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Chapter 112 Hummingbird! And the Auction!

Chapter 112 Hummingbird! And the Auction!

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 112 Hummingbird! And auction!

  This little guy is actually a drone?

  Well, I almost made a fool of myself.

  Looking at the silver metal ball with two pairs of propellers popping out from the top of his head and floating in front of him, Chu Guang poked it with interest.

  Can it also be adaptively stable?


  Change the propellers to wings, paint the sphere gold, and make it a little smaller, it looks exactly like the Golden Snitch in Harry Potter. The

  light blue label that the system has attached to this thing has the five words [“Hummingbird” drone] written on it, and comes with a long list of instructions for use.

  In simple terms, this thing can be connected to any electronic device with imaging technology and information transmission functions, and only a thumbnail-sized plug-in needs to be inserted. The

  universal interface on the VM just fits this plug-in.

  However, is this thing considered a weapon?

  Chu Guang turned around and looked at Xiao Qi.

  ”Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

  Xiao Qi said aggrievedly.

  ”But you didn’t ask me, Master.”


  it seems so.

  Chu Guang did not blame it. After playing with the toy for a while, he continued to ask.

  ”What is the use of this thing? Can it shoot?”

  It can’t be self-destructing.

  If it is really a disposable consumable, that’s too bad.

  Xiao Qi: “Its main function is reconnaissance… It’s not easy to integrate a long-lasting battery and a motor into such a small thing. It must not be able to carry combat parts, right?” ”

  Reconnaissance?” Chu Guang stood next to the drone and observed for a while, “Why didn’t I see its camera?”

  Xiao Qi continued to explain.

  ”The camera has been integrated with the surface material, and it is definitely invisible to the naked eye. But don’t worry about the performance. Although the camera is small, it is very powerful! The 60 dot matrix camera clusters distributed on the surface of the sphere can collect 360-degree high-definition images of the area without blind spots, and can be used even in night environments.”

  Although the camera cannot be seen, the whole body is covered with cameras smaller than pinholes. Is that what it means?

  Speaking of having a camera, doesn’t it mean that you can take pictures?

  Although Xiao Qi can also take pictures, because the range of activities is too small, at most he can stand on the sanatorium and take pictures of the players working.

  With this thing, I should be able to take a lot of interesting photos. Add a little filter, and it will be a movie-level game CG.

  Chu Guang touched his chin and continued to ask.

  ”What about the flight altitude? And the distance, working time, and… how to charge?”

  Xiao Qi answered quickly.

  ”Charging is very simple. The drone has a built-in wireless charging port. It can be automatically charged in the shelter like me, and I can also share some of my power with it.”

  ”As for the flight altitude, it is recommended to fly at a low altitude below 100m. Although it is theoretically possible to fly hundreds of meters high, it is recommended not to stay at high altitude for too long. Working in a high-altitude environment for a long time will not only put a load on the engine, but also bring safety hazards.”

  ”As for the distance, if there are not many obstacles, it is very useful within a range of three kilometers, but it is also not recommended to be too far away from the terminal. After all, this is a close-range reconnaissance drone. The advantages are the ultra-long battery life of nearly 12 hours and obstacle crossing in complex environments… Long-range reconnaissance is still a bit difficult.”

  When encountering places with many obstacles, signal transmission will be affected.

  However, the control chip of the “Hummingbird” drone has an integrated automatic return program. Once the connection is lost, the AI ​​will be automatically activated. According to the video images in the cache data and the estimated route, the drone will be controlled to return to the starting coordinates or the preset assembly point.

  After understanding the functions of this little guy, Chu Guang reached out and took off the drone. The more he looked at it in his hand, the more he liked it.

  If you throw the drone into the sky before a fight, it is equivalent to inserting a real eye on the enemy’s head.

  You can receive videos and images through VM.

  It’s really awesome!


  ”What’s wrong?” Hearing Xiao Qi’s voice, Chu Guang looked at it curiously, “Are there any other functions that haven’t been introduced?”

  ”That… Can you give it to Xiao Qi?” Xiao Qi suggested weakly, “Your VM can be directly connected to the main server of the shelter, and the images I see can be directly transmitted to you. If you give it to me, Xiao Qi can see farther and can help you monitor the activities of players more conveniently.”

  ”That’s a good idea.” Chu Guang’s eyes lit up.

