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Chapter 1071 Public beta life starting from LV0!

Chapter 1071 Public beta life starting from LV0!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1071 Public beta life starting from LV0!

  ”Welcome to Shelter 404.”

  ”I am the manager here.”

  ”Codename – Dawn.”

  In the virtual world of the β universe, the hall is full of metal textures, and solemn and steady voices echo over the heads of the real players, like the bells of a church.

  Tens of thousands of public beta testers filled the hall the size of a football field, and strings of IDs were piled up in the corridors, elevators and other commuting areas where “volume collision is cancelled”!

  If the ID display is not turned off, the players standing in the square can’t even see the subtitles clearly.

  And this is just one of the hundreds of full partitions!

  With the increase in the production capacity of real game helmets and the further reduction in equipment prices, the crowded crowd has the potential to expand further.

  Responding to the excited and excited eyes, a blue power armor stepped steadily and walked in front of the people who filled the hall.

  The sharp facial features were like a sword unsheathed, and the resolute face and eyebrows revealed a sense of dignity and majesty. Even

  before the majestic figure came into view, the players in the hall had been shocked by the realistic light and shadow and the immersive experience.

  After all, it was the technology of Ideal City.

  Although the otakus on the endpoint cloud had long been tired of playing these virtual reality online games that focused on “Second Life” and instead began to pursue some simple creativity and fun, for the old-time residents living in the β universe, it was the first time for them to experience this kind of immersive feeling of traveling to another world!

  In a simple sentence –

  this light!

  This floor!

  This wall!

  And this Ah Guang! It’s

  simply amazing!!!

  Everyone held their breath and was so excited that they couldn’t help themselves.

  The real newbie was still standing there, and the fake newbie had already pounced on him, trying to remove the iron lump on the administrator’s body, but he didn’t want to pounce on it, and his face came into close contact with the floor.

  Rich Little Eyes: “Fuck!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior has turned evil: “This is a rip-off!”

  WC No Mosquito: “Fuck! Where is the 99% realistic?! It’s not real at all!!!”

  WC No Mosquito: “@#%#!”

  There was a lot of chirping in front of the manager, and the various models were piled up together. There

  seemed to be a layer of “field” around the special NPC. Players who entered the field would have their volume collision canceled and piled up like virtual ghosts.

  The scope of this field seemed to increase with the increase in the number of nearby players.

  Although it weakened the authenticity of the game to a certain extent and restricted some coquettish operations, it also effectively prevented the situation where key NPCs were blocked and could not receive tasks.

  If you really want to experience 100% reality, you can only travel to the α universe in the flesh.

  Standing on the edge of the crowd, Ye Shi folded his arms and stared at A Guang for a long time, always feeling that the face was full of disobedience.

  It’s not because that guy secretly changed his facial modeling, but because those eyes have lost their souls.

  How to say it?

  I feel that “Kingly Aura” is a bit too much of a show-off.

  I heard that the game data for the public beta was outsourced to a company in Ideal City for development. I don’t know if it’s because of the beauty of distance, but the guys there have a strange misunderstanding of the administrator.

  In addition…

  ”Wait, didn’t this guy get the power armor after unlocking Shelter No. 117?! Why is it installed now?”

  ”And isn’t this hall too spacious?! How can the hall of Shelter No. 404 be that big?”

  ”Haha, it’s a game, don’t pay attention to these details,” complained Ye Shi, and Lao Bai smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “As long as the newcomers find it fun, that’s enough.” The

  alpha version was too difficult to open up.

  If he really had to start all over again, let alone these newbies, he himself might not be able to stick to it.

  By the way, the nicknames of the two in the public beta server are the abbreviations of their nicknames in the closed beta server.

  Since the closed beta players will appear in some of the game plots and dungeons in the public beta server as NPCs, the nicknames of the closed beta server are occupied by default in the public beta server, and even the closed beta players themselves cannot use them.

  In the words of Dr. Principle, CEO of Shelter-Tec, “You are also part of the game experience.”

  Although it is a bit unreasonable, it seems a bit exciting to think that your clone is always pretending to be cool for you. Do

  you want your clone to get more roles in the public beta server?

  Then work hard in the closed beta server!

  Even if you don’t do anything earth-shattering, but just work hard on the construction site, you can project your clone to the construction site of the public beta server!

  Or –

  reverse cheering is also possible.

