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Chapter 12 Xiao Youran: He Ignores Me

Chapter 12 Xiao Youran: He Ignores Me


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 12 Xiao Youran: He ignored me.

  Since the last time they filled out their college applications, they haven’t seen each other for half a month.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care, but Xiao Youran was very uncomfortable.

  Even Xiao’s father asked at home a few days ago, “Why haven’t you seen Xiao Xu recently?”

  Xiao Youran didn’t tell her parents about Xu Xiuwen’s kiss on her. She only told her mother that Xu Xiuwen confessed to her and she didn’t agree.

  Zhang Ruoshu said, “Xiao Xu confessed to your daughter and was rejected, so he didn’t come. Didn’t you see that your daughter has been absent-minded recently and can’t even eat.”

  After hearing this, Xiao’s father saw that his daughter looked aggrieved and laughed, and then said, “It’s a bit early to fall in love now, but this won’t work. Next time we meet, I have to talk to Xiao Xu. Even if we can’t be boyfriend and girlfriend, we can still be friends.”

  From that day on, Xiao Youran placed her hope of reconciliation on her father.

  Because apart from her father, she really had no other way.

  These days, she had looked for Xu Xiuwen on Penguin, but Xu Xiuwen was just like he said last time, if they couldn’t be boyfriend and girlfriend, they should just be strangers. No matter what message she sent, it fell on deaf ears.

  At this moment, Xiao Youran missed the past time, when Xu Xiuwen valued her so much.

  Unfortunately, since that forced kiss and the subsequent confession, the relationship between the two has been drifting apart.

  Now, they can’t even say a word.

  Xiao Youran no longer hopes that Xu Xiuwen can return to the way he was before, and she will be satisfied if he can take care of her. When

  Xiao Youran’s family came, Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to pay attention to Xiao Youran, so he simply hid in the room and didn’t come out, leaving everything outside to his mother to deal with.

  Fortunately, they were all good friends, and they didn’t need to be served by her. If they needed anything, they could do it themselves, and Zhang Ruoshu would help them.

  Xiao Youran had been looking forward to today for a while, but she didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to hide in the room all the time.

  Looking at the closed door, she was very sad, and she knew Xu Xiuwen must have done it on purpose.

  She had come to his room several times before, and every time he coaxed her to go in, she would say that there was a smell in the room with a look of disgust, and went in reluctantly.

  Now Xu Xiuwen would not let her into the room, and she felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

  Xiao Youran couldn’t bring herself to open the door and go in, so she had to sit on the sofa in the living room, staring at her father eagerly, hoping that her father could persuade Xiao Xu.

  I don’t know if Xiao’s father has forgotten what he said a few days ago, but no matter whether he has forgotten or not, it’s hard to say it when there are so many people around.

  When it was time for dinner, Xu Xiuwen finally came out of the room and called everyone one by one. Including Xiao Youran, he also greeted them politely.

  This was not what Xiao Youran wanted to see. Although he was smiling, his eyes were so calm, as if she was a person who had nothing to do with him.

  Xiao Youran wanted to ask him why he didn’t reply to her when she sent him so many messages.

  But after seeing Xu Xiuwen, she suddenly lost her courage and didn’t dare to speak, so she had to continue to pin her hopes on her father.

  After that, everyone started to eat together.

  After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, friends left one after another.

  Xiao Youran’s family did not leave.

  Xiao’s father had drunk a lot of wine at the dinner table just now. At this moment, he sat on the sofa with a red face, watching TV.

  Zhang Ruoshu helped Ning Wanqiu deal with the leftovers.

  Xiao Youran was neither standing nor sitting, and finally chose to stand at the kitchen door, watching her mother and Aunt Ning clean up.

  Zhang Ruoshu understood her daughter’s thoughts. Xiao’s father was already half drunk. There was no hope for him, so she knew she had to do it herself.

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly sighed.

  Ning Wanqiu next to her noticed it immediately and asked, “Are you tired? If you are tired, go and rest first. I can do it myself.”

