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Chapter 1061 Family

Chapter 1061 Family


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1061 Family

  January 1, 2345 AD, if nothing unexpected happens, this should be the 216th year of the Wasteland Era.

  However, due to many things that happened, the timeline that went straight to the abyss finally changed.

  The Orion did not fall into the hands of the celestial beings, and neither did the entire blue planet.

  The survivors living in the new era turned the tide and took over the torch from the hands of their ancestors, and used it to dispel the endless night and greet the arrival of dawn.

  January 1, 2345 AD.

  The Orion, which was heading to the Lagrange Point Space Station, docked at the starport.

  In addition to picking up the heroes of the Burning Legion and sending the replacement troops, it also brought 40,000 standard containers – a total weight of nearly 500,000 tons of cargo.

  This is the first time in two centuries that goods produced on the surface have entered the docking orbit of the Lagrange Point.

  Just two years ago, dense orbital garbage filled the Earth’s outer space orbit.

  Only a very small part of the 500,000 tons of cargo is supplies, and most of the rest are aerospace materials, intermediate products and various parts produced by the Dawn City Industrial Zone, Ideal City Industrial Zone, the Southern Sea Industrial Zone, the Ravenka Industrial Zone and the Battoa Industrial Zone.

  According to the previously signed contract, the Academy shared with the Alliance the technical drawings of starship manufacturing in the Human Union era, as well as the logistics information and “supplier orders” of the former from the wasteland to the Lagrange Point Space Station over the years.

  With reference to these data, the Alliance can completely pull a group of allies to copy the entire “Lagrange Point Space Station-related industrial chain” in the Prosperous Era.

  In exchange, the Alliance will complete the first “large-scale civilian interstellar integrated cruise ship” order for the Lagrange Point Space Station since the end of the Prosperous Era based on the drawings and technology provided by the Academy.

  Although the reward is generous, this order is not a small amount, and even the catalog part alone has several GB of data.

  The huge related industries and a wide variety of parts are undoubtedly astronomical figures for the wasteland that has just emerged from recession.

  Fortunately, the Alliance is not fighting alone.

  In addition to a large group of younger brothers, there is also the help of Ideal City, the big brother who has gradually become a younger brother!

  The industrial machines produced by the Silver Wing Group have greatly made up for the defects in production quality of the Alliance and its allies, and the information processing technology of the Endpoint Group has provided soil for the establishment of a more complex industrial chain.

  It is worth mentioning that a long time ago, the Endpoint Group was not optimistic about expanding the Endpoint Cloud business in the wasteland.

  Now, with the investment of the Alliance in information infrastructure and the growing demand for data centers, the board of directors of the Endpoint Group can only say that it is really delicious.

  The upper class of Ideal City has not been flowing for a long time, but the channel of flow still exists after all.

  If the Endpoint Group fails to keep up with the tide of the times, it will naturally be replaced by other emerging information technology companies that have seized the opportunity.

  Especially when the Alliance is more inclined to provide more opportunities to emerging companies such as “Abu Aerospace” and create a healthy competitive atmosphere, it has increased the former’s sense of urgency.

  Many technologies in the wasteland are ready-made.

  Not to mention that after the Academy opened its own database to the Alliance, many cutting-edge technologies no longer have obvious barriers.

  If you can’t keep up with the times, you can only wait for the elimination of the times.

  In this way, under the full competition and cooperation of all parties, the first batch of 500,000 tons of goods sent to the Lagrange Point Space Station was finally completed.

  Even the Mammoth Country, which had just experienced the baptism of war, contributed a batch of engineering exoskeletons, and the Batoyah Alliance, which abandoned the title of the Southern Legion, received orders for more than 100 precision parts.

  Not only the goods arrived with the Orion missile cruiser, but also nearly a thousand staff from all parties of the Sticky Community.

  They are all experts in the field of aerospace industry.

  Among them, the refugee residents are the majority, especially those from the Alliance.

  They were originally useless in the Wasteland Era, but finally waited for the era when they can show their talents.

