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Chapter 118 Hope our neighbors can feed the jackals

Chapter 118 Hope our neighbors can feed the jackals


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 118 I hope our neighbors can feed the jackals

  . Outside the outpost, snow was falling heavily.

  At the south gate, Yu Hu, wearing a fur coat, rushed over from the direction of Beth Street in the heavy snow.

  After arriving at the outpost, Yu Hu originally wanted to find Chu Guang, but he didn’t find him. Instead, he saw a long line in front of the sanatorium. He

  walked a little closer and saw his sister sitting at a small wooden table.

  Her tender face was meticulous.

  She stretched out her little hand and took the silver coins from the blue coats in the queue. After carefully counting the total number of coins, she poked a few times on a screen.

  ”Total, 41 coins!”

  She looked up at the players in front of the counter and showed a sweet smile on her face.

  ”Xie Xie! Be careful when taking risks.”

  ”Woo woo woo… Damn it, Si! Lend me money! I need to save it!”

  Si Si, who was standing behind, stroked his forehead with a headache and reached out to pull Tail’s sleeve.

  ”Okay, okay, Ah Wei, stop embarrassing yourself here. We are blocking the people behind us.”

  ”Don’t you think it’s cute? You are such a heartless woman!”

  ”Cute, cute. Tsk, the convoy to the Greenhouse Ruins will leave soon. Are you going to go or not?”

  ”Go! Damn it, why do I have to work during the day and at night? What about the casual games? Can’t you let me stay with the cute things for a while?”

  ”I’m really sorry that I’m not cute enough. Anyway, don’t talk nonsense. Leveling up and making money to buy equipment is important. Let’s go. If you don’t leave, the guy behind will beat you up.”

  The still yelling Wei Wei was pulled away.

  At this time, a big white bear came out from the back and stood in front of the counter stealthily, holding the door frame with his hands a little stiffly.

  Seeing the big bear, Xiaoyu was slightly stunned, but he was not afraid. A sweet smile soon appeared on his face.

  ”Excuse me, would you like to deposit some money?”

  With his face covered by fur, the meaty big steamed bun fumbled to take out his purse and dumped all the coins on the table.

  ”I, I, I, I’ll give it all to you!”

  Xiaoyu said hurriedly as she watched the white bear throw away the money and walk away.

  ”Ah, wait, wait a minute, that, ID.”

  ”All for you!! ”

  In the end, thanks to Xiaoqi’s help, Xiaoyu was able to find the ID of the white bear.

  After carefully counting the coins on the table, Xiaoyu followed Chu Guang’s instructions and registered the numbers on the VM.

  Although Yu Hu couldn’t read or understand what the blue jackets were saying, it didn’t look like they were making things difficult for his sister.

  It was when the white bear ran out that he instinctively scared him. If he hadn’t seen that no one around him reacted, he would have almost drawn his bow and arrow to shoot.

  At this time, Chu Guang walked over from the side, looked at Yu Hu and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t you want to go over and say hello?”

  ”No, I’m just taking a look, I’d better not disturb her work,” Yu Hu smiled naively and touched the back of his head, “I didn’t expect Xiaoyu to be so capable. I was always worried last night, afraid that she would cause trouble for you.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”How could it be? Your sister is very smart and learns very quickly, but there is no one to teach her many things.”

  Yu Hu sighed and said.

  ”Dad, I still have my brother, who has to go out hunting and can’t teach her anything. Mom did teach her to make pancakes, but she didn’t do it very well. I was worried last night whether she would mess it up. I came here early in the morning. On the way, I was thinking that if she really got into trouble, I would take her back no matter what. But now it seems… Letting Xiaoyu follow you is indeed much better than following us.”

  ”You can’t say that,” Chu Guang shook his head, “You should come to see her often. No matter how warm the bed is, it is not as good as being with your family.”

  Warm bed?

  Is it progressing so fast?

  Yu Hu was stunned and nodded.

  ”You’re right… I’ll leave first then.”

  Chu Guang said politely.

  ”Are you in such a hurry to go back? Stay for lunch before you go.”

  ”No, no,” Yu Hu shook his head and waved his hand, saying, “I won’t bother you here. I have to go hunting later. You’re busy first, I’ll go back.”

  Chu Guang didn’t try to keep him and nodded.

  ”Be careful on the road.”


  Coming out of the north gate, Yu Hu was in a good mood. Although it was snowing, he felt warm, more comfortable than drinking.

  But at this moment, he saw a caravan full of bricks, with a man standing next to it.

  The man looked familiar.

  Yu Hu walked over and took a look, and his eyes widened immediately.

  ”Zhao Shu?!”

  ”Yu Hu?!”

  ”Wait, aren’t you dead? I see your family has already held the funeral.”

  Yu Hu was still speechless, but Zhao Shu didn’t care about these things at the moment. Meeting a fellow villager in a foreign land, it was really tearful.

  ”Brother, I almost died! Fortunately, these blue coats saved me!”

