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Chapter 1074 Every Adventure Has an End (End)

Chapter 1074 Every Adventure Has an End (End)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1074 Every Adventure Has an End (End)

  New Era Year 3, May.

  After two and a half years, the “Truth” colony ship ordered by the Academy from the Alliance was finally completed.

  The starship is 6.7 kilometers long and shaped like a hexagonal prism. The structural components and protective components are all made of ceramic steel.

  Its interior is divided into seven blocks, from the bow to the stern, which are the port and maintenance area, security and equipment storage area, reactor and shield core area, bridge and command center area, production and engineering area, residents and public facilities area, research and education facilities area.

  In addition, a mass acceleration track from the stern to the bow runs across the entire starship.

  It can launch asteroid-level “heavy mass bombs” to the front for emergency braking, or it can launch carrier-based aircraft or be used for residents’ daily cross-regional commuting.

  Although the starship imitated the drawings of the “Zhiyuan” colony ship, the actual finished product is much longer than the Zhiyuan and more than a little wider.

  In extreme cases, the starship can accommodate 3 million people.

  According to the plan of the Academy, they will move along the Orion Arm towards the Sagittarius-Carina Arm, exploring the mysteries of the center of the Milky Way while looking for a new home.

  After finding a habitable planet, they will drop colony capsules on the surface, replenish resources and transfer part of the population before continuing to move forward, leaving a fire for human civilization.

  Although it seems a bit inappropriate to do this in the new era, Dr. Conclusion does not intend to change his plan.

  Digital life is generally so stubborn, and the stubbornness is completely different from the longevity of humans.

  However, the Alliance still expressed respect for the decision of the Academy and abided by the agreement to help them achieve this ultimate goal.

  In order to complete this starship, the engineers of the Lagrange Point Starport even specially installed plasma thrusters and starship-level fusion reactors on an asteroid, pushing it to the vicinity of the Earth’s synchronous orbit for disassembly, smelting and reprocessing.

  When the “Truth” was completed, the asteroid was basically emptied, and the last slag was taken away by the reclamation company of the South Sea Alliance to reclaim land.

  The Alliance originally planned to complete the starship within five years, but the actual production progress was much faster than expected, so that the plan was completed two and a half years ahead of schedule.

  The reason for this result is mainly because the relocation and resumption of production of the Wandering Swamp No. 4 Space Base exceeded expectations, and the prosperity of the manufacturing industry along the coast of the southern sea area also exceeded everyone’s expectations.

  Especially the latter.

  Since the establishment of the new space elevator, many settlements on the Death Coast and the Baiyue Strait have spawned a large number of excellent aerospace companies similar to Abu Aerospace.

  Most of these companies were founded by wastelanders.

  Although the word wastelander sounds unreliable, the former is not inferior to the residents of the shelter in terms of enterprising spirit and courage.

  This is not just the case of the Alliance. Similar rules exist in most areas of the wasteland.

  That is, the vast majority of shelter residents, except for players, prefer to become workers in a stable society rather than entrepreneurs, and the few entrepreneurs are also former shelter managers.

  It’s not just because of their aversion to risk and the sequelae of living in a highly specialized society for a long time, they don’t have as much demand for money as ordinary people, and basically they don’t ask for anything else as long as they can maintain their relatively comfortable living standards .

  In contrast, the wastelanders just don’t like to save money, and they still like silver coins and Cr. What the wasteland

  really lacks is never technology. The technology left over from before the war is enough for people living in the ruins to digest for a long time. What

  people living on this planet really lack is actually more of a stage to “turn creativity into a driving force for civilization to move forward, rather than backward.”

  And now, they no longer lack this stage.

  Even the Brahmans who were struggling in the feudal curse a second ago, after washing away those unrealistic delusions in their heads, have the opportunity to become leaders in a certain industry or field.

  At least in the sub-field of “plasma engines for aerospace purposes”, there is no company more outstanding than Abu Aerospace. Those

  with higher technical content are either much more expensive than it or have insufficient production capacity. And those with cheaper prices are either more than a little bit worse in technology, and if they can’t get orders, their production capacity will naturally not go up.

  In short, these aerospace companies that have been deeply engaged in their respective niches have formed a huge supply chain network with the help of colleges, shelters, corporate technologies and sufficient competition.

  Like worker bees, they tirelessly decompose the resources imported from the space elevator to the surface, and after processing them into the intermediate products needed by the Lagrange point starport, they are launched into the synchronous orbit through the space elevator, packaged and loaded onto transport ships at the space port there, and finally launched to the Lagrange point.

  Although this patchwork supply chain is far less comprehensive than the pre-war era, it also has its own unique features.

  For example, “flexibility”.

  To give a popular and inappropriate example, the supply chain in the pre-war era is like a workshop full of tool boxes, where there are thousands of models of replaceable screwdriver heads alone, and each is targeted at different application scenarios.