  This thing is certainly useful in combat, but there are not many opportunities for me to go to the front line. In addition, the defense is now as strong as an iron barrel, so it is not that useful to have more of this thing.

  It is better to use it for screen spying.

  No, it should be called strategic reconnaissance!

  Xiao Qi continued.

  ”Master, when I was helping you sort out the information yesterday, I noticed that the guard’s diary seemed to mention a signal tower? If the power supply of the signal tower can be restored, maybe the signal coverage of Shelter No. 404 can be further expanded.”

  Chu Guang placed the drone on Xiao Qi’s head and continued with interest.

  ”You mean… the signal tower that the guard used to communicate with the survivors on the surface? I have thought about it, but according to the clues sent back by the players exploring the map, it seems that there is nothing to gain.”

  Xiao Qi continued.

  ”The function of that signal tower should not only be to communicate with the surface. According to the clues in the recording, in the years after the war, this shelter seems to have been collecting radio signals on the ground as analysis samples.” ”

  According to my speculation, this signal tower should have complete signal transmission and reception functions. Perhaps we can use it to provide information services for players’ VM devices. In this way, you can issue tasks to players even in areas far away from the shelter.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”It’s a good idea, but the question is where can we find this signal tower? Do you have a map?”

  Xiao Qi said immediately.

  ”Although there is no map, it is obvious that this signal tower is near us? If the nearby two-kilometer area has been explored by players-”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang suddenly reacted.

  ”Street 76?”

  Xiao Qi said happily.

  ”Well! Master is awesome!”


  Eliminating all the wrong options, the final answer naturally surfaced.

  There is a lake to the west and northwest of the wetland park, and mostly wasteland, abandoned buildings, and abandoned park facilities to the south. Further south is Bette Street and the Fifth Ring Road south of Bette Street.

  As for the abandoned tire factory area to the north, the players of the shelter have already explored it thoroughly. The only area that has not been explored is Street 76, which is directly opposite the east gate.

  Speaking of which, the greenhouse ruins seem to be at the entrance of Street 76.

  The players’ activities are getting closer and closer to the mutants’ territory.

  Chu Guang, looking at the map, fell into deep thought.


  ”We have to think of a way to wipe out those green-skinned muscle guys.”


  The next morning.

  The heavy snow stopped for a while, and it seemed that today was a rare sunny day.

  At the door of the weapon store, a large group of people gathered.

  The later players stood on tiptoe, looked through the crowd, and pulled the players next to them to find out what was going on.

  ”What happened? Why are there so many people here?”

  ”The auction at the weapons shop!”

  ”Auction?! When did the team fight start? How come I didn’t know about it?”

  ”It’s not a team fight, it’s just an ordinary auction! I don’t know what’s going on. It seems to be a temporary event in the game. Didn’t you check the official website?”

  ”No! I put the helmet on my head as soon as I got home without taking off my clothes!”

  ”Damn, you don’t even take a shower?”

  ”I take a shower in the morning! How can reality be as fun as playing games?”

  ”Crazy, crazy.”

  Chu Guang glanced at the crowd surrounding him, and seeing that most people had arrived, he cleared his throat, raised the bow in his hand, and spoke in a solemn and dignified tone.

  ”…This is a mechanical compound bow from the deepest part of the shelter. The legend about it…well, in fact, there is no legend about it.”

  ”But it doesn’t matter!”

  ”Brand new bow limbs, shiny bowstring, variable focus sight with scale, and battery can be installed to charge the pulley with the help of electric drive! Help you to release a fatal blow! It is the undisputed newest product, born for hunting. The legend about it is waiting for you to write!”

  ”Starting price 100 silver! Each bid must not be less than 1 silver coin!”

  ”No upper limit!”

  No upper limit price!


  The moment the voice fell, the atmosphere at the scene instantly boiled.

  ”101 silver!”

  ”I’ll bid 102 silver!”

  ”Gan! You are sick! I’ll bid 110 silver!”

  ”I’ll give it 120 silver. This bow is better than a gun no matter how you look at it. If you use a three-edged arrow, you may be able to shoot through-”

  ”130 silver! You talk too much!”


  The shouting was broken.

  The scene was silent for a moment.

