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Chapter 116 version 06 updated!

Chapter 116 version 06 updated!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 116 0.6 version update!

  South gate of the outpost.

  Yu Hu and Li Niu, carrying dozens of kilograms of wild boar meat and 300g of coarse salt, staggered out of the gate.

  Both of them were not very good at drinking, after all, they didn’t have the opportunity to drink normally, and they were tipsy after drinking less than two taels, and their footprints on the snow were a little unclear.

  However, their heads were clear.

  ”Hu Zi, is this okay?”

  ”Are you talking about leaving Xiaoyu here?”

  Li Niu nodded.


  Yu Hu frowned and thought, then shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, but Brother Chu is not a bad person.”

  Li Niu whispered.

  ”Xiaoyu is old enough to get married, aren’t you worried about… people on the street gossiping?”

  ”Who dares! If he dares to say it, I’ll beat him up!”

  Yu Hu glared, but soon realized that this was not very realistic. After all, he only had a pair of fists, so how could he beat him up? It would be okay

  to beat up the little bastard from the Wang family.

  ”It’s okay, it’s good for her to stay there, it’s better not to come back,” Yu Hu shook his head to let the north wind blow it more sober, and muttered, “Anyway, following Brother Chu is definitely much better than where we are.”

  Li Niu nodded.

  He agreed with this.

  Although he didn’t know much about Brother Chu, so many blue coats worked for him alone, at least he must be a big shot like the mayor.

  There was no conversation along the way.

  The two crossed the snow, passed through the ruins, bypassed the hyenas biting the big rats, and safely reached the entrance of Beth Street.

  It hasn’t snowed yet, so the way back is not difficult.

  The guard Walter stood guard at the door with a cigarette in his mouth and a shotgun in his hand, without even looking at the two.

  The two walked quickly through the main gate and were about to walk into the alley, but when they passed the door of Old Charlie’s grocery store, they were stopped by the old man.

  ”You two, wait a minute.”

  Yu Hu and Li Niu stopped, looked at each other, and looked at Old Charlie.

  ”…What are you doing?”

  Old Charlie is the mayor’s housekeeper. After retirement, he was arranged to run a grocery store here. Many good things in the town come from him.

  The survivors in the town still respect or even fear this old housekeeper who can get along well with the merchants from all over the country.

  After all, those merchants never look at them straight in the eye, but they can chat and laugh with Old Charlie.

  However, respect is in the past.

  Since doing business with the people from Brother Chu, Yu Hu feels more and more that this old Charlie is not a good person. He is the same as the mayor. He will shortchange the things with marked prices and always sell them inferior things. In

  the words of Brother Chu, he “does not follow the rules.”

  Anyway, he is not a good person.

  Old Charlie glanced at the plastic bags in their hands, then at the falling snow on their shoulders, his nose moved slightly, and then he squinted his cloudy eyes slightly.

  ”Did you go to the north?”

  The two shook their heads like rattles.

  ”No, no.”

  He didn’t admit it even if he went there.

  What can I do?

  ”Don’t go north, it’s not safe there.”

  After staring at the two for a while, Old Charlie withdrew his gaze from them. Without saying anything else, he waved his hand and sent them away. At

  this time, Wang Biao, the eldest son of the Wang family, came from the door carrying a hyena cub, and happily slapped the prey on the wooden table next to him.

  ”Old housekeeper, I got the first game, and it’s the first cub! See if the mayor wants it. If not, I’ll send it to the butcher’s stall.”

  Although Old Charlie is no longer a housekeeper, everyone still calls him that.

  Charlie glanced at the dead hyena cub on the table.

  The meat of hyenas has a strong smell. If it is not handled in time, it will become smelly after a while. Therefore, the survivors in the nearby area will crush the red rib tobacco leaves, which are a specialty of Brown Farm, and apply them on it, and smoke them to remove the smell.

  Whether it is healthy or not is another matter, but it can indeed cover up the smell.

  Unlike adult hyenas, hyena cubs are an exception. Their meat is fresh and tender, and their leg meat steaks are top-notch delicacies.

  It is said that this is because they have been weaned for a short time and eat less carrion.

  ”Leave it there.”

  Old Charlie opened the drawer, took out four chips and threw them on the table.

  Wang Biao took the chips with a happy face.

  Four chips!

  It can be exchanged for four taels of golden salt! It

  is not terrible to have no meat to eat. For experienced hunters, as long as they are patient and careful enough, they can always catch prey.

