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Chapter 1063 Funeral and Wedding

Chapter 1063 Funeral and Wedding


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1063 Funeral and Wedding

  Outside the city of Boulder, the Malvern family held a simple funeral for their youngest son, Jixiu.

  He did not invite many people, nor did he make a big fuss about it. After all, his youngest son was not a good person, which might evoke some people’s memories.

  Although no one cares about their family affairs, past experience still makes him cautiously keep a low profile.

  Standing in the snow, Lala lowered her head with a complicated expression, and buried her nose in the scarf.

  Alyssa stood beside her, closing her eyes and communicating silently with the tombstone.

  And her parents, eldest brother, sister-in-law, etc. … all stood in front of the tombstone.

  It is not only those who are chosen by psychic power who can communicate with the dead.

  As long as it is a thought from the heart, what you want to say can still be conveyed to the other party… even if the two parties cannot see each other.

  The few people present can “see” him, except for a complete outsider.

  His name is Meng Jie, formerly known as Meng Qi. He used to be a researcher at the Alliance Academy of Social Sciences and the president of Mammoth University. He now teaches at Camp 101 and is also a friend of Melvin.

  He had no plans to attend the funeral, but he happened to catch it when he visited Boulder City, so he came over out of courtesy. After

  praying for a long time in front of his youngest son’s tombstone, Melvin put away his folded hands, looked at Meng Jie standing beside him, nodded, and said sincerely.

  ”Thank you.”

  Meng Jie smiled politely.

  ”You’re welcome… I don’t remember doing anything worthy of your thanks, and I really don’t deserve it.”

  ”You’re too modest.”

  Melvin looked at the back of Alyssa, his most beloved little daughter, standing in front of him, and said after a pause.

  ”There are some things I have always wanted to say to my little daughter, but as a failed father, I really don’t know how to start. The topic… Thank you. Some things really have to be told by outsiders. I hope the story of that hero can bring her some inspiration.”

  He didn’t want to pour cold water on her enthusiasm, but the world is not black and white after all.

  She still has a lot to learn, including calmness, caution… and so on.

  Meng Jie smiled modestly and said in a gentle tone.

  ”You misunderstood, I am just for academic research purposes.”

  ”Really?” Melvin smiled noncommittally, “Then let’s just say it like this.”

  He could feel the professor’s kindness, and this slightly changed his impression of the Boro people.

  The latter is increasingly difficult to gain sympathy in the alliance.

  Of course, it is the same in other places.

  In this era when even the Weilant and Bughra people can be redeemed, it is not easy to make yourself covered in mud and full of grievances and indignation.

  But the magical thing is that when they appear alone, they become normal again.

  Even excellent exaggeration.

  Perhaps, this is also the unusual place of that land.

  ”Please don’t think too much, I really just do this for academic purposes… Of course, it is true that I see his shadow in your daughter.”

  Meng Jie nodded slightly, looking at the tombstone not far away, thinking for a long time, and said in a chatty tone.

  ”Perhaps it is not appropriate to talk about this kind of thing in such an occasion… I studied your history and the genealogy you provided to me, and found a special phenomenon.”

  Melvin raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Oh? What did you find?”

  Meng Jie raised two fingers.

  ”The nobles of Boulder City can be roughly divided into two categories according to the source of power and the way to obtain black cards. One is the new nobles who rely on “chips”, and the other is the old nobles who rely on “black cards”. Your family and Sid’s family are just two typical ones, standing at the top of two pyramids respectively.”

  Melvin smiled faintly, as if he heard some interesting jokes.

  ”There has always been only one pyramid in Megalith City, and only one king, and that person is Sid. As for my father’s generation, they were just technical bureaucrats selected by them, or their professional butlers.” Although

  this butler is hereditary, it does not mean that he will not be eliminated.

  For example, the unknown guy replaced by Lister became a civilian again.

  Even if he used the black card to cash in a lot of chips.

  ”I know that Megalith City does have only one king as you said, but what I want to compare here is not the weight of chips and black cards, but the weight of ‘people’.”

  Melvin showed a hint of interest in his eyes.


  Meng Jie nodded slightly and continued in a casual tone.

