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Chapter 1052 Insects

Chapter 1052 Insects


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1052 Insects

  ”These guys are so idle.”

  Alliance Building, Manager’s Office.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting at his desk, took a break from his work and browsed the forum for a while. He happened to see the post about the players’ fun, and then his face gradually showed the expression of an old man on the subway.

  X-16 is fine.

  What the hell is Neeko? !

  Be a human being!


  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, nodded his head seriously and said with certainty, “It must be because the task rewards are too high, and the task yield rate must be reduced!”

  ”You are also one of the guys I’m talking about. You have so much free time to fool around with them.”

  Chu Guang complained unhappily and poked the little guy’s head with his index finger.


  Xiao Qi, who was “hit on the head”, let out a short cry of grief and fell on his back into the pen holder in a weird posture. After a long time, he poked his little head out of the pen holder pitifully.

  There is no doubt that the pitiful expression was pretended.

  Having been with this guy for so long, Chu Guang has long been familiar with the nature of this artificial idiot.

  Since it was just a wastebasket, it has been quite skilled in pretending to be pitiful and stupid…

  The discussion on the forum continued.

  Soon, another player opened a new voting post, and the topic of discussion has changed from Brother Guang’s CP to the XP of the dog planner. The options are more outrageous than the other. I wonder if it was inspired by the Lagrange point space station.

  Chu Guang looked around at the voting options and thought that he should prepare some antihypertensive drugs in the drawer.

  But soon he changed his mind and thought again, the discussion is about the dog planner, what does it have to do with me, the manager?

  Chu Guang, who suddenly realized, was relieved in an instant, and even used the dog planner’s vest to give a thumbs up to the only kind-hearted Ya Ya who spoke for him in the post –

  Ya Ya: “Aren’t you guys making fun of A Guang too much? I think A Guang is actually a pretty good person except that he is occasionally a bit black-bellied. 0.0”

  Soon a group of people with bad intentions discovered this thumbs up, and the style of the entire post was reversed in an instant.

  Tail: “!!!”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Tail exclaimed, what a guy!”

  Ye Shi: “Case solved!! Brother Guang likes big ones! (smirk)”

  Makabazi: “Insider information!!! It’s insider trading!!! (broken voice)”

  Ya Ya: “???”

  The target of the concentrated fire quickly changed from the dog planner to Ya Ya.

  And a certain “behind-the-scenes mastermind” hiding behind turned off the holographic screen with satisfaction and put the holographic computer pen back into the pen holder.

  Xiao Qi still lay on the side of the pen holder with a pitiful look, and said in a wronged whisper.

  ”Master…so you like bigger ones, right?”

  Chu Guang said with a faint smile.

  ”I don’t know, maybe? I remember that I once said it, but I haven’t really thought about this issue.”

  There are too many things that he needs to worry about, and it is inevitable that there will be things that he can’t take care of.

  For example, his own life.

  But now that the wasteland era is over, he will have plenty of time for himself in the future.

  There is no need to rush for a while.

  By the way, just a while ago, when Xiao Qi took over the Lagrange Point Space Station, the shelter system, which had not appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in front of him again and handed him the key to the B5 floor of the shelter.

  It seems that the first-generation administrator had long anticipated where the real threat came from.

  Of course.

  Maybe that guy didn’t actually know about the heavenly people, but just thought that even the Lagrange Point space station had been recovered, and the wasteland era should be over, so he used the authority of the Lagrange Space Station as the unlocking condition for the last key.

  According to the shelter system, that is the real manager’s office of Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang has been working in the browsing room on the B4 floor and the office in the Alliance Building. Now he can finally move into an office that truly belongs to him.

  Of course, where to work is actually a trivial matter. What he cares most about is actually another piece of information revealed by the shelter system-

  it is said that it is the last place visited by the first-generation administrator before disappearing.

  Maybe there will be the “Administrator’s Log” belonging to the first-generation administrator of Shelter No. 404!

  However, Chu Guang did not rush back to the shelter to open the door. Anyway, he

  had the key, and the B5 floor was there and would not run away, so he was not in a hurry.

  Not to mention that he still had work to deal with, he would meet an old friend who he had not seen for a long time.

