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Chapter 1073 Life is an adventure

Chapter 1073 Life is an adventure


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1073 Life is an adventure

  Life is an adventure, and Debt Eyes has always regarded this sentence as a creed.

  So –

  even if you step into a pit occasionally, it’s no big deal.

  In fact, as early as when he saw the list of agents, he had a vague foreboding premonition, but when he heard the agent’s solemn promise to bring the public beta version to the market in its original form, he believed it with a doubtful mood.

  Facts have proved that

  he is still too honest. He believes whatever others say, forgetting that not everyone is as honest as Brother Guang.

  When he saw that the mosaic turned into a mosaic, and finally he turned into a mosaic, the star field engraved in his pupils finally gradually turned into fear.

  What the hell? !

  Why can’t he control his body!

  Wait –

  damn it!

  ”Don’t come over here!”

  His soul left his body.

  It turned into something of another shape.

  Then not only his spirit, but also his own existence was injected with harmony.

  When everything was settled, the debt-ridden man watched the balance disappear from his account and the debuff of “Endurance -10%, lasting half an hour”, and his eyes gradually lost light.

  Just now…

  what happened? Where did

  I come from and where am I going?

  Why do humans hurt each other?

  And –

  what happened before the Big Bang?

  He gradually began to think about the meaning of life, like a true sage.

  From now on, there is one more good person who has turned from evil to good in this wasteland… probably.

  It’s not a question of whether it’s realistic or not.

  This is too educational!



  At the same time, Chu Guang, who had just returned to the safe zone from the leech cave, sneezed and muttered while rubbing his nose.

  ”Who is praising me for being handsome behind my back again…”

  Forget it.

  There is no point in figuring out who it is. He has heard similar words so many times that his ears are calloused.

  Just as Chu Guang stretched and was about to log off, he suddenly ran into an acquaintance.

  The reason why I say she is an acquaintance is that the 1.8-meter-tall figure and the generous mind are just like the same person.

  Not just the modeling.

  Even the silly and cute look is exactly the same, and she doesn’t look very smart.

  Chu Guang jumped out of the small map and clicked on the ID to take a look. Even the ID is the same.

  [Player ID: Ya Ya 7778]


  It seems that many numbers were added to register.

  It is definitely her.

  Seeing her looking around as if she was looking for something, Chu Guang thought about it and finally didn’t go up to say hello.

  Because the action of force is mutual, so is embarrassment.

  However, just when he was about to bypass her, the pair of eyes looking around suddenly looked over.

  ”…Wait! Please wait a moment!”

  Although he always felt that it would be troublesome, since he had been discovered, Chu Guang still stopped and casually sent a team invitation over and said in the team channel.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Ya Ya, who stopped, blushed and hesitated for a long time before finally uttering a word.

  ”Are you A Guang?”

  After hearing this, Chu Guang knew without guessing that it must be Ye Shi who exposed him.

  Otherwise, even if she knew his nickname and that the public beta version was his real face, she would not be able to accurately locate the region and come to him.

  But then again, he did not ask his good brother to keep it a secret. Let’s get back to the


  Looking at Ya Ya’s face red as an apple, Chu Guang did not know what expression to make for a moment.

  How to say it?

  This guy is indeed a little different from other players.

  As the first player in the server to awaken the poison recognition talent, he has indeed used this guy a lot, especially when he is undecided whether a certain mutant creature can be eaten.

  When the alliance faced a food crisis in the early days of its development, she and Lao Na can be said to have made great contributions and greatly enriched the recipes of the survivors in the Valley Province.

  Later, the alliance had a biological research institute, so Ya Ya did not have to try one by one, but every time Chu Guang wanted to order takeout but didn’t want to go through a lot of trouble, he would still trouble her to run errands.

  Although she was also a casual player, it didn’t delay her work, but he did have some disadvantages in making her deliver food thousands of times by tricking her into “unlocking hidden tasks by increasing her favorability”.

  In addition, he did listen to many of her little secrets and troubles in real life… Even though he didn’t want to listen, and he hinted to this guy more than once to pay attention to privacy and not to blame NPCs for everything.

  In short, it was really embarrassing.

  But he really had no better way except to hold it in.

  ”…It’s me, what’s wrong?”

  ”So you are really a real person…”


  ”Why, why do you pretend to be an NPC…”

  ”This question is a long story, because of all kinds of difficulties. Although I don’t expect you to understand, you can hate me if you really can’t.”

