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Chapter 11 Want to become a disciple? Then knock one first!

Chapter 11 Want to become a disciple? Then knock one first!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 11 Want to become a disciple? Then knock one first!

  The next day, the morning light faded.

  Qin Yang got up early and couldn’t wait to go out, rushing towards the library to clock in for work.

  Now this library is like a treasure house to me.

  Go to work, touch fish, and just lie down to improve your strength.

  It’s so comfortable!

  Where can I find such a good job?

  However, just as Qin Yang came to the door of the library, he suddenly heard a message from his mobile phone.

  Take it out and take a look.

  It was a group message about stewardship in the work group.

  [Everyone come to the conference room as soon as possible to hold an emergency meeting! The owner is here! 】

  The shocking news made Qin Yang stunned for a moment.

  Why is the librarian here?

  In his impression, the master of the museum has always been the image of a dragon that sees the beginning but never the end.

  Now that I’m here in person, I’m afraid I have something important to explain!

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang didn’t hesitate.

  He immediately got up and rushed to the large conference room in the library.


  At this moment, the large conference room that can accommodate a hundred people is already filled with people and there is constant noise. All the workers are gathered together.

  Qin Yang lowered his head silently, walked into the room as usual, and found an inconspicuous corner to stay.

  After taking his seat, he looked up at the podium.

  I saw a middle-aged man in a straight formal suit standing there, his temples slightly frosted, exuding a gentle and elegant scholarly atmosphere, and his gestures were pleasant and graceful.

  But despite this, some uncontrollable power of the stars still escapes.

  ”This is…”

  Qin Yang stared at the curator on the stage, feeling a little surprised.

  No matter how well the opponent conceals his strength, he cannot escape his own judgment.

  Is the curator really a master of the Xiantian realm? !

  But after thinking about it, this is normal.

  A place like Jianghai City Library contains countless Kung Fu books for practicing, so naturally there must be strong people in charge.

  After all the staff arrived.

  The host on the stage put his right fist to his mouth and coughed lightly:

  ”Everyone, be quiet.”

  Lang Run’s gentle voice came out. Although the volume was not loud, it managed to drown out the noise made by everyone.

  Everyone present was silent for a moment.

  After seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was calm, the library owner continued:

  ”Very good, everyone is quiet. I don’t intend to take up too much of everyone’s time today. I just want to give you a few words.”

  ”Recently, we should treat those who enter the library to read .

You must respect them more and never neglect them, especially some strange old people you have never seen before. You must pay special attention to them and never slack off…”

  Next, most of the things he explained were about The attitude of the staff is a problem.

  In the conference room, everyone nodded and listened carefully to the curator’s instructions.

  Afraid of missing something.

  The expressions on everyone’s faces were tense, as serious as facing a powerful enemy.

  I see everyone in this state.

  Qin Yang, who was sitting in the seat, was immediately confused.

  what’s the situation?

  Why are everyone so serious today?

  Is it possible that someone from above is going to come down to check it recently? !

  Just when Qin Yang was thinking wildly, the short morning meeting passed by quickly and soon came to an end.

  ”Okay, everyone, I have finished what I want to explain. Thank

  you for your hard work during these special times.” The museum owner glanced at everyone present and said calmly: “You should go back to your respective posts first and do what I just told you.”

  Following the owner’s order, everyone stood up and left their seats and began to leave the conference room.

  Qin Yang followed behind everyone, still maintaining his normal state.


  Just as he passed under the podium.

  The host above the podium raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Staring at Qin Yang’s back, he was stunned for a moment.

  For some reason, he suddenly felt a special temperament from Qin Yang’s body.   

  Is it an illusion?

  The steward on the side observed the situation and quickly came to the owner’s side and whispered:

  ”Master owner… Is there anything wrong with that young man?”

  ”No, it just feels a little special.”

  The owner shook his head and said slightly. Dai asked curiously: “When did he come to the museum? Why don’t I have any impression?”

  ”It’s normal for me to have no impression, Master. This guy is new. He has only been working for a few months and has not even had his probation period yet. ” ”


  The steward frowned and thought for a while, then added: “My talent is low and there is nothing outstanding about it.”

  ”Is that so…”

  After hearing this, the owner nodded and didn’t take it to heart anymore. He just praised: “The young man is quite handsome.”

  After all, this world values ​​strength after all, and no matter how handsome you are, you can’t make a living.

  The measure of strength is still based on how many star beasts are hunted.


  walking out of the conference room.

  Qin Yang felt the gaze gathered behind him disappear, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

  He also felt the gaze the owner had just cast.

  But with the protection of the innate realm, he can hide his own strength, so he doesn’t care.

  What Qin Yang didn’t expect was this.

  The owner’s intuition is so sharp that he can feel something is wrong just by passing by!

  ”This world is still too dangerous. We have to keep a lower profile in the future.”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang walked quickly to the library and prepared to start work.

  Unexpectedly at this time.

  A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

  ”Wait for me, Old Qin!”

  Qin Yang looked back and saw an old acquaintance.

  It’s Xia He!

  ”What are you thinking, running away so fast? I wanted to call you to the conference room just now, but I didn’t follow.”

  Xia He jogged to Qin Yang’s side and said breathlessly.

  ”I said I was in a hurry to go to work, do you believe it?”

  Qin Yang smiled and joked casually.

  ”Pull him down, you kid is just like a boring gourd every day. I think you want to meet that swordsman master by chance?”

  Xia He rolled his eyes and said, “You kid wants to improve too much!”

  ”What swordsmanship master?”

  Hearing this, Qin Yang froze on the spot and said with some surprise: “What nonsense are you talking about here?”

  ”Are you kid and your buddies pretending to be stupid? I asked you to go to Bai Jinhan but you didn’t go… but now you can’t even deal with such a big thing. Don’t know? Just read the news yourself, this is all the hot searches this morning!”

  Xia He took out his phone and sent a few links to Qin Yang.

  Qin Yang opened the link and took a look.

  I saw a picture of a broken mountain peak prominently displayed on the most searched interface.

  The familiar scene left Qin Yang stunned and secretly surprised.

  Isn’t this the mountain I cut off last night?

  It actually became a hot search?

  Xia He saw the shock on Qin Yang’s face and thought he was frightened. He couldn’t help but explain confidently:

  ”You kid, don’t you know? The mountain peak in this suburb was cut off with a sword last night. Now everyone is discussing Hey, I don’t know which swordsman is here.

  The matter has been spread for a long time, and the owner of the hall is holding the meeting because he is afraid that we will offend this strong man.”

  Xia He sighed with emotion. “It would be great if I could take this strong man as my teacher. This sword-breaking peak is so handsome!”

  There was deep envy in his tone.

  Hearing this, Qin Yang had a strange look on his face and joked: “Want to become a disciple? Give me a kowtow first.”

  (End of Chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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