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Chapter 115 Can I use candy as a reward?

Chapter 115 Can I use candy as a reward?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 115 Can candy be used as a reward?

  The southern part of the wetland park.

  The survivors of Beth Street were carrying a wild boar and walking towards the outpost.

  It was difficult to hunt prey in winter, but if you explore the ruins of high-rise buildings along the Fifth Ring Road, you can still catch one or two wild game if you are lucky.

  They deal with small animals such as squirrels and rabbits themselves, but if you take a big one like a wild boar to the butcher in the town to get meat, he will charge you 30%!

  It’s not cost-effective.

  Those blue coats only want 20% of the reward, and they are never vague with them about the weight. It is worth it for them to walk a few more kilometers. The wild boar

  was tied to a wooden stick. Yu Hu and Li Niu each carried one on their shoulders, and there was a little guy with a red face and ears from the cold next to them. There

  were not many alien species wandering outside in this weather, and the predators rarely left their base. Xiaoyu was clamoring to come, and Yu Hu couldn’t persuade his sister, so he took her with him.

  Although the weather was cold, Xiaoyu was very happy when she thought about seeing Brother Chu again. She unconsciously hummed a small tune she made up.

  At this time, the steps of the second brother and cousin suddenly stopped.

  Xiaoyu also stopped and blinked.

  ”Brother, what’s wrong?”

  Yu Hu made a hush gesture to Xiaoyu, then looked at Li Niu and pointed to the front.


  Li Niu also saw the figure in the distance, but he was still unsure.

  ”Are you sure?”


  Li Niu asked in a low voice.

  ”Why are nomads here?”

  Yu Hu thought for a long time, but he didn’t understand and shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, maybe Brother Chu took them in out of kindness.” Brother Chu is

  a very good person and very honest, but he is too kind. Sometimes people can’t help but worry whether he will be cheated by others.

  To be honest, every time Yu Hu brings prey to exchange for things, he feels guilty.

  The salt bought from here is not adulterated at all, and he gives a lot more than Old Charlie.

  I’m really worried that he will lose money.

  Xiaoyu looked up at her second brother and cousin, blinking her big eyes curiously, not understanding what they were talking about.

  She didn’t know what nomads were. She did

  n’t think it was strange that they were here.

  Brother Chu was such a good person, there must be many people who wanted to be his neighbors, right?

  However, what she didn’t think was strange was still a little strange to Yu Hu and Li Niu.

  Whether it was lifestyle or cultural customs, these nomads from afar were different from the survivors with fixed residences.

  Because they had no fixed place to live, they didn’t care about what their neighbors thought of them, and rarely paid attention to whether their behavior would offend others.

  Maybe it was prejudice, but there were indeed many thieves, liars and villains among them, and sometimes they would bring terrible plagues…

  Yu Hu pulled his sister and waited until the man walked away before calling Li Niu to move on.

  The group was very careful not to contact the refugees. After showing the pass to the guard, they went straight into the outpost from the south gate.

  Unlike the last time they came, the changes here are really big.

  Yu Hu remembered clearly that the last time he came here, the road from the south gate to the warehouse was a muddy road with nothing beside it.

  But now, not only is the road surface covered with a layer of gray stuff that is solid when stepped on, but there are also several red brick houses on both sides of the road.

  Especially the largest house, the door is tightly closed, and there is a chimney built with bricks on the top, with black smoke floating.

  Yu Hu has never seen such a strange building, and his sister and Li Niu next to him have never seen it either, and they all widened their eyes in curiosity.

  ”Brother, what is that?”

  ”It should be a chimney. I remember it was installed upstairs on the mayor’s floor.”

  ”Chimney? What is that for?”

  ”It seems to be for cooking? I remember it is to exhaust the cooking smoke.”

  ”But it’s not time to eat yet.”

  ”I don’t know, maybe… it’s a place to cook for many people.”

  Anyway, there is no such strange thing on Bet Street.

  In sharp contrast to the curious expressions of the three people, the blue coats here are not as curious about them as before.

  Except for the newbies who just came in last time, the players here are already familiar with these guys, and those who should be curious have already been curious.

  They happened to meet Chu Guang who was strolling in the industrial area.

  Yu Hu’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he greeted him from a distance.

  ”Brother Chu.”

  ”Hey, long time no see, did you guys hunt game again?” Looking at the wild boars carried on the shoulders of Yu Hu and Li Niu, Chu Guang smiled.

  Not bad.

  It’s a treat!

  The wild boar meat was eaten by the players last time, this time he has to save some for himself, don’t let the players buy it all.

  ”Yeah! It’s quite a big one!”

  Xiaoyu happily gestured with her hands, and Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile at her.

  Glancing at his sister, Yu Hu said in a muffled voice.

  ”Xiaoyu misses you so much.”

  ”Yeah! Xiaoyu misses you so much!”

