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Chapter 1064: The “Big Villain” Stopped at the Novice Village

Chapter 1064: The “Big Villain” Stopped at the Novice Village


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1064 The “big villain” who stopped at the Novice Village

  was delayed for too long by the things in Bugla City. The Fountain Commander and I Zuihei finally missed the wedding of the Battlefield Man, but fortunately caught up with the wedding of Fang Chang and Dolly.

  Unlike the wedding of the Weilant people, the wedding on the Alliance side is completely different from the “MMORPG online game style”. Except for a few NPCs who often deal with players, most of the guests participating in the wedding are players.

  In addition, the players who participated in the wedding did not show off their food in the banquet hall. They were either busy completing various small games or running between various punch-in tasks, accumulating points in exchange for gifts, and having a lot of fun.

  This was the idea of ​​Brother Ye Shi.

  ”Wasteland OL” is good in all aspects, but it lacks the flavor of a serious online game.

  The dog planner can’t be relied on, so they can only rely on themselves. It

  just so happens that Fang Chang himself is a player who is not short of money. Thinking that it is better to share happiness than to enjoy it alone, he directly waved his hand and took out 10 million silver coins to hold a grand event.

  With such a generous reward pool, basically anyone who participates will get a prize.

  That’s why, for a whole day, the square of Dawn City was filled with players running back and forth.

  An event worth 10 million silver coins.

  Even Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh, it was simply inhumane.

  By the way.

  Since Fang Chang’s relatives were not in the game, and the former hadn’t figured out how to explain it to his parents yet, he played the role of a father and sent blessings to the two newlyweds on behalf of Fang Chang’s parents. As for

  Dolly, like most of the orphans in Boulder City, she didn’t have her own parents. She just invited some colleagues from the “Survivor Daily”, as well as Hal and Sberg, the author of “Awakener Bol”, who had worked together before.

  She originally wanted to invite Ni Yang, but unfortunately the latter had passed away.

  In order to thank the help of the “Survivor Daily” in Dawn City, Mammoth University sent a professor to attend her wedding on behalf of Ni Yang.

  The man’s name was Fyodor. It was said that he was once a student of Niyang. He just stood silently in a corner of the auditorium, without talking to anyone, and no one took the initiative to communicate with him. After

  completing the ceremony, Chu Guang stepped aside and gave the stage in the center of the auditorium to the two newlyweds.

  Looking at his good brother Fang Chang, who was dressed “well-dressed”, and the beautiful bride in front of him wearing a wedding dress, Chu Guang’s eyes were full of relief and admiration.

  Unexpectedly, this bachelor actually got married.

  He vaguely remembered that this guy who had been financially independent and lived an enviable life a long time ago once boasted in the herd of cattle and horses that it didn’t matter if he had a partner, and it was impossible to get married in this life. In this era where the streets are full of speed runners, he would rather keep a cat at home.

  By the way, unlike the knowledgeable brother Fang Chang, Ye Shi, who had not yet grown all his hair, also claimed this many years ago.

  Now, it is still Lao Bai and Kuang Feng who have been performing stably.

  The former became addicted to games after retiring from the army, while the latter was only interested in new things as always.

  Just when Chu Guang was smiling like an old father, old Charlie, who had retired not long ago, came to his side.

  As a resident of the shelter who had been with him for a long time, this old man who had been the Minister of Education and the President of the Merchants’ Union was also one of the veterans of the alliance, and he had always worked diligently and meticulously.

  At first, this old man applied for retirement, and Chu Guang kept him several times.

  Until recently, he personally visited with the physical examination report of Shuguang First Hospital, Chu Guang was embarrassed to continue to keep him and approved his request for retirement.

  After all, people are old, and they should enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.

  But I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Chu Guang always feels that this old man has not stopped for a few days since he retired, and he comes to his ears every now and then.

  ”… Dear Manager, there is something I don’t know whether I should say it or not.”

  Chu Guang, who was in a good mood, smiled and said.

  ”It’s okay to say it.”

  Prepared to be rejected, old Charlie took a deep breath and continued to speak loyally.

  ”…Although I don’t want to rush you, the Wasteland Era has ended now, and even your most loyal subordinates have gradually settled down. Even for those who support you…you should consider your lifelong affairs.”

  Sure enough, it was this sentence again.

  Chu Guang made a helpless expression and was about to make a perfunctory reply, but the words stopped at his lips.

  It seems so.

  In the past, he could use the excuse that he didn’t have the time, but now it is a new era.

  ”Well, you have a point. I’ll think about it.”

  Old Charlie showed a surprised expression on his face, and then the smile in his eyes turned into surprise.

  The manager actually listened to the advice? !