  Everyone looked at the person who was bidding. They thought it was the mosquito who never went to the front line again, but it turned out to be the “only brother who was banned by the planner” on the forum – [Mole on the Run in the Canyon] .

  Can he use a bow and arrow?

  Mole was embarrassed by everyone’s eyes, and he argued with a red face.

  ”I’m an agile type, is there a problem?”

  There was complete silence.

  Under pressure from his momentum, a little newbie next to him whispered.



  ”Hey, I’m 188, make a lucky number.”


  Mole, who was proud for less than two seconds, suddenly turned back to look at the hand raised in the crowd. Seeing this, everyone around sighed, and Mosquito really made a move.

  After the price broke 150, it was a fight between gods.

  The players in the third echelon had withdrawn from the bidding, and the players in the second echelon remained on the sidelines.

  To be honest, the weapon can be sold to anyone, but Chu Guang didn’t want to sell it to Mosquito. Every time this guy gets something, he never uses it. He just hoards it as a collection.

  For example, the Scorpion submachine gun and the double-barreled shotgun dropped by the Blood Hand Clan boss, Chu Guang never saw this guy use it. What’s the point of

  hoarding it?

  Can it be used to produce pups or do anything else?

  Just then, a big hand of justice was raised.

  ”200 silver!”

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”Two, two hundred?!”

  Mole and Mosquito’s eyes widened instantly.

  Looking back suddenly, they saw that the person who raised his hand was actually Brother Fang Chang, who entered the game earlier than them.

  The surrounding players were also whispering.

  ”200 silver for a bow?!”

  ”That’s crazy, you can buy two guns with that money!”

  ”But I think it’s worth it, for example, tie explosives to the triangular arrowhead… Have you ever played the graphics card crisis? I’m talking about that.”

  ”MMP, stop talking, I want to buy an intelligence system!”

  ”Woo, woo, when can I be so rich?”

  Fang Chang ignored the whispers of other players, looked at Brother Mosquito, and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Brother, give me some face… I bought it for real use.”

  Among these players, probably no one is better at using bows and arrows than him.

  Mosquito helplessly spread his hands and surrendered.

  ”We are one of us, I give up.”

  There was no other way to not give up.

  He did make a lot of money selling wooden bows to newcomers before, but his expenses for “inventions” were also high, plus the previous shopping spree, the money in his pocket only added up to 190 silver.

  Mole yelled with annoyance.

  ”Fuck! Where did you get so much money? Did you embezzle public funds?”

  Ye Shi came out before Fang Chang could say anything.

  ”Haha, do you think we don’t do anything else besides making bricks? Forget about anything else. Just the exclusive task of the brick factory, if we increase the daily output to more than 5,000, we will get 100 silver coins directly-”

  Before he could finish his words, Lao Bai covered Ye Shi’s mouth.

  ”Okay, okay, don’t talk anymore.”

  Be careful if the planner hears you.

  But having said that, these 200 silver coins are actually all the savings of the Niu Ma team. The reason why Fang Chang didn’t raise the sign before was actually to discuss with his teammates.

  Let’s not beat around the bush, he wants this bow.

  His current archery hit rate can already hit a moving target from 50m away. If he can get this bow, his combat effectiveness will be directly multiplied several times, and the team’s DPS will also increase a lot!

  The other three teammates didn’t have any objections. They played other games together, and it was the same when they changed games.

  The team’s output has increased, so why worry about not making money?

  Especially Ye Shi, who supports Brother Fang Chang the most. After all, the bolt-action rifle he is using now was the one that Fang Chang suggested everyone to raise funds for him.

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Alas, you are really rich, crying.”

  Fang Chang smiled and said, “I’m sorry, brother. Next time I get something good, I will definitely not compete with you!”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “I’ll remember this!”

  Just like that, the fight between the local tyrant players came to an end, and everyone dispersed and went about their own business.

  Brother Mole was still the same as yesterday, pulling the convoy formed on the forum to rush to the greenhouse ruins dungeon together. As for the two guys lying dead in the team, they were replaced by two newbies of the power system. The

  insect system dungeon is a rare and difficult dungeon for perception players. Most insect system aliens seem to have their own concealment bonus and cannot be sensed at all.

  The official forum has now reached a consensus that when going to this kind of dungeon, it is better to bring two more tanks than to bring reconnaissance.

  If you can withstand it, you can output.