  For example, in the “Player Prison” of Dawn City, there are two NPCs with player identities on their heads, making fists and spitting across the cell. Red-named players who were sent to prison because of PK failure can trigger a dialogue with the two funny guys to activate the “commutation game”.

  In short, although there are many unsatisfactory aspects, the long-awaited public beta has finally been launched!


  this is a game completed by everyone.

  It is not just the dog planner.

  Just when Ye Shi and Lao Bai were talking, shouts of “skip”, “skip”, and “hurry up” were heard in the square. After

  learning that the plot can be skipped, those newbies no longer want to listen to Brother Guang’s nonsense. They equipped the VMs that were refreshed out of thin air and rushed to the direction of the elevator impatiently.

  There is the entrance to the B1 floor.

  There is no need to wait for the elevator in the public beta server.

  At the moment of entering the elevator door, the player will automatically enter the dungeon area, follow the elevator up in the elevator “only visible to oneself and the guiding NPC”, and enter the B1 floor that is “completely empty and occupied by looters and aliens”.

  This dungeon cannot be formed into a team, and experience will not be dropped upon death. It is a tutorial for beginners.

  In the dungeon, the player will get the first weapon after entering the game – a crowbar with blunt damage 5, and trigger the first task of the game career – to take back the entrance to the fallen shelter from the looters.

  After completing the dungeon, you can enter and exit the B1 level of the “surface world” normally.

  During the execution of the mission, players will follow the NPC to familiarize themselves with the game mechanics including sneaking, unlocking, picking up garbage, etc., and by picking up weapons dropped by looters, they will familiarize themselves with the usage of various weapons including cold weapons, hot weapons and smart equipment.

  The biggest difference between the public beta server and the closed beta server is also here. Players do not have to be limited to a single gene sequence. They can create exclusive gameplay based on customized points and initial racial characteristics, and match professions including fighters, assault soldiers, engineers, hackers, assassins, and psychics.

  Whether it is an old popsicle cyber summoner who is good at using drones, or a mutant thug who is good at charging with nuclear bombs, or a wastelander engineer wearing a DIY exoskeleton, or a lizardman assaulter carrying a rifle, or even a Gaian who is good at using a powerful version of superpowers, etc., they can all be realized in the public beta server.

  In a sense, the degree of freedom of the public beta server seems to be an order of magnitude higher than that of the closed beta server. Even the alien species are no longer SRRR cards that require luck to draw. As long as you sign a waiver agreement, you can check it.

  After all, this is a real game world. As long as it can be done in the program, you can do whatever you want.

  ”I’ll try my superpowers this time… What about you? Have you decided which route to take?”

  Ye Shi said eagerly, looking at the light that kept flickering and disappearing at the elevator door.

  Lao Bai grinned.

  ”I’ll see when the time comes. Anyway, career selection is a matter after level 5.”

  After clearing the first dungeon, he can only reach level 3 at most. He plans to experience the gameplay of each profession before deciding.

  Unlike those players who are busy opening up new land and competing for the first place in the server.

  He has already experienced the feeling of T0 in the closed beta server and is not interested in getting the first place in the server.

  Here he just wants to be a casual player, come back to see it occasionally when he misses it, and chat with those who have disappeared from the α universe.

  ”Okay, see you later!” After understanding Lao Bai’s thoughts, Ye Shi didn’t say anything more. He couldn’t wait to step into the elevator and turned into a flashing light and teleported to the dungeon world.

  Lao Bai followed him.

  When he stepped into the elevator, a soldier wearing a “Type 5” exoskeleton was already waiting there.

  The man was holding a “G9” assault rifle in his hand, and his posture was quite serious, as if the shelter had really encountered some great crisis.

  However, real veteran players all know that the B1 floor is a small place. Unless the elevator is broken, even if a predator really breaks in, it will be suffocated to death inside.

  But the public beta is another matter.

  The heaven-defying predators not only put a group of mutant cockroaches (wild monsters) on the first floor of the shelter, but also have a heaven-defying hacker (level 10 elite monster) who can usurp control of the B1 floor but can only do some sneaky work.

  No wonder the NPC soldier used the “Ultimate City Special” assault rifle and looked as if he was facing a great enemy.

  ”Listen up, newbie. Our target is the data center on the B1 floor. If we want to take back control of the B1 floor, we have to occupy it first… Take this crowbar, we’ll need it later. Also, remember to follow me closely!” The man gave the order meticulously and handed the crowbar in his hand.

