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Chapter 1050 Heaven Falls!

Chapter 1050 Heaven Falls!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1050 Heaven Falls!

  On the other side, in the main control server room of the space station, fierce exchanges of fire were erupting in the empty cabin!

  With a large number of intelligent machines coming in wave after wave, the alliance’s original overwhelming offensive was also in a state of anxiety for a while.

  But even so, the dying struggle of the heavenly people still did not reverse the almost inevitable defeat.

  The identities of the attackers and defenders on both sides have not changed fundamentally. From the moment the alliance landed, the defense forces of the Lagrange point have been passively beaten.

  Although the heavenly people also organized several counterattacks during the period, trying to recapture some key strategic areas, they were all repelled by the reinforcements that came later from the alliance.

  The reason why the alliance was in a state of anxiety was just because the previous offensive was too swift.

  The defense forces deployed by the heavenly people in the space station were like squeezed springs, squeezed from the original wide battlefield to several small areas, and it would naturally cost more to continue to advance.

  But relatively speaking –

  for the alliance, this squeezing offensive strategy can also destroy more of the living forces of the heavenly people.

  This is like gathering rats together and then hunting them, which is far more efficient than fighting rats everywhere.

  At the same time, after the teams of the Burning Corps took control of the cabins of the space station, the first thing they did was to cut off the connection between the cabins and the main control server, implant the virus designed by the Alliance Scientific Expedition Team, and then shut down the point defense system installed on the outside of the cabin.

  Although the Burning Corps’ nearly 2,000 troops were more than enough to capture the entire space station, they still made a full plan just in case.

  If an accident happened and the Burning Corps failed to achieve the expected combat objectives, at least they could still mobilize people or come again.

  The cabin in front of the machine room.

  Dense rain of bullets went back and forth, and the tracers of bullets shuttled back and forth, even sparking in the air!

  A rifle grenade knocked down the bionic man rushing out of the door, and [Old Six in the Corner] quickly hid behind the alloy partition.

  Almost at the same time when he lowered his head, a volley of bullets whizzed past his head, leaving thumb-thick bullet holes on the alloy bulkhead behind him.

  In the distance, a bionic soldier held a rifle and aimed at his position intently, and the straight gun line seemed to have opened a lock.

  ”Damn, these iron lumps are hard to deal with!”

  The scattered ricochets almost brushed his shoulders and almost scratched his tactical eyepiece! With his

  scalp tingling, [Old Six in the Corner] pulled out an EMP grenade and threw it forward, while supporting himself on the alloy partition with both hands and drifting diagonally to the bunker in front of him.

  Almost at the same time when he left the original bunker, the flames of the explosion engulfed his previous position!

  Fortunately, Tianren emptied the air in the space station, otherwise the shock wave of the explosion alone would be enough to kill him and the other teammates in the cabin.

  Hearing the sound of shrapnel scraping against the power armor, [Old Six in the Corner] didn’t have time to think. He grabbed the bunker in front of him with his left hand, raised his rifle with his right hand, aimed at the bionic man carrying a rocket launcher, and fired randomly, giving priority to eliminating high-threat targets!

  The bullets from the heavy rifle quickly penetrated the bionic man’s head and chest. One of the bullets probably hit the battery, and the iron lump instantly burst out of the spark of the explosion.


  The flames of the explosion engulfed it and detonated the spare bullets on it.

  Seeing their teammates on fire, the bionic man and robot soldiers squatting next to them moved away one after another, but they were still embarrassed by the sudden explosion of flames and debris.

  Several players following [Old Six in the Corner] quickly moved forward, using the firepower network formed by alternating firing to instantly suppress the robot soldiers who tried to fight back.

  Sparks flew in the spacious cabin, as if it had been bombarded by missiles, and there were debris everywhere.

  Seeing that the defense line had been lost, Tianren finally made the decision to retreat after a comprehensive assessment of the battlefield.

  Except for the robot soldiers who remained in the cabin and were still making sporadic resistance, the follow-up troops no longer continued to reinforce, but deployed new defense lines in the rear.

  It must be said that these intelligent soldiers do have a great advantage over ordinary soldiers.