  These experts from the Human Union era will rely on their own experience and technology to restart the shipbuilding facilities of the Lagrange Point Space Station, complete the production of the first batch of standard cargo starships as soon as possible, and replace the Orion missile cruiser to perform transportation tasks.

  Chu Guang’s ambition for this space station is far more than just a colony ship.

  In addition to the order from the academy, he also threw out the blueprint of the “Solar System Renaissance Plan” at the Sticky Community Conference.

  The plan was jointly formulated by the Alliance’s scientific expedition team and relevant units of the Academy’s Science and Technology Committee.

  According to the steps in the blueprint, the Alliance will gradually recover the outer space facilities of the Human Union era in three stages.

  In the first stage, the Alliance will rebuild the Mars colony and try to repair the mining facilities on Ceres, and establish mining stations in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. In

  the second stage, the Alliance will continue to expand its scope of activities, establish living stations on asteroids such as Europa and Titan where the Human Union has had traces of activity, and conduct archaeological excavations on pre-war facilities while restoring production to the maximum extent.

  In the third stage, the Alliance will return to the Kuiper Belt to complete the recovery of all assets left by the Human Union.

  The entire plan will be gradually promoted in a five-year cycle.

  In the process of advancement, the plan will also gradually feed back to the reconstruction of the surface world.

  All products and various derivatives related to the Solar System Revitalization Plan will enjoy tariff reductions of up to zero tariffs when entering the Alliance market.

  In addition to the Alliance itself, the Alliance also welcomes all contracting forces of the Sticky Community to participate in the Solar System Revitalization Plan, and share the benefits while contributing to production capacity, so as to exchange what they have for the common interests of all mankind.

  With the successful experience of the Sticky Community, the survivors can almost foresee that this pie drawn by the manager himself will take over the historical mission that the Sticky Community has almost completed in the near future and become the cornerstone of the new global cooperation framework and the new era order.

  In the future, this gradually formed blueprint has indeed proved this point.

  In order to commemorate the achievements of that person, when studying this glorious period, future historians finally used the beginning and end of the “Solar System Revitalization Plan” as a clue and officially named this blank memory left for the future as the “Dawn Era”.

  They commemorate him.

  Not just him.

  But that’s all later…


  Just after seven o’clock in the evening, the Pirate Bay Tavern in Boulder City is the busiest time.

  There are no pirates or ships here, only holographic TVs hanging in the corners and a group of drunk workers.

  In that not-so-distant wasteland era, what people produce here is just a pile of cans without dreams.

  Although many people still work in canning factories, those cans without dreams have been sold to the distant Lagrange Point Space Station.

  The “Awakener Football Tournament” was being broadcast with an advertisement for a canned food brand in Boulder City. The general content was that the wonderful canned food with large quantities and fullness brought the taste of home to the iron cans that were carrying out missions far away in Lagrange Point.

  The humorous scene amused everyone in the tavern, and the sudden laughter also made Kent, who was lying on the bar, straighten up with a shake of his shoulders.

  The people who drank with him had already gone home, but he was still stuck on the topic before the break. He burped a long sound and shouted loudly.

  ”Actually – I saw it a long time ago that the manager is a real good person.”

  The voice was really abrupt to the extreme, as if the winner of the game had already been decided and someone came to bet on the winner.

  The tavern was quiet for a while, and then everyone who couldn’t hold back their laughter burst into laughter.


  ”Kent, if your dick was as hard as your mouth, maybe your wife wouldn’t divorce you.”

  ”Who was the one who said ‘it’s all the same’?”

  ”Relax, man. You don’t have to pretend to be like everyone else. Even if you don’t love him, we won’t force you to kiss his ass, let alone whip your ass.”


  Kent, who had something to hide, blushed, but couldn’t say anything to refute. He could only take a big sip of wine and mutter to himself.

  ”If I had known what would happen three days ago, there would be countless people in the world… Who knows what will happen in the future.”

  Who could have thought that the giant tower that stood for a hundred years would collapse, and who could have thought that the makeshift team built by a few carpenters would be no worse than the noble master Sid.

  Who could have thought of this…

  and that House who ran to Bugla to continue farting.