  Hearing the familiar voice, Lao Bai was stunned, and then he noticed the serious face.

  The moment he saw the face, he almost choked on his own saliva.

  Good guy –

  isn’t this me? !

  Or to be more precise, that guy is simply his role in the closed beta server – “White Horse Passing by”.

  However, the NPC standing in the elevator seemed to be completely unaware that his “real body” was right in front of him.

  As Dr. Principle, the CEO of Shelter Technology, said on the official website, the NPCs in the public beta server are just NPCs, with only limited intelligence.

  Lao Bai estimated that if he didn’t take the crowbar from him, the elevator that was constantly rising would probably not stop until it flew outside the solar system, so he took the crowbar with a smile.


  Just as he touched the crowbar, a row of light blue floating windows appeared in front of him.

  [Obtained props: crowbar

  Durability: 100/100

  Damage type: blunt weapon.

  Damage value: 5+x (strength attribute multiplier 0.2+physique attribute multiplier 0.15+agility attribute multiplier 0.05)

  Special effect: When performing the lock picking operation, the “lock picking” judgment is triggered. If the damage value exceeds the protection level, 20 points of durability are consumed to remove the “locked door”.


  Even the crowbar is so detailed?

  In simple terms, it can only remove the door 5 times at most, right?

  Looking at the crowbar in his hand, Lao Bai didn’t know where to start complaining.

  And almost at the same time when he finished reading the text description, the elevator that had been running for who knows how many minutes finally stopped steadily on the B1 floor.

  ”Follow me.”

  That “white horse passing by” didn’t say a word of nonsense. At the moment the elevator stopped steadily, he rushed into the corridor in front of him without any hesitation.

  The predator who was smoking with his back to the elevator was like a deaf person, ignoring the movement of the elevator rising, and was sent away by a backstab and throat-slashing combo from “White Horse Passing by” who walked up briskly. The

  blood that spurted out was quite real, and it was worth it that he opened the “Real Accelerator” shared by Mosquito, and registered an account on a small island in the South China Sea called Beta Island.

  He suddenly became curious about what would be sprayed out without turning on the accelerator.


  ”Kill one… put away his weapon, but don’t rush to fire, we have to get the controller on the B1 floor first.”

  ”White Horse Passing by” said while calmly shaking off the blood on the dagger, as skilled as an emotionless killer.

  The predator in the room not far away was like a little deaf and blind, not realizing that his teammate had died at all, sitting in front of a fire burning something, playing poker with a smirk on his face.

  With the idea of ​​seeing how his other self was going to perform, Old White did not go off on a tangent. After recovering the iron rifle, iron dagger and 50 Y-coins from the predator, he followed behind his “other self” with a strange expression, sneaking, touching corpses and picking locks step by step.

  According to the information shared by other public beta players on the forum, as long as these processes are completed step by step, the tutorial can be completed quickly.

  If the player does not follow the routine and runs around, the result is that he will be beaten up by the predators, and then reload the file back to the time when he just got off the elevator.

  At the moment when Old White pried open the iron door of the data center, a shrill alarm sounded on the B1 floor of the shelter, and the startled predators and aliens rushed up in a swarm.

  ”Quick! Insert the hard drive into the server!” [White Horse Passing] roared and threw the hard drive into Lao Bai’s chest, then placed his rifle at the door and fired towards the outside.

  If an ordinary person was born in a peaceful era and had not experienced a real battlefield, the exciting gunfight might really make people’s blood boil.

  Especially since the two were still sneaking in the previous second, and a fierce exchange of fire suddenly broke out in the next second!

  However, as the original body of this guy, Lao Bai could hardly count how many battles he had experienced, big and small, and of course it was impossible for his adrenaline to surge because of a few gunshots.

  Besides, with just these few predators, he would not even bother to sneak in the closed beta server, and would directly kill them with a dagger.

  With the idea of ​​respecting another self’s work, Lao Bai followed the task prompts step by step and inserted the USB drive into the designated server slot.

  With a buzzing sound of electricity, the chassis that was originally running smoothly was like activating a hidden magic circle, and immediately exerted a lightning-fast influence on the B1 layer of the shelter.

  The resounding alarm was lifted instantly.

