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Chapter 126 New Order!

Chapter 126 New Order!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 126 A New Order!

  The north gate of Bate Street.

  Looking at the guns and ammunition being loaded onto the wagons for transport, Old Walter, who was guarding the prisoners, clicked his tongue, feeling mixed emotions.

  ”If that guy had distributed the guns earlier, we might not have lost.”

  The survivors of Bate Street had never touched a gun, because their respected mayor had never intended to let them afford it.

  As for the reason, he could think it through.

  Compared to those looters who could be appeased with money, the hungry scavengers under his feet were what he was really afraid of.

  Old Charlie, who had just returned from appeasing the survivors, happened to hear this, smiled faintly, and replied casually.

  ”The result is the same.”


  ”Do you have faith?”

  Old Walter was stunned.


  Charlie looked at the blue coats who were energetic and sticking to their posts, and said meaningfully.

  ”They do.”

  The reason why this world has become a wasteland has never been because of a terrible weapon, but the despair of witnessing the collapse of heaven.

  Before being sold here, he had seen local tycoons who used bionic robots to plow the fields, war maniacs who installed nuclear fusion engines on airships, and madmen who installed eight modified prostheses and turned themselves into octopuses.

  Many of his compatriots who came out of the same shelter as him were still very good people before the door was opened, but they went crazy not long after coming out.

  There are also many people who chose to commit suicide because they could not accept the cruel reality.

  But these blue coats seem to be completely the other extreme.

  How to say…

  They seem to be a little optimistic and abnormal?

  Old Charlie couldn’t think of how to describe their state.

  But one thing is certain, if even the despair of the collapse of heaven can’t destroy them, then they must have some strong belief in their hearts to support them.

  Without noticing what Old Charlie was thinking, the two little players standing guard at the door were killing time with nonsense.

  ”I have the following six opinions on the situation in Afghanistan…”

  ”You are right, but the Vatican has a permanent population of 800 people, and there are 47 million kangaroos in Australia alone. If the kangaroos decide to invade the Vatican, then every Vatican resident will have to fight 58,750 kangaroos.”

  ”By the way, that old man seems to be looking at us?”

  ”Is there a mission for us to do?”

  ”No, there is no exclamation mark on the map, and he is not wearing a VM.”

  ”Forget it, let’s ignore the old guy… By the way, where was I just now?”


  The generator that powers the castle is located on the first floor. It is the same model that Chu Guang bought from Lister before. Both are a combination of wood vaporizer + gas generator.

  However, the power of this wood generator is much greater than the one Chu Guang bought before. Four feed ports are connected to four huge cylinders, and the maximum output power can reach 150KW!

  It is a waste to put the generator in this castle.

  Chu Guang plans to take it back.

  At present, the power of the outpost’s “grid” is only 10KW, which is already very tight to power an active substance extractor.

  150KW, can do a lot of things!

  However, before moving it back, Chu Guang has to use it.

  The players skillfully stuffed the firewood into the feed port and turned on the power switch. As the generator started working again, the lighting in the castle was restored.

  Chu Guang, carrying a sledgehammer, stepped into the castle and took the elevator directly to the top floor.

  According to the players’ report, this is the old mayor’s study.

  Chu Guang asked them not to rummage through the things here, and everything will be settled after he comes.

  These players did it obediently, but except for the study, the only thing left was the wall that they had not gnawed off.

  The elevator stopped steadily.

  Looking at the fireplace opposite and the firewood neatly stacked in a triangular pile in the fireplace, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

  ”It’s so fucking corrupt.”

  Even the corridor is heated!

  Doesn’t this old leech usually wear clothes at home?

  The picture was a bit spicy, and Chu Guang decided it was better not to imagine it.

  Walking through the carpeted corridor, Chu Guang went straight to the study room marked with a special mark on the VM map.

  Rather than a study room, it was more like a collection room.

  In addition to some pre-war novels, poetry collections, and cooking recipes, there were also some strange gadgets and ornaments on the bookshelf.

