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Chapter 1067 Towards Prosperity

Chapter 1067 Towards Prosperity


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1067 Towards Prosperity

  [Remaining sentence: 0 hours.]

  ”Be a good person.”

  Throwing down a hastily written farewell, the guard on duty closed the iron door of the detention center as if sending away the plague god.

  Looking at the three silver coins and a piece of paper lying in the palm of her hand, Ye Aonaiwohe lowered her head and said “hmm”, and was as honest as a newcomer.

  The seven and a half days of sentence were finally reduced by half.

  She was released from prison early and not only received 10 contribution points, but also received three silver coins of wages, as well as a handwritten thank-you card from the Refugee Home –

  [Thank you for helping us homeless people. 🙂

  - Pirusen]

  Most of the tents ordered by the Refugee Home were sent to Bugera City, where the civil war had just ended.

  These cards were probably made by the school of the Refugee Home when teaching children to read and write.

  Although the paper was written in human language, she had learned a little in the detention center recently, and could understand some simple daily expressions by guessing.

  Feeling the heavy weight, the silent Ye Ao suddenly laughed foolishly.

  This crappy game is quite interesting.

  ”Hehehehe… Now you understand the value of the residents of the shelter, right? Even if it’s just running a sewing machine, the strength of this master is not comparable to that of ordinary prisoners!”

  There was a happy smile on that upright face, but soon, because of the “noise” floating next to him, he soon revealed a vicious expression.

  ”…Although it delayed some time, it doesn’t matter. This experience is not a bad thing for a kid like you. It’s better than going to the society to suffer.”

  Putting the three silver coins of salary and the card into his pocket, Professor Yang had put on the VM again.

  The preaching expression was as if he was an elder who came to the detention center to pick up someone.

  ”…You old bitch, haven’t you suffered enough?”

  Ye Ao took a step forward aggressively, and the vicious expression immediately made Professor Yang look tense.

  Although I don’t want to make a fool of myself with this guy, it’s impossible to expect him to bow down to a mere kid!

  The two LV0 noobs confronted each other with the posture of a LV99 peak duel, and even the ants on the roadside couldn’t help but dig their toes.

  The war was about to break out!

  Just when the two were about to go to the palace again, [Zhu is reading down] who came to pick them up finally rode his bicycle to kill between the two.

  ”Calm down, if you really want to PK, there are plenty of opportunities. Why do you have to make trouble in the safe zone? And don’t you consider developing first? You don’t want to go to the resurrection point naked, right?”

  This sentence worked a little.

  Professor Yang, who finally remembered that he still had something to do, curled

  his lips and loosened his clenched fists. Ye Aonaiwohe knocked his teeth threateningly, and then turned his raised forehead to the side fiercely.

  Kicking off the bicycle’s kickstand, Brother Pig looked at the two people who quickly calmed down and smiled with relief, and nodded with a sense of accomplishment.

  Not bad, not bad.

  His hard work paid off. Although the two funny guys were still very energetic, they were much more normal than before.

  He felt like he was watching his own pigs grow up.

  ”Speaking of which, you haven’t accepted the task of passing on the torch yet, right? Would you consider me?”

  ”You?” Professor Yang glanced at him and laughed, “Young man, don’t be too arrogant. When I was a pre-registered player, you might still be dreaming of 300 million mice.”

  Ye Aonaiwohe had a similar reaction, curling his lips in disdain.

  ”Tsk, I’m not interested. What’s the benefit of doing that task for me?”

  Brother Pig was not angry, but just thought it was funny. He looked at the two funny guys and said with a smile.

  ”Yes, yes, you two are amazing… I’m not afraid of you laughing at me. I just made a reservation half a year ago, and my understanding of the game is indeed not as good as yours. I may have to ask you for advice frequently in the future.”

  Ye Aonaiwohe: “Ke——”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “!??”

  Looking at the two people who were shocked, he coughed lightly and continued.

  ”I may not be able to give you any benefits, at most I can take you around. By the way, I plan to go to the Wandering Swamp next, there seems to be a lot of tasks to do there, and I may pass by the Free State and the Great Rift Valley on the way… Do you want to come with me?”

  Professor Yang looked at him in astonishment.

