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Chapter 1053 Professor

Chapter 1053 Professor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1053 Professor

  Noble people will always have nobility worthy of them, and precious things will eventually not escape the fate that belongs to precious things.

  It seems that he realized that his death was inevitable. Guixu, who had peed enough, finally couldn’t stand this last “humiliation” and roared hysterically at the gradually receding Alliance Building.

  ”How stupid! Handing over the world of civilized people to the savages in the wasteland!!! You are simply not worthy of being residents of the shelter! You betrayed the Human Alliance! Betrayed the people who built the shelter!! Wait, wait and see, you will not have a good harvest!!”

  The twisted face was full of tears and snot.

  The hysterical roar and resentment were not like a savage, let alone a savage.

  The soldier holding his shoulder looked at him with disdain. He didn’t want his clothes to be stained by the disgusting liquid, but he had to hold him tightly to prevent him from committing suicide.

  For a person who has no hope of living, this is not impossible.

  Although this guy may not have such courage.

  ”Savages from the wasteland, huh… If you let those who built the shelter know that people living in the shelter will call their children like this in the future, do you think they will still build the shelter?”

  ”Who is the traitor? Who betrayed whom? You don’t know until you die.”

  The soldier holding his shoulder said viciously, staring at his pupils that were half timid and half hysterical.

  ”When you die, you’d better open your eyes and see who is living in retribution and who will not have a good ending!”


  The trial of Guixu will be carried out together with the trial of the top leaders of the Enlightenment Society, and in addition, it will also include the trial of the accomplices of the Enlightenment Society.

  The Sticky Community will set up a special court and investigation agency to settle the various crimes committed by it and sentence it according to the evidence.

  The sunset gradually fell. Chu Guang, who had finished his work, put the documents aside as usual, pushed open the door and walked out of the office on time, got on the long-awaited special car downstairs of the building, and returned to the shelter in the south of Dawn City.

  Normally, he would choose to close his eyes and rest for a while, but today, he suddenly looked at the scenery outside the window, and even asked the driver to take a long detour to the city center. The

  city center of Shuguang City has always been to the north of the Alliance Building, and it is still quite far away from the Linghu Wetland Park in the south.

  With the development and expansion of the new urban area in the east, the city center has gradually developed towards the “old site of Highway Town”.

  It was once a place where the Alliance’s corps irrigated with blood, but now it has become a row of high-rise buildings and a square with people coming and going.

  Chu Guang was a little dazed for a while, until the reflection of the row of buildings went away from the car window, he suddenly came back to his senses, and Lv Bei, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, said with a smile.

  ”The changes here are quite big. Sometimes at first glance, it feels like a lifetime ago.”

  Lv Bei had been staring at the road conditions and the streets ahead with all his heart and responsibility, but he didn’t appreciate the scenery outside the car window carefully. After a pause, he smiled and said.

  ”It’s really developing very fast here… But the urban area just now has been built for some time.”

  ”Really?” Chu Guang laughed and said with emotion, “Maybe I don’t hang out often, you can take me around in a few days.” “Yes

  !” Lv Bei nodded seriously, and put on a posture of guaranteeing to complete the task.

  Seeing that the young man attached great importance to it, Chu Guang smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”It’s just a casual stroll, there’s no need to be so nervous… Also, don’t disturb others.”

  Lv Bei, who was originally just nervous, became more nervous after hearing this sentence…


  At the entrance of the shelter, there was an endless stream of players walking around in the square, including new players who had just entered the game and reported here, and some old players who had just started.

  The snack street in the north was even more lively, with people coming and going. There were merchants who traveled all over the country to exchange information about the situation in various places, and there were also players who shared the unlucky way they died three days ago.

  Did not go back to the shelter immediately.

  Chu Guang went to the ramen stand he often went to. After sitting down, he ordered a super large bowl. He ate quietly while watching the noisy little players eat until the sun completely set. He

  always felt that the manager was thinking about something. Lv Bei, who was sitting opposite him, was too embarrassed to ask, so he could only wait quietly.

  Unfortunately, Chu Guang did not tell his thoughts. He just counted out the change and put it on the table as usual. He smiled and exchanged a few words with the sweaty boss who was pulling ramen, and then left.

  To be honest, Chu Guang was a little confused about his mentality at the moment. Obviously,

  the puzzle he had always dreamed of solving was right in front of him, but he was not in a hurry to uncover the answer. Instead, he wanted time to pass slower.

  However, he also knew that he could not never face the memories outside of that period of time.

  ”Just take me here, I plan to go back.”


  Looking at Chu Guang walking towards the shelter, Lv Bei nodded slightly, but did not leave.

  Looking at the gradually receding back, he hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.


  Chu Guang stopped and looked back. Seeing the serious expression on the young man’s face, he couldn’t help but smile and said.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Lu Bei nodded and said seriously.