  Zhang Ruoshu looked at Ning Wanqiu with a worried and uncomfortable look, “Hey, it’s all because of my precious daughter.”

  ”Youran? What’s wrong with Youran?”

  ”Hey, you don’t know, since Xiuwen confessed to Youran that day and was rejected by her, he ignored her. Youran has been crying at home every day these days, and I feel so uncomfortable watching her.”

  ”Ah? How could this happen?”

  A few days ago, I heard from my best friend that Xiao Youran rejected her son.

  She didn’t take it to heart, because she didn’t see how sad her son looked.

  How come Xiao Youran is crying at home every day now?

  Ning Wanqiu watched Xiao Youran grow up, and naturally has a deep affection for Xiao Youran.

  She couldn’t help but look back and took a look at Xiao Youran standing at the kitchen door. After a

  closer look, she noticed the details that she hadn’t noticed before. The little girl’s eyes were red, her face was not very good, and she seemed to be a little thinner.

  Ning Wanqiu was so distressed that she couldn’t speak.

  She quickly put down the dishes in her hands, washed her hands, and said to Xiao Youran, “Youran, come here, let your aunt hug you.”

  Hearing Aunt Ning’s words, Xiao Youran was like a young bird that found a safe haven, and rushed over.

  All the grievances of these days burst out at this moment, and her eyes were wet in an instant.

  Xiao Youran leaned in Ning Wanqiu’s arms and called out pitifully, “Aunt Ning, Xiao Xu…he ignored me.”

  Ning Wanqiu frowned after hearing this. She stroked Xiao Youran’s back with her hand and comforted him, “Youran, don’t cry first, I’ll ask this bad boy what’s wrong with him. He actually got angry! I’ll teach him a lesson!”

  ”Don’t!” Xiao Youran subconsciously wanted to stop him.

  Ning Wanqiu had already shouted to Xu Xiuwen’s room, “Xu Xiuwen, come out quickly!” Xu Xiuwen

  in the room didn’t know that his mother was on the verge of going crazy.

  At this moment, he was peeking at the screen in front of the computer, and the content of the peeking screen today was still fresh jokes.

  Hearing his mother calling him out, he didn’t think much, put on his slippers and walked out of the room.

  As soon as he went out, he saw Ning Wanqiu in the kitchen and Xiao Youran in her arms.

  Ning Wanqiu looked dissatisfied, and Xiao Youran avoided his sight a little, his face was a little weak.

  Xu Xiuwen instantly understood what was going on.

  But he still pretended to know nothing, walked over slowly and asked, “What’s the matter, Mom?”

  Ning Wanqiu glared at Xu Xiuwen and asked, “Let me ask you, have you ignored Youran recently?”

  Xu Xiuwen lowered his head and said nothing.

  Ning Wanqiu did not let him go, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab his ear and questioned, “I’m asking you a question! Are you mute?”

  ”It hurts, it hurts…” Xu Xiuwen immediately begged for mercy.

  In fact, it didn’t hurt that much, but if he pretended that it didn’t hurt at all, Ning Wanqiu would definitely not let him go easily.

  Ning Wanqiu knew that she didn’t use much strength, and glared at him unhappily and said, “Hurry up and tell me, what happened?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether Xiao Youran had told him that he had forcefully kissed her, so he could only hope that she didn’t say it.

  Xu Xiuwen found an excuse, “Who told her to reject me first!”

  ”She must have done something wrong to reject you. If you did a good job, why would Youran reject you? You don’t look for the reason in yourself, but you take your anger out on Youran. I think you are asking for a fight.”

  ”Mom, are you my mom or her mom? Why are you so partial?”

  Ning Wanqiu raised her eyebrows, “Do you have any objections?”

  ”Don’t dare…” Xu Xiuwen muttered in a low voice.

  ”That’s right, don’t dare. I’ll tell you, let’s not talk about why Youran rejected you. Even if she rejected you, you grew up together. I have already regarded Youran as my daughter. If you dare to bully your sister, you’d better watch your skin!”


  ”Louder, didn’t you eat?”

  ”Got it.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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