  ”I miss you too,” Chu Guang smiled and rubbed Xiaoyu’s little head, then looked at Yu Hu and said, “Are you living in that shed now?”

  ”Yeah,” Yu Hu nodded, and said with an embarrassed smile, “I repaired the shed a little bit, and now it looks much more spacious than before, thank you.”

  ”Don’t thank me, Xiaoyu gave it to you, just be nice to your sister.” Chu Guang continued, “Speaking of which, how have you been recently, are there any predators harassing you?”

  ”Predators? I haven’t seen those people recently, we are all fine, but you have to be careful,” Yu Hu’s expression became serious, and he said seriously, “I heard from some old people that there is a group of people living in the north who use bloody handprints as flags. Several hunters were captured when they went to the north to find deer… They were the ones who injured my brother and my father last time!”

  Bloody handprint?

  Are you talking about the Bloody Hand Clan?

  However, they probably won’t have the chance to continue to do evil.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and said lightly.

  ”Don’t worry, they won’t harass you anymore.”

  Hearing this, Yu Hu and Li Niu suddenly showed surprised expressions on their faces, only Xiaoyu had a question mark on her face, and she didn’t understand what the adults were talking about from beginning to end.

  However, when talking about the last time, she remembered a little.

  ”… Speaking of which, Xiaoyu saw two very fierce men taking a very beautiful sister from Bethe Street last time.”

  Hearing Xiaoyu’s interruption, Chu Guang’s heart moved and asked.

  ”That sister, is she very white? About… this tall.”

  Chu Guang gestured, about the height of his nose.

  Xiaoyu frowned and thought, nodded seriously, and said with wide eyes.

  ”Yeah! Has Brother Chu seen that big sister?”

  Don’t say he has seen it…

  The expression is a bit intriguing.

  Chu Guang thought for a while, and finally used a euphemism to pass over this topic that was too heavy for her.

  ”That sister… Yeah, I sent her away.”

  The person was indeed sent by the old mayor.

  As he said, Chu Guang looked at Yu Hu and Li Niu.

  ”Let’s not talk about this for now. It’s so cold outside. If you can trust me, just throw the wild boar to old Luca to deal with it, and come sit in the house with me for a while?”

  Yu Hu and Li Niu nodded immediately.




  Li Niu is not very familiar with Chu Guang, but Yu Hu is very familiar with Chu Guang.

  It is no exaggeration to say that Brother Chu is the outsider he trusts most besides his closest relatives.

  If he hadn’t helped in times of crisis, his brother would have died in the hospital bed long ago.

  This is a life-saving favor.

  Besides, Yu Hu doesn’t think that a good person like Brother Chu would be greedy for a few pieces of meat. If he really wants it, just give it to him.

  In Yu Hu’s opinion, this is also right.

  Chu Guang brought the three people to the main building of the sanatorium. There was a fairly spacious and airtight room on the first floor, which had been converted into a reception room by him.

  There were some simple furniture here, all made by several new life professional players in the carpenter’s hut.

  Chu Guang lit the charcoal fire, settled the three people, and then went back to the shelter to get a bottle of wine and a bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

  He gave the milk to Xiaoyu.

  As for the wine, Chu Guang pulled Yu Hu and the other two to sit in front of the brazier, gave each of them a small cup, and poured them a cup each.

  The amount was not much, only about 20ml.

  ”Try it.”

  Yu Hu leaned close to the cup and smelled it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”Is this… wine?!”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”It’s brewed with yam, and the koji is made with Polygonum.”

  Li Niu also said with admiration.

  ”It smells so good!”

  No, it should be said that it’s too luxurious!

  In this damn cold winter, there is actually extra grain to make wine.

  Yu Hu and Li Niu were envious.

  In the past, only in the prosperous years when life was particularly good, the elders in the family would use the old grain left over from last year to brew a little turbid grain wine, and save it for special festivals or happy events. Especially since green wheat is acidic,

  it cannot be

  used to make wine. If you want to make wine, you must use yam or a kind of fruit picked from the wild. But that kind of fruit can only be seen in autumn and summer, and there is no chance at other times.

  It is so rare to be able to drink a sip of warm wine in this weather.

  ”Hiss, so spicy!”

  Yu Hu is fine, he should have a good alcohol tolerance. Li Niu looks strong, but after taking a sip, his whole face turned red like a monkey’s butt.

  Looking at this young man who was sticking out his tongue because of the spiciness, Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”The degree is a bit high, drink slowly.”

  After all, it is distilled wine.

  It is normal for the mutant potato version of vodka to have a spicy throat.

  In fact, Chu Guang did not make wine for drinking. The reason why the warehouse opened orders in this area was mainly to reserve alcohol for medical use.

  It’s just that the players are too worry-free for him.

  Since the death penalty has been lowered several times, the seriously injured players have consciously walked back by themselves and then found a place where they would not get in the way to make up for themselves.

