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Chapter 105 More NPCs and Richer Interaction Systems

Chapter 105 More NPCs and Richer Interaction Systems


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 105 More NPCs and Richer Interaction Systems

  After the order was issued, the survivors quickly dismantled their shacks and headed for the brick factory in the northwest.

  Although they had come from there before and were now tossed back, no one had any complaints about the arrangement of the administrator. It

  was a lucky thing to be able to come out of the dungeon of the plunderers alive, not to mention being able to wear warm clothes and eat enough.

  Seeing this scene, Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were measuring the land in the brick kiln, stopped their work in confusion and walked to the administrator and asked.

  ”Dear administrator, may I ask who these people are…”

  Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”These people are the survivors we rescued. In order to repay our life-saving grace, they are willing to support our construction!”

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai’s faces suddenly showed joy.

  The players all went to do the novice tasks. They were worried that no one would do the hard labor. These laborers could be said to have solved their urgent needs.

  ”Then how much do we need to pay them?”

  In fact, they don’t need to pay them wages.

  However, since the players took the initiative to ask, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said for the sake of authenticity.

  ”One silver coin per person per day, I will deduct this expenditure directly from your account, you just need to ensure that they are not hungry or frozen to death.”

  ”Also, pay attention to construction safety. I don’t want the workers to be reduced due to poor working conditions. This will not only affect our regional reputation, but also delay production.”

  ”If there are casualties, each will be deducted 100 silver coins as a pension.”

  This pension is of course impossible to pay to the NPC, it is just a constraint at the setting level.

  Besides, these aborigines don’t care about these metal pieces. For them, this kind of gadget with no recycling value is not as practical as a piece of meat.

  While speaking, Chu Guang sent the pre-edited task to Lao Bai through his VM.

  Although this place is a bit far from the outpost, it does not affect the point-to-point information transmission between the two VM devices.

  After triggering the task of hiring NPC workers, the Niuma Brick Factory will automatically pay 23 silver coins from the account every day as the “wages” of these hired workers.

  Compared to the players’ daily wages of at least 10 silver coins, hiring these NPCs to work can be said to be very cheap.

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai discussed it and immediately agreed happily.

  Of course, in order to prevent these players from being less human than themselves, Chu Guang immediately added a sentence at the end.

  ”The minimum food standard for each person per day is one catty of green wheat. Of course, this is only the minimum nutritional standard. If you want them to work harder, you can purchase more meat and fish, or even go to the city to hunt some game for them.”

  You can feed NPCs!


  This game is not only about management elements, but also about cultivation elements.

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai’s eyes lit up and they immediately vowed.

  ”Don’t worry, Mr. Manager, we will definitely feed the workers until they are fat and white!”

  ”That’s right! Even if I’m hungry, I won’t let them go hungry!”


  There’s no need to be so exaggerated.

  Eating too much is actually not conducive to work. There is such an example in the outpost base.

  But Chu Guang didn’t say anything.

  Exploration itself is also part of the fun of the game.

  These players will naturally find a suitable path, and they only need to grasp the general direction. It

  is neither realistic nor necessary to manipulate everyone’s life.


  The 23 survivors settled down in the brick factory, and their identities changed from refugees to brick workers in the outpost.

  They set up camp very quickly, and it took less than an hour to replicate the shack they made in front of the south gate here.

  Although it looks a bit simple, it is still no problem to shelter from the wind and rain.

  For the survivors in the wasteland, quickly building a shelter that can block the wind and rain is almost a must-have talent.

  On the contrary, the players are not very good at it. Even

  the garbage man who claims to be “garbage picking level 99” has never picked up garbage in reality, and at most he has gone downstairs to dump garbage.

  Watching these survivors build the shack, Chu Guang found Zhao Shu and a survivor from outside Qingquan City, and gave them a VM dedicated to NPC respectively, and appointed them as foremen to communicate with the players.

  If other survivors have any opinions, they should report to the players as soon as possible. In special cases, they can use the “task system” to ask for help from the players.