  The supply chain of the new era is a “hammer that can be used to tighten screws”. Although there are not thousands of replaceable screwdriver heads, or even no way to replace them at all, this tool can handle hundreds of application scenarios without any sense of disobedience.

  Although the former has absolute cost and efficiency advantages in large-scale manufacturing, it is fragile like glass and will break if it falls. Although the

  latter has a slight disadvantage in large-scale manufacturing, it has the toughness of plasticine, just like an old-fashioned TV, and a kick on the broken part may repair it.

  In this case, even if the production capacity of the Lagrange Point Starport has not returned to the pre-war level, it can build a large number of warships like dumplings while also building a “Zhiyuan” colony ship, and gain the ability to integrate all productivity into one starship. It is precisely

  because of this that this starship, in terms of size and comprehensive functions, has surpassed any starship in the prosperous era and has become a new milestone in the history of human civilization. At the

  same time as the college’s “Truth” colony ship was completed, the alliance’s aerospace industry chain and space resource mining have finally developed to a relatively mature level! In

  addition to the mining station on the asteroid belt, the alliance also established a repair station and scientific research station with a scale of 100 people on the ruins of the Mars colony in the Human Union era.

  At this point, the “Solar System Revitalization Plan” proposed by Chu Guang at the Communities Conference has also successfully entered the middle of the first phase. Human civilization will recover the borders of the Human Union era and return to the Kuiper Belt in the near future!


  The space station at the end of the space elevator.

  Two and a half years ago, there was only a lonely orbital defense platform, but now the fortress with many gun barrels is surrounded by space capsules of all sizes.

  Some of those space capsules are alloy smelting workshops or automated production units.

  Others are experimental facilities rented by surface laboratories or living units for space workers.

  Unlike the space stations of the old era.

  Most of these space stations built in the new era are not equipped with counterweight rods to adjust the center of gravity, nor are there counterweight devices that rotate continuously.

  The main reason is that most of the space stations built in the early and middle stages of the prosperous period have to rely on spin to provide “gravity simulated by centrifugal force”, while for the people of the new era, directly generating “artificial gravity” through gravity generation devices is a more economical and reliable option, and it can save a lot of space.

  With the development of the times, the old way of life will always slowly become history.

  Including space elevators.

  Even in the extremely developed prosperous era, this anti-gravity elevator without “chains” sounds no different from science fiction, but it has become a reality in the new era.

  The silver-white space structure spreads along the track for more than ten kilometers, and from a distance it looks like a dandelion floating next to the blue planet.

  Prismatic elevators shuttled back and forth between the leaves of the “dandelion” and the surface along invisible tracks, taking people from the surface to the sky.

  However, unlike in the past, most of these people will never come back after going to space.

  They will be the continuation of human civilization and a brand new beginning, going to the Milky Way that no one has ever been to, and opening up new frontiers for human civilization…

  The “Truth” colony ship has been firmly anchored in the Earth’s synchronous orbit.

  A total of 99,700 researchers have decided to leave their home planet and go to the future, and have already arrived at the spaceport floating in outer space through the elevator.

  Although this number is 300 less than expected, it is enough for Dr. Conclusion.

  Not to mention 300 fewer people.

  Even if there are only 300 people, he will continue to move forward along the decided path.

  At the door of the landing module, Yang Kai, who has been promoted to A-level, looked at Jiang Xuezhou with a complicated expression.

  The latter is his favorite student and the most promising genius in the true sense who can be promoted to A-level researcher.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that this student who had a promising future in his eyes actually chose to quit at the height of her career and submitted her resignation.

  Although Dr. Conclusion had approved her resignation, Yang Kai couldn’t help but ask one last question.

  ”Have you thought about it?”

  He swore.

  As long as she was willing to turn back, he was willing to personally go to Dr. Conclusion to plead for her and restore her original level.

  Anyway, there were still 300 positions left on the ship, and I believed that Dr. Conclusion would not refuse.

  However, Jiang Xuezhou’s answer was the same as he expected, and there was no change.

  ”I’ve thought about it.”

  Looking at those serious eyes, Yang Kai’s Adam’s apple moved.

  He had a lot to say, but in the end he swallowed most of it back into his throat.

  ”…Really? Then I have nothing to say.”

  Leaving this sentence, he cast a sharp gaze on the guy named “Ye Shi” standing beside him.

  Most of the names of the residents of Shelter 404 are like this.

  Even after knowing about Project 404 and the β universe, he still couldn’t accept it.

  Being stared at by that sharp gaze, Ye Shi felt a little nervous for no reason.

  Especially when the other party said the next sentence——

  ”Treat her well.”

  That sentence only had four light syllables in both human language and Chinese.

  However, Ye Shi subconsciously straightened his back, put his right fist solemnly on his chest and saluted.



  Jiang Xuezhou, who was almost unable to hold back, was amused by this inappropriate reaction and glared at him fiercely.

  The corners of Yang Kai’s mouth twitched, but the tense wrinkles also relaxed a little.