  The surrounding players did not notice the situation here for the time being, but the reporters ambushed in the crowd were instantly boiling…


  At the edge of the square, Tail, who was sitting on Rourou’s shoulder, looked through the telescope with an envious expression on his face.

  ”Giao! When Tail has money, he will also walk around like this!”


  are like insects!

  Feeling the inexplicable second-year breath, Roushan Damomo made a helpless expression.

  ”Is the point to walk around the newbies?”

  But –

  it seems to be unexpectedly quite interesting?

  Fantasizing about becoming a legend on the server, Rourou unconsciously showed a smile that would make even bears shudder.

  Looking at these two pairs of whimsical funny people, Sisi couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

  ”Emm… I always feel that the money problem is not difficult to solve, but the question is whether Awei has a partner to hold the ceremony?”

  Ten million silver coins is a small matter. The reputation of the White Bear Bank on the coast of East Borneo Sea is not inferior to that of the White Bear Knights.

  The latter is a bit troublesome, and we have to find a way to assassinate him.

  Wei: “!!! Do you have to have a partner first?”

  Aoao Zhimahu said with a smile.

  ”It’s not impossible… but if there is no emotional foundation, it will feel strange.”

  You can’t hold an event just because Rourou changes her fur.

  Not to mention that the NPC will feel strange, other players may also find it inexplicable.

  Looking at the deeply shocked Awei, Sisi showed an expression of “I really can’t do anything with you” and coughed lightly.

  ”There’s actually no need to look for it deliberately… If you really can’t find it, I’ll accompany you then.”

  ”Oh!! It’s an appointment!”

  Ah Wei seemed to have regained his spirits and raised his thumbs with great enthusiasm. Seeing that cute look, Sisi seemed to have been shot in the chest, and two blushes appeared on his expressionless face.


  ”Wait, Si–calm down a bit”

  ”There is no time to waste. The window period for promotion to ‘T0’ is fleeting. We have to build a starship before the official public beta begins… Rourou! Zhima Paste! It’s time to set off!”

  ”Where can we get such a thing!?”

  ”How about… let’s start by trying to become T1 first?”

  The White Bear Knights are not the only ones who set out on the journey with the idea of ​​becoming the “strongest in the version”.

  On the other side of the square, two young men who had just entered the game for less than two hours were standing on the steps not far from the fountain, looking ambitiously at the square where people were coming and going.

  ”Wasteland OL!!! Hahahaha!!! I’m finally here! Hehehehe!”

  ”Ohhhhhhh!!! Is this the game world?! Incredible, too incredible!!”

  One of the tall and thin men laughed wildly, with his hands on his hips.

  The appearance of the villain boss in the Novice Village was a bit exaggerated even by the standards of the players.

  As for the guy lying not far from him, touching and licking the tiles on the ground, even the players couldn’t help but look at him like a monster.

  ”…This guy is crazy.” Elf King Fugui couldn’t help but complain.

  Irena, who was standing aside biting a roasted mantis leg, had a funny expression on her face.


  Speaking of which, the tall and thin guy seemed to be… Professor Yang?

  He opened the holographic map page of the fourth-generation VM and saw familiar words on the side of the floating window.

  [Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning]

  ”Good guy…it’s really him?!” The Elf King Fugui, who came to the front of the map, had an expression of seeing a ghost on his face.

  With a mantis leg in her mouth, Irena touched her chin and tapped the screen twice to enlarge the map.

  ”It’s him, more stupid than expected. The one next to him is the Tyrannosaurus Warrior… Uh, this guy is actually an adult? Is it true?”

  As he said this, he looked up at the guy in front of him who was lying on the ground and swiping the floor.


  It can be seen that he is really excited.

  ”As soon as the public beta starts, it really feels like all kinds of monsters and ghosts have emerged.” The face of the Elf King Fugui has an expression that is difficult to describe.

  It is worth mentioning that recently “Wasteland OL” is warming up for the upcoming public beta, and the number of helmets issued daily has suddenly skyrocketed.

  It seems that not only has the nuclear fusion technology broken through, but the helmet production capacity and server computing power of the operator behind “Wasteland OL” have also made breakthrough progress. It’s

  really a good time, which is gratifying.

  However, in contrast, as the player circle expands, some problems have also emerged. This

  is the case with any game. Once the circle expands, it is inevitable that some strange little ghosts will emerge.

  This kind of guy has made zero contribution to the entire game community, and has no sense of belonging. He even enjoys affecting other people’s gaming experience. He either acts as a moral model to flatter others, or teaches others how to play games, or makes so-called reasonable demands without any sense of boundaries.

  Compared with this kind of people, the brothers of Ye Ao, who are famous for their foul mouths, seem much friendlier.

  After all, when a person is extremely talkative, his own character flaws will prevent him from doing anything too outrageous.