  However, the rewards for different NPC tasks are all subject to fixed levels, and players cannot be given money at will.

  This is similar to other MMORPG games.

  The highest level Chu Guang set for the two foremen is only 2 silver coins, which can only be released once every 72 hours. The lowest level is 5 copper coins, and the CD time is 24 hours.

  If there are any difficulties in life, such as the shed is leaking and fuel is needed, the lowest level of tasks can be issued to players. If someone is sick or injured, the highest level of reward can be used to issue tasks.

  Of course, Chu Guang did not tell these NPCs the name of the “task system” and its true meaning, but only told them in an abstract way how to use these functions carefully and seek reasonable help from those “all-powerful” blue coats. Like

  other NPCs, every time a task is issued and a conversation is held with players, a record will be left in the VM.

  Chu Guang would ask Luca to come over every once in a while, collect these data using VM, bring them back to the outpost for archiving, and review these data with the assistance of AI.

  With just these data, Chu Guang can easily understand what kind of communication and interaction the players and the natives have had, and can also easily check whether these NPCs have issued some tasks that are “incompatible with their own personality and identity”.

  If so, Chu Guang will deal with the “BUG”.

  ”The newly implemented rules will definitely have loopholes. It just so happens that there are few people in the closed beta stage now, so we can slowly try and make mistakes.”

  Looking at the receding back, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought.

  ”…When we reach the internal beta stage, we should be able to form a relatively complete NPC and player interaction system.”


  It’s me!

  After arranging everything here, Chu Guang left with satisfaction.


  6 o’clock in the evening of the wasteland time.

  After Lao Bai logged off, he immediately posted a thread on the forum.

  ”Breaking news! Niuma Brick Factory will officially open tomorrow! We are offering a grand opening promotion, 10% off for orders placed tomorrow! What are you waiting for if you need to build a house? Hurry up and place your order!”

  At this moment, it was exactly 6 o’clock in the morning.

  Usually, there were not many people on the forum at this time, but the official website of Wasteland OL was just the opposite. Usually, this was the time when the most people came.

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “How much can you produce per day?”

  Lao Bai: “Not much, not much. Currently, one or two thousand bricks are no problem. We will try to produce more than ten thousand bricks per day before the end of the month! (grin)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Awesome!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Boss, give me a ton!”

  Kuangfeng: “We don’t sell bricks by ton. The specifications and sizes are fixed. We sell them by the piece. 100 standard bricks are 1 silver coin.”

  Ye Shi: “Brother Feng is an honest man. What are you talking about with Professor Yang? He doesn’t even have the qualification for closed beta testing. (Funny)” What can

  I do with you: “Laugh, 100 bricks require silver coins? Please take a pen and calculate it. It takes at least 10,000 yuan to build a house. Hundreds of millions of bricks, right? Let’s not talk about the distant past. Our two-story house cost 500 million bricks. Building a house costs millions of silver coins? I heard that you only get single-digit silver coins for a task? Haha, your game is quite realistic. ”

  Irena: “Brother, is your house called the Forbidden City? And you need to buy a ticket to go back? (Funny)” ”

  Knife-saving people: “Hahaha, let me argue, the Forbidden City didn’t use that many bricks, only 80 million. But the specifications of that kind of slurry bricks are much larger.”

  Irena: “I just said it casually. (Funny)”

  The toilet with an internal area of ​​2.5*2m is 3 meters high, and the wall area is at most 27 square meters. 96 bricks for an 18cm wall, 2,600 bricks are more than enough.

  Even if most players choose to share a room and build a larger and taller townhouse together, the per capita cost will not exceed 5,000 bricks.

  100 bricks per silver coin, 50 silver coins per person, this pricing is still very reasonable.

  In the later period, the price of bricks may increase due to the large demand, but the increase or decrease is limited to 100%. Unless the NPC warehouse in charge of prices adjusts the base value, it will only increase to 2 silver coins at most.

  After all, if it is more expensive, everyone will go to think about building houses with wood, which will not be worth the loss.

