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Chapter 107 The Devil Moth’s Nest (Subscription Request)

Chapter 107 The Devil Moth’s Nest (Subscription Request)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 107 The Devil Moth’s Nest (Subscribe)

  ”Why did you choose such a strange name?”

  ”Is it strange?”

  ”No, Greenhouse Farm… It’s a little weird because it’s too much.”

  ”Fuck! Can you blame me? Hey, I’ve already written the application and submitted it, and I just remembered that I forgot to choose a sexy name.”

  ”By the way, what do you plan to call it?”

  ”QQ Farm.”


  [Macabazi] found [Edge Paddling] who he contacted on the forum. The two little players wore animal skin coats, carried wooden bows and javelins, and set off to the east gate to open up the wasteland.

  Although Chu Guang was very curious about why they went through the east gate instead of the west gate, and carried wooden bows and javelins instead of hoes and axes, he thought about it and finally ignored them.

  In the evening.

  Chu Guang was too lazy to cook, so he went to the north gate for a walk and found that Yaya had stewed a pot of venison and mushroom soup, so he put a silver coin on the table.

  ”I want two bowls.”


  Ya Ya took the bowl and enthusiastically scooped two large bowls of broth with a spoon. With a sweet smile on his face, he handed it to Chu Guang.

  ”Be careful of the heat.”

  The players holding bowls next to him saw it and instantly felt that the meat in the bowl was no longer fragrant, and they all started to shout.

  ”Boss Ya, you are partial!”

  ”That’s right! You were not gentle at all when you gave it to me!”

  ”There is a big piece of leg in the bowl of the administrator! I saw it!”

  ”That’s right, why is there only one piece of meat in our soup!”

  ”Yes! And it’s butt meat!”

  ”There should be no distinction between high and low food! My wife said so!”

  Ya Ya blushed and hurriedly argued.

  ”What do you mean by butt meat! Am I that kind of person?”

  What’s wrong with being partial?

  Is there anything wrong with pleasing NPCs? Do you dare to say that you haven’t licked it? Haha, you have the nerve to say “Dear Administrator” to me?

  After all, I have triggered the hidden task!

  ”I don’t care, unless you give me another bowl!”

  ”What the hell!”

  Chu Guang smiled like an old father, ignored the noisy little players, turned around and walked through the north gate to the weapon shop of little sister Xia Yan.

  After several rounds of renovation and reconstruction, the weapon shop has completely changed.

  The original mud wall has become a neat red brick wall, and a layer of ash is applied inside and outside, and a layer of wooden floor is laid on the ground.

  If it was the old shabby house, it would have been crushed by the snow.

  It can be seen that the players feel more sorry for Boss Xia than himself. Because of the several hand-painted CG pictures on the forum, she is almost a mascot.

  No, should it be said that she has become a mascot?

  When Chu Guang walked here, Xia Yan fell asleep on the table, and a pile of freshly made bullets were placed in the wooden basket next to her.

  Now the players are playing happily at the north gate, and no one comes here to disturb her.

  Chu Guang did not wake her up, but just gently placed the bowl next to her.

  Then he found a chair in the room, sat down next to the brazier, and added a piece of firewood to it. While roasting the fire, he drank the bowl of tender and delicious venison and mushroom soup.

  Sparks were floating on the fire.

  The aroma of the broth gradually filled the room.

  The nose buried in the crook of his arm moved slightly. Xia Yan, who woke up slowly, looked around with a blank face. When he saw Chu Guang sitting in the room, he instantly woke up.

  Looking at Xia Yan who woke up, Chu Guang said casually.

  ”You have indeed been a lot lax recently.”

  He was touched from behind for so long without noticing it, and he woke up only when he smelled the meat. If he was in the wasteland, he would probably not survive more than two episodes.

  Xia Yan was embarrassed when he was caught being lazy. Like a child who had done something wrong, he buried his head and dared not look at him, and said in a low voice.

  ”I, I just slept for a while after I finished the work. I wasn’t lazy… When did you come in?”