  ”Can a level 0 player go to a level 20 map?”

  Brother Pig said with a smile.

  ”Of course, this game is not so rigid. The recommended level only affects the insurance payout ratio. Anyway, you don’t have equipment worth insuring, right? You can’t level up quickly if you stay in a safe place.”

  ”Oh, you kill monsters above your level, right? It sounds interesting,” Ye Aonaiwohe finally showed an interested expression, “It’s decided, newcomer, you will take me to have a look!”

  ”No problem! I’ll take care of it!” Brother Pig smiled and looked at Professor Yang, “What about you? Do you want to join us?”

  ”North… You have a good eye, it is indeed a place full of opportunities,” Professor Yang touched his nose with his index finger and looked up at the sky, “Forget it, we are on the same path anyway… Newcomer, click to accept the task of passing on the torch.”

  Brother Pig smiled and made an OK gesture.

  ”Got it!”


  β Universe, Summer of 2026, Earth.

  Half a year has passed since “Shelter 404-β” completed its historical mission.

  In the past six months, not only has the “game world” of “Wasteland OL” entered the door of a new era, but the “real world” has also seen the beginnings of a new era.

  The landmark event is undoubtedly the ignition of the “Pangu” controlled fusion reactor.

  Although the first generation of nuclear fusion technology using deuterium-tritium fuel is already an antique that can be put into a museum in the wasteland, for the β universe, which is still in the “classical era”, this outdated technology can still be described as fashionable.

  Affected by the “Pangu” reactor, the changes in the entire East Asian region and even Southeast Asia and South Asia can be described as earth-shaking!

  And under the support of the energy comparable to that of stars, China, which was the first to complete the ignition of controlled nuclear fusion, has produced an amazing chemical reaction in a series of visionary and advanced layouts in the fields of new energy and information, directly creating several trillion-scale markets out of thin air!

  In the face of strong economic growth momentum, all debts incurred in the development process have been solved.

  More than that.

  The power grid extending from Daya Bay not only radiates the industrial belt of the two river basins, but also penetrates westward to the Bay of Bengal and southward to the Solomon Sea along the submarine cables. What is

  exported outward along the power grid is not only endless and cheap electricity, but also the supporting infrastructure and low-end manufacturing factories with high energy consumption and high labor density.

  Most of those are jobs that Chinese residents are increasingly unwilling to do.

  In the past five years, the wealth created by technological innovation has been put into the National Development Fund. The workers who lost their jobs due to technological upgrading have only lost their labor, and have not lost the “right to survive” that was firmly tied to labor in the old era.

  With five years of continuous development, the social development dividends distributed by the National Development Fund have gradually surpassed the income from screwing.

  Without having to worry about survival, marriage, childbirth, medical care and retirement, most uneducated people tend to take subsidies to study or learn a skill, while educated people tend to engage in more creative work.

  Whether it is about creativity in the sky and the sea, or about creativity in short videos.

  Although there is no distinction between high and low jobs, we have to admit that some jobs are indeed more equal and more respectable than others.

  No one is born to carry express or bricks, and it is impossible to carry them for a lifetime, and the waist can’t bear it.

  If there is a choice, almost everyone will choose to live a little easier, and no one will mind spending more time on consuming social welfare and handing over those troublesome physical work to workers from developing economies.

  Although the disadvantage is that there are a lot of lazy guys, resulting in more and more bad jokes on the Internet, the blessing in disguise is that everyone has become happier and has more time to spend with their families.

  Things that are not good enough will always get better slowly.

  People who are happy in reality will also be kinder and more tolerant to others.

  And with the improvement of the overall strength of society, a consumer market that is far larger than any previous era is also rising.

  Perhaps it won’t be long before this rising light will bless the entire blue planet and illuminate other barren soils in the solar system…

  And when even the underdeveloped areas that contribute low-end labor and the jobs that destroy the body and spirit are replaced by new things over time, the era of prosperity for this planet will be truly here.


  A certain scenic resort island in the South Seas, people come and go on the golden beach.

  In addition to those well-known emerging economies, even this island that most people can’t name has recently been connected to the controlled nuclear fusion power grid from China through submarine cables.