  Brother Ye Ao is still the same, as unruly and uninhibited as his ID. He will run away after pretending to be cool, and will not care about anyone’s tag.

  After all, he is a pet, so no one cares and continues the previous topic smoothly.

  Garbage Pickup Level 99: “Boss Bai, I’m a newbie. Can I buy on credit if I don’t have money?”

  Lao Bai: “No, brother, we’re just workers. The majority of the shares are in the shelter collective. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t have money. Welcome to the brick factory. We suddenly have a lot of NPCs here. It’s quite interesting.”

  Ye Shi: “Indeed, if you kill prey and give it to them, they will not only say thank you to you, but also immediately set up a big pot to stew the prey, and then give you the best leg meat and the first bowl of broth. These NPCs are like alive. Hey, I’ve played so many games, Only in this game, the interaction between players and NPCs is the most comfortable I have ever seen, and the details are the most awesome!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “What? Is it so awesome? Wait, did we rescue the NPCs there from the looters?” ”

  Fang Chang”: “Yes.” ”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick”: “Awesome!! The front and back are actually connected!” ”

  Canyon Escaping Mole”: “I’m so envious! We are still doing tasks for NPCs, and you have already started to order NPCs around!” ”

  Ward’s Foot Who Levin: “It’s a conspiracy! I don’t care, our steel mill must have it too! Otherwise it’s a conspiracy! (Going crazy)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Dark secrets! Goblin technology also needs NPCs!”

  Ye Shi: “Go away, you want a fucking NPC, do you want to use it as a human bomb? I advise you to be a human being.”

  Fang Chang: “Well, it’s not as exaggerated as you think. Most of these NPCs can’t interact. They can only say “thank you”, “yes”, “obey your command”, and “brick maker”. I observed carefully and found that only NPCs wearing VM equipment can really interact. The rest don’t look very smart.” Canyon Runaway

  Mole: “Well, that’s similar to what I thought. It would be more reasonable. If all NPCs can interact, the server of this game would be too awesome.”

  Now there are few people, just a brick factory.

  When the number of players increases in the later stage, even if the ratio of NPCs to players is 1:10, it will be enough to explode this server.

  Kuangfeng: “…I think the virtual reality technology alone is powerful enough.”

  Canyon Escaped Mole: “Let’s not talk about that for now. Have you tried to communicate with the interactive NPC? Did it trigger any special dialogue? Or a hidden task or something?”

  Fang Chang: “…Hidden task?”

  Canyon Escaped Mole: “Yes! Normally speaking, don’t NPCs with rich texts usually have hidden tasks to complete? Isn’t that what is written in those virtual reality online game novels? Haven’t you tried it?”

  Fang Chang was silent for a long time before he replied.

  ”……Well, of course I tried, but it seems that there is no intention to trigger the task? They are just brick burners. The task assigned to us by the manager is to let them repair the brick kiln.”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Hey, you still lack imagination! In this kind of MMORPG, let alone a character like the foreman, even an unremarkable old hen at the gate of the novice village, as long as the clucking sound is different from others, may be a hidden boss! Forget it, forget it, it’s useless to tell you so much, I will go online and try it myself later.”

  Fang Chang: “…I warn you, don’t mess around, it will affect the production of our brick factory, which is a big problem!”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Hehe, no, no, I just chat with him for a few words! I promise not to touch your NPC!”

  Tail: “Oh, it sounds interesting, take Tail with you!”

  Sisi: “Oh, go!”


  Since the day he was thrown into the dungeon by the plunderer, Zhao Shu never thought that he would be able to come out of the dungeon alive one day.

  To be honest, his current life is like a dream to him.

  Comfortable beds, warm braziers, abundant food, and only need to work 16 hours a day, the rest of the time is theirs.

  Not only that, those blue coats with great skills can occasionally catch one or two wild game to give them a taste of meat.

  To be honest, every time Zhao Shu received wild game from the residents of the shelter, he felt flattered.

