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Chapter 1065 Resettlement Plan

Chapter 1065 Resettlement Plan


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1065 Resettlement Plan

  The 24-hour ban is not long.

  However, what Professor Yang did not expect was that there would be another 72 hours of physical confinement after 24 hours, which made him, who originally thought “nothing special”, feel a little bit of the majesty of the law.

  Strictly speaking, the 24-hour offline penalty is the online blockade measure for illegal game behaviors (such as safe zone PK) in the “Player’s Handbook”, while the latter is the Dawn City’s own public security management penalty clause for “public place fighting”.


  Players must not only abide by the rules of players, but also the laws and regulations of NPCs.

  The former is probably enforced by uncontrollable forces, which is equivalent to the “power of rules”, and even T0 players will be killed instantly. The latter is autonomously enforced by local violent agencies and has a certain degree of maneuverability. You can appeal or ask a lawyer for help, just like when an NPC breaks the law.

  It is reasonable to speculate that if you are strong enough, it is also feasible to kill all the guards and

  escape from prison. However, since this detention center is probably located in the safe zone, the clauses of the “Player’s Handbook” may be triggered at the moment of escaping from prison, resulting in multiple crimes and punishments.

  By the way.

  Due to the special nature of players, players’ imprisonment is different from that of other people. In addition to the fixed deduction of 8 hours per day, only the time spent online will be counted in the sentence.

  If you do not go online to punch in on the same day, the fixed deduction of 8 hours will also be cancelled.

  During this period, even if you commit suicide, it will be useless, and it will even be regarded as a malicious violation to evade punishment.

  Once the sentence exceeds 20 years, the game qualification will be revoked by default, and you will lose the qualification to register again.

  So even if you want to do something that may make you a red name, it is best not to do it in the safe zone.

  Otherwise, it is likely that the GM, NPC, and players who love justice and peace will “establish order” at the same time.

  ”Alas… There is no way.”

  Looking at the cold iron bars, Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning, sighed and put aside the idea of ​​taking advantage of loopholes.

  The main reason is that there is no need.

  72 hours minus 8 hours is 64 hours left. If you punch in once a day, you can be released from prison in 8 days. If you stay in prison honestly, you can get out of this damn place in two and a half days.

  The laws of the alliance are not strict, so it is better not to make trouble.

  However, just when Professor Yang had accepted his fate, Ye Ao, who was in the cell next door, was not quiet.

  As soon as the kid woke up, he grabbed the iron bars and shook them, not only kicking the cell with his feet, but also provoking the guards of the detention center with his extremely foul mouth.

  “Hey, hey, hey, you NPCs, do you have any sense of self-awareness at all? I’m a player, a playful artist! Do you know what this means? I’m immortal. I can fail countless times, but you can only fail once. Just let me go if you’re smart. Got it?”


  “Yo, yo, ok, you won’t let me go, right? Ha, I see you guys are refusing to accept my toast. Just wait! When I get out, I’ll punch you managers to death! I know your fatal weaknesses~, just wait for the server to be restarted!”


  “…You ungrateful guys, is this how you treat your savior?! I, I’m a resident of Shelter 404! Do you understand the value of shelter residents? Come here and lick the bottom of my shoes, you scum!”


  ”Broken defense, broken defense, you must be broken defense, right? Damn planner, what rubbish settings, why make a game if you can’t make a game, go beg for food! Eat my shit! In real life, you must be a otaku who has never even touched a girl’s hand, right? So disgusting.”


  ”Brother, please… let me out, I promise I won’t dare to do it again…”


  Hey, hey, hey…

  Is this guy crying?

  It’s not a small setback, right?

  Professor Yang wanted to pretend not to hear it, but the groaning sound was too noisy.

  Especially since the players are in a separate cell, there is no one here except the two of them, and he can’t even find a cellmate to chat with to divert his attention.

  ”You are so long-winded, can you stop arguing? After all, you have been talking for five years, don’t you know that NPCs use human language? And you should be more polite, your mouth full of shit will only make people think that you eat that thing all day… Oh, I feel sorry for your parents.”

  Apart from the lack of family education, he really couldn’t think of a more appropriate reason.

  However, just when he was about to “season” this guy as an elder, Ye Aonaiwohe, who was still burping a second ago, suddenly went berserk as if he had been injected with a berserker shot.

  ”Fuck, I want you to be the old man! Trash! Can you withstand the power of my 6,000-ton punch? Eat my saliva! Puff puff puff–!”


  Professor Yang’s forehead was full of swollen veins and his teeth were clenching.