  As for the cattle and horse team, Chu Guang specially used a drone to observe and found that they did not stay in the brick factory, but went out of the wetland park along the north gate and went to a collapsed department store between the tire factory and the abandoned construction site.

  Is there anything there?

  Chu Guang was very curious, but he did not follow the drone. After all, it was more than three kilometers ahead, and the signal was somewhat affected.

  Anyway, they found something good, so they brought it back to themselves. When the time comes, they can look up the guide on the official website and figure it out naturally.


  All the combat professional players have gone out to work, and the base is left with newcomers who run errands and life professional players who play “Wasteland OL” as a health game.

  When Chu Guang walked into the Teng Teng hut, the clever Miss Teng Teng was standing on a bench, facing a wooden board painted with charcoal, teaching three intelligence-type newbies how to use the leftover scraps from making fur coats to make some leather goods such as gun holsters and scabbards.

  ”…There are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same, and there are no two furs in the world that are exactly the same. You must remember this sentence.”

  ”If you want to be a qualified designer, you must first learn to distinguish the subtle differences between furs of similar sizes. Only after you have selected the materials, can you start the next step of work.”

  ”Do you understand?”

  Teng Teng, who was standing on the bench and teaching, was like a teacher in a kindergarten class.

  The three players stared at each other, obviously not understanding, but nodded in confusion.

  ”I see!”


  Seeing that her students were so insightful, Teng Teng nodded with satisfaction, patted her black hands, and jumped off the bench.

  At this moment, she saw the manager standing at the entrance, and her eyes lit up immediately.

  Hidden tasks are delivered to the door? !

  ”Well, you guys figure it out first!”

  Throwing down a sentence, Teng Teng immediately went to the entrance and said excitedly.

  ”Dear manager, do you have any instructions?”

  Chu Guang went straight to the point.

  ”The outpost base recently captured a batch of devil moth cocoons. The devil silk pulled from these cocoons is all excellent material. I want to ask if you have any way to weave them into usable cloth.”

  ”Weaving?” Teng Teng looked confused, “I remember that before weaving, you have to reel silk first?”

  To be honest, she doesn’t know how.

  If it’s just clothing design, such “basic” knowledge is not needed at all. Even the fur processing she is doing now, she learned it by herself through learning materials downloaded from the Internet after playing “Wasteland OL”.

  Now the manager has given her another problem.

  Although it is not difficult to find some public information with the help of the Internet. But she is not sure whether the information she found is still effective when used on the cocoon of the devil moth.

  By the way, is there really anyone who uses the cocoon of this mutant moth to make clothes?

  It sounds very strange.

  Chu Guang looked at Teng Teng and continued.

  ”Whether it is reeling silk or something else, I need it to become usable silk thread and cloth. If we can use these materials, we can make lighter and more durable protective gear, and the excess products can be exchanged for our urgently needed food… Do you have any good ideas?”

  Although she was not very confident, when Teng Teng learned the importance of this task from the manager, she nodded with full enthusiasm.

  ”Although I haven’t tried it before, I think I can give it a try!”

  As the voice fell, a task pop-up window appeared on her VM.

  [Task: Textile Technology]

  [Briefing: The outpost base has obtained a batch of devil silk, which are all high-quality materials, but if we want to turn these materials into silk thread and cloth, we must first solve the problem of production tools. ]

  [Requirement: Make a spinning machine and a loom. ]

  [Reward: 100 silver coins]

  [Note: Although a manual spinning machine and a loom are enough to complete the task, if you can combine the current needs of the outpost base to make a production machine with better performance, you may trigger additional hidden rewards. ]

  100 silver coins!

  When seeing the task reward, Teng Teng’s eyes instantly turned into the color of silver coins.

  Especially the note at the end.

  If you can make a production machine with excellent performance, you may also trigger additional hidden rewards!

  ”Don’t worry, respected administrator!”

  The index finger poked the VM screen, Teng Teng raised his head excitedly, and continued with a solemn oath, “Teng Teng will definitely not disappoint your expectations!”

  ”Well, please.”

  Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  If he had to figure out these troublesome things by himself, just steelmaking alone would be enough for him to figure out until next year.

  But with these hardworking and brave little players…

  Chu Guang suddenly felt that life in the wasteland was not as difficult as he had imagined.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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