  The only thing to be thankful for is that “Wasteland OL” can be regarded as a “console game” launched by closed-source devices, and it is always a big brother without cheats.

  As for other potential risks…

  At present, it can only increase the sunk cost of abandoning the account by extending the game time of new players.

  However, can this alone prevent “self-destructing trucks”?

  Elf King Fugui is actually a little pessimistic. After all, no selection mechanism can completely eliminate risks, and even what he is worried about will almost certainly happen in the future.

  But having said that, Irena has a different view.

  ”Don’t worry… I think you’re worrying too far ahead. Controllable nuclear fusion technology has been broken through, and the production of helmets has also increased. There will definitely be virtual games that replace Wasteland OL in the future, right? I think newbies can still look forward to it in the future.”

  Although from the perspective of operators, they may hope to monopolize this technology, but from a realistic perspective, it should be impossible, right?

  As time goes by, there will always be similar VR+MMORPG games.

  Not just MMO and RPG, games like MOBA and SLG will definitely be ported to this new fully immersive platform, and these games with relatively less hardcore rules and less realistic NPCs will also divert a large part of the fun people who can’t accept the hardcore settings of Wasteland OL.

  In short, it’s better to dredge than to block.

  As for the rest, it’s up to time.

  It’s impossible to expect everything to be prevented before it happens. Even in reality, there will be all kinds of accidents, let alone a game.

  After thinking for a moment, Irena tried to propose.

  ”…How about putting the Novice Village in the Wandering Swamp? You can’t change the map before level 10? There are enough monsters there.”

  Elf King Fugui scratched the back of his head.

  ”Will it be a bit too strong?”

  Irena shrugged.

  ”It’s okay, there are ordinary people living there, but the climate may be a bit cold.”

  At present, the respected dog planner has opened a message channel on the official website to solicit opinions from all closed beta players and call on the majority of closed beta players to speak up. I’ll

  mention it when the time comes…

  Just when the two old players were planning the future of “Wasteland OL” more seriously than the dog planner, the Tyrannosaurus Warrior who was lying on the ground licking the floor was finally lifted up by the neck by Professor Yang, the King of Lightning, before he was completely socially dead.

  ”You guys, be normal! Don’t you notice that people around you are looking at us?”

  The Tyrannosaurus Warrior looked nonchalant.

  ”What does it matter? Anyway, they don’t know what I look like in real life.”

  At this moment, he didn’t know that many people had thought about it before, and in the end, all of them regretted it without exception.

  For example, when I first created my account, I didn’t choose a name that sounded less socially dead, or when I was just born, I gave myself some face, etc…

  However, after going through so many versions, the NPCs around seemed to have gotten used to it and didn’t take it as seriously as before.

  After all, similar situations would occur every now and then, and they just thought it was a blue mole that had appeared recently.

  ”Forget it, I won’t talk nonsense with you.”

  Glancing at this guy who was not good at doing anything but always causing trouble, Professor Yang cast his eyes on the square in front of him, and a confident smile reappeared on his disgusted face.

  ”…Although it is not quite the same as expected, it is not much different.”

  ”My era is finally here!”

  It took five years to make an appointment. This awesome game is really a big name.

  However –

  this immersive experience is worth waiting for so long!

  Professor Yang squinted his eyes, admiring the sunshine and rainbow sprinkled on the fountain, and looking at the dust floating in the light and shadow.

  There were also the busy streets, cars shuttling on the road, and the wastelanders carrying weapons walking on both sides of the street.


  It was so realistic!

  But speaking of it, there was one thing he cared about.

  Although it was his first time entering the game, he had a sense of déjà vu as if he had been here before in a dream.

  ”Hey, Tyrannosaurus.”

  ”What are you doing?” The Tyrannosaurus Warrior looked at him blankly, a little unsure whether this pretentious guy was calling him.

  Professor Yang touched his chin.

  ”Why do I feel… a little familiar?”

  The Tyrannosaurus Warrior scratched his head.

  ”Someone posted a photo on the official forum, right? Did you remember it wrong?”

  ”…That’s right.”

  There have always been people posting selfies on the forum, and this square is the most famous landmark in Dawn City.


  Professor Yang shook his head, not paying too much attention to the trivial details, just stretched his neck and looked around in the square, looking for another netizen who had agreed to form a team together.

  This person is the famous Ye Ao brother on the official forum – Ye Ao Nai Wo He!

  As early as the opening of the test server of “Wasteland OL”, he was a well-known group pet in the forum.

  Although this person’s combat effectiveness is a mystery and his reputation is mainly notorious, after all, black fans are still fans, and it is exactly what Professor Yang wants.

  To be honest, considering that Wasteland OL has been closed for five years, various gameplays have been infinitely cultivated, and it is almost impossible to advance to T0 by traditional routines.