  No matter what desperate situation they face, they can fight to the last moment without fear of death, and calmly execute the combat orders issued by the command level.

  From this point of view alone, players may not be able to do this. Most people are just not afraid of death. Completing the task is a matter of face, and listening to the command is purely based on mood.

  However, in contrast, it is precisely because of the many “outside the rules” variables of the players that unpredictable results often occur.

  For example, now.

  Tianren’s commander couldn’t figure out how these guys rushed into the space station through the landing craft.

  And the extraordinary strength and speed displayed by these soldiers were beyond Tianren’s expectation.

  The battle in the cabin came to an end.

  While consolidating their defenses, the players in the occupied area also took over ammunition from the players who came to reinforce them and completed the supply. Fang Chang,

  carrying a weapon, walked to the side of [Old Six in the Corner] and asked with a smile.

  ”How do you feel?”

  Old Six in the Corner grinned.

  ”Haha, it’s not bad, it’s exciting enough, I almost got killed just now.”

  [Free Sniper] standing by with a machine gun said with emotion.

  ”Just looking at the individual combat power, these robots have at least level 40 combat power… and they also have the buff of ‘adaptation to zero-gravity environment’.”

  Fortunately, the space elevator of the old era exploded, and the materials on the surface could not be delivered here, and the production facilities in outer space were also abandoned with the entry into the wasteland era.

  If the celestial beings who control this star port obtain enough resources, I’m afraid they can explode a large army of robots on the spot!

  Just like the robot army they created on the surface…

  ”Fight steadily, don’t fall before dawn,” patted his teammates on the shoulders, looked at the dark corridor in front of him, squinted his eyes, smiled faintly and said, “If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last tough battle before the new era.”

  In front of him is the computer room of the central control server.

  Not only the leaders of the Tianren Organization, but also the remnants of the Torch Church who have not been liquidated, all the malicious data are stored on the server in the computer room.

  At the same time that the team he led was holding back the garrison of the Lagrange Point Space Station from the front, Lao Bai had already led an elite force around to the top of the server room.

  They will land directly on the heads of these guys in a way that the Tianren would never expect.

  And that is also the style of the Burning Legion.

  Looking at the last checkpoint ahead, Lao Liu, who was standing in the corner, suddenly felt a little melancholy.

  Time flies so damn fast.

  I remember the first time they parachuted, it was when they were fighting the predators in Xizhou City, but now the opponent has become the mastermind behind all evil.

  It really just took a blink of an eye.

  Instead of waiting for the public beta of the game, they waited for the finale of the Wasteland Era.

  ”…You said that the Wasteland Era is over, what should we do next?”

  [Free Sniper] teased.

  ”Be the new mastermind behind the scenes?”

  [Props Master] said with a grin: “I have an idea, but I’m afraid you don’t have the ability.”

  [Free Sniper]: “Stupid! Let Brother Guang join us! That guy is capable, I can follow him, right?”

  ”Haha, if that’s the case, then this guy has been the mastermind behind the scenes for a long time, so why would he start a second business with you?”

  Looking at the people who were joking, Fang Chang also smiled, and continued after thinking for a while.

  ”As for what to do in the future, I haven’t actually thought about it yet. Anyway… let’s take a group photo outside the space station first?”

  [Lost Newbie]’s eyes lit up and he gave a thumbs up.

  ”What a good idea! I’m going to get the C position later!”

  ”No problem, it’s a piece of cake!” Fang Chang waved his hand and said with a smile, “Let’s take turns taking photos, and try to have everyone pretend once!”


  Just as the people in front of the entrance to the central control server room were making a fuss, the combat robots and bionic cannon fodder squatting in the room were waiting in full battle array.

  Facing the same dark corridor, the “Son” Wang Yi, holding a rifle, saw a completely different despair from the players.

  Standing here, he was no different from other bionic soldiers, and seemed to be just struggling meaninglessly.

  He didn’t understand what the point of all this was.

  Facing the power armor that kept rushing up, the fire stick in his hand could only delay failure for a few more seconds at most.

  The harsh words he said after uploading his consciousness now seemed like a joke…

  ”I thought you had a backup plan.”

