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Chapter 1058 History Turns a New Page

Chapter 1058 History Turns a New Page


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1058 History has turned a new page

  Dawn City, Alliance Square.

  Heavy snow was falling in the sky, and a towering stone monument stood in the center of the square.

  This monument was located there as early as the beginning of the establishment of the alliance.

  It is shaped like a sword, pointing straight to the sky, and the unfinished spire is still extending upward.

  Every once in a while, it will extend upward for a while.

  Sometimes it is one or two meters, and sometimes it is as high as several people stacked together.

  There are many names engraved on the monument.

  And every name engraved there is a memory of blood and glory.

  In addition to commemorating sacrifices, this is also the place where the alliance’s warriors triumph and receive medals…


  Just like when Shelter No. 404 opened its doors for the 777th time, this year is another cold winter, and the first snow fell before the end of autumn.

  And now it is just the beginning of winter, and heavy snow is falling from the sky.

  Seeing snow for the first time, especially such heavy snow, Dora was as excited as a child, chasing the snow on her back, but she didn’t see the road ahead, tripped over the stone steps on the roadside, and accidentally knocked Teng Teng into the flower bed.

  The spherical green plants were covered with snow, but the two of them were not hurt by the bumps.

  However, after such a sudden disaster, Teng Teng’s spirit seemed to have been greatly impacted, and her soul seemed to have floated out of her body, and her bright eyes gradually lost their light.

  The look of losing her dream scared Dora, and she wiped the snow off her body helplessly, saying sorry repeatedly.

  The players who were joining in the fun saw the situation here, but they didn’t go up to help, and they just made a fuss.

  ”Referee! Someone hit someone with the ball!”

  ”Pass it! Teng Teng was knocked unconscious by the ball!”

  ”? Didn’t she faint from anger?”

  ”Don’t care how she fainted! Quick! Dora, give artificial respiration!”


  The scene was in chaos. Dora could understand what they were saying, but she didn’t know what to do.

  These idiots were only busy giving orders, but none of them were willing to demonstrate on the spot.

  Until the kind-hearted mosquito arrived at the scene.

  ”I’ll do it!”

  Hearing the broken duck voice, Teng Teng, whose face was squeezed and deformed, suddenly woke up from Dora’s arms and kicked the mosquito into the flower bed reflexively.


  Looking at the mosquito flopping in the snow, she roared with shame and anger.

  ”Go to hell!”

  Seeing Miss Teng Teng’s rage, all the players immediately scattered and ran away.

  Not far from the flower bed, Tail, who heard that Teng Teng was knocked unconscious by the snowball, suddenly had an idea and pulled Rourou to play a snowball fight with a group of inexperienced newbies.

  Facts have proved that there is no supersonic snowball in “Wasteland OL”, or it disintegrated at the moment of breaking the sound barrier.

  Looking at the snow foam flying in the air, the white dove standing at the edge of the square with Xiaohong had an interested smile on his face.

  ”It’s really lively.”

  Xiaohong didn’t say anything, but just looked quietly in the direction of the center of Qingquan City, with a faint smile on her face, just like an old mother watching her child.

  As if sensing its presence, a crisp cry came from afar, like the sound of a dolphin.


  ”Eh–” Xiaohong responded to the vast snow curtain, looking at the direction of Qingquan City.

  ’Luoyu… Super awesome! ‘

  ’Really? You have a very good relationship. ‘

  ’Yeah! ‘


  In a short moment, they have finished talking about the past that ordinary people can’t finish talking about for several days, from the French Fries Port in the south to the Whirlpool Sea in the west of the Central Continent.

  And those places are all Xiaohong who stays in the Lost Valley. Never seen…

  At this time, a strange voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”Are you… White Pigeon?”

  Hearing the voice coming from the side, White Pigeon turned around and saw a walking tin can.

  The man was wearing round armor, with iron sheets covering every inch of his skin, with only two eyes showing through the gaps.

  Bai Ge smelled the smell of mutant slime mold spores from him, and a moment of surprise appeared on his face, but soon turned into a warm smile.

  It was the same kind.

  This guy, like him, had established a certain degree of symbiotic relationship with the mutant slime mold.

  The only difference was that he didn’t seem to be as lucky as himself, and he ran into a guy who lacked a sense of boundaries.

  ”It’s me, what’s wrong?”

  ”Nice to meet you! I’ve heard of you for a long time!” There was a clanging sound in the iron can, and he smiled embarrassedly and said, “My name is Bachi… Hehe, I originally wanted to go to Fallen Leaf Valley to find you, but I didn’t expect you to come to Dawn City.”

  ”Then you came at the right time,” Bai Ge smiled faintly, looked up at the sky, “In a few days, I may have to go somewhere else.”

  ”…Other places?”

  Bachi was stunned for a moment and didn’t react. Bai Ge didn’t explain, but just looked at him and asked.