  ”Just now,” seeing Xia Yan’s nervous look, Chu Guang smiled and teased, “Is it really that nervous?”

  Xia Yan hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

  Chu Guang thought for a while and spoke.

  ”Starting from tomorrow, I will pay you… well, 10 silver coins a day. This month, it will be paid daily, and next month, it will be paid monthly. I will give you a target every month, mainly about the production of ammunition and weapons. You can regard it as your task. After completing the task, you can get a bonus of 10% to 30% of the monthly salary. In addition, your bonus will also be related to the profit of the weapon shop.”

  Xia Yan asked hurriedly.

  ”What if it is not completed?”

  Chu Guang shrugged.

  ”It doesn’t matter. Anyway, there are 30 revolvers in stock now, and more than 4,000 rounds of bullets, which are enough for the time being.”

  The Blood Hand Clan has been destroyed. Now the only threat in the area is the mutants on Street 76, but they seem to have their own problems to face, and have not yet set their sights on Linghu Wetland Park.

  The sudden cold winter is both a risk and an opportunity.

  This natural barrier will buy the residents of Shelter 404 some precious time for development. Food, fuel, and building materials are the key. In comparison, the demand for weapons is not so urgent.

  Xia Yan whispered after taking a peek at Chu Guang.

  ”…To be precise, there are actually 14 guns. 16 more were sold some time ago, and there are more than 2,000 bullets.”

  Chu Guang said indifferently.

  ”It’s okay. There are still a lot of rags looted from the predators in the inventory, enough for those little newbies to play with for a while.”

  ”Why are you so nice all of a sudden…you even pay me a salary.” Xia Yan asked in a low voice.

  In Boulder City, only when the big guys need these little guys to die, will they suddenly show kindness for no reason.

  Although it is unlikely to find a buyer in winter, Xia Yan is still a little scared. After all, this man has left a deep impression on her.

  ”Because I think the time is about right,” Chu Guang thought for a while and said, “Not only you, but also old Luca, everyone who works for me will be paid, more or less. You don’t have to think of it as a reward, it’s the part you deserve after your work.”

  In short, you need to stimulate consumption.

  It is a bit difficult to rely on players to consume what players produce. Letting NPCs to purchase what players produce appropriately can promote players to expand production.

  Xia Yan nodded, not quite understanding.

  She actually wanted to say that if she really wanted to be paid, she could use those white plastic sheets. It doesn’t take a lot, one a day will do.

  But she was a bit timid and could only comfort herself.

  In fact, silver coins are also good, 10 silver coins… I heard that two chips can be exchanged for one silver coin. If you think about it this way, wouldn’t your daily salary be 20 chips? 600 chips per month!

  In Boulder City, an assault rifle is only 150 chips. One month’s income can sell four guns. I am definitely a middle-class citizen!


  Xia Yan amused herself while dreaming this dream.

  Chu Guang ignored the stupid expression on her face and continued to talk to himself.

  ”In addition, you will get a ‘budget’ from the ‘profit’ of the weapon shop to issue tasks to ‘players’. Just like I taught you, you can guide them to do things that you originally needed to do yourself. For example, loading gunpowder into the shells, oiling the receivers, or even helping you watch the store for a while…” ”

  You can freely use your imagination for this part. Anyway, you know these trivial details better than me. Your VM can help you edit them. If you don’t understand something, you can contact my assistant Xiaoqi through VM. Finding something for others to do can also make your own work easier.”

  Sitting upright and listening to Chu Guang, Xia Yan didn’t dare to move or interrupt.

  But the bowl of venison and mushroom soup was so fragrant that she couldn’t help but sneak a peek several times, swallowing her saliva again and again.

  Chu Guang noticed her little action, smiled after explaining the matter, and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”You can figure out the rest yourself. I won’t waste my words. I’ll treat you to the bowl of venison and mushroom soup. Drink it while it’s

  hot. There’s a piece of venison leg in it.” Xia Yan immediately picked up the bowl and started to eat it voraciously.