  Wasn’t it agreed that an incomplete cleansing would be equal to a complete lack of cleansing, and that the old nobles would eventually return and take away the false victory of the workers’ union and punish the betrayers?

  Why didn’t Bugla explode his own fireworks before the Stone City exploded?

  Kent became more and more angry as he thought about it. He really hated that unlucky guy and took another sip of beer.

  But then again, although the beer in this French Fry Port is not as mellow as that in the Stone City, it also has a unique flavor.

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion or the credit of the tree of life.

  Kent couldn’t help thinking that he would save up a few days of annual leave and live there for half a month…


  New Year’s Day on January 1st every year is a legal holiday of the Alliance.

  Although there has been no tradition of celebrating the New Year in the Stone City for the past two centuries, Alyssa, who was studying far away in Camp 101, was still aroused by the festive atmosphere and finally decided to go back home.

  Anyway, it’s not far away.

  Today’s Qingquan City is no longer the dangerous hell it used to be.

  The underground passage that was originally paralyzed was reopened shortly after the Alliance conquered the mother nest.

  The Stone City, which has emerged from the debt crisis, renovated the subway station outside the city a year ago.

  From that time on, the express train from Dawn City to the south could reach Boulder City in just one hour, and even the transfer step was omitted.

  Alyssa, carrying a suitcase, stood at the door of her house. She was a little timid for a moment, but she still mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

  The door slowly opened.

  However, what Alyssa didn’t expect was that it was her eldest brother who was standing at the door.

  The tall and thin man wore a pair of glasses on his nose, and the sternness between his eyebrows was even more like her father’s. Although

  their family has fallen, a tiger in trouble is still a tiger after all.

  Especially the eldest son of the Melvin family, even though he no longer talks about the revival of the family, he still has a nobleness and calmness that the drunkards in Boulder City don’t have.

  Being stared at by the sharp eyes, Alyssa instinctively shrank her neck, but finally straightened her back.

  She is no longer the little girl who can’t do anything without help.

  Now she has not only a group of reliable partners, but she herself is her own strength.

  As if noticing her growth, his sharp eyes gradually softened.

  Wolfit said in a soothing tone.



  Alyssa nodded cautiously, quietly moved the suitcase an inch closer to the threshold, and greeted quietly.

  ”Are you… okay?”

  Ever since he slapped her in the square that day, the two had never communicated face to face like this again, but only maintained communication in the correspondence.

  Wolfit looked at her with complicated eyes, with relief and guilt, and many things he couldn’t say.

  But perhaps he didn’t know how to start, he finally swallowed those words back into his throat, and just said it calmly.

  ”I’m okay… How about you? Are you used to it?”

  ”Yeah! I’m fine!”

  Seeing that her brother finally talked more to her, Alyssa finally showed a sincere smile on her face and happily opened the chatterbox.

  ”Since I went to Camp 101, I have learned a lot of things I have never heard of before, and I have made a lot of friends…”

  Looking at his cheerful sister, Wolfit also showed a sincere smile on his face, and reached out to bring in the suitcase that had quietly rubbed against the door.

  ”Don’t stand at the door… Come in and talk.”


  Nodding vigorously, Alyssa happily walked in, chattering about what she saw and heard in Camp 101 along the way.

  Hearing her daughter’s voice, Gness, who was cooking in the kitchen, ran out of the kitchen excitedly and hugged Alice in her arms.

  ”Alyssa! My baby girl, mom misses you so much! You are suffering outside!”

  There were some wrinkles on the face that still had charm.

  Perhaps because of the ups and downs of family changes, or perhaps because of the wind and rain of life, she, who was originally elegant and noble, has gradually become an ordinary old woman.

  Looking at her mother who has aged a lot, Alyssa’s nose can’t help but feel a little sour.

  If she had to say who she felt most sorry for, it would probably be her own family.

  However, she didn’t have much choice… just like many people who stood with her that night.

  Either adapt to the changes of the times, or be crushed by the wheel of history.

  Standing at the crossroads of wind and rain, the young girl could only follow her heart to make a choice.

  ”Mom… I’m doing well outside… How about you? Are you used to life?”