  ”From an academic perspective, your family and Sid’s family are actually two very distinct control groups. I don’t mean to offend you with what I say next… According to the historical documents and materials I have read, there are actually no real fools in your family. They just make different choices when facing various problems. Sid is another matter. His family also had its moments of glory, but the people who came after him were all bad in their own ways, and their stupidity was different.”

  The specific time point seems to be after the status of “black card” was determined.

  Melvin glanced at him and smiled self-deprecatingly.

  ”…I couldn’t even tell whether you were praising me or insulting me for a while.”

  Meng Jie shook his head, cast his eyes on the sloppy tombstone, and said in an apologetic voice.

  ”Neither, this is just a pure academic discussion… Of course, maybe I shouldn’t discuss this issue with the person in question.”

  Melvin didn’t care too much, just lowered his eyebrows and prayed, while casually replying.

  ”It doesn’t matter. If my information can bring you comfort, then I have done something meaningful at the end of my life.”

  ”It’s more than just comfort,” Meng Jie said to the old man with a smile, “At least, your research data gives us hope of getting out of the long night–”

  ”Isn’t that comfort?” Melvin replied casually, “If you pin your hope for the arrival of dawn on the devil’s descendants making irreversible mistakes, then you will either continue to wait in the long night or usher in new demons after the old devils die.”

  He now discovered why this group of smart people gathered together but became so stupid.

  Meng Jie stared at him in a daze, silent for a long time.

  Suddenly, he seemed to have aged a lot, and his shoulders drooped dejectedly.

  ”Maybe… but no one can say for sure what will happen in the future… what if things turn around?”

  Melvin looked at him, thought for a long time, and finally ended the topic kindly, giving a noncommittal answer.

  At this sad moment, there is no need to add meaningless sadness.


  Only future generations can see what will happen many years later.


  In the first year of the new era, on the third day after the birthday, a grand wedding was held in Triumph City.

  The groom was from the Battlefield Atmosphere Group, and the bride was Penny, the daughter of Benoit, the captain of the ten thousand.

  Contrary to the expectations of the Battlefield guy, after learning that his daughter had been abducted by him, Benoit did not fight him angrily, but blessed them both.

  Not just Benoit.

  Including his close friend Korwe, including the commander of the Guards who had worked with him, Rezer, and many people whose names he could not remember, sent him blessings.

  At the end of the wedding, Benoit held his hand and said in an unprecedented serious and solemn tone.

  ”…You are a true warrior. Your loyalty, bravery, kindness, goodness and generosity are impeccable, and even Marshal Julius recognized it.”

  ”As Penny’s father, I don’t ask for more from you. I just hope that you can share those many beautiful things with my daughter, just as you have shared them selflessly with many people.”

  ”Dad…” Penny’s eyes flickered with emotion.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group held his hand tightly.

  ”I promise you that I will treat her well.”

  Relaxing his serious expression, Benoit smiled and nodded gently.

  ”Leave it to you.”

  Although there was no regret or reluctance in that sentence, the Battlefield guy found that the old man did not let him go so easily.

  On the night of the wedding, he was dragged to drink several barrels of wine and was almost sent away on the spot.

  According to Benoit, how can a son-in-law of the Willant people not drink?

  But that being said, Benoit himself is a drunkard. He fell asleep on the table after just a few drinks.

  These civil servants are really not good enough.

  The one who really made the Battlefield Man drunk was his good brother Korwe and those good brothers who had been through life and death with him.

  The Battlefield Man thought they would blame him for deceiving him, but the fact was the opposite.

  Especially Korwe who was deceived the most.

  This guy not only did not take his concealment of his identity to heart, but held his shoulder with a reluctant look.

  ”Have a good trip… man, we will miss you.”

  A young man from the Royal Guards also put his hand on the shoulder of the Battlefield Atmosphere Group.

  ”Come back often.”

  A captain probably drank too much and muttered.

  ”I’ll also go to the Alliance to be an officer, and resign when I become a consul. This is fair.”

  Another captain sitting next to him said with a smile.

  ”Impossible, the Alliance is not us, where can the consul come from?”

  ”No? I heard that they are going to make one…something to learn from our experience.”

  ”Who cares, it’s okay to start as a soldier, right?”

  Looking at these noisy guys, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group was moved, but still put their hands on their shoulders.

  ”Stop talking in your sleep and live a good life. There won’t be so many wars to fight in the future.”

  They all have their own families and their own lives in Triumph City.

