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Chapter 114 Big is justice!

Chapter 114 Big is justice!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 114 Big is Justice!

  ”Yaya can be sure that this bottle of milk is not poisonous!”

  After staring at the plastic bottle for a long time, Yaya touched her chin with a resourceful expression and gave a positive conclusion.

  Chu Guang nodded and took the bottle back.

  ”Thank you.”

  Yaya asked curiously.

  ”By the way, what kind of milk is this? Is it delicious?”

  Chu Guang answered casually.

  ”Probably milk, do you want to taste it?”


  While saying this, Yaya kept secretly glancing at the VM on her arm. She heard from Teng Teng that if the task was triggered, there would be a prompt.

  Strange, why is there no reaction at all?

  Chu Guang didn’t notice her little thoughts, but just took a little with the bottle cap and handed it to Yaya.

  After Yaya carefully took it, she put her nose close to it and sniffed it, and an indescribable expression suddenly appeared on her face.

  ”It smells weird, is this really milk?”

  ”Maybe it’s camel milk.”


  What do you mean by maybe? !

  Anyway, for the sake of favorability and hidden tasks, Yaya still pinched her nose and drank it. Maybe it’s really camel milk. Anyway, it’s hard to evaluate the taste. It can’t be called delicious.

  I always feel like I’ve drunk it before, but I forgot when it happened.

  Chu Guang saw that she didn’t have any adverse reactions, so he turned around and left with peace of mind.

  Looking at the back of the administrator leaving, Ya Ya stood there for a long time, and only blinked when the back disappeared at the gate.

  Wait, where is the task reward?

  Did you forget to give it again?

  The little players next to them had noticed the situation here a long time ago. When they saw the administrator walking away, they immediately started shouting.

  ”Oh, what did I see?”

  ”Pass it on

  , the administrator feeds Ya Ya milk!” “Pass it on, pass it on, Ya Ya feeds the administrator milk!”

  ”What?! Boss Ya was -”

  ”You guys are going to die!”

  Ya Ya, whose anger value exploded, grabbed a bunch of big mushrooms and threw them out. The players who were hit by the mushrooms picked up the mushrooms and ran away.


  Official website announcement:

  [Recently, our outpost base has welcomed a group of nomads from the wilderness. They settled near us because of their admiration for civilization. Please treat them kindly, so that more NPCs will join us. Please remember, your words and deeds will affect the world’s evaluation of you. 】

  [Update NPC Base: Nomads]


  Debt Eyes: “666!”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “The planner is awesome! (broken voice)”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “Where is Alpha0.6? We need Alpha0.6!! ”

  Irena: “Be careful, the planner will add a version number to you, and then the warm reminder you see now will become the version update announcement. (Funny)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “People can’t, at least they shouldn’t.”

  Elf King Fugui: “Brother, what happened to the book yesterday, did you find anything in the department store?”

  Irena: “I found a hammer, there was actually a crawler in it, fortunately I reacted quickly. Fang Chang said that there might be a possibility there There is a shelter hidden there. We plan to spend some time to gnaw it down. ”

  Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “Shelter? !” ”

  Irena: “It’s not a large shelter. It’s probably a small shelter facility or something like that. And it’s very likely that something happened. It’s hard to say what’s left inside. Let’s wait and see.” ”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “It’s reasonable to occupy the supermarket at the beginning of the apocalypse.” ”

  Teng Teng: “Is there anyone who knows about textiles? My eyes are going to be tired. (Dizzy)” ”

  Ye Shi: “The brothers in the forum can only study more criminal things. It’s really difficult for you to ask them to think about this. (Funny)”


  put the milk in the refrigerator.

  Chu Guang went to the B2 floor to take a shower after returning to the shelter, and then returned to the resident hall on the B1 floor. He sat in front of the computer and started to do the work that the planner should do.

  Today’s official website is as lively as ever.

  The hottest post is still the one from Brother Lai Rifang.

  But this time it’s not because of the strategy, but because of a piece of equipment.

  At a time when the average deposit per capita is less than 100, being able to take out 200 silver coins to buy a bow can’t be described as rich.

  After all, in the early stage, everyone spent all their money on equipment, bullets, and supplies, so how could they save so much money?

  Not disappointing the forum friends, Fang Chang shared his experience of using the mechanical compound bow, and also gave his bow a sexy name – “Dawn”.

  ”This ‘Dawn’ is good in every way, except that it’s too powerful!”