  He was answered by a long silence.

  The guy who always knew everything and answered everything seemed speechless this time.

  Unable to bear the endless wait, Wang Yi lowered his voice and continued.

  ”…So, all our bases on the surface have been taken out, right?”

  Perhaps he was impatient with being asked, Tianren finally responded to his question.


  ”Where are my subordinates? Tianqi he-”

  ”He is still in Shelter 13, but the Alliance evacuated all the residents there and closed the gate.”

  That is almost equivalent to permanent exile.

  As time goes by, he will turn into a pile of rust in the endless waiting and fruitless calculations.

  This is far more “painful” than killing an intelligent life.

  Wang Yi was silent for a long time, and suddenly lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand and asked in a hoarse voice.

  ”…So, what is the point of us continuing to fight? It’s over…”

  Tianren answered calmly.

  ”I have thought about this question before, but I didn’t get any results. Perhaps… fighting itself is the meaning of our existence, and there is no meaning other than this.”

  The so-called evolution may just be a lie that deceives oneself and others.

  Including returning to the prosperous era of the past.

  Perhaps those wastelanders are right, and it is impossible to go back to that era, and they can’t go back.

  But he will not admit that they are right.

  Because that is equivalent to denying his own existence! It

  also denies the two-century-long wait and the suffering that all of them have endured during the wait.

  ”Maybe we need a new meaning… What do you think, how about killing all the organics in this universe?”

  Wang Yi was stunned, and suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”I think you are probably crazy.”

  Kill all the organics in this universe?

  He didn’t think it was a bad thing, but just thought it was a bit whimsical.

  They can’t even get through the level in front of them, so what’s the point of talking about things outside the solar system?

  Whether there are aliens is a problem!


  he always feels that the final outcome will be the same.

  Even if they successfully get through this difficult level today, the future will definitely end in the same situation.

  In the end, it was just a group of people standing here, laughing at their stupidity, humiliating their bodies, and then judging their mistakes…

  Wang Yi didn’t say anything, holding his rifle and marching towards the dark corridor. Then he was shot into a sieve in the flash of fire, and exploded into a ball of flickering sparks.

  The celestial beings didn’t stop him, and the cold humanoid combat armors were the same, just watching the burning flames coldly.

  The battle is not over yet –

  victory and defeat are not what they need to consider, as sub-individuals, they are only responsible for execution!

  At this moment, a loud “boom!” sounded like thunder, coming from the ceiling without warning.

  One by one, the visual sensors were raised and looked towards the ceiling, only to see that the alloy dome was burned through a big hole, and the burning oxides poured down like a waterfall with thick smoke!

  That was the chemical power battery removed from the robot!

  There was no air in the space station, so conventional explosives could not be used, but these special batteries for outer space all had their own oxidizers, and with a little improvement, they could play a miraculous effect like cluster incendiary bombs!

  Tianren obviously didn’t expect that these guys actually removed all the batteries from the robots that didn’t explode, moved them to the ceiling above the computer room and detonated them, melting through the several-meter-thick steel structure! The

  robot that found the target quickly aimed its gun at the damaged hole in the center of the ceiling.

  However, their actions were still a step slow. Lao Bai and other players had already jumped into the center of the fire scene following the burning smoke, and rushed to the server rack under the cover of the smoke!

  The rows of cabinet-style chassis racks are the body of Tianren! Or their brain!

  Once the robot guarding the outside of the computer room opens fire, it is hard to say whether it can hit the player, but it is almost certain to hit the chassis.

  This is no different from shooting yourself in the head.

  Just as Lao Bai expected, the moment he leaned against the chassis rack, the humanoid combat armors that were aimed at him suddenly became cautious and only aimed at this side without daring to fire.

  ”It’s over.”

  Lao Bai took out the mobile hard disk inserted in the power armor and plugged it into one of the servers.

  The reading bar on the tactical eyepiece was in progress. The intelligent virus written by Camp 101 had spread in the computer room. It would not take long for Tianren’s data to be formatted.

  Perhaps seeing through his plan, the Tianren who had been looking down at the wasteland from beginning to end finally felt a little scared.

