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Chapter 1046 Day of Judgment

Chapter 1046 Day of Judgment


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1046 Day of Judgment

  There were constant gunshots inside the gate of Shelter No. 13, and there was also a panic outside the gate.

  More than 10,000 soldiers wearing exoskeletons rushed to the battle position, followed by combat drones. Under the shadow of the ruins, countless “humanoid combat armor” that had just been installed stepped out.

  As early as the end of last year, the Enlightenment Society had been transferring its belongings to Shelter No. 13.

  In addition to the production materials and technical documents that had been transferred to the inside of the shelter, a considerable number of personnel and equipment were also gathered outside the gate of Shelter No. 13. It is

  impossible to stuff all these things into the shelter, especially the garbage sorting lines and recycling facilities that supply raw materials to the production line.

  If the situation is critical, they can indeed retreat into the tortoise shell of the shelter.

  But before that, they will use the tools in their hands to teach those survivors who don’t know the height of the world a profound lesson!

  Almost all members of the Enlightenment Society planned so.

  However, at this time, an accident happened.

  The gate of Shelter 13 was locked…


  In the ground operations command center, the atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

  The man pacing back and forth was even more gloomy, with sweat on his forehead, like an ant on a hot pot.

  His name was Morton, and he was the right-hand man of Guixu, and the nominal second-in-command of the Enlightenment Society. He was responsible for commanding the military forces deployed by the Enlightenment Society at the gate of Shelter 13.

  Standing next to him expressionlessly at this moment was a former air force officer airborne by the “Heavenly Man” organization, code-named “Tianhong”, whose real name was unknown. He used the latest model of military bionic man as a body to contain consciousness and served as a combat staff officer.

  Unlike Morton, Tianhong’s expression was obviously much calmer.

  Perhaps because of his service experience in the three-year war, or perhaps because of the innate calmness of the undead, he did not take the patchwork armed forces on the wasteland seriously.

  Two centuries ago, it would have been difficult to say that these things were cannon fodder.

  At least that was the case in his opinion.

  At this time, an officer in combat uniform walked through the secret passage and bunker into the command room.

  Without waiting for him to report, Morton immediately stepped forward and grabbed his collar, roaring and asking.

  ”What’s the situation with that broken door! Is it open?”

  The officer swallowed his saliva and spoke quickly.

  ”Something happened in the shelter–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the spit flying towards him.

  ”Situation?! You tell me something happened at this juncture? I want you to tell me what happened immediately! And how long will it take to solve it!”

  Morton roared loudly, his eyes full of bloodshot, like a beast forced into a corner.

  This is indeed the case.

  The alliance’s troops are rushing towards him from two directions, and they may drop a nuclear bomb on his head at any time.

  In fact, nuclear bombs are not bad.

  There are a lot of debris near the base of the old space elevator that can withstand the shock wave of the nuclear explosion, and the damage caused by neutron radiation is not as incurable as in the classical era. What

  really matters to them is that there is no way out!

  Once the retreat of Shelter 13 is lost, the entire defense zone on the surface will become a dead end!

  He can withstand one or two nuclear strikes, but what about continuous strategic bombing regardless of cost?

  Not to mention that he can’t withstand it.

  Even the iron lump next to him may not be able to withstand it!

  Listening to the incoherent roar of the superior, the officer who was grabbed by the collar was also panicking.

  ”It’s not clear yet. Our connection with the shelter has been cut off… Yes, it was cut off from their side. According to the latest news, someone in the shelter instigated a riot…”

  ”Damn it…” Morton cursed, threw away the collar in his hand, walked back to the command table quickly, put his hands on the table, stared at the strategic map with eyes flashing with doubt.

  According to the news sent back from the front line, after approaching the core area of ​​the Enlightenment equipment, the multiple military forces of the alliance spread out to the surrounding area, forming a siege on the entire ruins of the space elevator base.

  It’s obvious.

  The Alliance calculated that they would not and could not withdraw to Shelter No. 13, and even planned this riot!

  Otherwise, they would never adopt the siege tactic.

  These guys came out of the shelter themselves, and they knew how stupid it was to surround a shelter!

  Sweat kept running down his forehead, and Morton felt like a gambler with only a few chips left.

  If he concentrated his strength to break through, there would be a glimmer of hope to survive.

  Once the entire encirclement is formed

  , the fate of all of them will be hung on that gear-shaped alloy giant door!

  Looking at Morton, who was nervous, Tianhong put his hand on his shoulder and said in an emotionless electronic voice.

  ”Don’t worry, our defense line is not that easy to break.”

  In addition to 11,000 Marines built according to the pre-war equipment configuration, and nearly a thousand humanoid combat armors, they also deployed a large number of automatic turrets and drone hives on the defense line!

  Once the Alliance’s ground forces approach the defense line, they will be devastated!

  Now, the area above Shelter No. 13 is the concentration of all the power of the entire Enlightenment Society in the Great Desert!

  Even if the Alliance has a huge sea of ​​people and a steady stream of logistics, it will take some effort to pull out this nail.