  ”What do you want to talk to me about?”

  ”Yes, there is something… It’s like this. I heard that you are an expert in studying mutant slime molds, so I want to ask you to help me see if I can be saved in this state.”

  As he said this, Bachi reached out to touch the back of his head, took off his helmet, and revealed a face that could scare a child to tears.

  Bai Ge looked at his face, but did not show any expression of disgust or fear. He just touched his chin with interest, and then stretched out the index finger of his right hand.

  ”Let me take a look.”

  As he said this, his index finger had already touched Bachi’s forehead, and a strand of silky flesh-red spore buds emerged from his fingertips.

  The spore buds pierced the skin on Bachi’s forehead like a needle and drilled towards the skull.

  However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

  The rotten skin suddenly twisted into a wrinkled ripple as if it had come alive, and like a wild dog protecting its food, it bit off his silky spore buds fiercely.

  Bai Ge showed an expression of “as expected” on his face, and took back his index finger from his forehead.

  Butch, who looked confused and didn’t know what happened, just blinked at the former.

  ”What happened?”

  ”It has grown into your brain.”

  Upon hearing this answer, Bachi’s eyes widened in an instant, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

  ”How could it be?! But… I, I have been using inhibitors…”

  Bai Ge nodded.

  ”Indeed, I can feel it. And, perhaps it is because of the inhibitors that you don’t realize that you are not Bachi… but a slime mold that has inherited Bachi’s memory and is still living under the name of Bachi.”

  Hearing this shocking thing, Bachi covered his face in disbelief, repeating in his mouth.

  ”I… am a slime mold? I am not Bachi?”

  ”Yes, and no,” Bai Ge looked at him who could not accept the reality, and said in a very soft voice, “You are a slime mold, and also Bachi… At least the Bachi that people here know.”

  Looking at the man who raised his head blankly, he thought for a while and continued.

  ”Is a ship with all the planks replaced still the same ship? I think it is. Although all the elements that make it up have changed, the form of its existence has not changed at all. Our cells are constantly metabolizing, and they will be replaced every ten years at most… It’s just that in your case and mine, we added something else to this metabolic process.”

  ”You can think of it as devouring your body, or as your consciousness replacing its original existence. It doesn’t matter. But there is one thing that is certain. Whether you become a human or a slime mold or something else depends on you.”

  ”It depends on me…” Bachi stared blankly at the senior in front of him, speechless and staying where he was, as if he understood, but not as if he didn’t.

  Bai Ge smiled and cast his gaze towards the monument in the distance and the manager standing under the monument, with a little more interest in his eyes.

  ”Is a slime mold with human consciousness considered a human? It seems that the Alliance has already considered this issue. Hehe. In fact, you don’t need to be so sad. The people here have already accepted you. It’s just that you can’t accept it yet.”

  ”‘Bachi’ became the new ‘Bachi’ a long time ago, probably before he used the inhibitor… Although it’s a pity, there’s nothing we can do about it. After all, even if this part is killed, the original you can’t come back. The Alliance doctor prescribed you the inhibitor out of kindness, so that you live like a sleepwalker all day long. In fact, you know in your heart that you are deceiving yourself.” ”

  Your rejection reaction is because you resist this change and feel disgusted with your own body.”

  ”Why don’t you try to accept it? For example, treat it as a new beginning and then stop the inhibitor.”

  ”You will slowly integrate and control this power… Before you start to get tired of the long time, you should be happy.”

  ”After all, this is an ‘immortal body’.”

  The white dove waved his hand after throwing down this sentence, leaving Bachi who was staring at his hands thoughtfully, and left here with Xiaohong.

  The people coming and going didn’t look at Bachi more… Even if it was the face that could scare children to tears.

  This is the Alliance.

  And it is the Alliance’s expedition site.

  What strange things have the wastelanders living here not seen?

  People did not look at him strangely because of the slime mold growing on his body. The heavy armor only trapped the past self in his heart…

  Shortly after the white pigeon left, the snow battle provoked by the tail became larger and larger, and the scope of the impact became wider and wider, which was quite like a world war!

  In the end, not only the newbies, but also the veterans who returned to Dawn City from the center of the Great Desert to attend the medal ceremony also joined the battlefield.

  In this melee between awakened ones, the war criminal Awei was finally unable to fight seven or eight balls with his two fists, and was submerged in the snow with a scream.

  ”Let me go——”

  ”I have made contributions to the alliance! I want to see Brother Guang!”

  ”Wait, if we take pictures, Tail wants to be the center position——giao! Whose butt moves away! Block Tail’s head!”

  Everyone took turns to take pictures, and finally rescued Ah Wei, who was “trembling but dared to do it next time”, from the snowman pile before her snot fell.