  Looking at her daughter’s tender face, Gness smiled comfortably and pinched her gently.

  ”Mom is fine, your father and I have long been used to it. By the way, Mom has learned a lot of specialties recently… You and your brother wait for a while, I will serve them to you later!”

  ”Yes!” Holding back the tears in her eyes, Alyssa nodded vigorously.

  Kissing her daughter’s cheek, Gness returned to the kitchen and prepared dinner dishes with her eldest daughter-in-law.

  Not only her mother, but her eldest sister-in-law also walked out of the shadow of the past.

  However, it is obvious that she has not forgiven her, but she did not turn against her because of the face of her relatives.

  There is nothing she can do about it.

  ”Dad will be back from the library soon, let’s go to the living room.” Wolfit patted his sister’s shoulder gently and took her out of the corridor in front of the kitchen.

  The two went to the living room and sat in front of the TV, chatting for a long time until their father Melvin came back from the Boulder City Library.

  Although today is a holiday, Melvin has become accustomed to staying in the library to organize documents, and he will stay there all day regardless of whether it is working hours or not.

  Seeing his daughter suddenly return home, Melvin’s reaction was not as strong as Gness’s. He just kept mumbling words like “grown up” and “taller” in surprise. His incoherent and dull appearance made everyone in the family laugh.

  It was finally time for dinner.

  It was only when Alyssa sat at the dining table that she learned from her mother that during the time she was away studying, her eldest brother actually went on a long trip to Kinggaron Port on behalf of Boulder City Bank to develop branch business.

  Due to his outstanding business performance in the local area, he has risen from an accountant to the vice president of the Kinggaron Port branch.

  Now that the business of the Kinggaron Port branch has matured, he has been transferred back by the Boulder City Bank headquarters and is ready to be sent to the Bugera Free State to develop new business and participate in local debt restructuring.

  This time, he will take up the post as the branch president.

  It is commendable that the Boulder City Bank did not deliberately suppress his promotion because of her elder brother’s sensitive identity.

  And her elder brother also reciprocated by turning down many olive branches thrown by other banks…even if he might have a better development after changing jobs with this excellent resume.

  According to Wolfit, the citizens won the civil war in Bugela this time, trampling on the “corporate dogs” who once rode on their heads and acted arrogantly.

  However, unlike in the past, Odo did not immediately support a new company to replace the Firestone Group. Instead, he introduced the “Anti-Monopoly Law” under all the pressure, banned the chaotic private armed forces, and re-regulated the out-of-control order.

  This is a good opportunity for “revenge” for Big Stone City.

  Before, Bugela took advantage of the turmoil in Big Stone City to bite off a large piece of meat from them, and at that time they could do nothing but feel helpless.

  Now the time is different, and it is Big Stone City’s turn to collect this debt with interest.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with ordinary local citizens. It is mainly aimed at the Firestone Group and those rubbish who took advantage of the fire to rob the wealth of the residents of Boulder City.

  Those jackals who eat people without spitting out bones are the common enemies of the citizens of Bugla and the residents of Boulder City.

  No matter how these beast-raising houses weave lies that people and jackals should unite, no one will listen to their nonsense anymore.

  Seeing her grown-up elder brother and the high-spirited look on his face again, Alyssa was also relieved in her heart. Although

  the process was full of twists and turns, at least the final result was not bad.

  Looking at the smiles from the heart on the faces of her family members, she suddenly found that the gap between her and her family had melted a lot.

  Including her sister-in-law who never looked at her straight in the eye, her attitude towards her also eased a little.

  Time is really a good medicine.

  Unconsciously, they both felt less guilty about each other.

  ”Speaking of which…where is Jixiu?” She suddenly thought of her second brother. It would be nice if he was here too.

  Hearing his brother’s name, Wolfit’s high-spirited expression dimmed slightly, with a hint of complexity between his eyebrows.

  ”I don’t know, that guy seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth… I did ask about him, but there is no news. I only heard that he went east after leaving Boulder City.”

  When he said this, he couldn’t help but cursed in a low voice.