  The automatic weapons deployed on the B1 floor of the shelter were also activated at the same time and joined the battlefield!

  A desperate wail came from afar – it seemed to be from a level 10 elite monster working for the plunderer.

  ”No! This is impossible! My control has been taken away!”

  What followed was probably the boss’s curse.

  ”You idiot! What’s the use of you!”

  Hearing the curses and wails floating in the distance, Lao Bai couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

  You know that the data center is so important, but you only leave two soldiers to manage it?

  But complaining about this doesn’t seem to make any sense.

  After all, no matter how rigorous the setting is, it will not be worth the loss if the entertainment is sacrificed.

  Objectively speaking, the entire novice guidance copy is still pretty good.

  ”Follow me!”

  ”White Horse Passing by” who was guarding the door roared, holding a rifle and leading the way out.

  The rain of bullets poured on this guy like bath water, and even the health bar was scraped off a bit.

  It’s really hard for this guy to endure until now.

  Seeing that the time for counterattack had finally come, Lao Bai did not hold back and rushed out with the iron pipe rifle he picked up from the looters. He used the most bullet-saving method and relied on the 5 times damage of headshots to knock down the looters he met along the way.

  Including the level 10 hacker elite monster.

  After shooting down the five LV3 drones with automatic rifles operated by this guy, this guy was shot down by “White Horse Passing Through”.

  Lao Bai picked up a drone operating device similar to a U-shaped pillow from the corpse.

  Before he could open the holographic window, “White Horse Passing Through” who was standing next to him and changing the magazine said to him with a cool expression.

  ”Remember to put away those drones. They may be useful after repairing them.”

  This is probably the equipment of the hacker profession.

  ”Got it.”

  Lao Bai replied casually, followed the instructions of “another self”, and picked up the drone wreckage on the ground.

  Unlike the closed beta server.

  The equipment picked up in the public beta server will be automatically stored in the virtual space and saved in the holographic item column as a thumbnail.

  Of course, it is limited to items that can be picked up.

  Although the items that cannot be picked up can be moved, they can only be carried away by hand like in the closed beta server.

  While he was picking up garbage, “White Horse Passing by” also talked to him about some experiences in the wasteland.

  For example, the garbage picked up can be sold for money or disassembled for parts. The parts obtained by disassembly can be used to make equipment, repair equipment, and build your own home.

  The concept of territory proposed in the closed beta server has not been promoted for various reasons, but it seems to have been implemented in the public beta server.

  Players can build their own shelters in any wild area outside the safe zone, but the built shelters can only be seen by themselves and the players invited to enter.

  This setting is a bit like a copy that is seamlessly connected to the main map, in which teleportation points can be placed, as well as the player’s pets, NPC partners, or servants and followers in the setting.

  After recycling the garbage on the battlefield, Lao Bai followed another self and continued to move forward, and soon triggered the expected boss battle. The one

  who appeared was a huge predator.

  He was covered with extremely exaggerated steel heavy armor, and his tangled muscles were like a mutant.

  At first, Lao Bai only thought that this guy looked familiar, until the latter took out a rusty shotgun and suddenly remembered his identity.

  This guy was none other than the leader of the Blood Hand Clan – the “bear” who was killed by the manager with a hammer.

  Unexpectedly, this guy was dragged out and whipped again in the public beta server. Lao Bai was also at a loss for words for a moment, but he still put on a three-point serious posture to fight.

  With the output of “full blood but wandering on the edge of the battlefield”, he finally won an attack window for the former to shoot at the vital parts through several pulls, and then rushed up to give the “bear” a fatal final blow under the former’s loud prompt.

  At the same time, a translucent holographic pop-up window appeared in front of him, and the BGM of “after the rain, the sky cleared” sounded at the same time.

  [Congratulations to the player for reaching level 3! ]

  Standing in the center of the B1 floor hall, he was like a hero on the stage, and a bright beam of light fell on his shoulders.

  ”Congratulations! You defeated the enemy who invaded us and stopped the barbaric invasion! Although, this is just the beginning…”

  [White Horse Passing] walked in front of him, with a smile shining with victory on his face.

  Lao Bai also smiled at that face and nodded gently.


  Although it was in a way he had never imagined, he felt that what he wanted to convey seemed to have been conveyed.

  The dust floating on the floor dissipated unconsciously, and the B1-level shelter, which was originally abandoned like a ruin, also returned to its original clean and tidy appearance unconsciously.