  ”Hate… That’s not the case.”

  Yaya’s face was as red as a lantern, like a teapot with boiling water.

  After twitching her lips for a long time, she finally said what she had been holding back for a long time.

  ”Then what I said before…”

  Chu Guang looked aside with a subtle expression.

  ”I didn’t tell anyone.”

  So he still heard it! ! !

  At that moment, Ya Ya was like a mask of pain, squatting on the ground with his hands on his head.

  Those eyes lost their dreams.

  Just like the big eyes that lost their dreams.

  ”Hey, are you okay?”

  She could no longer hear any sound from the outside world. She squatted on the ground with her head in her hands and muttered in a hollow voice.

  ”It’s over… My life… is over…”

  Chu Guang sighed and said.

  ”You don’t have to be like this. I’m from the α universe. You can completely treat what happened over there as a dream. Even if the people in the dream know your secret, it won’t have any impact on your real life.”

  He is not very good at comforting people.

  After all, in the past 200 years, let alone being comforted by anyone, he didn’t even have time to breathe. He closed his eyes and opened them again. It was a new beginning. The

  only one who had always been with him was Xiao Qi, who had experienced 777 reincarnations with him.

  Sometimes he himself couldn’t figure out how much of a human element was left in him.

  Or maybe as a perfect life form, he was not a human in the full sense from the beginning. He was

  a god created by a certain human.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking about what to do, Ya Ya, who had been squatting on the ground for a long time, suddenly seemed to have vented his anger and stood up again with a red face.

  To Chu Guang’s surprise, there was no resentment or other negative emotions in her eyes, but rather unexpected sincerity.

  ”Um…thank you.”


  Facing Chu Guang’s inquiring gaze, Ya Ya smiled shyly, and after a while of hesitation, she finally revealed her unspeakable thoughts.

  ”Actually, at first I thought it was just a more realistic game, but suddenly someone told me that it was not a game, but another world…”

  ”To be honest, I was really shocked, but when I calmed down and thought about it, I was a little surprised… Surprised? I didn’t expect that the people I helped were real. I didn’t expect that an ordinary person like me in reality could help so many people. Maybe it’s inappropriate for me to say this, but I really think so in my heart…”

  ”There’s nothing inappropriate, I’m glad you think so,” Chu Guang smiled, and continued in an appreciative tone, “Also, this kindness is not ordinary. Many people live their whole lives in hostility towards themselves, others, and the world. I hope you can continue to share this kindness with the people around you… Whether it’s your world or our world.”

  ”Thank you…” Yaya smiled embarrassedly and continued, “Actually, you too, you can obviously say nothing, right? And then secretly like before…”

  Not knowing how to describe that feeling, she made a scissors snapping gesture.

  If she hadn’t suddenly had an idea and added “…cutting leeks or something”, Chu Guang would have almost thought of the emojis that Teng Teng often posted on the forum.

  Looking at the overly naive Ya Ya, he smiled faintly and said.

  ”Maybe, maybe I made it public just to make it easier to cut leeks. After all, I never said I was a good person.”

  To his surprise, Ya Ya became serious after hearing this.

  ”I know you are! You are actually… a very gentle and kind person, not as black-bellied as everyone says.”

  ”Sometimes you can be more ruthless, or even more inhumane, but in the end you still try your best to find a way to have the best of both worlds… Is that the win-win situation you always talk about? Hehe, although I don’t really understand it, I am a person with a keen sixth sense after all, and I can feel it!”

  ”Anyway, thank you for making the game!”

  Ya Ya bowed deeply.

  The moment she raised her head, she seemed to feel a little embarrassed again. She scratched her cheek with her index finger and hurriedly called out the system interface to log off. The public beta

  server is more convenient in this regard. When you go offline in the safe zone, you can disappear out of thin air, instead of leaving a clone in the same place as in the “closed beta”.

  Thank you…

  I didn’t expect that you were not here to “take responsibility”.

  Looking at the direction where Ya Ya disappeared and the crowds coming and going, Chu Guang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said in a very light voice.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  It feels worth it.


  Time passed day by day, as the calendar turned from the beginning of December to the end of December, the two parallel universes also embraced the new year one after another.

  β universe, 2027. The public beta of

  ”Wasteland OL” has been running smoothly for a month, and the number of global players has easily exceeded 100 million. The peak number of online users has reached 40 million, successfully breaking the world record and constantly breaking the old record.