  ”This cowardly fool… I don’t know what’s going on in his mind.”

  Seeing his mother’s trembling shoulders, Wolfit suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing, but he didn’t want to take it back, just silently glanced to the side.

  ”Maybe he went back to Ideal City… It’s up to him.” Melvin muttered, and seemed not to want to mention his youngest son’s name.

  That was the only shame that the Melvin family had not washed away.

  However, that was his own flesh and blood after all, and he really couldn’t say harsh words to that bastard.

  If he had to blame someone, he could only blame himself for not teaching him well.

  Wolfit coughed lightly, cast his eyes on Alyssa, and said to change the subject.

  ”Speaking of which, what have you been busy with recently?”

  ”Me…” Alyssa was stunned for a moment, and faced with her brother’s stern eyes, she accidentally lowered her voice. “In addition to the management course, I have recently helped my teacher sort out historical documents… He said I have a talent for this.”

  Wolfit raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Who is your teacher?”

  Alyssa answered truthfully.

  ”His name is Meng Jie.”

  ”Meng Jie…”

  Repeating this name, Wolfit always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it.

  And his father Melvin, who was sitting next to him, had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  ”It turned out to be him?”

  ”Do you know him?” Wolfit looked at his father with a surprised expression in his eyes.

  ”I know him, he visited me several times and talked to me about some things in the past of Boulder City…” Melvin looked at his daughter and said, “He is the former president of Mammoth University?”


  Alyssa nodded and smiled a little embarrassedly.

  ”He said that I resembled an old friend he knew. That person was much older than me, and more powerful and wiser than me. He was almost like me when I grew up. It was fate, so Mr. Meng wanted me to sort out the information about that person…”

  Although Alyssa did not mention the man’s name, Wolfit seemed to understand this time.

  ”That man is called Ishel?”

  ”Yes! How did you know?” Alyssa looked at her brother in surprise, her eyes flashing with surprise, “Brother, do you know him?”

  ”Hehe… I guess so. When I was working in Golden Gallon Port, I saw him in the newspaper a few times.”

  Wolfit curled his lips and snorted softly.

  ”The reason why this guy was not torn apart and hung on the city wall was purely because he died early.”

  He had never seen anyone luckier than that guy.

  He survived the Xifan Port tragedy and escaped from the Heavenly King Rebellion… and he escaped with everyone around him, and then fought back and forth with a group of experienced veterans of the Southern Legion.

  That guy’s life was like a cheat, as if he had really been blessed by the Silver Moon Goddess.

  Even at the end of his life.

  Compared with Abusek’s other subordinates, he was probably the most decent one.

  At least he died on the battlefield.

  At this point, he looked at his sister, whose eyes were filled with astonishment, and spoke slowly and slowly.

  ”You know what? You’re almost the same as that guy.”

  The atmosphere at the table suddenly cooled down, and they moved from one heavy topic to another.

  Seeing Alyssa’s sad expression, Wolfit’s wife also showed a trace of pity on her face. She shook her husband’s hand under the table and blamed him for saying too much.

  Although Alyssa has grown up, she is still a child after all… at least for her.

  Wolfit also realized that he had said something he shouldn’t have said again, even though he didn’t think it was wrong.

  Compared to those unrealistic things, the person she should protect more is herself.

  It doesn’t matter if she hates him, but he won’t take back this sentence.

  He doesn’t want to see her burn out like a matchstick like that idiot, and in the end nothing has changed, but she has just burned herself in vain.

  ”But… that kind of thing… didn’t happen after all?” Alyssa lowered her head and said with some sadness, “Are you still brooding over it?” What

  she was most worried about was her eldest brother, the one who would rather sacrifice himself to revive the family.

  She had passed her own crossroads and was unlikely to encounter the kind of things that happened in the past.

  But he was different.

  He was the eldest son of the family.

  If he still lived in the past Boulder City, his meaningless sense of responsibility and loyalty to the old times would sooner or later drag him into hell…

  ”I’m not brooding over it, I’m just worried about you.”