  Therefore, he plans to form a team of geniuses to develop evil gameplay, take a different approach, and eventually drive out good money with bad money, becoming the first mudslide in the server!

  If you can’t be the T0 of order and justice, then be the T0 of chaos and evil!

  Professor Yang was excited just thinking about it!

  Just as he stretched his head and looked around, looking for Brother Ye Ao, a petite and neat girl was standing at the other end of the fountain, staring at the clear and transparent water in a daze.

  She couldn’t remember how she walked here from the resurrection point, and the whole person was like a fool.

  But compared with those players whose existence itself is full of performance art, her appearance seems too normal.

  This light.

  This water.

  This air…

  and these white legs – bah, tiles!

  It’s so awesome, okay? !

  Wait –

  so, fully immersive virtual reality games are actually real? !

  Only then did she realize what she had said on the official forum.

  In an instant, her fair face turned liver-colored, as if it was about to explode.

  Nuclear, where is the nuclear bomb?

  I’m going to blow up this server!

  Just as Ye Aonaiwohe was horrified and looked around, Professor Yang, who had just learned how to use the map, finally found this unruly guy.

  Today’s VM is no longer like the earliest closed beta, where you need to complete a lot of tasks to get it. As soon as you enter the game, you will be given a castrated version with simplified functions.

  This is mainly to prevent new players from getting lost or having conflicts with NPCs due to language barriers.

  When Professor Yang confirmed that the guy in front of him was the one he was looking for, he was stunned as if he had received an electric shock.

  ”Fuck, you are Ye Aonaiwohe?!”

  Although he thought that this guy might be a foul-mouthed kid with no hair yet, he never thought that he would get the guy’s gender wrong.

  And didn’t it say that this guy’s profile card said he was a man? !

  Did he sell his account? !

  No –

  this is impossible!

  The strong sense of déjà vu reminded him that he had seen this guy somewhere before, and that Ye Aonaiwohe was undoubtedly a man… How come this one is gone? !

  Speaking of which, that inexplicable memory was also strange enough. How could someone take off his pants in public!

  Even if it was in the game…

  The overly strong impact made Professor Yang’s brain buzz, and completely disrupted his villain plan.

  Relying on this guy to attract like-minded evil players…

  No, no, no, it can’t be done, right?

  I always felt that this guy’s eyes were looking down on people, and Ye Aonai looked at him with an unhappy face.

  ”Why are you calling me dad?”

  What a bad-tempered kid.

  Professor Yang felt his fist hard, but still said with a smile.

  ”You guy… Well, I mean hello. I am Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning, nice to meet you.”

  ”Oh, you are Professor Yang,” the attitude of looking up at the sky did not change at all, and Ye Aonaiwohe looked at him up and down with suspicion, “Just you? You want to help me level up?”

  Professor Yang said patiently.

  ”That’s what I was planning, but I didn’t expect… uh, you just came of age? Can I ask, were you really a junior high school student when you made the appointment five years ago?”

  Ye Aonaiwohe laughed, crossed his arms over his chest, and said bluntly.

  ”So what? I want you, an old bitch, to be the administrator! How can you, a small fry, talk so much nonsense–”

  No more–

  he couldn’t bear it anymore!


  Professor Yang, who originally wanted to have a good exchange of ideas, was finally broken by the scolding.

  He blurted out a Chinese quintessence, rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward, wrestling with the kid.

  However, as an intelligence strategist, he probably didn’t expect that the gene sequence chosen by the kid was actually the sewer N versions ago – the power system.

  The 60-kilogram force of this punch made him see stars. And his movements were as slow as a snail in the eyes of the kid.

  It has to be said that the initial panel of the power system is overwhelmingly strong for the intelligence system that needs time to grow.


  when both sides have no equipment.

  Riding on Professor Yang’s neck, bang bang,


  ”Hey, hey, hey… You started fighting over a disagreement, and this is all you can do?” Her self-confidence swelled, and she showed a bad boy’s smile on her face. She punched Professor Yang, who was probably offline, and said, “You want to help me level up? That’s it? Trash!”

  At this moment, the two of them didn’t realize what it meant to play in the safe zone.

  Before the punch was thrown, the two of them were offline and were carried to the police car by the guards who rushed over.

  The first warning will result in a 24-hour ban, but it’s hard to say what will happen next time.

  Looking at the two people taken away by the guards and the scattered onlookers, the Tyrannosaurus Warrior who was standing by and watching was silent for a long time, and finally uttered a heartfelt sigh.

  I didn’t expect that this game has developed a complete set of “criminal law”, and the future “king of the dark world” was defeated by a few small police officers.

  Otherwise –

  let’s find a more normal big brother to lead.

  ”This game is too real…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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