  Chu Guang reached out and took a small brass pistol from the bookshelf. He held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then pointed it at the wall and pulled the trigger, only to see a small flame burst out of the muzzle.


  In addition to the lighter that looked like a pistol, there was also a beetle clock made of golden springs and gears, which looked very valuable.

  Chu Guang even found a few gold bars in a rusty iron box.

  It seems that gold is not a rare thing in Qingquan City, at least not as valuable as those colorful chips.

  Otherwise, it would not be thrown here.

  ”Tsk, this stingy guy.”

  ”He didn’t even leave me a single chip!”

  After admiring his spoils for a while,

  Chu Guang put these flashy things aside for the time being, and his eyes fell on the radio on the desk.

  He walked over and reached out to press the switch.

  After a short pause, melodious and soothing music and noisy electric current sounds soon floated out of the old speaker.

  Chu Guang was surprised.

  ”There is actually a signal?”

  Is it from Boulder City?

  Or other survivors’ settlements…

  Chu Guang was about to tune in to see if there were other channels.

  However, just as his hand touched the black knob, the melodious and soothing music stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a slick host.

  ”…Here’s a news story. A fight involving hundreds of people broke out in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, to our north. A group of refugees suspected to be from the north attacked the local survivors’ settlement with rifles made of water pipes. Their most advanced weapon was a ridiculous smoothbore cannon?”

  ”Tsk tsk, how cruel! We saw those refugees blasting open the doors of local people’s homes with black gunpowder and smashing their skulls with gun butts. They hanged men on the city gates and tied women with ropes. All the women, from one year old to fifty years old, were dragged to the dark alleys… Tsk tsk tsk, these beasts are so barbaric.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Is this host on drugs?

  Why are they talking so stupid?

  The window of the study faces the fifth ring road in the north of Qingquan City.

  Chu Guang looked out the window and could only vaguely see rows of uneven and crooked high-rise ruins and the remains of elevated roads and bridges.

  The urban areas farther away were either blocked or blurred by the winter fog.

  ”…Can we see this place from Boulder City?”

  Or did they set up an observation station along the Fifth Ring Road or on a tall building? Using a large telescope to observe secretly?

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.


  The sound on the radio continued to play.

  After compiling the barbaric deeds of the northern refugees, the host on the radio changed the subject again and inserted an advertisement in the news.

  ”The continued unrest in the northern part of the Valley Province is threatening the security of the southern region. The Giant Stone Military Industry reminds you that guns are the foundation of life. For your safety, we solemnly recommend our latest products to you – Salamander Assault Rifle, Dragon Fruit Grenade Launcher and Crowbar Bread served in the cafeteria of Workshop No. 1.”

  ”If even they can’t keep your neighbors calm, we also provide a series of military outsourcing services including persuasion and mediation.”

  ”As long as you have enough chips in your pocket, the mercenaries of Giant Stone City will never let you down!”


  [Mission: Liberate Bate Street (Completed)]

  [Description: The flag of Shelter No. 404 is flying on the castle of Bate Street. Our enemies are running away and dropping their weapons to surrender. Although the whereabouts of Old Leech are unknown, it doesn’t matter. The people of Bate Street will thank us, and they will embrace a better tomorrow. ]

  [Reward: 50 silver coins, 100 contribution points, a chance to draw a lottery, a bottle of 330 ml wine, and Xiaoyu’s thanks. ]

  At noon.

  Almost at the same time, the players standing in front of the castle received the reminder of the task completion, and their faces showed surprise.

  ”Huh?! Am I seeing things? What is a lottery opportunity?”

  ”Wow, the internal test hasn’t even started yet, and the lottery function has been made!”

  ”Blindly guessing that the next function is to draw cards!”

  ”Operator: Testing the money-making system is also part of the closed beta test. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s ridiculous.”

  ”I drew! Hey, I actually got a brass pistol lighter?!”

  ”Fuck, I’ll come too… Damn! Why the hell did I draw a sheep’s horn potato!”

