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Chapter 113: NPCs come to the players’ market to set up stalls?

Chapter 113: NPCs come to the players’ market to set up stalls?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 113 NPCs come to the players’ market to set up stalls?

  Official website:

  Fang Chang: “A new landmark is unlocked in the north of the abandoned construction site, the abandoned department store, which has a large number of gnawers! We have basically cleared out the gnawers on the first floor, but when entering the basement, the VM prompts that the radiation index in the current area exceeds the safety threshold. Well, let me be frank, there must be good things in the basement. Are there any players with physical fitness? We just need a physical fitness player.”

  Sisi: “Me, me, me!”

  Tail: “Tails too! Uh, I seem to be an agility player, but it doesn’t matter, I can sneak attack! (`ω*)”

  Fang Chang: “Sorry, that book can’t take newcomers. Let me tell you the requirements, physical fitness attributes 10 points, preferably more than 10 points. ”

  Tail: “QAQ”

  Irena: “I am LV4 of the physical system, the main attribute is exactly 10 points, talent… forget it, just pretend I don’t have it. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Brother, read the private message.”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Do you want a lizard? I may be able to resist it, whether it is radiation or poison!”

  Night Ten: “You should find a way to get out of the shelter first. (Funny)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Fuck!”

  Teng Teng: “I got up at four o’clock in the middle of the night to watch the PPT, and I almost forgot to go to work. There are still a few things I don’t understand. Woo woo woo, bald head, this game is getting harder and harder! (T ^ T)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “If you don’t understand, ask. Do the goblins want to know whether the PPT you are watching is serious?”

  Teng Teng: “(*ω)╰ひ╯”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “(Д*)”

  Today’s official website is still calm.

  Except for a few brothers arguing about which type of steel is better for seamless steel pipes, the entire forum is very harmonious.

  Chu Guang did not participate in the topic, but silently marked the accounts of these old brothers and arranged them on the next list.

  No more beeping, if you can do it, go ahead.

  Wait until the Alpha 0.6 version comes out, and you will have a chance to show your skills.

  In fact, Chu Guang has always been curious. The forum of Wasteland OL is so chaotic every day, how come it has not been blocked yet?

  The official website has been online for more than a month, and the daily active users are almost over 10,000, and there are quite a few people.

  The kid named Ye Ao must have reported it a lot.

  However, it really didn’t work at all.

  ”It’s outrageous.”

  Including being able to deliver helmets to the player’s doorstep without anyone noticing, if this is something that black technology can do, then this technology is really outrageous.

  It’s like magic…

  Chu Guang, leaning on the chair, playing with the ballpoint pen in his hand, smacked his tongue.

  At this time, he suddenly thought of the “morphogenetic field” mentioned in the recording.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  Xiao Qi, who was charging, raised the camera.

  ”What’s wrong, master.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Have you heard of morphogenetic fields?”

  ”Is it the main research topic of Shelter 404?”

  ”Huh?” Chu Guang sat up from his chair in surprise, looking at the wastebasket squatting in the corner and asked, “Do you know?”

  ”Master… I said before that all the information Xiaoqi archived was obtained from you.” Xiaoqi’s voice sounded a little helpless.


  I was happy in vain.

  But it’s an irrelevant matter anyway.

  Chu Guang leaned back in his chair, threw away the pen in his hand, picked up the mouse, opened “Stellaris” in his inventory, and started a new round of watching the sea.


  Since equipped with the “Hummingbird” drone, Xiaoqi’s field of vision has expanded a lot.

  The silver-white sphere usually hovers quietly about 50 to 100 meters above the outpost base. No one will notice such a small dot.

  If necessary, it can be moved and deployed around the park. As long as it does not fly more than three kilometers, the signal is very good.

  Through the VM device worn on his arm, Chu Guang only needs to use his index finger to gently swipe on the touch screen to drag the drone horizontally to redeploy.

  This feeling is just like playing an RTS game from a God’s perspective.

  The only pity is that the players all have their own ideas, and he can’t select the blue man on the screen for micro-manipulation.

  Otherwise, it would be just like an RTS game.

  It was so fun to peek at the screen. Chu Guang, holding the VM, dragged the drone to the entrance of Street 76, OB those players who were brushing the copy in the greenhouse ruins, and then dragged the drone to the vicinity of the mutant tribe to see what those green-skinned muscle guys were busy with.

  Well, it seems that they are really busy.

  There are a few more corpses at the entrance of the village, but the strange thing is that except for those sentries that are open and hidden, these muscle guys have not come out of the village.

  Where did these corpses come from?

  Did they come out of thin air?