  ”I don’t have a father or other relatives. You taught me how to write, count… and many other things I don’t understand. Maybe you will feel offended… but I always regard you as my father.”

  ”It’s not an offense, but some surprises are true,” Chu Guang coughed lightly and said with a smile, “Why are you suddenly saying this?”

  ”Nothing…” Lu Bei shook his head lightly and continued in a serious tone, “I just want to tell you that you will always be the manager in my mind. And… I believe that not only me, but many people think so.”

  There was no falsehood on that sincere face, and what he said was indeed from the heart.

  Putting away the joking tone, Chu Guang’s face also showed a serious expression and said solemnly.

  ”I know, thank you.”

  After speaking, he smiled warmly again, walked back to Lu Bei, and patted the young man on the shoulder.

  ”I’m just going home. Don’t make it seem like I’m going somewhere far away.”

  ”Remember to pick me up at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning and take me around Shuguang City.”

  ”Yes!” Lu Bei stood at attention excitedly and saluted, but this time he was not as nervous as before.

  Chu Guang smiled and waved his hand, telling him not to wait here, and then disappeared into the crowd on the square, returning to the place where everything started…


  After leaving the players who tried to “bug” and stick to his butt in the elevator, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to send them back to the B1 floor, and then stepped into the long-sealed B5 floor alone. The

  elevator door faced a wide circular space.

  The layout here was very similar to the B2 and B3 floors, the only difference was that there was no living area and the hundreds or thousands of single dormitories distributed around the circular corridor.

  This place was actually a bit like the citizen reception hall of the Alliance Building, and it should be the administrative function area of ​​Shelter No. 404.

  Not only that.

  Unlike the dust-free appearance of other floors when they were just opened, the alloy floor here was covered with a very thick layer of dust, and even the softest heels would inevitably make a creaking sound when stepped on.

  It can be seen that no one has been here for a long, long time, so there is no need to clean it.

  Chu Guang stood there and took a look at the surrounding environment, then walked towards the corridor facing the elevator.

  On the B2 and B3 floors, the corridor at the same location connected to the warehouse area.

  But this place was different, and it should be the manager’s office.

  Chu Guang put his hand on the door handle and quickly passed the iris and face recognition verification.

  With a light “click”, the alloy door that had been sealed for two centuries finally unsealed, revealing an inconspicuous corner of that unknown period of time.

  And at the moment when the door opened, a low and distant voice also passed through the door at the same time, blowing towards him like a distant wind chime.

  ”You’re here.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows.

  ”You want to say that I shouldn’t come?”

  Hearing this cold joke that livened up the atmosphere, a dry laugh floated from the front.

  ”Hahaha…that’s not the case.”

  Just as the two of them were joking, Chu Guang glanced at the room in front of him.

  It was a circular room.

  The furnishings inside were simple, even crude, with only a wide curved screen and a chair facing the screen.

  There seemed to be a person sitting on the chair.

  However, the person had his back to Chu Guang, so he couldn’t see the face clearly, let alone whether the person was still alive.

  As for the hoarse and low voice, it came from the curved screen opposite.

  ”I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

  A pair of eyes stared at him from somewhere, as if staring at his own child, or as if staring at himself in the mirror.

  Chu Guang had experienced the feeling of déjà vu once before, when he was communicating with the observer.

  But what was intriguing was that he read completely different things from the two lines of sight.

  Staring at the screen flashing with fluorescent light, Chu Guang asked in a calm voice.

  ”Are you the ‘Professor’?”

  To his surprise, the voice did not make any disguise, but admitted it easily.

  ”Yes, I didn’t expect to hear this name after so many years… Actually, I didn’t have this name at first, but people often called me that, so I called myself this name over time.”

  Chu Guang could hear a hint of nostalgia in the voice, as if he was sad about things that had changed and people that had changed.

  He could understand this feeling.

  Although he had just begun to understand it.

  ”I always hear people say that you created the era of prosperity.”

  A blurry figure appeared on the curved screen hanging on the wall.

  He couldn’t see the man’s face clearly, but he thought he should be quite handsome, although he was still a little worse than himself.

  The man looked at him and nodded, then shook his head slightly, and said in a meaningful tone.

  ”It’s actually not accurate to say that. I am at most a spark plug, and what really burns is the gasoline in the tank. Even without me, the people of this world will eventually usher in their own era of prosperity, and my existence only brings this day forward… Of course, that’s another story in another world.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Sure enough –

  just as he guessed!

  This guy, who was honored as a professor by the three doctors of principle, method and conclusion, had already been exposed to the secrets of the void, and this was the premise for him to apply the “morphogenic field” technology on a large scale.

  ”Do you know about the other world?” Chu Guang asked knowingly.

  ”Of course,” the man on the screen seemed to smile softly, and continued in a gentle tone, “In fact, you already knew the answer, didn’t you? That soap bubble theory… I guess you must have seen the observer. I just don’t know if he mentioned the ‘Heart of the Galaxy’ to you.”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”It didn’t mention the Heart of the Galaxy, it only mentioned Tiancang V… What is that?”