  Damn it.

  His fists were hard again!


  Perhaps because of the sudden influx of a large number of new players, the detention center in Dawn City has never been so noisy.

  But generally speaking, most players are still relatively normal, and the noise is only about one or two guys with strong self-awareness.

  ”Even the ‘key focus’ can enter the game normally, so other players shouldn’t have any problems. It’s a bit too much to use the Wandering Swamp as a novice village… It’s more suitable to be a level 20 map. Throwing newcomers there will only cause trouble for the locals, and it may affect the takeover of the Science and Technology Committee.” ”

  In short, ‘don’t worry about it if the program can run’… As for the rest, we’ll talk about it after the public beta.”

  B5 floor of Shelter 404.

  Looking at the surveillance footage on the screen, Chu Guang stroked his chin and thought.

  Looking at the meticulous manager, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the armrest of the chair, swung his calves and looked up at him with admiration.

  ”You are worthy of being the master. Even in the new era, you are still working diligently behind the scenes to worry about the players.”

  Chu Guang smiled lightly and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”Haha, not to worry too much. The ‘framework’ of the entire game has been completed, and the remaining work is some minor fine-tuning.”

  His mentality now is probably like finally building a huge castle with building blocks.

  Once he had confirmed that the castle was habitable, he could let go and leave the rest of the icing on the cake to others.

  Punishing criminals was the job of the guards, trying criminals was the job of the judges, determining the laws was the job of the council, how the departments were run was the job of the ministers in consultation with the future consuls, and local affairs were handled by the local council in consultation with the local chief executive.

  The whole framework is basically like this.

  As for what kind of branches and buds this sapling will grow into in the future, and what kind of forest it will grow into, it depends on how strong the wind is and how heavy the rain is.

  As the designer of the entire “game”, his job is just this.

  ”Speaking of which, what is the situation in the β world now? I heard that their nuclear fusion reactor seems to have been successfully ignited?”

  Xiao Qi: “Yeah! It was successful a month ago!”

  ”Really? Not bad.” Chu Guang had a smile of genuine relief on his face.

  A long time ago, he half-jokingly promised that he would compensate the Kuangfeng brothers with a Nobel Prize after everything was over.

  But now it seems that a mere medal may not be worthy of Professor Yanfeng’s achievement.

  Speaking of the dreams of the good brothers, he remembered that Fang Chang’s dream seemed to be to take Dolly to reality to meet his parents and hold another wedding in reality.

  This seems to be the easiest to achieve. Just get a clone in reality as a container of consciousness.

  Ye Shi’s dream has basically been realized in the game, so there is nothing to say.

  As for Lao Bai, he probably has the mentality of a “retired old man” and doesn’t care if he can enjoy a peaceful life leisurely.

  To be honest.

  In addition to telling this white lie, Chu Guang also considered another ending.

  That is to play a big one after everything is over, and simply make the truth of “Wasteland OL” public.

  In short, I won’t pretend anymore, I’m going to show my cards! I am not only a high civilization, but also you two hundred years later!

  The public beta server of “Wasteland OL” was opened as scheduled, but it is no longer mediated by morphogenetic field technology, but a real MMORPG game running on the local server

  of the β universe. As a local server running in the β universe, he can add some exaggerated skills that do not exist in reality to the game body, as well as monsters with super-realistic standards that can only appear in the void.

  It is easy to make this game. Ideal City has a lot of game companies that can take over, and some of them are even opened by his little players themselves.

  In this way, new players can experience the expansion packs missed during the closed beta period, and old players can also relive the previous stories with the mentality of playing nostalgic servers, and make up for the regrets of the previous unfinished.

  As for the “Closed Beta Server” of “Wasteland OL”, it was renamed “α Server”. As a test server for the β server, it is only open to players who have obtained the closed beta qualification, as well as the pre-ordered players in the closed beta stage and the virtual account holders with outstanding performance in the β server.

  In addition, silver coins and the original technology transfer channel are only associated with the α server.

  As for the β server, a new game currency system is used and it is operated in the normal way of MMORPG online games.

  Although the disclosure of the truth may cause a certain degree of panic worldwide, in the long run, this seems to be the closest way to the best of both worlds.

  The real world can never satisfy everyone’s gaming experience, but the real virtual world can!

  Besides, the wasteland here can’t accommodate hundreds of millions of players. If the public beta is still limited, then there is no difference between the closed beta and the closed beta.