  Unfortunately, the mutants like to use wood to build the dome in the village, and there are some rags and clothes hanging in the corridors. You can’t see the situation inside from a high altitude.


  Should I randomly pick a little player to send him in?

  It’s not impossible.

  It was not until the drone ran out of battery and triggered the automatic return that Chu Guang reluctantly put away the VM and returned the control of the drone to Xiao Qi.


  It was approaching dusk.

  The market in front of the north gate was very lively.

  There were stalls selling barbecue, people performing mushroom eating, and people selling clothes, knives, and even “Goblin Bazookas”.

  It must be said that each of these players is talented. Even if the game itself does not provide much content, they can create content and have fun.

  The natives living nearby were also attracted by the lively atmosphere here.

  However, they were embarrassed to get too close.

  In addition, they were short of money and had no silver coins. After watching from the side for a while with envy, they quietly left.

  ”The market of the blue coats is so lively.”

  ”The clothes they make are so beautiful, and the people are beautiful too.”

  ”I saw the shells of the split-claw crabs. They used the shells of the split-claw crabs to make scales? Although it doesn’t look very durable, they actually killed the split-claw crabs!”

  ”They actually grilled meat with charcoal, which is really luxurious.”

  ”It would be great if I could do business with them…”

  ”Yes, children can’t just drink milk. When they grow up, they still need to eat porridge or paste… Their yams are good, much bigger than the ones we see in the north.”

  ”I don’t know if they need temporary jobs. There are not many prey in winter. It would be good if we can exchange our strength for some money.”

  ”I want to save money to buy an axe. Their axes seem to be stronger than ours. They are made of steel… I have only seen steel tools in large survivor bases.”

  Sitting in front of the fire in the center of the village, the refugees ate big cakes and drank hot camel milk, whispering quietly, with envy on their faces.

  Those blue coats didn’t need to pile up a big and high bonfire to keep warm like them, but used those small torches dipped in black tar to light up the entire camp.

  It’s so rich!

  But envy is envy.

  The hierarchy of status is engraved in DNA.

  They are already very satisfied to have a place to stay next to the base of a big force and not be expelled.

  At least life is quite satisfying now.

  Looking at the black smoke rising from the camp in the distance, Wu Tiefu, who was sitting with his tribesmen, fell into a long contemplation.

  No words were spoken all night.

  The next morning.

  Wu Tiefu went to the outpost alone. After asking the guards on duty at the gate, he met Chu Guang who had just come up from the shelter.

  ”Respected sir, I have something and I would like to ask for your help!”

  Come again?

  Chu Guang yawned.

  ”Seeds are not for loan, so let’s not talk about this.”

  Wu Tiefu explained with an embarrassed face and lowered his head.

  ”I was abrupt last time. This time I came to you, not for seeds.”

  Chu Guang looked at him curiously.

  ”Oh? You say.”

  Wu Tiefu didn’t beat around the bush and said straightforwardly.

  ”My tribesmen want to set up a stall at the market at your north gate. I beg you to allow us to borrow a piece of land the size of a camel skin.”

  How big is a piece of land the size of a camel skin?

  Chu Guang has never used such a strange quantifier.

  However, the point is not the area.

  ”Setting up a stall, what do you want to trade?”

  Wu Tiefu continued.

  ”Some leather products, picked up parts, tools we made ourselves, and prey… I guarantee you with my head that my people will not cause you any trouble. We just want to exchange some grains and potatoes to feed our children.” It’s

  okay to use a head as a guarantee.

  In general, the survivors’ settlements are actually very reluctant to do business with refugees. After all, these wandering people usually don’t have anything good to offer, and no one likes barbaric stall owners.

  But if you look at the problem from another angle…

  Chu Guang thought for a moment.

  With an idea in mind, he looked at the tribe leader in front of him and said.

  ”I can allow you to enter the market at the north gate, but you must abide by the rules we set. Such as ensuring that the business items are in line with public order and good customs, keeping the road in front of the stall clean and tidy, not obstructing traffic, prohibiting private fighting, prohibiting forced buying and selling, prohibiting private slave trading, prohibiting the sale of addictive drugs, etc.”

  ”In addition, when operating a stall in our market, you must and can only use our legal currency. The quality of any goods sold must also be guaranteed. If a dispute occurs, everything is subject to the provisions in the terms and the arbitration results.”

  ”The specific details are posted on the notice board at the north gate. If you can accept it, I will give you a stall.”

  Wu Tiefu nodded respectfully.

  ”We are willing to accept it, sir.”

  ”I hope you have seriously considered the weight behind this ‘willing’,” Chu Guang looked at him and said, “Then it’s decided.”