  Wolfit turned his head and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”You are too young, including your friends. When I was in Golden Galleon Harbor, I saw too many compatriots from Boulder City. They were full of enthusiasm to help the locals and replicate their success in Boulder City. What was the result? All those who were overwhelmed by victory were kicked in the buttocks and fell in different postures… Of course, those who kicked their buttocks did not end well in the end. They deserved it and could not blame anyone.”

  ”I don’t want to discourage your dreams, but do less dangerous and stupid things in the future, and be cautious when you have to… Remember, I am the future head of this family, and I am not lying in the coffin yet.”

  The current head of the family, Melvin, did not say anything, obviously acquiescing to this sentence.

  After a pause, Wolfit spoke again with some embarrassment.

  ”And… my tone is not very good. This matter… I apologize to you, I’m sorry.”

  He is not a person who is good at admitting mistakes. This sentence seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

  But after hearing this, Alyssa’s face bloomed with a surprised smile.

  She suddenly realized that the thorn that had been stuck in her heart for a long time actually did not exist from the beginning.

  Her family never really hated her.

  Instead, they loved her more than anyone else in the world…


  The wind and snow outside the window were howling.

  Although there was no blazing fireplace, the water pipes and radiators were not necessarily less warm than the fireplace.

  And perhaps because the room was small, Alyssa suddenly found that her family sat closer.

  Just as the family was happily celebrating the long-awaited reunion, the doorbell suddenly rang.

  ”I’ll go open the door!”

  Alyssa jumped off the chair and ran to the door with her slippers clacking. The moment she opened the door, she saw a strange girl standing at the door.

  The girl was wearing a lavender down jacket and carrying a simple travel bag. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as her, with fluffy blonde hair and a bit of immaturity on her young face.

  It seemed that she didn’t often interact with people. She always unconsciously avoided the line of sight, afraid to make eye contact with others… Even if the person standing in front of her was her peer.

  There are sometimes some students from the Free State in Camp 101, and most of them are like this.

  Seeing the prosthetic decoration on the side of her cheek, Alyssa was basically sure that she was from the Free State. The only thing that confused her was why she came here.

  She didn’t remember seeing this face before.

  ”Are you here to see Mr. Wolfit?”

  After thinking about it, only her eldest brother might know someone from the Free State.

  After all, he was about to go there to take up the position of president of the Boulder City Bank branch.

  The girl showed a blank expression on her face, shook her head hurriedly, and then bowed suddenly as if she came to her senses, then took out a black box from her arms, put a few crumpled letters in it and stuffed it into her chest.

  ”…I’m sorry!”

  She shouted this sentence desperately, closing her eyes tightly, ready to be scolded.

  Not only that –

  her shoulders trembled slightly, as if she was suppressing her sadness.

  Alyssa looked at her in astonishment. At first, she was still confused about what she was going to do, but gradually she understood the weight of the box in her hand from the ice slag frozen on her eyelashes.

  With a slight tremor on her fingertips, Alyssa unfolded one of the letters and saw familiar handwriting…

  [Alyssa, my sister…]

  [Please forgive your cowardly and incompetent brother for not apologizing to you in person… Although I did think so, by the time you see this letter, I will probably be dead.]

  [It’s not that I haven’t thought about washing away the sins I have committed, but the family I want to apologize to the most is no longer in this world.]

  【Think carefully, the old man who begged me to take responsibility for his daughter may be the last chance given to me by the gods… and also my last chance. However, I was so stupid that I didn’t realize my stupidity. Not only did I not have any intention of repenting, I also tried to escape from my sins and set them on fire. 】

  【From then on, I became a demon. The one who really destroyed the Malvern family was never you, but the extremely stupid me. 】

  【Including the collapse of the inner city of the Stone City, it has never been about those kind and brave people like you, but countless me who have fallen into demons. 】

  【I don’t have the face to face them. I tried to find answers in the wasteland, but in the end I was just living in a muddleheaded way, and I didn’t even have the courage to end my life. 】

  【In this way, I confessed my sins and walked towards the direction of the ideal city, fantasizing that if I could get there, it would mean that the gods had forgiven my sins. And if not, it would save me from doing it myself. 】