  As for the secret of the B5 floor, it would not be too late to uncover it after he got off work…


  In the reception room near the No. 1 conference room of the Alliance Building, a pair of unfamiliar guests walked in here surrounded by a group of guards.

  One of the guests was named Zhuang Lan, who was once the ace agent of the Enlightenment Society, but now she is the founder and leader of the Watcher Organization and the gravedigger of the Enlightenment Society.

  At this moment, she has taken off the costume that belonged to Malik and restored her original appearance.

  Chu Guang still remembers that when he first saw her, she was brought to him by Ye Shi as a prisoner. She was so frightened that she didn’t even dare to meet his eyes.

  As for her now, it seems like a different person. Not only is she more confident, but her spine is also straighter.

  Not only that.

  The fear that was once written in her eyes has now turned into respect from the bottom of her heart.

  What’s interesting is that the guy standing next to her is just the opposite.

  He used to talk freely under Yi Hai’s skin, but now he is like a maggot with his body hollowed out. His hollow eyes are full of panic, and his shoulders are shaking as if he might pee at any time.

  Tianren is dead.

  The Enlightenment Society is dead.

  He no longer has an organization to rely on, and a clone shell that can be a scapegoat.

  Put on the center of the stage, he doesn’t look like a leader at all. Without a script to read, he can’t even speak clearly, and he is even worse than an ordinary person.

  Not wanting to look at him any more, Chu Guang just glanced at that face, then looked at the man standing next to him, and said in a gentle tone.

  ”You’re here.”

  Zhuang Lan nodded slightly, with a hint of piety and sincerity in her respectful tone.

  ”I am here to fulfill the bet I made many years ago… If there is no trace of the Enlightenment Society in the disaster of Shelter No. 68, I will be free. If the clues in the administrator’s log match your guess, then you win.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and said in a joking tone.

  ”It seems that I won.”

  To be honest.

  He was quite surprised.

  At that time, this move was just a spare piece he dropped casually, but he didn’t expect that it was this spare piece that would kill the Enlightenment Society in the end.

  Not only did she find Shelter No. 68 to find out the truth of the accident that year, she also learned the method of the Alliance to unite other brainwashed victims and established the Watcher Organization.


  That is the most feared weapon of all oppressors.

  Whether it is the devil on the ground or the ghost in the sky, they dare not look directly at the light emitted from this weapon.

  ”Yes,” Zhuang Lan said respectfully, “According to the bet, I have returned with the freedom you lent me… From now on, my freedom is yours, and I am willing to be your sharp blade in the darkness, at your disposal.”

  Chu Guang saw the shadow of Lv Bei in her, and believed that she did not say these words for the purpose of flattery or pleasing others, nor for the purpose of seeking a certain political status.

  She was speaking from the heart.

  However, he did not want her to do so.

  The long, bleak night was over, and he no longer needed others to follow the torch in his hand.

  Including Lv Bei, who had always followed him.

  He hoped that they would become the light themselves and continue to move forward along the path they believed in.

  From now on, they are all torches.

  ”You misunderstood, my prize is the administrator’s log of Shelter No. 68, not your freedom. You have already fulfilled the bet, although you may not remember it.”

  Looking at Zhuang Lan who raised her head blankly, Chu Guang continued in a chatty tone.

  ”As for your freedom, it belongs to you from the moment you get rid of the brainwashing of the Enlightenment Society. You don’t have to give it to anyone, let alone me.”

  ”But… I don’t know what to do with it.”

  Zhuang Lan’s expression suddenly became a little uneasy, and a rare hesitation appeared in her originally resolute eyes. She muttered in a low voice.

  ”I established the Watchers to deal with the Enlightenment Society, but now the Enlightenment Society is finished…”

  ”Then why not give it a different goal, such as… continue to complete the unfinished tasks of Shelter 68 and other shelters? Since you have already defeated the Enlightenment Society, why not try the opposite path from them to see if it is really as unfeasible as they claim.”

  ”After all, the Enlightenment Society did not fall from the sky. It was born in a specific soil. It is not enough to just destroy it. If we don’t change the soil that breeds malice, we will have to face it again or many times in the future sooner or later.”

  Looking at the gradually brightening eyes, Chu Guang continued in a gentle voice.

  ”Of course, instead of asking for my opinion, you should actually talk to your companions. Go back to them, the people there need you more than I do.”