  ”This is not a question of whether the defense line can be held, but it is related to the survival of our entire organization! If the door of Shelter No. 13 cannot be opened, our personnel left on the surface will sooner or later be exhausted in their continuous attack!”

  ”So?” Tianhong shrugged lightly and looked at the officer in front of him calmly.


  Looking at this guy who had no sense of crisis, Morton narrowed his eyes and suddenly sneered.

  ”I remember… You don’t care, anyway, the one walking here is just a body left on the surface, right?”

  ”I don’t deny this statement,” Tianhong continued with a nonchalant look, “We are immortal.”

  There was silence in the command room.

  All the officers present were silent, and for different reasons.

  There was fear, envy, and the vast majority of indifference.

  They are all “Ascendants” who have uploaded their minds into circuit boards and embraced glorious evolution.

  What Tianhong said was right.

  At least for the android officers whose brains were located in the Lagrange Point Space Station, a victory or defeat was nothing. It didn’t

  matter even if the entire Enlightenment Society was destroyed.

  Their souls had long been immortal.

  Morton looked at this indifferent guy coldly, and many complex expressions flashed in his pupils.

  ”The president is right… You guys have no heart. It’s okay to use you, but if we rely on you for victory, all of us will be dead.”

  ”Calm down, whether we have a heart or not, at least we are still in the same camp now, right?”

  Tianhong said in a light voice, looking at the man in front of him twice, and suddenly threw out a sentence that everyone present was unexpected.

  ”In fact, you don’t have to worry too much. We have copied your thoughts and saved them on the server of the Lagrange Point. Even if the worst happens, you will be fine.”

  Morton looked at him in astonishment, and his pupils were unbelievable at first, and then turned into anger.

  ”You copied my mind?! What do you mean? When did this happen?”

  ”Several months ago,” Tianhong continued calmly, “You don’t need to be so excited, this is just in case. After all, war is a risky job. If you encounter an accident, we can use this alternative method to bring you back to life-”

  ”I don’t need to be so excited?! Back to life? Ha-” Morton stared at him with a smile, as if he was looking at an unreasonable monster, “What do you mean by back to life? Let a lump of iron replace me? Hold my head and comfort my wife for me? Let my children call him dad? Is this the alternative method you mentioned?” ”

  Any problem?” Tianhong shrugged, and looked at him with the same incomprehensible expression, “You will become an immortal being, and a real immortal-”

  ”Shut up!”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a loud shout, and then a gun was pressed against his forehead.

  Looking at Morton who suddenly pulled out a gun, Tianhong’s eyes flashed with surprise.

  He didn’t expect this guy to be so emotionally unstable and actually pointed the gun at himself.

  Perhaps –

  copying this guy’s consciousness is not a suitable choice.

  His ability may be good, but he is too impulsive.

  Seeing Morton suddenly explode, all the officers in the command room were stunned on the spot.

  ”General, General… please calm down!” The officer standing next to him tried to dissuade him, but was glared back by Morton with a fierce look, and the words that were originally on the tip of his mouth were blocked in his throat.

  Tianhong looked at Morton indifferently, without even looking at the pistol pointed at his head, and said in a gentle voice.

  ”I suggest you listen to the advice of your subordinates. What we need now is to discuss countermeasures, not infighting. If you really dislike it, we can also delete your backup personality.”

  ”Do you think your words are credible at all?” Morton looked like he was crazy, staring at him and everyone around him fiercely.

  Suddenly, an idea suddenly emerged in his mind, and his eyes gradually climbed up with fear.

  ”How many of you… are androids?”

  Speaking of it, he felt strange before.

  Since the Enlightenment Society and Tianren started to cooperate, his subordinates seemed to have opened their mouths. No matter how terrible the failure was, they could miraculously survive in the end!

  If it was before, he would never have made those inappropriate associations.

  However, at this moment, the top leaders from Tianren told him that they had copied his thoughts without his permission, and used his memory and thoughts to make his puppets!

  The air was dead silent.

  Facing the order issued by the superior, the command room with more than ten people standing only raised two hands.

  One of the trembling hands belonged to the middle-level officer who came to report, and the other hand belonged to his adjutant Lu Mo.

  ”Sir… I, I am not a bionic man.” With panic in his eyes, the middle-level officer said in a trembling voice.

  Morton cast a hopeful look at Lu Mo on the side, but the words the latter said made him fall into despair.

  ”Sir, listen to me… Actually, this is not a bad thing. If I hadn’t uploaded my thoughts to the circuit board, I might have died in that operation a year ago.”

  More than 90% of the dozen officers present nodded in agreement, indicating that they were the same. Thanks to Tianren’s technology, they were able to “live” to this day.

  Those who didn’t raise their hands all agreed with Lu Mo’s words with their eyes.

  ”Look, I said, there’s nothing to worry about.” Tianhong looked at Morton with an indifferent look and said calmly, “Not only am I immortal, we are all immortal.”

  Looking at the “walking corpses”, Morton, who had always regarded them as comrades, was completely desperate and muttered with trembling lips.

  ”You lunatic… and you, are all crazy!”