  The more Chu Guang thought about it, the more he felt that there was something to do. He tapped his index finger on the armrest of the chair and immediately looked at Xiao Qi and said.

  ”Speaking of which, after the controlled fusion was ignited, did anyone in reality find some clues… For example, realize that “Wasteland OL” is actually the real world.”

  Xiao Qi answered in a crisp voice.

  ”Master, similar speculations have been around since the beginning of the alpha test, but they have never become mainstream. On the contrary, due to the successful ignition of controlled nuclear fusion, the ‘Adventists’ who support the ‘friendly contact theory’ have become the mainstream of the middle and high levels of various countries.”

  ”In addition, according to Xiaoqi’s investigation, the frequency of related statements such as ‘advanced civilizations enlightening Earth civilization through the ninth type of art carriers’ in high-level documents of various countries has surpassed the ‘hostile observation theory’ with an overwhelming advantage. In some underdeveloped regions and small economies, there have even been cases where the authorities have encouraged their citizens to go to the Wasteland OL official website to make reservations!”

  Considering the value of silver coins, it is not surprising that such a situation has occurred.

  After all, silver coins can really be exchanged for technology, and even if they are not enough to exchange for technology, they can be exchanged for foreign exchange from major countries, which is more reliable than mining digital currency, and it is not particularly power-consuming.

  It is not that there are no foreign players in Wasteland OL, but due to language and cultural barriers, both the size of the player group and the number of posts on the official website are relatively limited.

  ”Really? It seems that the option of revealing the truth also has a certain basis… What about Shelter 404-β? What’s the situation there now?”

  After unlocking the B5 layer, Chu Guang has read the complete 404 plan.

  According to the description in the plan data, the β fission variant can be regarded as a professor who was reborn in 2014 “with complete memories”.

  Being able to build a huge shadow agency in the era before the prosperous era in just 7 years and complete such a huge plan behind the scenes, this guy is also a very powerful talent.

  Of course.

  Standing in the other person’s position, looking at himself who only took five years to pass the “Wasteland OL”, he may not be a different feeling.

  They have done things to the extreme in their respective fields of expertise.

  If they have the opportunity to face each other on the same timeline, they will probably appreciate each other.

  Xiao Qi: “The β fission variant has transferred the management authority to Shelter 404 of the α universe… that is, our side. As for the professor himself, he seems to be planning to explore the world outside the solar system. It is said that it was his original historical mission, and he intends to continue doing this.”

  ”Historical mission… In terms of sense of responsibility, he is exactly the same as that guy.”

  The “that guy” that Chu Guang was referring to was naturally the professor of the α world who died 200 years ago and had a chance encounter with him in the video.

  Xiao Qi: “Hehe, he looks a lot like the master~”

  ”Me? Not at all, I won’t exile myself outside the solar system just for such a shallow reason.”

  Chu Guang smiled slightly. Although he denied the idea of ​​confusing himself with that person, there was no contempt in his words.

  That guy should have other reasons.

  However, only he knows about that kind of thing, and it is meaningless for outsiders to guess.

  Looking at Chu Guang who didn’t speak, Xiao Qi continued in a crisp voice.

  ”Currently, Shelter 404-β’s helmet production capacity has reached 3,000 units per day, and the inventory is nearly 200,000 units! Theoretically, we can immediately add 200,000 new players and maintain a maximum of 3,000 closed beta qualifications issued per day!”

  Chu Guang rubbed his chin with his index finger and said thoughtfully.

  ”At this rate, the number of players can grow by up to 1 million per year. And considering the growth in the number of players, the maintenance of the morphogenetic field device will also become a problem… It seems that the ‘α-β server placement’ plan is inevitable.”

  ”Server placement plan?”

  Xiao Qi was confused about this term that he had never heard of, but Chu Guang planned to explain it later.

  As for now, there are more important things to do.

  ”By the way, who is currently in charge of the business in the β universe? Is it the β fission body?”

  Xiao Qi shook his head and said.

  ”No… The person in charge is his assistant, a doctor named ‘Principle’.”


  Hearing this special name, Chu Guang was surprised and recalled memories from a long time ago.

  According to the information in the Great Rift Valley, since the dissolution of the War Construction Committee, Dr. Conclusion took the backbone personnel of the technical department to the Wandering Swamp, while “Principle” and “Method”, the two big guys who were also regarded as founders by the academy, disappeared directly from the wasteland.

  Later, he found Dr. Method in Shelter No. 101, and the whereabouts of Principle have been unknown.

  I didn’t expect this guy to run to the β world…

  ”It turned out to be him.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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