  In fact, Chu Guang had considered carefully before allowing these nomads to deepen exchanges with the players.

  This was much earlier than Wu Tiefu’s initiative to come to the door.

  As long as it is properly managed, appropriate trade exchanges can promote relations between the two sides.

  The players got benefits, the natives got rations, and I stuffed the copper and silver coins into the pockets of the natives.

  This wave, of course, is a win-win situation.

  Perhaps it should be called a win-win-win situation?

  After all, I won three times.

  In the evening.

  The young players who went out to work returned to the outpost one after another, carrying today’s spoils.

  Just when they were about to set up a stall at the north gate market to do business, they were suddenly surprised to find that an NPC stall had appeared at the north gate? Are

  n’t all NPCs operating in the base?

  Could it be that the prosperity has increased and triggered a hidden plot?

  In front of the stall, two NPC girls wearing animal skins and dressed in exotic styles sat on the ground, with a pot of charcoal for heating next to them.

  The two were not very old, and the older one was only in his early twenties. He was calm and quiet. The younger one was about fifteen or sixteen, blinking her big eyes and looking around, full of curiosity about everything here. The

  two were probably sisters.

  The light of the charcoal fire shone on the wheat-colored cheeks, covering the malnutrition complexion, looking rosy and shiny.

  In front of them was a camel skin, on which were placed some colorful stone ornaments, scrap parts, iron daggers, scabbards, holsters and leather goods, as well as freshly slaughtered hyena meat.

  And it was the best leg meat and tenderloin.

  In addition, there was some freshly squeezed milk, placed in containers such as iron cans and aluminum cans. In short, there was everything on the stall.

  Although the players were not short of prey, they were still full of curiosity about the NPC that suddenly appeared in the player trading market.

  ”Why is this NPC in our market?”

  ”So cute!”

  ”Where is Brother Mole? You know what I mean.”

  ”Fuck! You only know the books, whose name is it if you are banned?”

  ”Uh, we haven’t talked about the books yet.”


  ”The tail feels so big!”

  Chu Guang was also very curious about what these natives were selling, so he walked to the stall and took a look.

  Seeing the manager coming, the players immediately made way for him and waited excitedly for the plot to be triggered.

  Chu Guang looked at the two and asked.

  ”What are your names?”

  As the elder one was about to speak, the younger one stretched out his arms and raised his hand to answer with full enthusiasm.

  ”My name is Qiuye!”

  Chu Guang probably understood the naming style of this tribe. It was probably named after what they saw and what happened during the journey. It

  sounded more normal than Iron Axe.

  ”Where’s your sister?”



  Chu Guang almost couldn’t help but spit.

  But he still held back.

  ”…Good name.”

  Secretly observing the expression on the face of the administrator, the older sister whispered.

  ”Sir, my sister is still young and lacks discipline. If she offends you…please punish me, and please don’t embarrass her.”

  ”No, your sister is very cute.”

  After asking so many questions, it would seem stingy not to buy anything.

  Chu Guang glanced at the things on the stalls. Next to each product, there were Arabic numerals with wooden signs clearly marked with prices according to the rules he set.

  These numbers were taught by Chu Guang, mainly for the convenience of players to understand.

  Very good, these refugees are very obedient.

  It’s not as “evil” as the rumors say.

  Putting down a silver coin, Chu Guang picked a smaller plastic bottle.

  ”Try camel milk.”

  Qiu Ye: “Ah, camel milk is the bottle next to it-”

  ”It’s okay, milk is fine too.”

  After that, Chu Guang took the plastic bottle and went to Ya Ya to identify it.

  The little girl wanted to chase after her to explain, but her sister, who was blushing and silent the whole time, held her back, shook her head at her, and whispered.

  ”We can’t go through that door, we can’t run around in the market, and we can’t talk back to that adult, understand?”

  ”Everything here is his, just give him whatever he wants.”

  Besides, he paid the money very obediently.

  Although the tone may be a bit harsh, he is a benevolent ruler.

  The little girl looked aggrieved.

  She was obviously kind-hearted, but she was still scolded by her sister.


  She said this, but she was still suffocated in her heart.

  That was indeed not camel milk…

  The sister smiled gently and touched her sister’s head.

  ”Good boy.”

  The players gathered around and discussed the plot. Although some versions were outrageous, they also guessed roughly.

  Especially when they saw that the manager had bought it, they followed suit.

  ”Give me a dagger set!”

  ”Which one is camel milk? I want camel milk! Eh? Is that how it’s pronounced?”

  ”The one just now is gone!”

  ”What is this fruit? It looks black. Is it edible?”

  ”Who cares? Buy it and let Boss Crow try it and you’ll know.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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