  They have seen how cruel these people are.

  Even the predators were as obedient as chickens in front of them, not daring to breathe. It was the first time that Zhao Shu saw those evil ghosts with such a scared expression on their faces.

  In his cognition, predators were already at the top of the food chain.

  ”Hey, what’s your name?”

  When Zhao Shu heard a resident of the shelter talking to him, he immediately stopped, took a skilled look at the VM on his left arm, and read it with non-standard pronunciation.

  ”Hello, my name is Zhao Shu, I’m the foreman here, how can I help you?”

  These strange pinyins were taught to them by old Luca a few days ago. It’s not difficult to learn the pronunciation of each phonetic symbol, but it’s a bit difficult to use.

  Hearing him speak, the residents of the shelter around him were instantly excited.

  ”He can talk!”

  ”Sure enough, he can interact!”

  ”Brother, can you say “Oli Gei”? Please.”

  ”Get lost! Brother, don’t listen to him. Do you have any unspeakable secrets? Tell us, we will definitely help you solve it!”

  Zhao Shu looked confused.

  His VM did not respond. It did not tell him what these people were saying, nor did it tell him how to answer.

  According to the request of the manager, he remained silent, but these shelter residents kept surrounding him, chattering non-stop.

  Zhao Shu was a little panicked.

  He was worried that if he ignored these people’s behavior, he would anger them and might even bring about a fatal disaster.

  After all, this was an era where human life was thinner than paper.

  He did not think that his life was more precious than the people in front of him.

  At this moment, Zhao Shu suddenly remembered another sentence that the manager told him before leaving.

  If these shelter residents surrounded him and did not leave, press the gray circle button in the upper right corner of the screen and read out the line of pinyin displayed on the screen.

  Zhao Shu did not dare to hesitate and did it immediately.

  Swallowing his saliva, he said with a stiff expression.

  ”My worker brothers are starving. We need a fish. Can you help us?”

  Hearing this, the players surrounding nearby were instantly excited and almost cheered.

  ”Oh, oh, oh! It’s done!”

  ”Is the keyword ‘task’? Well, next time, try using other syntax to see if you can trigger a similar effect.”

  ”The task requires fish, right? Good!”

  ”It’s shown on my VM! I’ll take it – damn! Why is the reward only 5 copper coins?”

  ”Maybe part of it is favorability? Is it a loss to exchange a fish for 5 copper coins? Has anyone of you sold fish?”

  ”Who cares? I’ve taken the task. Any fish will do, right? Let’s go to the fisherman by the lake and steal one!”


  Zhao Shu didn’t know what he meant by that sentence, nor did he understand the players’ answers, but it didn’t take long for him to get a fish.

  And this fish was not small, as long as an arm, and the powerful fish tail kept flapping left and right, splashing water everywhere.

  Zhao Shu swallowed again.

  This time it was out of greed.

  But having said that, he still didn’t forget the administrator’s teachings, and quickly pressed the green check mark on the VM and read out the words displayed on the screen.

  ”On behalf of the workers, I thank you and wish you a pleasant day, generous sir. This fish has been a great help!”

  ”We don’t have any more troubles that need your help, or you can come back tomorrow?”

  Hearing this, the players around left with a look of disappointment.

  That night.

  Holding the steaming fish soup in his hand, Zhao Shu, who was eating with his fellow workers, thought for a long time and couldn’t figure out what he said at the time to disappoint these blue jackets.

  But he didn’t dare to ask more.

  Those blue jackets were all big shots

  . The only one who could control them was the administrator who always carried a hammer.

  The administrator repeatedly said that they were forbidden to reveal any clues about the task system, and they were also forbidden to communicate with the residents of the shelter about this matter.

  How could Zhao Shu dare to disobey the order of that adult? He swore that he would not reveal a word even if he died.

  Anyway, this fish stew is quite delicious. Add a few pine cones and salt to cook it, it is simply delicious.

  After finishing the bowl of fish soup, everyone has more energy to work!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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