  Nothing major has happened on the entire earth.

  Topics like “How to avoid entering the wasteland era” have replaced the earlier quarrels about “how to get along with extraterrestrial civilizations” without any sense of disobedience.

  Someone suggested that the α universe alliance should be given an additional seat in the United Nations, but no response was received from relevant people, so the idea could only be abandoned.

  Strictly speaking, the morphogenetic field is the work of Shelter 404, and the alliance is not an institution that manages everything, and it does not have any business in this area.

  Only the closed beta players who really stand on the land of the alliance are regarded as people who really live in the α universe.

  Let’s talk about other things later.

  At the same time, with the operation of the public beta server of “Wasteland OL”, an interesting episode also occurred.

  The number of netizens on a small island in the South China Sea with a population of less than 100,000 has exceeded 10 million, just because the island is suspected of being able to play the most authentic uncensored version of “Wasteland OL”.

  Due to the huge differences in laws and regulations in various regions, the castration postures are different, so that more and more people are curious about what the complete version of “Wasteland OL” looks like.

  Although the helmet cannot be hacked, there is always no shortage of smart people in this world, and soon someone set his sights on the router.

  Routers alone are not enough, there must also be server nodes.

  Thanks to this, the scenic holiday island has become the talk of the town. With a population of less than 100,000 and a small area, it has received hundreds of billions of dollars in data center investment.

  Due to the surge in demand, the local area has also attracted a large number of IT practitioners and even digital nomads.

  Although the Human Union that once appeared in the α universe is still a long way off, countless non-governmental cross-regional cooperation organizations dedicated to eliminating information boundaries have been born among the player community.

  Some people do it for the realization of self-worth, while others just want to be with paper people.

  Not only do they eliminate the boundaries of information, they are also committed to preventing epoch-making technologies from being used for evil, and to establishing an order that matches the technology within their capabilities to avoid the β universe from going to a dystopian end.

  After all, it is not the real extraterrestrial civilization that gave the β universe human civilization advanced technology, but another “them” in the future. It is even more unrealistic to expect those people to “come” out of pity.

  You must establish your own order yourself, and those who wait forever will only wait forever.

  All they can do is give them a push.

  They still have to walk the road by themselves, after all, only they know where they are going…

  On the other side, the Alpha Universe also ushered in the second year of the new era.

  Although Chu Guang’s “retirement” caused a lot of spontaneous nostalgia and retention by the citizens of the alliance, fortunately it did not affect the order of the alliance. What

  they didn’t know was that their respected manager actually didn’t go anywhere, but just played games in the shelter for a month, and upgraded from level 0 to level 30.

  In fact, Chu Guang had been preparing for this day since the day the alliance was established.

  He talked about this problem with Xiao Qi long before the expedition to Luoxia Province…

  Linghu Lake.

  The cracked claw crabs that were originally rampant have been eaten to extinction by players, and the lake beach dotted with reeds has become a popular place for nearby residents to walk and a playground for children to play.

  Unlike the public beta server, everything here is completely different.

  Walking on the secluded sidewalk, Chu Guang looked at the thriving scene with a smile and said to Xiao Qi who was sitting on his shoulder.

  ”Remember what I said a long time ago? The biggest hidden danger of the alliance is not the threat on the wasteland, but if I die or disappear one day, what will be left behind will be a warlord-controlled river valley province, and each corps will fight on its own in my name…”

  ”But now, I have 100% confidence to say that this last weakness no longer exists.”

  Even the most stubborn Lu Bei, under his constant training, finally realized the true mission of the Guards Corps – what

  they really need to defend is not the dignity of the administrator, but the dignity of the law.

  The army of the alliance comes from the citizens of the alliance, and from now on, they will only be loyal to the citizens of the alliance.

  ”Well! Remember! Xiaoqi thought you were going to a very far place again… Although Xiaoqi didn’t know where you were going.”

  Sitting on Chu Guang’s shoulder, Xiaoqi squinted his eyes comfortably while enjoying the evening breeze by the lake, like a real living elf.

  It is undoubtedly alive.

  Even if it is a machine body.

  He knows better than anyone what this little guy has silently endured behind the scenes.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  Chu Guang smiled, raised his index finger and touched its forehead, and said in a very soft voice.

  ”No matter how far we go in the future, I will take you with me.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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