  As if recalling the distant past, the figure floating in the void shook gently for a while, and after a long time gave an ambiguous answer.

  ”Nothing, it’s just a way to become a boundary breaker. If the guy who was peeking at the screen didn’t mention it, either it doesn’t exist in this universe, or the time has not come yet… You don’t have to care.” It’s okay not to care


  How the hell can I not care? !

  Chu Guang suppressed his curiosity, calmed down, and continued.

  ”In my impression, the observer mentioned you… Although he didn’t say who that person was, my intuition told me that person was you.”

  The man on the screen suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

  ”Really? What did he say?”

  Recalling the exchange that day, Chu Guang slowly spoke.

  ”He said that the world has become like this, and you are partly responsible.”

  Seemingly dissatisfied with this evaluation, the vague figure laughed and replied mockingly.

  ”That guy must not have told you that the cause and effect it saw is equivalent to the flapping of a butterfly’s wings and the hurricane in the Pacific. There may be a certain relationship between the two, but it is definitely not a direct relationship… There may be a Pacific Ocean in between.” “What it wants to say

  is that the Wasteland Era is the ultimate destiny of the Prosperous Era, so I, who laid the foundation for the Prosperous Era, cannot be blamed, but don’t you think this logic is strange? Would you blame his parents for giving birth to a person because he died of old age?”

  ”This is indeed a bit far-fetched.” Chu Guang nodded and looked at him strangely, “You seem to be familiar with each other?”

  ”I guess so.”

  The person on the screen seemed to be lost in memory, and spoke slowly after a long while.

  ”A long, long time ago… it gave me a ‘system’.”

  Chu Guang said with a strange expression.

  ”System? Like the shelter system you gave me?”

  The professor standing on the screen shook his head.

  ”No, they are completely different things. What I gave you is at most a beginner’s tutorial, while what it gave me is a real ‘system’ that can improve my mental level and inspire me when I hit a bottleneck in my research.”

  Chu Guang: “It sounds a bit impressive.”

  ”Yes, it is impressive, but… it’s just that. The Observer is not omniscient and omnipotent. The information it can convey to us is limited to what we already know or will know. Even when I no longer need it, it can do nothing but get angry.”

  The professor smiled and continued in a gentle tone, “In fact, just like the beginner’s tutorial I gave you, when you are familiar with the operating procedures of the shelter, you no longer need the guidance of that thing. In fact, without the rules and regulations set by that thing, you can do better.”

  ”For me, it’s the same. At first, I also relied on the guidance of the system. However, as my research continued to deepen, I needed less and less help from that thing, and in the end it was no longer me who needed it, but it needed me.”

  In other words, the professor had been engaged in research for a long time with the assistance of the Observer.

  However, due to a disagreement between the two parties on a certain matter, the cooperation was terminated.

  The time point of this divergence was probably in the early stage of the prosperous era, and it was very likely that it was before entering the prosperous era.

  Chu Guang tried to analyze it from the perspective of motivation.

  The observer obviously hoped that human civilization would play a certain role in the distant future, so it actively interfered with or accelerated the process of human civilization at the expense of human potential.

  However, its interference was limited to a certain point.

  It did not even want human civilization to go too fast, and it would be better to just go a little faster and then enter the starry sea at the right time.

  However, perhaps because of the interference of the indescribable fog, or perhaps because of human rebellion, curiosity, and desire or greed for the material world, its plan had variables, so that the marbles that were supposed to run on the established track deviated from the original track.

  At least, its deduction results were offset in this universe or world line.

  The “professor” who was admired by thousands of people did not follow the system’s instructions to brake on a key matter, but stepped hard on the accelerator.

  An era of infinite prosperity was born.

  The Human Union created an infinitely prosperous utopia with only the resources of a galaxy.

  However, in contrast, this “carnival” of losing gravity also laid the groundwork for the collapse of heaven.

  The Observer had calculated the end of this universe dozens of thousands of years before human civilization entered the prosperous era.

  And this is why it finally gave up this universe.

  As for the later “really good” and “I didn’t expect you to be alive”, that’s another story.

  It really didn’t expect that humans who fell from heaven into the abyss could stand up, and it didn’t expect that the morphogenetic field could be used in this way, and that a young civilization with more cohesion than the Human Union was born on this ruin.

  The professor was right.

  The Observer is indeed not omnipotent.

  If it could predict everything, it would not be led by the “indescribable fog” like a dog walking, and there would be no need to peek around.

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask tentatively.

  ”The Observer mentioned to me that it expected you to become a ‘Boundary Breaker’, but you seem-”

  ”No need to guess.”

  The professor standing on the screen interrupted his temptation and gave an affirmative answer in a complicated tone.

  ”I don’t know what you would choose, but at that time, I…did give up.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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