  It was like the passage of time.

  When Lao Bai noticed it, a shining medal had already appeared on his chest.

  The number 404 was written on it.

  And under the number, there was a line of words printed [Exclusive for closed beta players, thank you for your efforts].

  Speaking of which, when he first entered the game, he was still confused about where the “closed beta reward” he had promised had gone, but he didn’t expect it to be in this place.

  How to say it?

  This sincerity appeared just right.

  Following the “novice guide” named [White Horse Passing by], he passed through the round arch, stepped onto the elevator and came to the outside of the shelter. The

  familiar square came into view.

  The appearance of everything waiting to be rebuilt was exactly the same as when the closed beta server was just launched…

  Whether it was Xiaoyu sitting behind the “bank” counter and calculating accounts seriously, or Boss Xia sitting behind the weapon counter, yawning and speaking arrogantly, or many other wastelanders facing the wasteland world “full of despair but burning with a glimmer of hope.”

  Some of those guys lived a day-to-day life, some had even given up struggling, and there were also people who were unwilling to do something but were powerless…

  And no matter what kind of people they were, they never abandoned or gave up after coming out of the shelter.

  ”This is our gathering place, and it is also the place where everything started… We will set out from here until the new era.”

  ”Welcome to our world.”

  That seemed to be the last monologue.

  When Lao Bai turned around, the “White Horse Passing Through” who had led him out of the shelter had disappeared with a smile on his face.

  The originally empty square was filled with all kinds of players.

  Some were running around at the entrance of the settlement, some were trying to get under the table in front of Boss Xia but were blocked by an invisible wall of air, and some were standing in the square trying to tear off the last piece of underwear that they couldn’t tear off. The

  shouting in the stall area in the distance was endless, just like in the closed beta server.

  ”LV5, job changed to fighter, looking for a group! To brush Leech Cave!”

  ”Is there any convoy going to Boulder City? Big guys, please guide me!!”

  ”Awesome! You have opened the map to Boulder City?! I’m still wandering around Beth Street.”

  ”Too powerful!!!”

  ”I have a LV10 intelligence orange outfit here! Drone expansion slot! Rich people who are interested, please private message me!”

  ”What the hell? Are there orange outfits in the novice period? Where did you get them, brother?”

  ”Right by the lake where I brushed crack claw crabs!”

  ”Can the intelligence equipment that has been soaked in water still be used?”

  ”Yes, it can be used. Not only can it be soaked in water, but even if it has been soaked in urine, it can be used!” ”

  Woo woo woo, my little fish! Why are you ignoring me?!”

  ”Your favorability has dropped, right? It seems that there is an item that can restore friendship… What the hell? Disgust? How did you drop to -100?!” ”


  ”Where are the guards? There’s a pervert here!”

  ”Fuck! Don’t call the police blindly! The air wall is blocking me and I can’t do anything, okay?”


  ”Is there a brother who can take my sister——”

  ”Dude, turn off the voice changer, it’s boring.”

  ”gnmd, xswl, dbd? sb”


  Listening to the noise in the square, Lao Bai rubbed his temples and turned off [Nearby·Stranger Voice], finally feeling a little relieved.


  it’s still normal in the closed beta server. With

  more than 30 million players from all over the world pouring in, it’s inevitable that some strange guys will mix in.

  But having said that.

  Compared to the chaos on the public screen of some games, the abstraction here is not so abstract.

  At this time, Ye Shi, who had already changed his equipment, came over from the side and greeted him with a smile.

  ”I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, what took you so long?”

  Lao Bai looked at Ye Shi and was surprised to see that the latter had already reached level 5.

  ”I wanted to experience the tutorial completely, so I wasted some time… How did you get out early?”

  ”Didn’t you read the post on the official website? You can push quickly after inserting the USB drive. There is no need to follow the tutorial to the end… Oh, yes, did you notice that the novice guide is exactly the same as the model of your closed beta server, hahaha!”

  Looking at the smirking look of Ye Shi’s brother, Lao Bai made a helpless expression.

  ”I noticed… Although I was portrayed as a bit stupid, it’s still passable. By the way, where is Fang Changren?”

  Ye Shi made a helpless expression.

  ”He hired a few familiar gold groups to send him to Boulder City.”

  Lao Bai looked at him dumbfounded.

  ”This game has gold groups?”

