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Chapter 122 Four-digit Reward and the Right to Explore the Ruins

Chapter 122 Four-digit Reward and the Right to Explore the Ruins


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 122 Four-digit Reward and Ruins Exploration Rights

  [Task Reward: 1500 silver coins, 1000 contribution points, 4 free weapon upgrade opportunities. ]

  [Warm Tip: Because of the workbench you recycled, the weapon shop at Outpost 404 unlocked the “Weapon Modification” option. Do you want to announce the team information to all players in the server? Yes/No]

  The next morning.

  The four little players who logged into the game confirmed their copy income through the VM of the captain Lao Bai.

  ”Fuck! Four digits!?”

  ”Brother Guang is awesome!”

  ”I’m rich, I’m rich!”

  After deducting the 225 silver coins given to Irena, there are still 1275 silver coins left. If divided equally, each person can get 318 silver coins!

  Compared with the less than three-digit deposits in most players’ bank accounts, this is undoubtedly a huge sum of money!

  Looking at Ye Shi, who looked like a pig, Lao Bai glared at him fiercely.

  ”Don’t show off your wealth on the forum! I warn you!”

  As he said that, he poked the “No” option.

  Ye Shi said with a smirk.

  ”Am I that kind of person? That’s called sharing the joy in my heart with the forum brothers!”

  As soon as he said this, he was immediately rolled his eyes.

  However, joking aside, Ye Shi still has his own ideas. This kind of arrogance cannot be casually pretended. If

  you make a fortune quietly, no one will necessarily care about you. If you cause public outrage, no matter how much the planner wants to protect you, he must take into account the feelings of the majority of players.

  1500 silver coins!

  The most expensive weapon in the weapon shop at present, the 9mm iron barrel rifle produced in Boulder City, is only 150 silver coins. And this is the price after the 7mm iron barrel rifle is sold out and the overall price of rifles has been slightly increased!

  It’s like others have worked hard to complete the task, paid several days of sweat, and finally happily saved money to buy the first iron rifle in their life. When they are full of a sense of accomplishment, you jump out and throw a four-digit dungeon reward in their face.

  Is there any meaning in doing this except to make those players who work hard to do daily activities and are willing to be tools feel like a stupid donkey whose brain has been raped?

  Games are not reality. From the perspective of game companies, the gaming experience of all players is definitely the most important.

  Don’t say that the planner A Guang is just a group member.

  Even if Brother Guang is his biological father, he would probably want to kill him.

  After all, objectively speaking, the rewards for their dungeon this time did affect the balance a bit, and were two orders of magnitude higher than the regular task benefits of players of the same level.

  They discussed it for a long time in the cattle and horses group last night, and finally reached a consensus of only about 800.

  After all, compared with the tragic meat grinder at the entrance of the greenhouse ruins passage, hundreds of gnawers were scattered on two floors of the underground parking lot. The crawlers were a bit difficult to deal with, but that was several versions ago.

  With equipment, levels, and the ability to set traps and arrange tactics in advance, the actual difficulty is not as exaggerated as Ye Shi boasted.

  If [Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning] knew that they made four figures for a dungeon, I’m afraid they would complain about their shady dealings again.

  ”Let me think about how to spend it…” Fang Chang touched his chin, “200 silver coins should be enough to buy Lao Bai a set of steel armor, 100 silver coins–”

  ”Okay, okay, don’t count it,” Lao Bai waved his hand and interrupted Fang Chang, “Set aside 200 silver coins as the guild fund, and build our guild building when we have enough money. The rest will be divided among everyone, and you can decide what equipment to buy.”

  ”I agree.” Kuang Feng nodded, “But 200 may not be enough, and we will have to bid for the exploration rights of the greenhouse ruins dungeon at eight o’clock.”

  Lao Bai: “Hiss… 500 is enough, right?”

  ”It must be enough,” Fang Chang said with a smile, “You can tell by calculating the money in other people’s pockets. I bet it will not exceed 200 silver. If the bidding price is below 200, we will directly raise it to 200 and kill it instantly!”

  Lao Bai nodded.

  This is indeed the truth.

  Unless other players pool their money together, they will not be competitive at all. And even if they pool their money together, it doesn’t matter, they will definitely be able to come up with more.

  ”Speaking of which, how are the contribution points divided? And what about the opportunity to upgrade the weapon?” Ye Shi suddenly asked.

  ”The contribution points are divided equally, 200 each, including Irena. Anyway, we are all citizens, so we just have to wait for the new version to open higher status levels. The weapon upgrade… I guess it’s to add a grip to the gun or carve a sight or something. I don’t have enough imagination, so I’ll see.” Lao Bai stroked his chin and analyzed randomly.

  Kuangfeng: “I plan to make a winding winch for my crossbow and replace the front pedal with a bayonet.”

  Ye Shi: “You are just taking off your pants to fart.”