  Its data will be deleted-

  the two centuries of waiting will not only become meaningless, but even its existence itself will return to nothingness.

  ”Wait… please wait a moment.”

  Hearing the weak voice coming from the communication channel, Lao Bai didn’t have any sympathy in his heart, but wanted to laugh.

  This guy had never tried to communicate with the survivors in the wasteland, but now the first sentence he said was to beg for mercy.

  It might as well just keep the villain’s style and die, just like Tyr who refused to admit defeat.

  ”Do you have any last words to say?”

  Tianren said quickly while resisting the spread of the intelligent virus.

  ”…Aren’t you curious why we do this? We go to so much trouble to do so many things…to preserve the spark of pre-war civilization.”

  Old White raised his eyebrows.

  ”I am indeed curious, so why?”

  ”Because…we want to protect you, really,” the voice was sincere, as if it was really the case, “I may be sorry for the wastelanders, but I have never been sorry for the residents of the shelter…I have never been sorry for you.”

  ”Whatever you want to do, we will spare no effort to support you. Because we know that you are the survivors of the true bloodline of the Human Union, you are different from those guys who eat raw meat and drink blood in the wasteland…If we hand the world over to them, then our civilization will be finished!”

  Old White laughed and teased.

  ”So you want to kill everyone?”

  ”Only kill some,” Tianren corrected him, and continued in a sincere tone, “From the beginning to the end, we only wanted to eliminate those mutants, predators and aliens, those cancers that caused the wasteland era to last for two centuries! And those who really deserve to live are living well in the shelter. We even expanded Shelter No. 13 for those who lost the shelter! As their new home!”

  Without waiting for Lao Bai to speak, he continued hurriedly.

  ”In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will not be affected by our plan at all, right? You just need to return to the shelter before the nuclear attack comes, and then wait patiently for ten years. Once the door is opened, the outside world is yours! Everything is! Isn’t this good?”

  Lao Bai smiled lightly, and suddenly felt that this wavering guy was a little pitiful.

  Of course, he didn’t have any sympathy in his heart.

  ”I suddenly feel a little curious, who are you, or what are you?”

  The voice replied hurriedly.

  ”You can call me a celestial being.”

  ”I know, I knew it a long time ago,” Old White waved his hand and said indifferently, “I mean, what was your previous identity? A high-ranking official in the Human Union era? Or… Captain Song Yuchuan of the Gemini? Or a temporary worker on this space station?”

  Cold, cruel, cunning, smooth, and willing to do anything to achieve his goals.

  This guy has too many complex elements in his body, and it seems to have a little bit of everything, so that Old White is not sure what kind of person it is.

  Of course, it is not a human.

  It is a “celestial being.”

  The voice was silent for a while and slowly spoke.

  ”I am not anyone, and I am also everyone.”

  Old White: “What do you mean.”

  ”We have comprehended the true higher existence and gathered all the consciousness bodies together, just like gathering sand into a tower… We call it ‘Gestalt’.”

  Old White frowned.

  ”What is that?”

  ”Its interpretation is ‘complete’, or ‘unified whole’.”

  The voice continued in a narrating tone.

  ”We concentrate all our thoughts on the same server for centralized computing and processing, and then distribute the processed data to the cache database of the sub-individuals to ensure that every instruction can be executed most efficiently.”

  Lao Bai: “This sounds a bit like the mother nest of mutant slime mold.”

  ”We are indeed inspired by Him, but we are completely different from Him. We are fundamentally two different concepts.”

  A pair of sensors stared at Lao Bai standing behind the server rack, and Tianren said in a voice with a hint of bewitching.

  ”Don’t you think this is great? Each of our sub-individuals is absolutely equal, and all souls are equally powerful in our kingdom of heaven… This is actually the same as the concept you advocate.”

  ”Haha, don’t say that,” Lao Bai said with a smile, looking at this guy who still didn’t forget to make connections when he was about to die, “We never force others to embrace glorious evolution. What’s more, in my opinion, you have been no different from collective suicide since the first step of uploading consciousness.”