  Just when everyone was having fun, Ye Shi, who had been waiting at the edge of the square for half a day, finally waited for Jiang Xuezhou, who was half an hour late.

  She was wearing a white cashmere coat and a scarf he had given her before around her neck. She looked like a snowman when she was wrapped tightly.

  But even so, Ye Shi recognized her from the crowd at a glance, and recognized that she was different from before.

  Staring straight at the delicate face that looked like a 3D model, Ye Shi couldn’t help but say for a long time.

  ”By the way, why did you become like this?”

  ”Don’t look good…” Jiang Xuezhou panicked for a moment, and hooked his fingers like a child who failed the exam.

  Ye Shi shook his head, blushing and looking away a little embarrassedly.

  ”Not really…”

  How to say it.

  It’s pretty, but I feel like I’ve seen it in the 3D area.

  After staring at Ye Shi’s eyes for a long time and confirming that this guy was shy, Jiang Xuezhou’s originally straightened mouth corners suddenly curled up to the sky in triumph.


  With her arms folded in front of her chest, she lifted her hair that fell on her shoulders and raised her straight nose conceitedly.

  ”Sorry, this lady looks like this… I just restored it with scientific means.”

  ”Yes, yes, yes.”

  Ye Shi made a helpless expression, thinking that as long as you are happy.

  He didn’t dislike it before, at least she wouldn’t become more beautiful and he couldn’t eat it.

  It may be a bit corny to say this, but he really fell in love with that kind and beautiful soul.

  No matter what she becomes, this will not change.

  Maybe his eyes are really corny, and the fair and pretty face suddenly became shy.

  Rubbing their interlocked index fingers against each other, she hesitated for a long time and finally whispered.

  ”By the way, that… I have to apologize to you for something.”

  Ye Shi looked at her in confusion.

  ”What is it?”

  ”Some things are just theories after all. Although I know, I was busy saving you at the time. There is a key part… I didn’t think about it. Anyway, you know what I’m talking about…” Her

  index finger circled the end of her hair, her face was as red as a lantern, she stared straight at the person next to her and glanced at him from time to time.

  ”…Do you want to install it?”

  Although it was just a light touch of the eyes, Ye Shi felt as if his heart was shot by a bullet.

  Perhaps this is a virgin.

  According to Brother Fang’s teasing, this is the most typical embarrassing behavior of a virgin – but it’s embarrassing, he doesn’t bother to argue with an old man about such a thing.

  For a moment, he even had the urge to tell the other party his QQ password.

  No –

  he even thought of the name of the child.

  ”Wait for me for three days!”

  Jiang Xuezhou was stunned.

  ”Three days? Why three days…”

  ”Don’t worry about it, just wait for me for three days-”

  ”If you have something to say, say it nicely, don’t suddenly point the gun at yourself!”

  For a moment, Jiang Xuezhou was really scared by this guy.

  Fortunately, the experienced guards arrived in time and pulled someone who fainted while “reporting the bug”…


  The clock struck eight on time, and before they knew it, the square was full of people. The eyes focused on the monument in the center of the square almost melted the thick snow. It

  was different from the cold winter of previous years.

  Although this year’s cold winter also snowed heavily, it was far from unbearable.

  The supermarket shelves were filled with a wide variety of goods, and even ordinary citizens with the most unskilled jobs could afford them.

  The survivors who had just arrived here would hardly believe that just five years ago, people living here had to stuff paper money from the pre-war era into sacks as cotton clothes.

  This is undoubtedly a miracle.

  People living here no longer have to fear the silver-white hell, and young children are happily building snowmen at their doorsteps.

  Before the 211th year of the Wasteland Era, this kind of thing had never happened before, after all, most people at that time didn’t even have a home.

  The manager did keep his promise –

  he built a miracle that was no less than the ideal city on this piece of land with nothing.

  Even –

  this miracle that illuminates the entire wasteland is more dazzling than the light emitted by the ideal city!

  Of course, as he said, this is not his own credit.

  This credit belongs to everyone.

  Whether it is the living.

  Or the dead in the past.

  Looking back at those pairs of admiring eyes and those faces full of longing and even fanaticism, Chu Guang, standing under the monument, couldn’t help but think back to the past.

  That was the 777th time that Shelter No. 404 opened its doors. It

  was probably near Linghu Wetland Park at that time. As a newcomer, I was confused about everything around me. I was even chased for several miles by a wild dog with two heads, and I almost died in the dog’s mouth.

  Facts have proved that people don’t know how awesome they are unless they push themselves.

  Although the price was a bit too painful, so that he died again and again in various weird ways, fortunately, the final result was a happy ending.

  However, that was all in the past.

  Even to this day, the echoes of those deaths still occasionally appear in his dreams in the form of nightmares with the help of spontaneously formed morphogenetic fields.

  ”It’s not easy to get here, master.”

  Xiao Qi’s voice came from his ear.

