  ”Fuck! My boss!”


  He acted crazy and stupid for several months, just to wait for this moment, but he was robbed! !

  Not understanding what he was saying, Zhuang Lan shook the knife in his hand and said concisely.

  ”You are late.”

  ”I was delayed on the way…” Medical Miracle said with great pain.

  Seeing his uncomfortable expression, Zhuang Lan said teasingly.

  ”Don’t worry, I’m fine… But if it’s a few minutes later, I’m not sure, thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  I’m not worried about you.

  Medical Miracle endured the pain and walked into the conference room, looked around, and then grabbed Director Feng who was lying on the ground, pressed him on the chair, and took out the hemostatic spray and sprayed it on his bleeding leg.

  A shot pierced the artery.

  This guy is still alive either because he has a prosthetic body or he is really lucky.

  Looking at the pale face, the medical miracle coughed twice, put on a serious expression and handed over the VM on his arm.

  ”You have two choices, either give me the management authority or die.”

  Shelter No. 13 has no manager. Instead, the director selected by all the survivors holds the management authority.

  If the director dies, the authority will be inherited by the deputy director in turn. If the deputy director also dies, the vote will be reopened.

  This is the rule set before the death of the first generation of managers, and it has been like this for more than a century.

  So he is not afraid that this guy will not hand over the authority. At most, he will waste a bullet.

  And the fact is just as he expected. Director Feng threw the control right out without hesitation and transferred it to the wrist computer in front of him.

  ”Here you go! Take it! Damn it, I shouldn’t have waded into this muddy water. This unruly people who can’t help…”

  He screamed tremblingly, cold sweat on his pale forehead, but he felt relieved.

  The authority that once made him happy, was now discarded by him like a worn-out shoe, like some dirty thing.

  Medical Miracle, who was half squatting on the ground, was getting up from the ground. He couldn’t help but frowning when he heard this.

  ”Your own poor feet… What does it have to do with the residents in the shelter?”

  Director Feng looked at him fearfully, and immediately restrained himself a little, but he still kept talking stubbornly.

  ”Do you also think it’s my fault? Haha… Winners are kings and losers are bandits, think whatever you want. But I still have to say that I just said their deepest thoughts, and then did it… In the end, I have to bear the final responsibility.”

  ”Shouldn’t you bear it?” Medical Miracle shrugged, “At least you have enjoyed it, but those ‘troublemakers’ may not have enjoyed it.”

  Ignoring the livid waste, he pointed his index finger on the VM screen and clicked on the areas marked by his comrades in the Watcher Organization one by one.

  Those areas are the only way for security robots to go to the rail transit hub.

  As long as the gates between areas are blocked, they will completely lose the chance to retake the rail transit transfer station, and can only stare at the watchers occupying the transfer station.

  In contrast, the broadcasts of the watchers are guiding the residents of the shelter to the vicinity of the gate.

  When the punishment comes, they will transfer the residents of the shelter who are willing to leave here one after another, and then bury the members of the Enlightenment Society who want to stay and the heavenly people who have already arrived in this shelter forever.

  Seize the entire shelter?

  That kind of thankless task, the alliance has never thought about it from the beginning.

  The virus of the heavenly people has corroded most of the servers of this shelter.

  This shelter is broken, and even if there is administrator authority, it will be useless.

  Perhaps it won’t be long before even the authority to open and close the door will be taken away by the heavenly people…

  Just when the medical miracle connected the circuit of the shelter gate, the holographic TV placed in the corner of the conference room suddenly lit up, and a distorted face appeared from the light blue light.

  That person is Tianqi.

  After evacuating from the conference room, he seemed to have completely uploaded his thoughts to the server of the shelter.

  This was probably his last resort, and the hysterical roar had a bit of the final madness.

  ”Don’t even think about succeeding–”

  ”The terminal server of this shelter is already under my control. It won’t be long before I pry open the door and use the security equipment in this shelter to tear you apart!”

  Listening to the incompetent and furious roar, the medical miracle laughed and said.

  ”Who is trying to steal the server from you?”

  ”Just hold on to that rusty server and live with it for the rest of your life.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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