  【It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I can’t even get forgiveness from people, but I’m still fantasizing about getting forgiveness from the gods. Perhaps my arrogance brought fate’s punishment. Before I even left Qingquan City, I ran into a group of slave traders and was sold to the notorious Bugera Free State. 】

  【If there is such a thing as hell in this world, that place should be considered one of them. I thought that maybe that was fate’s punishment for me, so I thought it would be better to rot there. 】

  【And just as I was thinking this, fate played a joke on me again. A beam of light shone into that dark hell. A puppet controlled by the devil suddenly broke free from the shackles on his body and said he would lead us to resist. 】

  【That man is the mayor of the Free State. Maybe you have heard his name on the news… But I am not talking about that guy, and I am not his soldier. I want to talk about the girl named Lala standing in front of you. 】

  【We met in a temporary shelter near the war zone. We were civilians involved in the war. At that time, her father was lying on a stretcher with his last breath left. He entrusted her to me and begged me to take her away from that city. 】

  【I don’t know why he would believe in such a rotten person like me, and I don’t know where I got the courage to agree to him… But there was a moment when I suddenly realized that this might be my only chance, even if it was not a earth-shattering event. 】

  【I will take her away from that hell, at all costs…】

  【I don’t pray for the blessing of the gods so that I can survive to the end, I just hope that the person who gives the letter to you is her, not the refugee home or other charities. Please, this is my last prayer to the gods, so that I, who have accomplished nothing, can accomplish one thing at the last moment of my life. 】

  【——Your brother who has accomplished nothing, the devil of Boulder City, the eternal shame of the Malvern family, Jixiu】

  Alyssa read the letter to the end, and tears could not help falling, dripping on the letter.

  Maybe she didn’t get the scolding she imagined until the end, but the girl who lowered her head raised her head.

  Looking at the heartbroken Alyssa, she was stunned for a moment, and then saw the place where the tears dripped on the paper, and couldn’t help blurting out.

  ”He’s not a bad person!”

  She had obviously read those letters.

  And she had read every one of them.

  Seeing Alyssa, who looked up in surprise with tears in her eyes, the girl quickly avoided her sight and continued in a hoarse voice.

  ”He told me that he had done a lot of bad things in the past… But what I saw was not that kind of person…”

  She bit her lip and continued.

  ”He has tried very hard to live, and he could have lived… It was all to save me…”

  She would rather die herself.

  Anyway, she had no family, and he had so many family members waiting for him to go back…

  Without wiping her tears, Alyssa stuffed the box and the letter into her pocket and hugged the sobbing girl in her arms.

  After a long time, when her emotions stabilized, Alyssa said in a gentle voice.

  ”What’s your name?”

  ”… Lala.”

  ”Lala… Thank you.”

  Thank you?

  The girl widened her eyes, not understanding why the gentle sister in front of her said this.

  Looking at the surprised eyes, Alyssa tried not to rub the sand in her eyes, but just looked at the girl sincerely.

  ”My brother who has accomplished nothing…maybe he has really accomplished something remarkable. Please take his place and live well in the new world.”

  Looking at that gentle smile, Lala suddenly sobbed again, and for a moment she couldn’t make a sound, and threw herself into Alyssa’s arms and cried loudly.

  All the grievances along the way fell into the snow.

  ”It’s okay now…”

  Alyssa patted her shoulder comfortingly and whispered softly in her ear.

  ”You haven’t eaten yet, right? It’s so cold outside, come in and talk…By the way, can you tell me about him? Just treat it as his sister’s willful request. If you have no other place to go, you might as well stay here with me until the winter is over.”

  ”…Thank you.”

  With tears of gratitude in her eyes, the girl nodded vigorously and followed her into the house timidly.

  Living in the steel jungle, she had never seen such a kind person.

  Was she actually…in heaven?

  It was said that the Wasteland Era had ended during the civil war in the Free State.

  She finally believed it a little now.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Looking at Lala who was still embarrassed, Alyssa smiled and said softly.

  ”Please be more casual and treat this place as your home.”

  ”If you don’t mind, I will be your family from now on.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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