  Kuangfeng: “You don’t understand, this is more wasteland.”

  ”Forget it, I’ll give my chance to Lao Yi.” Fang Chang couldn’t let go of his “Dawn”, but he didn’t want the workbench to be destroyed by him.

  Ye Shi: “Pfft, what the hell is Lao Yi?”

  Fang Chang: “You can’t call her Lao Na.”

  The three of them were stunned.


  It’s so cold.


  Around seven in the morning in wasteland time.

  The sun gradually rose in the distance, and the thin sunlight passed through the gaps in the woods and sprinkled on the white snow.

  The nomads in the camp carried large and small plastic buckets to the lake to fetch water. The players also came out of the elevator

  of the sanatorium one after another and began to relax after work. At this moment, a large group of people surrounded the entrance of the sanatorium.

  Standing in the middle of the crowd, Chu Guang, wearing heavy armor and carrying a sledgehammer on his back, spoke in a solemn and solemn voice.

  ”What is being auctioned now is… the exploration rights of the first floor of the greenhouse ruins.”

  Hearing this, the players around whispered.

  ”Why are you auctioning only the first floor?”

  ”Stupid, of course you can conquer the second floor and the first underground floor after conquering the first floor!”

  ”I remember there are 5 floors above ground and 10 floors underground?”

  ”I know, the controlled fusion generator seems to be on the 9th floor! The 10th floor is connected to the city’s drainage system? The mother nest of the devil moth should be there!”

  Looking at the players who were talking about it, Chu Guang did not stay for too long. He simply described the difficulty of the dungeon, the expected number of monsters, etc., which was considered an introduction to the auction items.

  Then, he announced the start of the auction.

  ”…The minimum reward for clearing the dungeon is 200 silver coins, the starting price is 100 silver coins, and each bid increase must not be less than 1 silver coin.”

  Mosquito raised his hand.


  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

  ”200 silver!”

  Seeing Fang Chang raising his hand, the players around him took a deep breath.

  ”Damn, a copy with a 200 silver reward for clearing the level is directly priced at 200 silver?! How the hell is this profitable?”

  ”Too outrageous!”

  ”What do you know? The 200 silver is a guaranteed reward. If you clear out the cocoons inside and sell them, will it only be 200 silver?”

  ”That’s not necessarily the case. You may not understand that the cocoons of the devil moths are piled up into several small mountains next to the warehouse, and the purchase price has been broken several times. If there are no other new harvests, the remaining cocoons of the devil moths may not even be sold for 200 silver.”

  Wasteland OL currently has two markets, one is the NPC warehouse, and the other is the market at the north gate. There

  are too few players in the closed beta stage, and the consumption ability is not high. If you want to make money now, you still have to rely mainly on the orders placed by the NPC warehouse.

  The economic system of Wasteland OL is very interesting.

  In order to prevent the oversupply of a single resource and the serious backlog of inventory, the NPC warehouse will preset a blue line and a red line for each type of resource.

  The blue line represents the “reserve upper limit” and the red line represents the “inventory warning line”. These two lines maintain the lever of supply and demand balance, which is mainly determined according to the needs of the industrial zone.

  If the resource reserves exceed the blue line, that is, the reserve upper limit, the purchase price and the selling price will be reduced by 10% on the current basis for every 10% exceeding, which is equivalent to reducing production and promoting sales at the same time

  . If it is below the red line, that is, the inventory warning line, the purchase price and the selling price will increase by 10% for every 10% below, promoting production increase and tightening consumption.

  Here is another little-known fact: most players do not have private warehouses.

  A small amount of supplies can still be stuffed into the lockers, and bulk supplies are either sold to factories in the industrial zone or piled up on their own private land.

  Random stacking will be regarded as abandonment, and other players and NPCs can pick it up.

  Now, let alone the NPC warehouse, the warehouse of the Vine House is filled with these cocoons. After several days of dumping, the purchase price of the devil moth cocoon has fallen to 1 silver coin each, and the selling price has also been pressed to the floor.

  It is said that if the inventory exceeds the blue line by five times, the fuse mechanism will be triggered, and the manager will set a “white line” to lock the selling price and stop purchasing before the inventory drops to the white line.

  This situation has not happened yet, but if it continues to develop at this rate, it is estimated that it will happen soon.

  The same is true for the corpses of the devil moths and the spirit leaves. The “blue line” of these two materials is very low, and the warehouse is not willing to reserve them. The purchase price has been broken continuously. Except for the newbies who are riding on the car, few people transport them back.

  ”Don’t worry about others,” looking at this group of sand sculptures worrying about others not making money, Brother Mole looked at the sky, sighed, shook his head and said, “You don’t understand the rules of this thing at all… Are they looking for the 200 silver coins? Even if they don’t make money, what does it matter?”

  ”What do you mean?”

  The Elf King Fugui was stunned and confused.