  Perhaps –

  it’s not just Tianren who is crazy.

  In the eyes of the survivors in the wasteland, aren’t they crazy themselves?

  Looking at Morton who lowered the muzzle of the gun, Tianhong’s mouth curled up a smile. However,

  the smile didn’t stay on his face for a second before it completely solidified on his face.

  There was no warning.

  Morton suddenly turned the muzzle of the gun against his chin and pulled the trigger without saying a word.


  The gunfire flashed, and Morton fell backwards with his head raised. The hot shrapnel brought blood to the ceiling.

  The air in the command room was deathly quiet.

  Except for the officers who had been transformed into bionic people, all the living people stared with wide eyes and swallowed hard.


  their leader.


  After a long silence, Tianhong sighed softly, raised his index finger and waved it gently.

  A moment later, footsteps were heard outside the door, and an officer walked in accompanied by two guards.

  The officer stood still and saluted, then walked in front of the crowd.

  The middle-level officer in charge of the message widened his eyes and looked at the familiar face in front of him in disbelief –

  it was his leader!

  General Morton!

  ”Drag this thing out and burn it.”

  After glancing at his other self lying on the ground expressionlessly, Morton then signaled the two android soldiers who came in with him to drag the body off the ground.

  Then he looked around at the officers present, including the middle-level officer who was completely stunned, and spoke in an unprecedentedly calm voice as if nothing had happened.

  ”The combat meeting will continue.”

  ”Before the blockade of the gate of Shelter No. 13 is lifted, I need you to hold the defense line at all costs-”


  The middle-level officer stretched out his trembling hand, grasped his pistol, opened the safety, and drew his gun to shoot him.

  However, before he could pull out his gun from the holster, Morton took out his gun and pulled the trigger before him.


  The bullet hit the officer’s forehead accurately, and red and white slurry flew back to the ground.

  The soldier who was dragging the body stopped his hand and cast an inquiring look at Morton.

  Without even looking at the man lying on the ground, Morton put the gun back into the holster and threw a sentence expressionlessly.

  ”Drag him out too.”

  The soldier nodded and accepted the order, stuffed the body into the body bag, zipped it up and dragged it out the door.

  Seeing the skilled “Morton”, Tianhong had a satisfied smile on her lips.

  Not bad –

  this guy who was uploaded to the circuit board is much more capable than the original pile of meat.

  Perhaps they should have cleared him out and replaced him with a more efficient “immortal body”.

  The combat meeting continued.

  Morton made combat deployments in an orderly manner and issued orderly combat orders to the lower combat units.

  The only three living officers were trembling with fear and dared not make a sound.

  No one noticed the two bodies dragged out of the command center.

  Including Morton’s capable man, Munger, the commander of the “Flash” special forces.

  Looking at the rolling dust in the distance and the enemy unit signals getting closer and closer on the tactical dial, he squatted in the concrete fortifications with a frown on his brows and felt his eyelids twitching violently.

  He felt a gun was aimed at him, but he couldn’t see where the gun was.

  According to the report from the front, the Alliance troops have just suspended their offensive.

  But for some reason, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger…

  Putting away the telescope, he withdrew from the front-line bunker to the bunker below.

  At this time, a sergeant in charge of communication came in from outside and looked at him seriously and said.

  ”The command asked us to hold our position.”

  ”Hold our position?”

  Munger couldn’t help twitching his eyebrows, with an expression of incomprehension on his face.

  ”The main force of the Alliance is about to face us. If we don’t retreat now, how long will we have to wait?”

  ”This is an order directly issued by the command…” The sergeant’s expression was not good, but more of it was helpless.

  This was what their chief, Morton, meant.

  Perhaps –

  that man has some other trump card, right?

  Just as he was thinking this, the lights in the bunker suddenly flickered.

  Several soldiers present were stunned, their nerves collapsed instantly, and they looked nervously at the flickering light bulb.

  The sergeant standing at the door swallowed his saliva and asked in an uncertain tone.

  ”… Is it EMP?”

  If it is an electromagnetic pulse, then it may mean that the alliance’s full-scale attack is about to begin.

  However, Munger frowned and muttered to himself in a low voice.

  ”It doesn’t seem like it…”

  Although EMP has extremely strong penetrating power, it is not enough to penetrate more than ten meters of concrete.

  What’s more, that thing is mainly aimed at “micro-dot” devices, so it is impossible to interfere with the bunker lighting system powered by diesel generators.

  Unless –

  that thing is not an electromagnetic pulse, but a large-scale high-energy particle irradiation similar to solar flares!

  The moment he thought of this, Munger’s face suddenly turned pale.

  He thought of a possibility!

  Although he couldn’t figure out why they didn’t receive an early warning.

  It should take 24 hours for that thing to be deployed and charged, and the space station at the Lagrange point should not be invisible!

  However, it seems that there is no point in thinking about these things now…

  It’s too late.

  Looking at the light that suddenly went out, he said the last sentence in despair.

  ”It’s too late…”

  It’s over.

   Recommended book: “Let Them Offer Their Loyalty”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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