  If he really took them all to Dawn City, he really couldn’t think of how to settle them.

  ”Hahaha, these guys are just drunk. It’s just a joke. If they really give up the treatment and rank here and start as recruits, they won’t be willing to do it.”

  Korwei laughed and patted the battlefield man’s shoulder.

  The battlefield man smiled helplessly, but he always felt that his eyes were not joking.

  If he really wanted to take him back, he would probably follow him without saying a word.

  Not just him.

  Many people here would do the same.

  ”Good brother, take care…”

  He picked up the glass, clinked it with Korwei, and then raised his head to drink it all.

  Just when he was about to start the next round, a heavy cough came from behind everyone.

  ”How long do you plan to make the bride wait? Or do you plan to hold another one?”

  Penny, wearing a wedding dress, was staring at the back of the Battlefield Atmosphere Team’s head with a smile on her face, with her arms folded across her chest.

  Realizing that they had prevented the couple from being intimate, the men sitting at the table felt a little embarrassed and immediately made excuses to leave.

  The people sitting at the table dispersed and went to other tables, leaving only the Battlefield Atmosphere Team and Penny.

  Realizing that he had drunk too much, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.


  Hearing this apology, Penny smiled and twitched her eyebrows.


  The Battlefield Man instantly understood the look in her eyes and realized that this was not the implicit expression she wanted to hear.

  Although he was a little embarrassed, facing the expectant look, he had to bite the bullet.

  Before the wedding started, he had heard Penny talk about the customs of the Willant people –

  after accepting everyone’s blessings, he had to carry her all the way from the banquet site back to the wedding room.

  A true warrior will not let his wife’s feet touch the ground, otherwise she will be laughed at by others for a whole year.

  It seems to be said that.

  After drinking the remaining half glass of wine in one gulp, the warrior with a face as thick as a city wall, picked up Penny by the waist amid her unexpected small exclamation and giggle, and then disappeared from the wedding scene like a tornado amid a burst of whistles and applause.

  It was just like a real tornado, coming and going in a hurry.

  Without any delay.

  ”This guy… is indeed a real warrior,” a drunken civil servant gestured with his hands, “I thought he had something to hide, so he stayed here and drank non-stop.”

  Another civil servant next to him also nodded with embarrassment and said in an appreciative tone.

  ”Yes, unlike the old man from his mother’s family, I remember that time he slept until dawn.”

  The customs here are indeed different from those in other places. These guys with muscles growing all the way to their heads joked without any consideration for the former consul and the current minister.

  Perhaps he heard the whispers of these bastards in his dream. Benoit, who was sleeping on the table, suddenly became angry. He pounded the table with his fist, and his old bones straightened.

  ”Who the hell are you talking about! Stand up… duel!”

  Several civil servants quickly shut up, coughed and changed the subject, pretending nothing happened.

  Benoit only yelled for a while, and was soon pressed back by Penny’s mother by his ear.

  ”You old thing, you still dare to duel! Aren’t you ashamed?”

  ”What do you know…” Benoit muttered a few words, perhaps feeling guilty, and finally stopped talking.

  ”Too fast, I didn’t see it clearly.” A bearded officer rubbed his blurry eyes and muttered, “Did that guy drive the truck into the hall?” Is

  that cheating?

  This stupid remark quickly earned him a cold stare, and the captain sitting next to him laughed at him.

  ”You are drunk, right? How could you drive a truck into the hall? I clearly saw a motorcycle.”

  ”Puff!” ”


  ”How could a motorcycle drive in? I think you are drunk!”

  The symphony playing in the hall gradually changed from warm to passionate.

  The young couple had already gone to their own world with everyone’s blessings, and the next time belonged to the guests present.

  They will eat meat and drink wine here until late at night or even dawn.

  They had received their own rewards a long time ago and lived a happy life with their families, and now the only flaw in the ointment has finally been filled.

  ”Cheers to our pangolins!”

  I don’t know who started the first sentence, and soon the whole banquet hall echoed with the same voice.

  It was their heartfelt blessings to their comrades who had fought side by side with them –

  ”Cheers to the pangolins!”


  The boiling enthusiasm was like a blazing fire in the fireplace, and even the setting sun hanging on the horizon was overshadowed.

  The story at night may be more perfect and long-lasting than anyone imagined…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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