  ”Especially for charged shooting, ordinary wooden arrows can’t withstand it at all. After the bow is fully strung, pressing the switch on the bow body can start the electric drive connected to the gear to energize the bow, and it won’t feel difficult to pull it. However, the moment I let go, I felt at least a hundred pounds! It’s estimated that it can be over two hundred pounds when fully charged! One arrow shot over, and the Gnawer’s head exploded directly!”

  WC is really a mosquito: “You are shooting a fucking cannonball, right?”

  Elf King Fugui: “I’m so envious!”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “Laugh, what are you bragging about 200 pounds. My ancestors were on the prairie, and a bow of 500 pounds is the basic. If it’s not a thousand, you’d be embarrassed to say you’re a man.”

  Irena: “Yes, yes, after all, bragging is tax-free. (Funny)”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “This equipment is too unbalanced, it’s more powerful than a gun, is it reasonable not to cut it down?!”

  Seeing someone clamoring to cut it down, Fang Chang immediately panicked and explained.

  ”What’s unreasonable about this? The background setting is in the near future. Is 200 pounds too much? Not at all! Have you played Graphics Card Crisis? The compound bow in it even has electromagnetic acceleration!”

  ”And this thing consumes a lot of arrows. There are only twenty arrows in a quiver, and the arrows shot out with power can basically not be recovered. Unless I encounter a big and difficult guy, I usually don’t dare to use this trick!”

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “I suspect you are being Versailles! (Flips the table)”

  The Elf King Fugui: “That’s right! Versailles!”

  Fang Chang: “…”

  In fact, in the long run, it is definitely worth spending 200 silver coins to buy this bow, because inflation will inflate, but the equipment in “Wasteland OL” will not.

  The equipment officially produced by Shelter 404 is always the first tier. The awesome weapons will always be awesome even if they are used until the server is shut down.

  Of course, the premise is that the weapons are not broken and the equipment is not dropped.

  The death penalty in this game is far more than just losing contribution points. As everyone’s equipment becomes more and more expensive, the loss of death drops also comes with the cost of equipment loss.

  This is especially unfriendly to lone wolf players.

  Levels and experience can be saved, but equipment cannot.

  If you are unfortunately lying dead and there is no good friend to help pick up the equipment and VM, you can only find someone to help on the forum or post a bounty.

  In addition to Brother Fang Chang in Versailles, there are many people on the forum discussing internal combustion engines and steam engines.

  As for the cause, it was a help post posted by Miss Teng Teng.

  These men don’t know what textiles are, and they don’t care about the original poster’s problem at all. They just want to find a place to brag.

  The topic quickly went from the Jenny machine to the most advanced non-woven fabrics and meltblown technology.

  It’s hard for them to pretend to be awesome while checking information.

  However, one or two real big guys can occasionally appear in the post.

  Under the current conditions of the outpost, it might be a bit difficult to build an internal combustion engine, after all, the steel mill is still researching seamless steel pipes.

  If you want to build an internal combustion engine shell that can withstand continuous high temperature and high pressure gas, you must at least unlock the cold rolling process first.

  But then again, who uses an internal combustion engine to weave cloth?

  What a pity.

  On the contrary, a steam engine is a good idea.

  A continuously burning boiler will release energy relatively gently, and the requirements for material strength are not so high. The most important thing is that it is not picky about fuel.

  Whether it is used for power generation or industrial production, it is a good idea.

  Teng Teng was watching the forum while taking notes crazily, speaking and asking questions very diligently, trying to straighten the crooked building. It

  seems that she intends to imitate the ancient Jenny machine and make a steam-powered spinning machine.

  The players on the forum, whether they are combat professional players or life professional players, are so excellent.

  Looking at these thriving little leeks, Chu Guang’s heart is filled with the joy of an old father.

  It’s great.


  It snowed all night last night.

  The next morning, there was thick snow on the ground again.

  At the east gate of the outpost, three old men in animal skins, who looked to be about 40 or 50, were lingering at the gate, seeming to want to come over, but not daring to get too close.

  Feeling that they seemed to have something to do, Chu Guang called them over.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  Fearing to offend the ruler, the old man lowered his head and said tremblingly.

  ”Sir, we have no ill intentions, we just want to see if you need any help.”

  ”We want to find some work to do.”

  ”We are old and can’t catch up with prey, but we can still do some work such as moving things, repairing houses, and sewing and mending.”

  Looking for work.

  Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly, and he spoke.

  ”The snow on the outpost road needs to be cleared, 2 silver coins per person per day. If you want to do this job, go find Luca.”

  The warehouse and granary have been handed over to the newly trained warehouse manager, and old Luca is their foreman, responsible for communicating with other NPCs, including trading with the survivors of Beth Street, and conveying the outpost’s “will” to the refugees.

  The identity is a bit similar to that of a butler.

  The three old men’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing Chu Guang’s words.

  Two silver coins can be exchanged for two kilograms of yam.

  Three people together, that’s six kilograms of yam!

  No player would be willing to do such a low salary, after all, the “hourly wage” of players is at least 1 silver coin, and it’s not worth it if it’s lower.

  But for the refugees, this salary is already very high.

  ”Thank you, sir!”

  ”Thank you for your generosity!”

  ”Leave it to us!”

  There are brooms made of branches in the warehouse, as well as dustpans and shovels for shoveling snow. Shovel the snow into the cart and push it out of the outpost to dump it.

  However, in addition to the cart, these refugees did not use the tools in the warehouse, but returned to the village to bring their own tools for work, and worked hard in the camp.

  Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to keep an eye on them, and then he didn’t care about it anymore, and strolled to the industrial area alone.

  When walking into the industrial area, Chu Guang found two little players, [WC really has mosquitoes] and [Yaer I want to go to the toilet rope], standing at the door of the rattan hut, measuring with a ruler and communicating something with gestures.

  Out of curiosity, Chu Guang walked up and asked.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Hearing the manager’s voice, the two immediately stopped their work and said excitedly.

  ”Dear manager, we are designing a steam boiler!”

  ”That’s right! This is a new job for our steel plant!”

  ”It’s also a new job for Goblin Technology!”

  Steam engine.

  It seems that they just discussed it on the forum a few hours ago, but I didn’t expect it to be used so soon.

  It’s quite efficient.

  ”What are you going to do? Burn firewood?”

  Yaer I want to go to the toilet: “Firewood is not strong enough. Our initial plan is to imitate the generator you bought and make a wood vaporizer! While burning the boiler, the heat generated by the boiler can be used to vaporize the wood!”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Actually, I was going to use biogas at first. Our septic tank is full of feces, but that thing is a bit difficult to collect, and the heat in the dung pile in winter seems not to be enough. We can only wait until the beginning of spring next year to study it.”

  Chu Guang: “Well, you guys think about it.”

  The speed of human spinning and weaving is too slow.

  The outpost base does not have such a large manpower. The cocoons of the devil moth have been piled up into a small hill outside the warehouse. If nothing unexpected happens, the second hill will be piled up soon.

  If the textile industry can be developed before the beginning of spring next year, not only will the players’ defense be raised to a higher level, but the outpost base can also earn a large amount of “foreign exchange” through the trade of devil silk cloth, and use the earned foreign exchange to develop more advanced industries.

  It just so happens that the refugee camp can recruit female workers, and then the textile factory will be deployed at the east gate, and that area will be a light industrial zone in the future.

  Passing by the steel plant, Chu Guang saw [Ward’s athlete’s foot who Levin].

  Instead of working on the steam engine with his good friend, this guy trotted out of the factory with a cart pushing a red-hot “big iron can” and rolled it into the snow pile. A

  ”sizzling” sounded.

  White mist came out, and the red-hot iron can instantly cooled down, and the pile of snow also melted more than half, turning into steaming water.

  ”What is this?” Chu Guang asked curiously, watching Brother Levin scooping up snow and pouring it on the big iron can.

  Brother Levin turned around and said with a smile.

  ”107mm mortar, sir!”


  Chu Guang stared at this thing for a while and couldn’t help asking.

  ”…You call this a cannon?”

  ”I guess so, although it’s just a gun barrel,” Brother Levin said with a grin, “The stamping process will take a little time, and we’ve almost used up our budget, so we can only take on some new work as an emergency measure.”

  ”It just so happens that Goblin Technology has placed an order. Brother Mosquito said that big is justice, and justice is explosion, and he wants us to help him make a gun barrel that is thick and big enough, even if it’s a cast gun barrel. He will find a way to file the rifling himself, and forget it if he can’t rub it out. I thought the job wasn’t too difficult, so I made him one… Hehe, it’s a big order of 200 silver coins.”

  Chu Guang didn’t know how to complain for a moment.


  this thing should be more reliable than a rocket, right?


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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