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head.

  ”Uh… Rather than saying that this game has gold groups, it’s better to say that studios all over the world have come in.”

  The madness of silver coins is witnessed by the whole world, and it has even been exaggerated to the point that African chiefs use trucks to pull people to Internet cafes to make reservations one by one, and make reservations to the extent that the whole village cheers.

  Although Y coins are not as valuable as silver coins, they are still played by so many people around the world.

  And considering that the public beta server is a reserve for the closed beta server, the potential of Y coins should not be underestimated.

  It is foreseeable that the economic system of the public beta server will inevitably suffer a huge wave of impact.

  In front of the emotionless “gold-making machines”, the gameplay of picking up garbage and so on may face the collapse of the profit system as soon as it goes online.

  Imagining the scene of “one monster is hard to find”, Lao Bai couldn’t help but sweat for Dr. Principle.

  ”That’s really a disaster…”

  Unlike Lao Bai, Ye Shi laughed out loud with an expression of watching a good show.

  ”Haha, who knows? Don’t forget that the dealer is Brother Guang. Want to take Brother Guang’s leeks? Brother Guang will peel off your skin!”

  Based on his understanding of Brother Guang, as long as this kind of game behavior that plays on the edge does not violate the rules, Brother Guang usually turns a blind eye and tries to ignore it as much as possible.

  But if there is some fool who thinks that Brother Guang can’t lift the knife anymore and wants to challenge the power outside the rules –

  that guy will soon realize that order never falls from the sky, but is established by people.

  ”Maybe, but it’s an entertainment server anyway. Based on my understanding of A Guang, he probably won’t take it so seriously.”

  Lao Bai smiled, then looked at Ye Shi and said.

  ”Speaking of which, what about you? Aren’t you going to the Wandering Swamp to find your girlfriend?”

  Ye Shi curled his lips and pretended to be indifferent.

  ”Well, I did have such a plan at the beginning, but think about it, there is no need. The Wandering Swamp in the public beta server is a level 60 map, which is three times higher than the closed beta server… At least wait until someone reaches level 30.”

  That being said, he was actually waiting for news from Fang Chang.

  According to his observations of the public beta server, there are roughly two types of NPCs in the safe zone. One is the “plot-type NPC” with no health bar. They are either transparent monsters like managers or have their own protective barrier air wall. The

  favorability of this type of NPC can be as high as 60, which can trigger tasks and even give away skills. There is nothing else.

  Another type is the “passerby-type NPC”, which has a health bar. Although there is no protection of the air wall, any malicious contact will be judged as a battle.

  Triggering a battle in the safe zone is a sure thing, and basically it will be killed in one move by a level 100 guard.

  There is no upper limit to the favorability of this type of NPC. If it exceeds 120, you can become a good brother or sister and take them out to fight monsters. If it exceeds 150 and completes a series of dating tasks, you can unlock a closer relationship.

  Generally speaking, when an NPC is captured, the NPC will move from the settlement to the player’s base, and its original residence will be filled by a refreshed NPC, so there will be no stomach-ache plot.

  As for whether the next thing will be a black screen or there will be actual pictures, it depends on the operator the player matches and whether the registration information is over 18 years old.

  In theory, as a character who participates in the historical process of the alliance, Dolly should be implemented in the game program like Boss Xia, but she will probably appear in the safe zone and specific dungeons as a “plot-based NPC”.

  Similarly, Xuezhou should be the same… I don’t seem to have anything to worry about?

  But then again, it’s just an NPC on the public beta server, not the same person, so there’s no need to worry about it!

  Looking at Ye Shi who was struggling with himself, Lao Bai smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Based on my understanding of Brother Guang, he won’t do disgusting things.”

  Ye Shi made a gesture of spreading his hands.

  ”I hope so. Don’t look at that guy who usually smiles, he’s all black when you cut him open.”

  Five years!

  Pretending to be an NPC for a full five years!

  It’s a pity that this black-bellied guy can hold it in!

  As soon as he finished speaking, a warm and broad palm was placed on his shoulder and patted it gently, and then the familiar and long-lost ridicule came from behind him.

  ”Aren’t you afraid that your brother Guang will hear you?”

  Ye Shi shuddered and turned around.

  When he saw that warm and handsome smile like the morning sun, he was almost scared off like a ghost seeing the light.

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”A Guang?!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode