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Chapter 1072 “Online Dating”

Chapter 1072 “Online Dating”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1072 “Online Gay”

  is most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

  Looking at Ye Shi and Lao Bai, whose expressions are becoming more and more subtle, Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”Just say something, otherwise I feel quite embarrassed.”

  You know how to be embarrassed!!!

  Ye Shi roared in his heart, and his toes had already dug out a four-bedroom and one-living room in his shoes.

  This guy is the first NPC to appear since the closed beta server was launched. He

  is also the most NPC-like person in the entire game.

  Before, they also felt strange, why the operator upgraded the intelligence of all NPCs, but did not upgrade the intelligence of this initial NPC… but never thought that this guy was a real person from the beginning.

  Of course, the video released by Dr. Principle later proved that other NPCs were also real people.

  Ye Shi coughed lightly, breaking the silence between the three people, made an indifferent expression, and said with a laugh.

  ”Fortunately, it’s not the most embarrassing… I just said some dirty talk at most.”

  Some players will treat this guy as a tree hole and confide some real things.

  After all, this guy is the only one who can understand what players say according to the setting, and he is also the manager of the alliance. He is far away from everyone’s daily life, like a person from another world.

  Another thing is that he has such a high favorability but can’t seduce, so he must be of some use, right?

  There are also “pragmatists” who think of him as a diary.

  In short, these guys are probably embarrassed and want to commit suicide now.

  If they can’t beat this monster, they might have already taken ruthless action, right?

  Looking at Ye Shi who was forcing a smile, Chu Guang understood what he meant by embarrassment.

  In fact, this is exactly why he hasn’t shown up in the “closed beta server” in the past few days.


  What should I say?

  It’s really not easy to face.

  Let’s give his cute little players some time to exercise their toe muscles.

  ”So… you are A Guang? The A Guang in the group?”

  Lao Bai’s reaction was quite normal. He just talked to him in a very ordinary way, just like an ordinary young man who couldn’t let go when a large online game guild met offline for the first time.

  ”Yes.” Chu Guang smiled faintly, looking at him and made a joke to liven up the atmosphere, “Don’t be so reserved, we have known each other for so many years, and we used to play PUBG together. By the way, this is a rare opportunity, do you want to form a team together?”

  ”I have no objection.” While saying this, Lao Bai had already sent the team invitation.

  The three of them joined the team and switched the voice to the team channel that only teammates could hear.

  He thought Chu Guang was going to whisper something to them, but he saw that the latter had an eager expression on his face, as if he really just wanted to play a game happily.

  However, Lao Bai was only surprised for a while, and soon he was relieved.

  Hiding from all familiar people, carrying the huge mission alone, and gradually understanding everything in the process…

  Ye Shi only saw the superficial embarrassment, but he saw the ash-like exhaustion left after the candle burned out.

  And this heavy weight is equal to the glory on his shoulders.

  He may really be tired.

  Lao Bai’s Adam’s apple moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

  ”How about the LV5 Leech Cave? I heard that it is more suitable for beginners… By the way, what level are you?”

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”Me? Haha, I just finished the beginner tutorial, of course I am LV3 like you… It seems that Ye Shi has to guide us.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Fuck! You are a dog planner, you can change the level you want with just a flick of your finger.”

  Chu Guang smiled lightly and shook his head.

  ”That’s different. It’s not impossible for me to upgrade to the maximum level directly, but the game loses its meaning.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but complain.

  ”What’s the meaning of this?”

  ”How can it be meaningless?” Chu Guang smiled and said in a teasing tone, “For example… Did you get together with Xiao Jiang because of psychic power, or because of the things you experienced together during the adventure?”

  Ye Shi looked aside embarrassedly, not knowing whether he thought of something, and suddenly blushed and couldn’t speak.

  Lao Bai thought seriously for a while, looked at Chu Guang thoughtfully and said.

  ”So… is this also the reason why you selectively kept the truth about Plan 404?”

  ”Yes,” Chu Guang nodded and admitted it straightforwardly. “I not only selectively kept many things from you, but also selectively kept many things from myself.”

  Ye Shi asked in confusion.

  ”Why? Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to face it together after confessing? Including open cooperation–” ”

  That’s the ideal situation. The reality is 1/776 of failure… It’s not that I haven’t tried the methods you envisioned, but they didn’t produce the expected results. As for why, there are many reasons.”

  Looking at this naive young man, Chu Guang used the most relaxed tone to brush off those imperfect endings.

  The most emotional feeling he had after watching 776 BEs was that he should never have the idea of ​​”as long as… then…”

  Every year in the Wasteland Era, the survivors living in the wasteland faced unprecedented situations.

  Lao Bai thought thoughtfully.

  ”‘If I tell you what happened, nothing will happen’, right?”

  ”That’s right.” Chu Guang nodded with a smile, and a light of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

  ”Although I’m a little curious about what the future will be like, but now it’s pretty good… I’m suddenly not so curious anymore.” Lao Bai grinned and looked at Chu Guang and said, “But I didn’t expect that you are actually A Guang… So your name in real life is also Chu Guang?”

  Chu Guang thought for a while.

  ”How should I put it? Strictly speaking, I only know you in the β universe,”

  Ye Shi swallowed his saliva, suddenly remembered something, and continued.

  ”By the way, can you connect to the network of this world in that world?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Of course, that kind of thing is too easy. I can even open a small account to meet you offline. How about it, do you want to treat me to a meal?”

  Faced with this shocking news, Ye Shi felt his brain was a little confused for a while, and his hand unconsciously placed on the back of his head.

  ”Let me think about it… Wait, shit… You mean… people from the wasteland can also come here?”

  ”And they can come here as ‘players’ to play a game of “Reality OL”. Are you scared?”

  Looking at Lao Bai and Ye Shi who were completely stunned, Chu Guang smiled and said softly.

  ”So you’d better not tell others, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.”

  He was not interested in forming an undead army in the β universe, and then conquering the world with the technology of the wasteland… If he really did that, Dr. Principle would probably think he was crazy.

  Because it was meaningless.

  For people in the Human Union era, the concept of “human civilization” has been born in their consciousness.

  Especially for those who have experienced the catastrophe at the end of the prosperous era, they have a deeper understanding of this concept… After all, that catastrophe destroyed everything they once had.

  These special experiences destined them to be unlikely to ruin the future of human civilization in order to become a secular king.

  Chu Guang is the same.

  However, the β universe is still in its own historical process, and it is impossible to expect contemporary countries to relax their vigilance against the “morphogenic field”. It

  will take some time for people living in this universe to understand him, as well as the similar but different human civilization behind the void, about the α universe.

  The public beta server of “Wasteland OL” is a good medium.

  Before that, it is better not to publicize that people from the α universe can descend to the β universe as “immortals”.

  As for speculation, that kind of thing never matters, and everyone can make their own guesses.

  Anyway, there are always people who guess more exaggerated than the truth.

  ”Doesn’t this mean that the objects in the wasteland can be brought into reality…” Ye Shi muttered in a low voice, and his eyes gradually became hot when he looked at Chu Guang, just like a son seeing his adoptive father.

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Of course it is allowed, as long as you sign a confidentiality agreement… and this is also the reward I leave for you to pass the level.”

  Ye Shi: “I sign! I sign the selling agreement! Ahem, wait, if I jump back and forth between the two worlds, doesn’t it mean that I can live forever?!”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said in a non-joking tone.

  ”You can, but you’d better think carefully. Just borrowing a clone temporarily is another matter. As for complete crossing… I can’t guarantee that after you die in this world, you will still be you when you are reborn in another world.”

  The soul is an abstract thing. After all, it is not visible or tangible.

  Even if the psychic power is awakened, it is impossible to really capture its entity. It can only touch the echo it leaves in a specific place.

  Not to mention jumping back and forth.

  Even if it only jumps once, it is a burden that life cannot bear.

  And this is also the reason why many residents of “Shelter 404-β” hesitate to go back –

  they may not cross back, but die in this world, and then regenerate another self in another universe.

  Just like the bionic man who uploaded his mind to the circuit board.

  If it is to save civilization, they are of course willing to pay this high price… After all, they all volunteered to follow the professor to participate in Project 404.

  But if it is just to go home…

  It seems that there is really no need to “commit suicide”.

  After all, there is no home for them over there, and at most they can only find the descendants of their descendants, or the spiritual continuation.

  Rather than saying that they want to go back to the α universe and live a good life, it is better to say that they just want to see the world they saved and see how their younger generations live in the new era.

  Strictly speaking, the β fission variant that inherited the identity of “professor” did not solve this problem, but simply threw the problem to the residents of “404-β Shelter” to think about it themselves.

  This is indeed something they should think about themselves.

  However, based on the principle of not leaving anyone with regrets, the kind and benevolent Chu Guang still came up with a compromise plan and has handed it over to Dr. Principle to do it.

  The code name of this plan is “Return Home”.

  Researchers stranded in the β universe do not have to die again, but lie in a special life support cabin and go to the α universe through the morphogenetic field like players.

  And go back as players.

  To be honest, Chu Guang sometimes admires himself.

  Although he does not understand those complicated technical principles, he can use his weird brain hole to play these complicated things.

  In fact, in the middle of the year, he also tried to let the researchers in the β universe jump to the α universe, and then jump back with similar technology, so as to get rid of the bug of the void.

  Unfortunately, this buggy operation did not succeed. The consciousness body seemed to be able to jump only once, and could not continue to fission infinitely in the same universe like a chain reaction.

  This may be the reason why the professor launched the β fission body into multiple β universes.

  Looking at Ye Shi who fell into silence, Chu Guang continued with a smile.

  ”If you just want to live longer, there is no need to go through so much trouble. Just lie in the incubator in this world and suspend the metabolism of your body in reality.”

  Ye Shi said in surprise.

  ”Can such a thing be done?”

  Chu Guang nodded with a smile.

  ”Of course it can be done, but it’s too early for you… Wait until you send your relatives away and lie in the coffin at an old age.”

  Lao Bai looked at him and continued.

  ”Let’s not talk about our affairs first… What are your plans for the future?”

  Chu Guang smiled and thought for a while.

  ”As for me… maybe I will continue to be a game planner? I don’t know. I haven’t thought about things that are too far away yet. Maybe I need to spend some time to think about it slowly. Anyway, I have gradually handed over the affairs of the alliance to the citizens of the alliance themselves.”

  ”As for now, I just want to play a game quietly”

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” public beta server, at the gate of Boulder City.

  Punk-style mercenaries and wastelanders come and go in the ruins-style market.

  Merchants dressed in decent clothes stand under the unkempt iron shed and shout. Weapons, armor, parts, medicines, synthesis materials and various daily necessities or supplies are placed on the sloppy tables. The iron cages on the side contain different things depending on the server.

  Sometimes it’s people, sometimes it’s mosaics.

  In general, the modeling here is relatively restored. Whether it is the yawning militia standing in front of the checkpoint or the “untainted” Far Wind Hotel, they are all carved out of the same mold as the real situation in the α world. The

  only changes are the scale of the market and the slums, and the currency of the transaction is no longer chips but Y coins circulated throughout the server.

  The generative AI and AI trainers of Ideal City have added a large number of level 10 to 30 tasks to the outer city of Boulder City.

  Unknown to them, they also referred to a series of works such as “Awakening Bol” and connected these massive branches to a main axis called “Boulder City Revolution”, weaving a set of epic main plots and a huge task tree that spreads like wasteland.

  Players can stand on the side of the reformers, obtain order points by completing a series of tasks, unlock a series of landmarks including “Survivor Daily Newspaper” and “Inner City Ruins”, and change the map and the spirit and appearance of NPCs while promoting the transformation of Boulder City.

  In addition, players can also stand on the side of the inner city and suppress the growth of the order score by completing a series of tasks to stop the progress of the expansion pack.

  Or stand on the side of the wastelanders and do not help either side.

  After paying the gold group’s reward, Fang Chang went straight to the gate of the Boulder City.

  Perhaps the programmers of the ideal city could not imagine why they had to pay to enter the city, or perhaps to take care of the players’ gaming experience, the classic one-chip city entry tax was cancelled, and the door was no longer closed after the sun went down. The yawning 50-level militia did not even look at him.

  Without staying here for long, Fang Chang went straight to the Queen of the Night Bar – it was the largest intelligence distribution center in the outer city of Boulder City during the Black Card’s rule, and it was also the place where he first met Dolly, who was still an intelligence dealer.

  It was 8 o’clock in the evening, and the bar was crowded with scantily clad dancers and guests looking for fun.

  Stretching his neck and looking at the bar for a while, Fang Chang’s sight followed the crowd for a long time, but he did not see his familiar figure.

  Just when he was confused, a waiter walked up to him and asked with a smile.

  ”Sir, what would you like to order?”

  ”I’m looking for another lady named Dolly.”

  ”Dolly? We don’t have such a person here.”

  ”I know, she is not your employee, but an information dealer here.” As

  soon as Fang Chang finished speaking, the enthusiasm on his NPC’s face cooled down at a visible speed.

  ”Ah… mercenaries? Tsk, this city is full of such things. I sincerely remind you, don’t come to get in the way without ordering wine.”

  Looking at the waiter who turned and left, Fang Chang was stunned for a long time. After coming back to his senses, he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

  ”The NPCs in this game are really real…”

  Maybe he was too impatient. He subconsciously regarded the NPCs in this game as real NPCs, and went straight to the point to achieve his goal, so that all the game habits he had developed in the closed beta server were thrown behind his mind, but the result was counterproductive.

  Think about it.

  Which bar would be nice to the “nosy” hiding in its own store and snooping around in personal privacy?

  It’s like a cockroach in the kitchen.

  Considering that there is also ecological balance in the shadows, the staff usually turn a blind eye, but asking directly to a stranger is simply offensive.

  At least order a drink and ask the bartender, or buy a drink from the dancers here…

  Fang Chang took a deep breath, calmed his impetuous brain, and walked to the bar and sat down.

  ”One… no, two glasses of lemonade…”

  The bartender glanced at him, deducted 20Y coins from his account with his eyes, and then conjured up two glasses of lemonade and placed them on the bar like a magic trick.

  Fang Chang picked up one of the glasses

  and took a sip. At the same time he put down the glass, a beautiful emerald green shadow flashed from the corner of his eye, and the shaking fluffy hair tail was like succulents in midsummer.

  ”Are you looking for me?”

  The charming eyes were like a cat. She sat in front of the bar without knowing when, and her white cheek leaned against the back of her hand and arm full of metallic texture.

  The moment he saw that face, Fang Chang felt a trance, as if he had returned to many years ago.


  He was so excited that he subconsciously stretched out his right hand and wanted to touch her hand.

  However, an invisible air wall blocked the two of them. His index finger was always one centimeter away and could not touch her.

  The sudden movement scared Dolly, and her expression of ease turned into surprise. She jumped off the bar stool like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

  ”Hey, hey, hey… What are you doing? I’m an information dealer, I don’t do that kind of thing.”

  The bartender behind the bar was still repeating the action of wiping the cup, ignoring the commotion in front of the bar.

  The other NPCs around were the same.

  It seemed that they, as background boards, did not trigger the dialogue and did not participate in the plot.

  ”Dolly… I… I see, the memory is not installed, so it’s just a cloned image.” Fang Chang’s expression kept changing, sometimes heartbroken, sometimes relieved, or muttering something strange.

  Frightened by the yandere look, Dolly shivered and took a few steps back.

  ”Hey… do you understand human words? A pervert who is interested in the smell of motor oil? Thank you for not disliking my mechanical arm, but it’s better to order a lady when you are in heat.”

  Fang Chang shook his head, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face with deep affection, and showed a smile that he thought was so handsome that it gave goose bumps.

  ”I am only interested in you. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fang Chang, and I am your husband–”

  [Warning: Continuous indecent sexual contact, NPC “Dolly” current favorability -100, favorability level: disgust]

  [Warning: Favorability level is lower than neutral (-10~10), and the task cannot be triggered. ]

  When Fang Chang came to his senses, the glass of lemonade he ordered earlier had been splashed on his face.

  Blinking with a confused look on his face, Fang Chang stared blankly at the front, and the familiar figure had disappeared.


  ”…Is this the feeling of a broken heart? Although I am mentally prepared, it still hurts a little.”

  Fang Chang slicked his wet bangs back, sighed sadly, sat down on the bar stool next to him, and said to the bartender behind the bar.

  ”A glass of the strongest wine.”

  The bartender nodded silently, and after a series of fancy operations, he slapped a crystal glass on the table like a magician, and at the same time ignited the high-concentration wine with a lit match.

  The clear and transparent highly distilled liquor was flickering with pale blue foxfire, and the bottom of the cup was a spherical ice cube, like a work of art. At

  the same time, the pale blue holographic pop-up window that facilitated the public beta players to experience the game also appeared in front of Fang Chang.

  [Consumption: 150 Y coins]

  [Obtain: Burning Spring]

  [Description: The flames that fell from the sky conquered the burning steel. Here’s to the real warriors! (In memory of the Burning Corps conquering the Heart of Steel)]

  [Effect: All attributes -50%, lasting for 10 minutes.]

  [Note: Do not try this in reality.]

  At this point in time, the Heart of Steel is still floating in Luoxia Province, right?

  But whatever.

  Fang Chang smiled nostalgically, inserted the iron straw in the tray into the burning flame, and drank the scorching flame and the clear liquor.

  It was a wonderful feeling.

  It was as if he was not drinking hot liquor, but a warm fire.

  ”…It’s obviously a virtual reality online game, but you can’t even simulate the feeling of being drunk?”

  ”This dull feeling is the same as the closed beta, but I always feel like something is missing.”

  Just as Fang Chang was carefully savoring the wonderful feeling, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in front of him.

  This person was none other

  than the smurf of Debt-ridden Big Eyes – Rich Little Eyes.

  ”Fang Chang?”

  Fang Chang raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

  ”Why are you here too?”

  Hearing this question, “Big Eyes” immediately showed an embarrassed expression on his face and smiled.

  ”What do you mean I’m here too? Aren’t you asking knowingly… Speaking of nostalgic clothes, normal people will think of the Night Queen Bar in Boulder City, right?”

  Since the collapse of the inner city, this bar has disappeared along with the brightly lit street outside.

  Looking at Big Eyes with an expression of “you know”, Fang Chang pressed his eyebrows with a headache.

  ”No… Normal people don’t have such details, I think it’s better for you to apologize to normal people.”

  ”Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, I know you are aloof,” Debt Eyes put his arm on his shoulder, leaned close to his face and squeezed his eyebrows, “I say, aren’t you curious about which one is more realistic, the public beta or the closed beta?”

  ”… Is there any need to be curious?”

  ”Normal people will be curious!”

  ”Hurry up and apologize to normal people!”

  Seeing that this guy was obviously drunk, Debt Eyes folded his arms and sighed, shaking his head and said.

  ”No more nonsense, just drink here, I’m going to explore.”

  ”Go ahead,” Fang Chang made a gesture to drive him away, and suddenly he looked up as if he thought of something and called out to Big Eyes who was about to go to the second floor, “By the way, did you turn on the accelerator?”

  Big Eyes was stunned.

  ”Accelerator? What is that? Can’t you play with the helmet on?”

  Fang Chang’s eyes suddenly changed from disgust to care, and his tone became much softer.

  ”Nothing, it’s okay.”

  Debt Eyes: “……?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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