  Chu Guang could hear that the joyful voice was from the heart and he was happy for himself.

  With a faint smile on his lips, Chu Guang said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

  ”Indeed, it’s not easy to get here. And it’s not just me, you too…”

  ”Thank you for all the hard work.”

  He was not the only one who had been reborn 777 times.

  He would remember that promise for the rest of his life and treat this little guy well.


  The electronic sound that floated into his ears had a slight tremor, as if he was so moved that he was about to cry.

  Chu Guang believed that this guy had feelings, and he did have joy, anger, sorrow, and emotion.

  But crying was undoubtedly fake.

  At this time, the eight o’clock bell came from a distance, breaking the noise in the square. The

  bustling sounds returned to silence in an incredible moment, and the only sounds left in the entire square were the falling snow and the wind blowing.

  The subconscious reaction was the same, and even the people who stopped talking felt a little surprised.

  The time has come.

  The triumphal ceremony is about to take place.

  Not only that, today’s triumphal ceremony has another extraordinary meaning that is completely different from the previous ones!

  In addition to awarding medals to the warriors who participated in the final battle, their respected managers will also draw a final end to this war that lasted for more than two centuries at this solemn and solemn moment of victory –

  they defeated not only the Torch Church and the corrupted Legion, not just the Enlightenment Society or the Celestial Beings.

  But the Wasteland Era!

  From now on, a brand new global order will be formed on earth, and no one or any force will condone the growth of evil and barbarism.

  The survivors will unite together as never before and form a de facto alliance!

  Looking at those pairs of fiery pupils, Chu Guang’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, and he spoke in a eloquent tone.

  ”In the year 211 of the Wasteland Era, I remember that it was also a cold winter… I had just walked out of the shelter and was not fully prepared, and even acted a little hastily.”

  ”Especially when I saw the first snow, I couldn’t help but have a fleeting thought in my mind, ‘Is it too early to open the door now?'”

  ”I think I’m not the only one who has thought so, many people have thought so.”

  He did not prepare a speech in advance, nor did he try to awaken the flames in people’s hearts, because there was no need for that.

  They were no longer just waiting in place, and they had already become the light that lit up the horizon.

  Besides, this was just the opening speech of the triumphal ceremony, not a war mobilization or a political performance.

  He just wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with those who supported him as an ordinary person.

  ”It’s not some great reason or grand goal that prompted me to make these decisions.”

  ”It’s just because when I woke up from the wasteland, I saw a skinny girl looking at an inconspicuous candy with eyes full of desire, a simple, kind, hardworking family couldn’t even guarantee the most basic survival needs, and the people who should have led them to rebuild their homes rode on their heads and acted arrogantly, bowing to barbarism and hitting civilization hard… Even the residents of the shelter who should have set an example were not much better. We who should have stood up and done something chose not only to remain silent, but also to use the knowledge of the prosperous era to make pills for those beasts and settle accounts.”

  ”I saw people eating people, and what’s more terrifying is that no one thinks it’s wrong – whether it’s the one who eats people or the one who is eaten. Soon I thought of myself again. If my child has to make a choice to survive one day in the future, then is it still worth it for me to survive at all costs today?”

  The square was quiet.

  Chu Guang could feel the resonance.

  Because he knew very well that it was a choice that every wastelander had made.

  In order to survive, they more or less did things they didn’t want to do.

  Whether it is right or wrong.

  ”…It is not shameful to live on, but I know we can’t go on like this. We must do something. Because if we do nothing and just wait for fate to make a choice for us, we will no longer have such a thing as a future.”

  ”We who are alive will die in silence, and the traces of our existence will be meaningless. It can’t even be called a shame, because we will be the last generation, and no one will even come to cover this stinking coffin for us!”

  ”So from that moment on, I decided to try to do something, starting from what I could do, no longer taking ugliness and filth for granted, no longer living just for the sake of living… but to become the light myself, light the fire in my own hand, and become the light that they can see before lighting the people around me.”

  Chu Guang took a deep breath and let the turbid air in his chest blend into the white mist.

  A smile appeared on his face, and he lowered his voice by a few decibels and continued at a slow pace.

  ”…I am honored that you are all me. I have seen countless of me make the same choice without hesitation when facing chaos and barbarism.”

  ”This is a miracle we have created together. We will continue to move forward with the memory of these two hundred years of sinking, and a new civilization will also rise again from the ruins of the old prosperity at this moment.”

  ”Our descendants will live in a brighter future and do not have to fear the coming of winter and night like we do! Because their fathers ended the wasteland era, and created impossible miracles with their courage, unity and determination!”

  ”We won not only a victory in a war, but also a victory over our past!”

  ”History will open a new page, and every day from now on will be a new era!”

  ”This great victory belongs to us-”

  ”Every one of us who fought to end the wasteland era!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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