  When she put down the bowl, she had a happy expression on her face, and she praised it without caring about the oil and soup in her mouth.

  ”Wow, it’s so delicious!”

  ”You can go to the north gate after work. It’s getting more and more lively there. I guess you haven’t been there.”

  Chu Guang stood up from the chair, put the empty bowl on the wooden table next to the brazier, and counted out 10 silver coins and put them next to the bowl.

  ”When you finish drinking, help me wash it later.”

  ”Thank you for the time.”

  Xia Yan, who was holding the bowl in her hand, didn’t come back to her senses for a long time until Chu Guang walked out of the door.


  What word did this big devil say? !

  She couldn’t remember whether it had happened before, but she knew very well how cold-blooded and heartless this man was.

  Not only was he cruel to his enemies, he was also merciless to his own people.

  She had seen it with her own eyes. He ordered the bodies of the fallen soldiers to be put into the furnace and burned together with the enemies, without even leaving a grave for them.

  Such a cruel man suddenly showed kindness to her, he must have some intention!

  However, for some reason, Xia Yan suddenly felt that she was not as scared as before.

  How to say it?

  When this man threatened her that if she didn’t work hard, he would throw her out to fend for herself, she did find it scary.

  But it seemed that after getting along for a while, he didn’t really drive her out.

  Sipping the soup in the bowl in small sips, Xia Yan couldn’t think of any trash words to say for a while.

  Forget it.

  Anyway, he didn’t do anything excessive to me.

  This venison is quite delicious.

  For the sake of treating me to soup, I will help him wash the bowl later.


  After coming out of the weapon shop, Chu Guang found Old Luca and explained the salary to him.

  Having been a slave for most of his life, Old Luca looked confused when he heard that his master was going to give him money.

  Chu Guang was too lazy to explain what salary was, so he simply said,

  ”Just think of it as a reward.”

  ”Save it to buy some food or daily necessities, go to the carpenter’s hut to buy some furniture, support the business of the ‘players’, or save it to build a decent house for yourself.”

  Hearing the word “reward”, Old Luca was moved to tears and wanted to kneel down at that time, but when he remembered that his master had said that people in Shelter 404 were not allowed to kneel, he immediately put his right fist on his chest.

  ”Thank you for your generosity! Master.”

  If thinking this way would make him feel more comfortable, Chu Guang was too lazy to correct his thoughts.

  After explaining the work matters, Chu Guang then asked about the training of the two new warehouse managers.

  It must be said that these survivors who had experienced serfdom have a natural adaptability to service positions such as “warehouse management”.

  After all, for them, at Brown Farm, these positions are only available to the upper-class serfs.

  If we go one step further, there are only the servants, housekeepers and soldiers of the farmer.

  However, those people can no longer be considered serfs, or even completely slaves, but more like servants with status. Most of them are sons who inherit their father’s business, and only very rarely will serfs be selected to work in the master’s house.

  Therefore, both of them cherish the opportunity in their hands, and the speed of learning is quite fast. It is estimated that they will be able to wear VM and officially take up their posts in a few days.

  Chu Guang was still very relieved about Luca’s work attitude. After a simple inspection, he turned back to the sanatorium.

  Just when he was thinking about whether to go back to the shelter to play the game he just downloaded, or go to the third floor to stay with Xiaoqi for a while, there was a commotion from the direction of the north gate. A

  similar scene always feels a bit familiar.

  I saw a little player with a broken leg, lying on a stretcher, carried by two other players, and trotting in from the north gate.

  Chu Guang recognized him.

  If I remember correctly, it should be afternoon.

  This guy followed [Makabazi], and the two of them carried wooden bows and javelins and went out of the east gate, singing happily.

  At that time, I was still wondering why they went out of the east gate, and whether they took the wrong road. Now I think it’s probably not the wrong road, but they were rushing to die from the beginning.

  Chu Guang had a strange expression. He turned on the system and opened the player list. Sure enough, he saw that Brother Ba’s icon was gray, obviously he was dead.