  But if there is no salt, it will be fatal. If people don’t eat salt, they will have no strength. If they have no strength, they can’t catch prey. If they can’t catch prey, the whole family will starve.

  Wang Biao was about to leave when Charlie suddenly stopped him.

  ”Come back.”

  Wang Biao stopped and asked with a simple smile.

  ”What do you want, old housekeeper?”

  Charlie asked.

  ”You live next to the Yu family, right?”

  Wang Biao nodded quickly.

  ”Yes, we are not far from their home.”

  ”Help me keep an eye on their youngest son, his name is… Yu Hu? Anyway, if he goes north one day, follow him and see where he goes.” Charlie thought for a moment and continued, “If you find anything, don’t alarm him, come back and report to me immediately, the reward will not be less than the amount in your hand.”

  Wang Biao was delighted and held the chips tighter.

  ”Don’t worry! I will definitely keep an eye on you.”

  ”Keep your voice down,” Charlie scolded him, looked around, and saw that no one was around, so he waved his hand to send him away, “Go.”


  Yu Hu and Li Niu divided the meat and salt and went back to their own homes.

  Yu Xiong was just coming out of the door and saw Yu Hu coming back alone. He was stunned at first, and then the smell of alcohol hit him, making him sniff subconsciously.

  ”Have you drunk?”

  Yu Hu blushed, scratched the back of his head, and said embarrassedly.

  ”Well, I drank a little… I didn’t take advantage of him, it was Brother Chu who forced me to drink, so I drank.”

  Yu Xiong glanced behind him, but saw no one, nor the set of small footprints, so he couldn’t help asking.

  ”Where’s Xiaoyu?”

  Yu Hu hesitated for a long time before saying.

  ”She… uh, stayed there.”

  Upon hearing this, Yu Xiong’s eyes widened.

  ”You left her there alone?”

  Yu Hu hurriedly explained.

  ”I didn’t leave her there. Xiaoyu said she wanted to help Brother Chu, so I said something for her. Brother Chu is such a good person, there must be no problem!” “What can Xiaoyu help with


  Yu Xiong didn’t believe this nonsense.

  He ate the pancakes made by Xiaoyu once, and almost knocked out his teeth. In the end, he threw them into the pot and cooked them into a paste before he finished eating them.

  Yu Hu was anxious to explain, but he didn’t really understand it himself, so how could he explain it clearly.

  ”I, I, how would I know? How about you ask Brother Chu? Come on, I’ll go with you now.”

  Yu Xiong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ”No, forget it, why are you going there at this time? Hey, you… How am I going to explain this to Dad later? Say you went to exchange salt and left my little sister there to make wine?”

  Yu Hu was about to cry.

  ”No, brother, Dad will beat me to death.”

  Yu Xiong shook his head and sighed.

  ”Think about it yourself, whether this matter is muddled or not.”

  Yu Hu buried his head and muttered.

  ”What’s muddled about it? Isn’t it good? They still have grain to make wine… How can Xiaoyu starve with them? Big brother, if you are worried, I will go there every day for the next two days. If Xiaoyu is wronged, I will take her back immediately!”

  Yu Xiong looked at the sky and just sighed.

  ”Forget it, forget it, I won’t say anything, it’s up to you.”

  What else can I say now that it has come to this?

  Let’s take it one step at a time.



  The players in the square looked curiously in the direction of the sanatorium, chattering and gossiping.

  ”Who is the little girl next to the manager?”

  ”Yu Xiaoyu, an NPC of Bethe Street, it’s written on the official website. Old players know it. There have been several plots about Bethe Street in the past. It has been discussed in the forum before. You should be able to find it by looking through the previous posts.”

  ”Fuck! I’m a newcomer, I don’t understand!”

  ”By the way, did I miss some plot again?”

  ”Klee! Okay, not Klee… but it doesn’t matter, so cute! I can’t take it anymore!”

  ”Wow, Yaoyaoling? I think this person is not right, you guys come and take him away. What? It’s inconvenient for you to send the police? I can do it for you!”

  ”I’ll be responsible for the execution!”


  Residential hall on the B1 floor.

  Xia Yan, who was sitting at a wooden table learning a foreign language, had been staring at Chu Guang since he came back from outside with Xiaoyu.

  Chu Guang saw that she had nothing to do and had the time to stare at him like a fangirl, so he threw two silver coins on the table in front of her.

  ”Go to the East Gate Market and buy me a pound of milk.”