  It took about five minutes for Zhao Shu and Yu Hu to tell each other about their experiences over the past month, from being caught by looters while hunting, to later this group of blue coats breaking through the Blood Hand Clan’s stronghold and settling them in the brick factory by the river.

  Although he instinctively felt that being caught by looters was a bit strange, Yu Hu’s mind couldn’t figure out too complicated things, and soon paid attention to other places.

  ”… In other words, you are working for Brother Chu and the others now?”

  Zhao Shu said in a daze.

  ”Brother Chu? Do you mean the manager? Anyway, it’s quite comfortable to work here, with food and accommodation, meat every meal, firewood and charcoal for heating, and now I’m paid 1 silver coin a day. The work I do every day is to make bricks with molds, then send them into the kiln to burn, and then transport the burned bricks back, which is not tiring at all.”

  Yu Hu nodded and asked.

  ”So you won’t go back in the future?”

  Zhao Shu had a complicated expression on his face.

  ”Go back… where to go? There are only my parents, my eldest brother and his two children left at home. The little food left is barely enough to survive the winter. If I go back, there will definitely not be enough food at home. Let’s talk about it when the spring comes next year, then… then we’ll talk about it then.”

  As he was talking, Zhao Shu suddenly remembered something, and said, “Wait for me,” and then turned and ran into the gate.

  After a while, he took out a small bag of coarse salt, about three or four taels, and stuffed it into Yu Hu’s hand.

  ”This is what I got in exchange for my wages. Take it back to my mother for me, and tell her… I’m fine, so they don’t have to worry! I’ll go to see them next spring! And Yang Ergou, he’s still alive… But he’s busy now, do you want to tell his family too?”

  Yu Hu took the salt and nodded solemnly.

  ”Don’t worry, I will definitely convey it for you!”

  Yu Hu returned along the same route.

  However, when passing by the south gate of the wetland park, Yu Hu suddenly noticed that not far from his footprints, there was a set of footprints that did not belong to him.

  The footprints were very shallow, and it looked like they had been there for some time.

  Out of the hunter’s vigilance, Yu Hu squatted down, wiped them with his index finger, and frowned slightly.

  Whose footprints are these?


  Beth Street.

  After hurriedly entering the door, Wang Biao went straight to Old Charlie’s grocery store.

  ”Old housekeeper!”

  Charlie, who was sitting in front of the door with his eyes closed, opened half of his eyes. When he saw that it was Wang Biao, he immediately understood and stood up from the chair.

  ”Come in and talk.”

  The door curtain was drawn.

  Wang Biao was excited, and without even taking a breath, he danced and reported to the old housekeeper what he had seen and heard along the way of following Yu Hu.

  The more Charlie listened, the more his brows frowned.

  ”You mean… a settlement of survivors appeared in Linghu Wetland Park?”

  Wang Biao nodded fiercely.

  ”Yes! There are blue coats there, and refugees who come from nowhere… I guess they are from the north. They built a wall in the woods, dug trenches, and put up roadblocks. I can’t see it in the camp, but there is a chimney with smoke floating all the time.”

  ”From the north?”

  Charlie frowned even more.

  The north is the territory of the Blood Hand Clan, and there seems to be a mutant tribe not far away.

  What’s the difference between building a settlement there and sending people to die?


  those predators are all ruthless people, why would they let them in?

  Wang Biao didn’t care about that, he just shouted excitedly.

  ”Old housekeeper, the kid from the Yu family broke the rules, let’s catch him!”

  He had long disliked the Yu family.

  Especially Yu Hu, who had beaten his third brother. And the shed of the foreigner was the same, not even a door beam was left for them, they took it all for themselves, and even said confidently that it was a gift from others, how shameless.

  Wang Biao’s calculations were very loud. According to the rules of Beth Street, those who traded privately with foreign caravans would be regarded as betrayal, and would be fined a hide at the least, or their property would be confiscated and expelled at the worst.

  It didn’t matter whether those people were caravans or not, he was concerned about the shed where Yu Hu lived. If he could be expelled, his family could just occupy the shed of the foreigner.

  However, Old Charlie was a knowledgeable man after all, and naturally he couldn’t be as short-sighted as him.

  Blue coat…

  He used to be one too, although that was a long, long time ago.

  After thinking for a long time, Charlie said cautiously.

  ”There’s no rush for this matter. Remember not to alert the enemy. I’ll report the situation to the mayor first and then make a decision.”

  Wang Biao was stunned.

  What else is there to ask for instructions?

  Just confiscate the house and it’s done.

  As long as the mayor gives an order, the Wang family will be the first to respond.

  However, the old housekeeper didn’t waste any time talking to him.

  Throwing four white chips in his hand, Old Charlie drove him out of the grocery store, then locked the door again and hurried to the center of the town.


  The mayor’s family lives in the castle in the middle of Beth Street.

  This castle was originally built as an entertainment facility, but now it has become a symbol of the top of the pyramid.

  The ruler of this town lives in the castle, while servants, guards, and direct descendants live in brick and wood houses near the castle, and outside are dilapidated shacks. After

  asking the guard on duty at the door, Old Charlie was allowed to enter after a simple body search.