  Walking forward, looking at [Edge Paddling] lying on the stretcher with a shaky consciousness, Chu Guang frowned and asked.

  ”What’s going on?”

  ”Moths! So many moths! And one moth is so big, almost as long as my arm! Their teeth are like scissors!”

  It’s hard to tell whether the expression on Bianbianhuashui’s face was excitement or fear, but he was very excited and gestured in the air with his hands.

  ”We went to the community northeast of the wetland park on the map, where there is the remains of an artificial greenhouse! We originally planned to see if we could find something useful inside, but after a lot of effort we got in through the safety passage, and as soon as we walked to the exit, we saw a long line of cocoons hanging on the net! We were stunned at the time, and just when we wanted to study what that thing was, the makabazi who was walking in front was bitten by the moths that pounced on him!”

  [Construction Site Boy and Brick], who was carrying a stretcher, had been listening with his ears perked up, and when he heard the last word “bitten”, he couldn’t help swallowing.

  ”Gnawed, gnawed?”

  ”Yes! They did!” Bianbianhuashui took a breath, not caring about the bleeding wound, and continued excitedly, “Seeing that I couldn’t escape, Brother Maca took off the VM and threw it to me. I didn’t dare to look back and rushed to the safety passage desperately! As a result, when I was about to rush out, I was still bitten on the leg by two big moths…”

  ”Fortunately, these insects are not cold-resistant. I crawled out of the safety passage. The moths behind me didn’t chase me out, and the two big moths that bit my legs didn’t have much strength. I stabbed them several times with a dagger and finally killed them. Even this leg was eaten up and only half was left.” It’s

  okay to be eaten up and only half was left…

  Bianbianhuashui described it vividly, but Chu Guang’s eyebrows jumped when he listened to it.

  This is fortunately because the extreme pain was blocked. If it were another survivor, I’m afraid that the first bite would be so painful that I couldn’t breathe.

  ”Devil Moth.”

  Chu Guang took a deep breath, took a look at his bloody broken leg, and immediately gave a terminal illness diagnosis.

  ”You lost a leg, and even the bones are gone. This is not an injury that can be cured in the incubator. Without the characteristic of ‘regeneration of broken limbs’, no matter how strong your recovery ability is, it will be useless. Do you understand what I mean?”

  The most humane way is to kick him offline, lock his login, and then send him directly into the furnace.

  It doesn’t matter whether he is dead or not. Without the access of a conscious body, the clone is just an empty shell without a mind. Death or not does not affect the recovery of active substances.

  Edgewater certainly understood the hint of the administrator. This is an old tradition of Shelter No. 404, so he nodded at the speed of light.

  ”I know! I understand, respected administrator, but if I must die, can I choose a way to die?”

  This is a reasonable request.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”No problem, how do you want to die?”

  Edgewater smiled shyly and said shyly.

  ”I want to try the righteous gallows at the door… Hehe, I’m a little curious.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  It was the first time he heard such a strange request.


  If I can keep a complete body, it will be convenient for me to recover it.


  Just like that, Edge, who had just been carried into the base to slack off, was carried to the gallows outside the north gate by two players.

  ”Wait, let me think of a cooler line. I want to die like a hero–”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, get down!”


  The two players quickly handled it and sent the crooked-necked Edge guy to the morgue.

  His equipment and VM will be stored in the locker in the buffer room, and he will be a hero again in three days.

  Chu Guang went to the third floor of the outpost and found Xiao Qi.

  ”The nest of the devil moth was found in the northeast of Linghu Wetland Park.”

  ”Devil moth?”

  ”It’s an insect-type alien species. Please help me mark three skulls on the map first. This thing is not easy to deal with.”

  Xiao Qi tilted the camera.

  ”Should we ban players from entering that area?”

  ”Not really, just give them a warning,” Chu Guang thought for a moment and said, “Restrictions on Street 76 can be lifted, but the danger signs will remain.”

  ”I’m curious how these players will deal with this tricky problem.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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