  That was all he said.

  He believed that Zhuang Lan, who was standing opposite him, would understand the meaning of his words.

  After all, she had come here by herself.

  Just as Chu Guang expected, the pair of resolute eyes finally no longer had any confusion.

  What she needed was never an omnipotent manager, and her freedom always belonged to her.

  From now on, she didn’t have to wait for anyone to come.

  She herself was the one she was waiting for.

  ”Thank you…”

  Zhuang Lan clasped her fists, and finally looked at the respected manager with gratitude, then turned and left.

  Guixu, with his head down, wanted to slip away in the shadow behind her, but was stopped by the guard at the door holding his shoulder.

  The hand on his shoulder was like an iron clamp, and he couldn’t move even if he tried his best.

  The face that looked ashen was instantly filled with despair, just like a white wall that had just been painted.

  ”…You won, why bother me? I have nothing now, and I am no threat to you…”

  Turning to look at Chu Guang, Guixu’s eyes were full of pleading, and he almost knelt down on the spot.

  That undignified look was even worse than President Charas, let alone Tyr.

  Whether in terms of means or schemes, this guy is far inferior to those ambitious people in the wasteland.

  Chu Guang doesn’t like those ambitious people, and he disdains conspiracies and tricks.

  However, he couldn’t help but be curious, where did this guy get the confidence that his bloodline is more orthodox than other people in the wasteland, and more worthy of equality.

  Just because he was born in a shelter?

  And the survivors in the wasteland all jumped out of stones?

  Looking down at the face that he wanted to bury in the ground, Chu Guang said in a calm tone.

  ”Back then, you hid in Yi Hai’s body and talked to me about a lot of things. You also told me… I can call you Guixu, or the Zeroer.”

  ”Now we are face to face, I am sitting in front of you, why can’t you speak?”

  The voice was not very loud, but it sounded like thunder in Guixu’s ears.

  His knees couldn’t help but weaken, and finally he couldn’t stand the fear, and knelt on the ground with a “thump”.

  ”I… I’m damned, I didn’t know you knew those people…”

  ”The blood on your hands is not just from the crew of the Pioneer.”

  Chu Guang took out a thumb-sized hard drive from his pocket.

  It was given to him by Zhuang Lan before, and it had been given to him for some time.

  ”Do you know what this is?”

  Holding the thumb-sized hard drive, Chu Guang shook it in front of Guixu’s desperate eyes, and then put it on the table beside him.

  ”This is the log of the manager of Shelter 68, which also contains some testimonies from the survivors.”

  ”Based on these clues, we can basically reconstruct the conspiracy behind the fall of Shelter 68… You bribed the looters to pretend to be refugees to gain the sympathy of the residents of Shelter 68, and took advantage of the latter’s relaxed vigilance to loot the entire shelter. And you yourself came as a savior, accepted the survivors as believers, and took them to preach your theory of annihilation.”

  ”Not just the Pioneer, the crimes you committed can only be described as innumerable. The Wasteland Era was never the fault of the Wastelanders, but the price of the Prosperous Era, but you have indeed made an ‘indispensable contribution’ to prolonging this long night.”

  Guixu had no time to listen to the crimes listed by Chu Guang.

  He was flexible and could only tremble and bang his head on the ground, trying to win Chu Guang’s sympathy as a resident of the shelter, so that the latter would spare his life.

  However, he didn’t know that the more he did so, the more those contemptuous eyes looked down on him.

  He was about to die, but he didn’t know what crime he had really committed.

  Not wanting to look at this poor boneless creature anymore, Chu Guang waved his hand at the guard standing at the door.

  ”Take him away.”

  The guard wearing an exoskeleton stepped into the door with murderous intent, picked up the guy kneeling on the ground like a chicken, and dragged him out of the door regardless of the latter’s wailing and begging for mercy.

  ”No! I beg you, give me another chance!”

  ”Black box!!! I know the location of some black boxes!! As long as you are willing to forgive me, I will tell you everything!”


  Chu Guang did not look at him again.

  He will be tried by the United Tribunal of the Sticky Community and hanged on the eve of the new era.

  There is no doubt about it.

  No one will forgive him.

  Even the ideal city full of saints will never hesitate on whether to spare the life of this culprit…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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