  When he stepped into the hall on the first floor, he saw two cute children playing football in the hall on the first floor of the castle.

  Their clothes were made of deerskin, and the ball they were kicking was also made of deerskin. Their clean faces and carefree smiles were not what the children outside had.

  Noticing Charlie at the door, the slightly older boy shook his brown curly hair and picked up the ball on the ground.

  ”Charlie? You’re back? Do you want to play football together?”

  ”Sorry, respected young master, I’m afraid I can’t play with you… I’m here to find your father.”

  A hint of disappointment appeared on the boy’s face, and he said impatiently.

  ”Go, he’s in the study.”

  Charlie bowed his head respectfully.

  Going around the children’s playground from the side, he was led by a servant to the elevator room and took the elevator to the top floor. As

  the elevator door opened, warm wind blew in his face.

  In the fireplace opposite, the fire was burning and the firewood was crackling.

  ”I know the way.”

  Nodding to the servant, Charlie walked through the porch on the left and came to a door two people high.

  This is the study of the mayor.

  There are rows of bookshelves in the study, and on the bookshelves are novels, poetry collections and some strange collections picked up by scavengers from outside.

  Sitting in front of the antique wooden table, the mayor leisurely drank tea. The intermittent sound from the radio on the table is the music played by the Red-tailed Warbler Orchestra, which he likes to listen to the most.

  There are three major radio stations in Boulder City, one of which can be heard even in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Every evening from 6 to 7, the radio station will repeatedly broadcast the transaction price of today’s bulk commodities, and from 7 to 10, it will teach the planting experience of the tight “economic crops” such as Kamu trees and spirit leaves, and there will be some advertisements for arms dealers and clones in between.

  As for the rest of the time, it is to repeatedly play the pop music of the pre-war era, which is also the old mayor’s favorite program, which can make him forget the bad times for a short time.

  Even in the ears of real “pre-war people”, these are all old-fashioned pastimes.

  Quietly waiting for the song to finish, Charlie walked to the desk and lowered his eyebrows respectfully.

  ”Sir, I have something urgent to report to you.”

  The mayor raised his eyelids and said casually.

  ”What is it?”

  In his opinion, the urgent matter that old Charlie could report was nothing more than the cockroaches in the shack outside, and what kind of trouble they had caused.

  Those people were like weeds, and they would grow a batch after a while. He never cared about their lives.

  Old Charlie lowered his head and continued.

  ”A survivor settlement appeared in Linghu Wetland Park in the north, with a population of more than 100 people… maybe more.”

  ”Linghu Wetland Park? Survivor settlement?! How is it possible!”

  The teacup was placed heavily on the table. The mayor sat up straight from his chair and stared at Charlie standing in front of the table, “Is the news accurate?”

  ”It shouldn’t be wrong.”

  Charlie nodded carefully and continued respectfully.

  ”Their strength should not be underestimated. Some hunters took their prey directly to them and exchanged them for salt and meat. And it seems that the conditions they offer are more favorable than ours. I am worried that if this continues for a long time, your interests will be damaged… I suggest that we should take the initiative to contact that group of people and adjust the salt price appropriately.”

  The mayor’s face was uncertain, and his index finger tapped lightly on the table, as if he was weighing something.

  After a while.

  He had a slight movement in his heart, opened the drawer, and took out an envelope with a bloody hand print and a blank piece of letter paper.

  He picked up the pen and wrote a few strokes on it. The mayor stuffed the letter paper into the envelope and threw it into Charlie’s hand standing in front of the table.

  ”Find someone who is brave, careful and trustworthy to deliver this letter to Bloody Hand.”

  Looking at the envelope in his hand, Charlie was slightly stunned.

  ”Are you planning to…”

  The mayor said expressionlessly.

  ”This winter will be very cold. If nothing unexpected happens, the Blood Hands will come again next month.”

  When he thought of those greedy villains, he was so angry that his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do. His guards were no match for them.

  Charlie hesitated for a moment and reminded cautiously.

  ”I’m afraid this is not a good idea. Besides, I don’t think the Blood Hands didn’t find them and need us to remind them–”

  ”This is undoubtedly the best idea, or can you think of a better way?” The mayor waved his hand impatiently and continued, “We don’t have that much surplus in our granary for them. If we can’t take out the food, we can only give it to people. You should know what happened to those who were kidnapped by the looters? Think about those broken families. I’m doing this for the good of the people in the town.”

  At this time, he felt sorry for the people in the town.

  Picking up the teacup again, looking at the silent old Charlie, the mayor took a sip of the warm tea and spoke slowly.

  ”The weather is getting worse.”

  ”Pray, I hope our neighbors can feed those jackals.”

  Charlie bowed his head and said respectfully.

  ”I’ll follow your instructions.”

  The mayor nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Go down… By the way, when you go back, ask those unruly people to collect more firewood and dry it as much as possible. Undried firewood will crackle when burning, which sounds noisy.”

  Charlie lowered his head and left the study with the envelope.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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