  Xiaoyu went to the B2 floor to take a shower. Although the players were very curious about this new little sister, Xiaoqi was following her, so she didn’t have to worry too much. Xiaoyu

  behaved very well all day today. She was also very good. She learned very quickly and basically learned everything I taught her.

  Especially her diligence and eagerness to learn. Someone should learn from her.

  Chu Guang never hesitates to reward diligent children, whether they are NPCs or players.

  However, eating candy all the time is not good for your teeth. It is better to drink some milk to grow up. Maybe you can take advantage of the time to grow taller. Even if you can’t grow taller, it’s okay to grow better. At least don’t be like bean sprouts, which will be blown down by a gust of wind.

  Speaking of which, after she officially takes up the post, I have to order her a set of clothes that are more recognizable.

  After all, this position is very important.

  It may even be more important than the weapon store and warehouse combined.

  Looking at the two silver coins that fell on the table, Xia Yan’s eyes widened, and her eyes moved back and forth between the silver coins and Chu Guang’s face.

  It seemed unbelievable.

  Finally, she couldn’t help but say.

  ”You let a disabled person run errands for you, do you have the nerve to do that?”

  Be a decent person!

  Chu Guang, who was editing a document on his computer, glanced at her as if he was looking at a fool.

  ”I didn’t ask you to go by yourself, can’t you ask the player to go for you? What I taught you, open the VM, select the task bar, click the edit button, and then make up a reasonable reason… For example, you can say that you can’t sleep without drinking milk every day. Select someone to post it, or post it on a public channel.”

  ”I understand, the administrator must drink milk to fall asleep at night… I was wrong, I wanted to drink it, I wanted to drink it.”

  The moment Chu Guang looked over, Xia Yan instantly became timid, and pressed the backspace key with a frustrated look on her face, deleting the task she had just edited and changing it to the one that Chu Guang forced her to write.

  Very good.

  Looking at Xia Yan who had become obedient, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  Being handsome does have its advantages. Just give a look and you can feel it yourself. You don’t even need to speak in person, you can convince them directly.

  Actually, it doesn’t matter what Boss Xia writes on the task panel.

  There are two types of tasks that NPCs use VM to publish. One is preset by themselves, point-to-point sending, and it does not need to be available within the signal range of the shelter.

  The other type of tasks that are edited and sent by themselves need to be sent to the server first, and then reviewed by Xiaoqi, and then distributed to a certain player’s device, or distributed as [Daily Task] or [Random Task] to the public task area visible to all players.

  In other words, Chu Guang only needs to say hello to Xiaoqi, and no matter what Boss Xia wrote on the task panel, it will be corrected to what he wants her to write.

  ”Done… A player named Yaya took it.”


  That’s relieved.

  Let her have a taste when I buy it back.


  Seeing that Chu Guang ignored him after throwing a word, he continued to type on the computer, and he didn’t know what he was typing.

  Listening to the annoying crackling sound, Xia Yan, who was thinking about something, couldn’t concentrate on reading the book, and finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”…By the way, what’s the matter with that little girl? Don’t get me wrong, I’m just asking, even if you are a beast–“

  Chu Guang’s eyebrows twitched as he made a typo due to the noise. He poked the backspace key and said perfunctorily.

  ”It’s nothing. She will be your roommate from now on.”

  ”Wait, roommate?” Xia Yan was anxious and said quickly, “Isn’t there an empty room? Why do you want me to be her roommate? I don’t know how to take care of people.”

  Taking care of people is fine.

  Who knows who will take care of whom at that time.

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”I plan to let you teach her the daily language of players, which is the book in your hand.”

  Xia Yan whispered.

  ”But, but I haven’t learned it myself…”

  Besides, if we live together, won’t there be no privacy at all?

  It’s not like there are no empty rooms next to us.

  Chu Guang took his hands off the keyboard and looked at her with interest.

  ”No, it’s okay. We can learn together. When you teach her, I’ll let her move to the next room. Don’t wait until she learns it and you still don’t know anything.”

  This guy was quite confident.

  It’s been so long, and he hasn’t even learned to curse in elegant Mandarin. He keeps repeating the same two sentences over and over again, which makes the little players on the forum anxious.

  ”How is that possible!”

  ”Haha, then we’ll have to wait and see.”

  Ignoring the yelling Boss Xia, Chu Guang continued to look at the computer screen and typed the last few words and punctuation marks.

  ”…The rest is just copying and pasting.”

  Looking at the fruits of his labor that he had written in less than half an hour, Chu Guang showed a happy and joyful smile on his face.

  Version 0.6!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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