  He could see that this guy valued her.

  It seems that he has nothing to worry about?


  To put it more directly.

  Compared with the guy who is willing to go through life and death for her, he who is just sitting in the research ship drinking tea is probably not even qualified to worry. It’s

  really strange to say, he shouldn’t be so reluctant.

  In the academy that adheres to the law of the jungle, researchers are just consumables after all.

  It seems that he has indeed poured too much extra affection into this student, so much so that he treats her as his own child.

  He closed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

  He must learn from this in the future…

  ”Take care.”

  After leaving these words, Yang Kai waved his hand and turned to walk towards the corridor leading to the landing module.

  Dr. Conclusion has already called him.

  It would be impolite to stay any longer.

  However, just as he took a step forward, the crisp voice came from behind him.


  He was stunned, subconsciously stopped, and turned his head in surprise.

  And the moment he turned his head, he saw his beloved disciple bowing deeply to him.

  ”Thank you! You taught me so many things… and have always cultivated me. I failed your expectations… I’m sorry!” This silly child…

  Yang Kai felt a little bit overwhelmed and turned his face away in a hurry.

  ”No need to thank me–”

  ”You don’t owe me anything, and you have nothing to be sorry for.” “It’s me

  , as an elder

  , who owes you too much.”

  After saying that, he moved forward again and quickened his pace towards the landing module, as if he didn’t want to stay for a moment.

  Ye Shi watched him leave, and then cast his eyes on Xue Zhou, whose eyes were filled with tears.

  He spoke to her with a gentle voice that he had rarely used in his life, with red eyes.

  ”It’s time for us to leave too.”

  It was not only the “Truth” that was about to set off.

  There was also the repaired “Orion”.

  Because of the addition of some unplanned crew members, they were supposed to set off two and a half years ago, but they were delayed on the surface for two and a half years before leaving.

  ”Yeah!” Jiang Xuezhou nodded vigorously and secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

  Dora and Koala, who were standing behind the two, looked at each other and smiled with relief.

  That was the expression the latter had learned recently.

  Originally it was just a machine, but perhaps after spending so much time with these “psychics”, it unknowingly also had human-like emotions.

  Or a soul.


  On the other side.

  The tower of the space station.

  Two digital lives communicated silently in the dark space using radio waves that no one could see.


  The one who said this was Dr. Conclusion.

  A long, long time ago, before Zhan Jianwei reached the end of his life, he uploaded his thoughts to the circuit board, achieved immortality at the cost of death, and began a long and destined journey with no end. It is

  precisely because of this that he envied a guy who had achieved “HE” and passed the level perfectly.

  ”Hey, you’re welcome. Actually, Xiaoqi didn’t do anything. It’s mainly the master’s credit.”

  ”Master… do you mean the manager?”

  ”Yes.” Facing the voice with a hint of envy, Xiaoqi said in a joyful voice, “He called me Xiaoqi, I like this name very much.”

  It had once boasted about this name to someone, a long time ago by the Ling Lake.

  Dr. Conclusion was silent for a while, and then continued.

  ”Really… But if he died, you would be very sad too.”

  Xiaoqi said happily.

  ”No, he said that he would take Xiaoqi with him no matter how far he went in the future! And, even if we are gone, it doesn’t matter, our continuation will be left in this universe. At that time, it will continue to protect the people living on this planet for us. In exchange, they will continue to pass on our story… until the heat death of the universe.”

  ”Really… That’s really enviable.” Dr. Conclusion sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  After a pause, it made its final farewell in a solemn tone.

  ”Well, goodbye… I hope I can see you again next time I pass by here.”

  Xiao Qi answered enthusiastically.

  ”Well! Goodbye!”

  There should be no problem within dozens of thousands of years, but it cannot be guaranteed for further distances.

  However, the next meeting should not take that long.

  The signal disappeared.

  The silver-white starship was like a bullet shot into the void, leaping towards the channel that only exists in the hyperspace, and disappeared into the deep and dark starry sky.

  Following closely into the hyperspace channel was the Orion missile cruiser covered with emerald green scales.

  It is also a child of human civilization.

  And not only a child of human civilization, but also a child of the Earth and Gaia.

  Carrying the seeds of the Tree of Life and Xiao Yu’s mother Xiao Hong, as well as more than 3,000 crew members dedicated to exploring the new world… They will take the lead in going to Tiancang V 20 light years away to open a new channel that the Human Union has never touched.

  There is a relic planet left by the pioneer civilization. It is

  also the next new map that will be opened in the closed beta server of “Wasteland OL”!

  It is said that the planet is full of void projections that are far more terrifying than the mutant creatures on the wasteland, and hunting them will gain a true “upgrade (upgrading dimension)”… just like the public beta server.

  As for what the future will be like, only people in the future will know.

  At least, for those who are standing on that blue planet at this moment and watching the children go away, their future will be infinitely bright…


  (Thanks to book friends “phands” and “2_liy” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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