  The copy is not profitable?

  What’s the point of playing chicken.

  Don’t talk about bullets, you have to spend money to buy a new axe if it is broken!

  Brother Mole looked at this little fool meaningfully.

  ”After conquering the first floor above ground, the entrances to the first and second floors underground will be unlocked, right?”

  Elf King Fugui: “Well, then what?”

  ”The priority exploration right can be up to 7 days,” Mole brother paused and continued calmly, “If it were me, I would sell the priority exploration right of the second floor directly to other teams… just sell it for 200 silvers, and then concentrate on conquering the first floor underground.”

  ”What the hell?!”

  Elf King Fugui finally understood this time, his eyes widened.

  ”Isn’t this snowballing?!”

  ”As long as you can clear the level within the priority exploration right period, it will theoretically snowball if you conquer one level after another.”

  Mole sighed enviously.

  ”The first level is guaranteed to earn 200 silvers… but there are ten levels below.”

  If he didn’t know that these people had just cleared a large dungeon and he was 100% unable to beat them, he would have tried to grab it no matter what.

  After all, the premium here is too terrifying.


  If only I could pay with krypton gold!

  Mole had a hunch.

  If these people continue to snowball, I’m afraid that before the internal testing stage, Wasteland OL will have to open a guild system.

  Or a more expensive gameplay than the guild system.

  After all, the most expensive equipment in the store is currently only three digits.

  He really can’t think of what else these people can spend their silver coins on after they earn more than three digits.


  After getting the right to explore the “Greenhouse Ruins” dungeon, the Niu Ma team did not start the strategy immediately, but recruited 5 old players who had participated in this dungeon before, and mixed them into a 9-person team.

  Everyone’s level is above LV4, and the sequence is mainly strength and agility.

  This naturally includes a certain mole.

  Lao Bai, the captain, walked up to the five passers-by and said.

  ”The first floor has been almost eaten up. I estimate that it will be difficult to get 200 silvers with the remaining resources. If nothing unexpected happens, the final clearance reward should be guaranteed.”

  Elf King Fugui nodded.

  ”Indeed… that group of newbies is too wild.”

  Lao Bai: “You can’t blame them for being wild. After all, the previous gameplay mechanism did have some problems. There were dozens of people squeezed into a copy, and we didn’t dare to speak on the forum. Now it’s different. The gameplay is more formal, which is good for everyone.”

  After a pause, Lao Bai continued.

  ”If the final copy profit is 200 silver, the money will be divided among the five of you, and the four of us will not participate. For the part exceeding 200, we will take 40%, and the rest will still be divided by you.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken was stunned: “Then you won’t lose?”

  ”You don’t have to worry about that,” Fang Chang smiled and said frankly, “Our goal is the exploration rights of the first underground floor and the second floor above the ground.”

  Lao Bai shook the VM on his arm.

  ”If there is no problem, I will start editing the team contract here.”

  Through the team function of VM, you can draft a team contract. In addition to the templates provided by several official websites, you can also edit it yourself.

  If a dispute occurs, the outpost will arbitrate according to the content of the contract and determine the ownership of the spoils and rewards.

  After receiving the team formation information, the five players confirmed it and exchanged glances. No

  one had any objections. Especially Mole and Fugui. They had communicated before and knew what the goal of the cattle and horse team was.

  These big guys were not interested in picking up the leftover soup from others. Their real goal was the next stage and the next stage.

  However, what Mole did not expect was that they did not even look at the remaining 200 silver coins and gave them directly to passers-by.

  How fat is this!

  After clicking the confirmation on the VM screen, Mole clasped his fist.

  ”Brother, I rely on you. I just want to drink some soup with you.”

  Fang Chang smiled and said, “Good brother, don’t say that. I am still counting on you to learn how to brush the insect alien nest. Don’t worry, next time there is such a good opportunity, I will definitely not compete with you!” I don’t believe you! Mole sighed in



  Sure enough.

  If you want to get rich quickly, you still have to find a way to explore some high-value resource points. There is no future in following others to drink soup.

  Looking at the mole, Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Brother, why don’t you join our group? We are going to build a guild and we can play together when we are free.”

  Ye Shi laughed and joined in the fun: “Would you like to be the vice president? When the guild is built, I will let you be the vice president.”

  The mole looked up at the sky and shook his head.

  ”Thank you, but forget about the guild. When I played other games before, I didn’t have the money or time to impact t1. Now it’s rare to encounter such an awesome game… I want to be a big shot.”

  The vice president of an MMORPG is just a title for fun.

  After all, he is a closed beta player. It would be a waste if he didn’t become a guild president for fun.

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai looked at him and smiled, expressing their understanding, and didn’t mention it again.

  ”Let’s start the group, no more nonsense, the most important thing is to make money!”

  ”Go, go, go!”

  ”Let’s do it!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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