  Thanks to this, the influence of RMB in the local area has surpassed USD, and it has become as warmly welcomed by locals as the generous Chinese tourists.

  Although this has brought some inconvenience to the work of “Shelter 404-β”, it has also saved the former a lot of trouble.

  First of all, there are more flights to and from the island, and the shadow operators of Shelter 404-β can travel more efficiently. Secondly, the trouble of electricity is also solved.

  Especially the latter.

  They used to have to secretly repair ocean current generators on the seabed, but now they only need to pretend to build a few data centers or claim that they are mining digital currencies.

  It is much more convenient to pay for electricity than to operate a power station by yourself. “Shelter 404-β” may have faced the problem of insufficient high-end production capacity, but it has never lacked money.

  For the reborn who have read the script in advance and even “the future script is written by themselves”, it is not too easy to get some “external things” in a reasonable and legal way.

  Long before “Shelter 404-β” was put into operation, the “professor” had solved the most basic problems such as operating funds.

  As for future problems…

  that is the children’s own business.

  ”It’s almost time for me to leave.”

  At a humble fisherman’s wharf, the professor carrying a suitcase said goodbye to a group of colleagues he had worked with one by one, and then stopped in front of Dr. Principle.

  Looking at the face full of reluctance, he showed a soft smile on his face and patted the shoulder of his proud student.

  ”You are the surprise in my plan… To be honest, I thought you might go to the Post-War Reconstruction Committee to find me, so I specifically asked ‘Conclusion’ not to reveal my whereabouts, but I didn’t expect you to find me and chase me here.”

  ”I am honored to be the surprise in your plan,” Yuanli nodded slightly, then raised his head, looked at him sincerely and continued, “If you don’t mind, please let me continue to follow your footsteps. I am willing to go to the end of the galaxy with you!”

  That was not just his idea.

  It was also the idea of ​​many people present.

  Not everyone has established their own family in the local area and started a new life with the idea of ​​​​finishing the mission. Some people still live in that bygone era to this day.

  After all, they themselves are people of that era.

  Although some of them are ready to return by the same route, some people feel that even if they go back, they can’t find a place for themselves in the new era.

  They have dedicated their lives to Project 404.

  Understanding their thoughts, the professor was silent for a while, and after a moment, he looked into those eyes and said.

  ”You don’t have to follow me… Of course, you don’t have to go back to the α universe. If you really miss the past, then just keep going along this timeline. You will always return to that prosperous era, and maybe you can help the people here overcome the problems we encountered in the prosperous era.”

  Dr. Principle lowered his eyebrows and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”Maybe… According to our model, it is only a matter of time for the people of this world to enter the prosperous era. However, in this timeline without you, no matter how far we go, we will never meet our “professor” again.”

  He didn’t know what others thought.

  But at least for him, what he missed was never the prosperous era itself, but his mentor – the one who stood at the pinnacle of human mind and took him to the prosperous era.

  That’s why he chased all the way from Qingquan City in the α universe to here.

  Looking at the reluctance written on his student’s face, the professor smiled freely and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Isn’t that great? There was only one me before, and you will all be me from now on.”

  ”My mission has ended, and it’s time to save some time for myself… This is also for your own good.”

  After saying that, he withdrew his hand from Dr. Principle’s shoulder, picked up the suitcase on the dock again, and boarded the submersible that surfaced.

  The spacecraft components deployed in the center of the Pacific Ocean have entered the final stage of preparation for launch, ready to break free of the constraints of gravity and head for the orbit of outer space at any time.

  He had been preparing for this as early as last winter when the Pangu fusion reactor was just ignited.

  Now it is finally done.

  It’s time to give the “real world” a little shock from the “advanced civilization”!

  Looking at the gradually closing hatch, the professor shouted to the reluctant Dr. Principle with a hearty smile.

  ”Just send me here!”

  ”By the way, the manager of Shelter No. 404…that is, the ‘other me’, he wants to talk to you.”

  ”As for the saying ‘a timeline without me’, it is actually not accurate. I have always been here, whether I am my continuation, and have never really left – whether it is the α universe or the β universe!”

  ”As early as the moment our plan was just launched, the fate of the two universes has been tied together!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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