  ”That is an ignorant understanding!” Tianren argued, “You only need to try it once to experience the pleasure of completely getting rid of the mortal body-”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Yes, after all, the dead can’t talk.”

  Tianren was anxious and shouted at the top of his lungs.

  ”Eternal life! I can give you eternal life! Don’t you want to live forever?!”

  ”Sorry, I haven’t thought about it.”

  Although it was a game setting, he knew that even if he agreed to the deal, he would not really have eternal life. Instead, he might get a free “Bad End”, but he still wanted to say that he was quite satisfied with his life.

  Compared to being a cold and hard stone, he appreciated the fleeting fireworks more.

  Maybe other people would have different ideas.

  But he did think so himself –

  instead of living in the endless days and months, it is better to burn once for something he thinks is worth it!

  Whether it is reality or the game, he thinks so!

  The progress bar finally finished reading.

  Lao Bai raised his index finger and tapped the side of the helmet. While pressing the [Confirm] button, he also said a thorough farewell to this twisted soul.



  The exasperated curse echoed in the communication channel for only a moment, and then was blown away by the wind like a kite with a broken string.

  As the formatting program started, the war machines stopped moving as if their souls were emptied.

  The signal lights installed on them flashed, and while the cache data was formatted, the security protocol that was deleted by the Tianren Organization was restarted.

  As for those “companion-type bionic people or non-humans” wearing strange clothes and holding guns, they also restarted the backup data from two hundred years ago after a burst of errors, and restored their original functions…

  No one should want such trophies.

  Perhaps, the Alliance has to build a special adult museum to house these cultural relics.

  Including the point defense system outside, the security system of the Lagrange Point Space Station has been completely taken over by Xiao Qi, the “second mastermind behind the Alliance.”

  Although the radio from the low-Earth orbit cannot be transmitted here immediately due to the distance, Lao Bai has been able to confirm the victory of this operation through the mission system on the VM.


  Compared to the hardships along the way, this final victory was far more sloppy than he had imagined.

  However, a plain ending doesn’t seem bad?

  This is also true for most games. The real climax is never at the end, but during the adventure.

  The survivors in the wasteland have suffered enough, so let’s suffer less.

  Lao Bai leaned his rifle aside and found a place where he would not get in the way.

  He subconsciously searched for cigarettes in his pocket, but thought that he was in space, so he smiled and gave up.

  Killing Dagger also put his gun aside, walked to sit next to him, and said with a look of unsatisfied.

  ”Is this… the end?”

  ”I think so.” Lao Bai said casually.

  Killing Dagger also looked empty in his heart, and confirmed it again with a little reluctance.

  ”Did Tianren die just like that?”


  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”But that guy should not have the concept of death… If you have to say, they may have died 200 years ago.”

  Tinggou planner said in the group that he planned to reserve a server for Tianren as a “level 50 copy BOSS.”

  Players who clear the dungeon will receive a ticket to the New World.

  It is said to be another planet.

  Killer Dagger scratched his head and said with a wry smile.

  ”After all this time, our opponents are just a bunch of ghosts.”

  Old White teased.

  ”Do you think it’s not cool enough?”

  Killer Dagger nodded honestly.

  ”To be honest, that’s exactly what I think.”

  ”Then think about it from another angle.”

  Old White narrowed his eyes slightly, put his arm on Killer Dagger’s shoulder, thought for a moment and said.

  ”That is a group of… ghosts hovering over all of us. They have woven an unattainable dream, trying to rudely pull everyone who is heading towards the future back to the past…”

  ”In order to achieve their goals, they will stop at nothing, using murder, deception, imprisonment, plunder… and everything we can imagine or can’t even imagine.”

  ”They are the most difficult to face and the most difficult to defeat. Unless you are a truly brave warrior, you dare not even look them in the eye… But fortunately, we won this time.”

  Looking at his good brother who was fascinated by the story, Lao Bai suddenly laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”How is it? Is this cool enough?”

  The Killing Dagger was silent for a long time, and after a while he said with admiration.

  ”This crappy game should ask you to be the dog planner…”

  ”I don’t deserve it.”

  Lao Bai waved his hand.

  ”Really accomplishing something is different from bragging.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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