  This alcohol is not needed for serious injuries, and there is no chance to use it for minor injuries. Only some wounds that need to be sutured can have a chance to use it.

  With the experience of the first time, the two young men were much more cautious and did not drink so quickly. After a sip of wine, the body that was originally frozen was instantly warmed up.

  ”Your life here is too good.” Looking at the rising brazier, Yu Hu said with envy.

  ”It will be better,” Chu Guang poured another small cup for the two and said with a smile, “You can come often in the future. We need manpower here, not just hunting, there are many things we can do.”

  Yu Hu patted his chest and said.

  ”No problem! Brother Chu, if you can use me, just say it!”

  Li Niu on the side also nodded.

  ”Me too.”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”Don’t worry, I won’t let you help for nothing.”

  At this time, Xiaoyu, who was sitting next to him and sipped milk in small sips, finally finished the milk, licked his lips with satisfaction, and looked satisfied.

  Yu Hu was amused and asked with a smile.

  ”Is it delicious?”

  ”Yeah!” Xiaoyu nodded vigorously, with little stars twinkling in his eyes, and gave a thumbs up in affirmation, “It tastes like my mom!”

  Yu Hu: “?”

  Li Niu: “?”

  Chu Guang: “……?”


  The butcher took the meat very quickly. After sitting in the house for a while, Luca knocked on the door and walked into the reception room, respectfully reporting to Chu Guang.

  ”Sir, your guests’ prey has been processed.”

  Chu Guang nodded and looked at the two people who were slightly drunk.

  ”Let’s go and get your prey.”

  The group came to the warehouse.

  Luca had already packed the meat for the two people in a plastic bag and handed it to Yu Hu and Li Niu. As for the fur, it was replaced with 300g of salt as usual.

  As for the shaved internal organs and bones, they were all in a plastic bucket on the side. The two people didn’t plan to take them, so they left them here.

  Seeing that her brothers were about to leave, Xiaoyu hesitated. After

  thinking for a long time, she gently tugged at Yu Hu’s sleeve, motioned him to lower his head and come closer, and whispered something in his ear.

  Yu Hu was stunned at first, and immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said in a muffled voice.

  ”How can that be, our family has caused enough trouble for Brother Chu!”


  ”No buts, this won’t work!”

  Hearing that the content of the two people’s discussion seemed to be related to him, Chu Guang looked at the brother and sister curiously.

  ”What are you talking about?”

  Seeing Chu Guang looking at him, Yu Hu looked a little embarrassed and was thinking about how to start.

  However, at this time, the sister standing next to him plucked up the courage and said softly.

  ”Xiaoyu also wants to be like her brother and help Brother Chu. After all… you don’t need Xiaoyu to help look after the house, and you still asked Xiaoyu to eat so much candy.”


  Yu Hu was stunned and glared at his sister.

  ”When did you eat other people’s food? Didn’t Dad teach you not to eat anything given by others casually?”

  He only knew that his sister seemed to have taken some plastic sticks, but he didn’t hear that they were candies.

  This thing is much more valuable than salt!

  Knowing that he was “in the wrong”, Xiaoyu’s ears turned red when he was stared at by his brother. He didn’t know what to say, so he simply stopped talking and twisted his neck as if he didn’t hear it.

  Looking at the brother and sister, Chu Guang smiled and said, “Your brother’s behavior can’t be considered as helping me. We should consider it as… a transaction? Or you can understand it as a reward.”

  Xiaoyu raised his head, his eyes sparkling.

  ”Then, if Xiaoyu helps, will there be a reward?”

  ”Of course…”

  Xiaoyu’s eyes became brighter.

  ”Then, can I use candies as a reward?”

  Chu Guang has a lot of things like lollipops. After all, it is the guaranteed reward of the primary blind box, and you can draw it again even if you finish it.

  But Chu Guang really didn’t think that this thing would come in handy in such an occasion.

  ”If you want to help me, I have a job for you, and it’s quite important. But… this place is so far from your home, and it takes a long way to get here. Is it really okay?”

  Chu Guang looked at Yu Hu.

  He thought that as his brother, he would persuade him, but he didn’t expect that Yu Hu, who had just shaken his head like a rattle, would betray him on the spot.

  ”No problem, as long as I can help you! Brother Chu, if you don’t mind, my sister will live with you, and it will save us the trouble of traveling all the way!”

  Before Chu Guang could react, Xiaoyu also nodded excitedly and raised her little arm.

  ”Oh! Xiaoyu is already an adult and can take care of herself!”

  Li Niu didn’t know what to say, but he felt that he should help, so he thought for a long time and uttered a sentence.

  ”I can help build the shed… I’ll go pick up some things.”

  Chu Guang coughed dryly to stop this guy’s mindless behavior.

  ”…That’s not necessary.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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