  ”Hahahahaha, the African is confirmed!”

  Of course.

  Not everyone is busy drawing.

  For example, a short-haired girl.

  ”Xiaoyu’s thanks! Woohoo, how will Xiaoyu thank Weiba! Will Weiba hug you? Can you hold it and take a bite?”

  Sisi, who was standing aside, sighed and poked Weiba’s arm with the butt of the gun.

  ”Don’t blame me for not reminding you. If you are too perverted, you will be kicked offline.”

  Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to develop the lottery function last night. He has not found an opportunity to use it, so he edited it in the task rewards to test it out.

  So far, the feedback from players seems to be good?

  Although the prizes in the prize pool are all small gadgets that do not affect the balance of the game, the occasional excited shouting of one or two European emperors can always push the atmosphere to a climax. What

  surprised Chu Guang was that from the players’ reactions, the recognized SSSR was not an iron barrel rifle priced at 150 silver coins, but the useless “brass pistol”. The

  brass appearance looks very much like a “golden legend”, and the cool shape is even more cool.

  The only drawback is that you can’t shoot, you can only light a cigarette, after all, this thing is a lighter.

  But that’s not important!

  Anyone who has played “The Lost Connection” knows that weapons with names are not necessarily better than those popular orange equipment, but everyone will still keep them as collections and take them to the forum to pretend to be a big brother and deceive newbies.

  The same is true for Wasteland OL.

  ”Legendary” weapons do not provide any damage bonus to bullets. Whether it is the submachine gun of the 猹 or the hunting rifle of the bear, apart from the unique story, they are no better than the iron barrel rifles bought from the Boulder City.

  Of course, it is not to say that the lighter of the old leech is completely useless. After all, the players in the outpost now mainly rely on matches to light fires.

  This lighter with piezoelectric ceramics is still relatively “high-tech”.

  Brother Mosquito, who drew a sheep’s horn potato, shouted angrily in the square.

  ”Bad review! Why don’t you hold an auction this time! I want the lighter of the old leech!”

  The players around him all laughed and looked at him.

  Let you raise the sign blindly!

  There is no G group rule this time. You are dumbfounded.

  [Makabazi] who drew the lighter was grinning, and he wanted to wear the VM around his neck to show off.

  ”Do you want 1,000 silver coins? This is your only chance.”

  ”Fuck! A lighter for 1,000! You’re fucking robbing me!”

  Who the hell can come up with a four-digit price?

  Brother Ba raised his eyebrows with a smug look on his face.

  He had no intention of selling it, so of course the price was just a random one.

  ”1,000 silver once, 1,000 silver twice… Is there anyone else holding up a sign? No? Very good, it’s 1,500 now.”

  Mosquito: “%¥#@!”

  After the mission is completed, the rewarded silver coins and contribution points will be credited immediately.

  As for the prizes and the wine rewarded for the mission, you need to wait until you return to the outpost to collect it at the NPC warehouse.

  It’s better to save the drinking for the victory celebration dinner.

  If the wine is distributed to the players now, Chu Guang is really worried that these little fools will drink it and lose their connection on the spot, and he will have to arrange for someone to carry it back for them.

  That’s just asking for trouble.

  In addition to the rewards that everyone can receive, some players who perform additional tasks will receive additional rewards. This part of the reward is mainly composed of silver coins and copper coins, which will not affect the balance, nor will it make players who have not received it suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  In fact, Chu Guang has recently been considering developing an additional military merit system in addition to the contribution system, making some electronic medals and ranks, and further distinguishing the growth paths of life professional players and combat professional players.

  However, this will cause other problems.

  Sure enough, it is better to wait until there are more people in the future and players need to go out to expand the territory before considering enriching this part of the gameplay.

  At the gate of the castle.

  Chu Guang found Old Charlie and asked him to do a simple statistics of the supplies on Beth Street.

  For this work, Old Charlie can be said to be familiar with it. He quickly found the account book left in the warehouse and took Chu Guang to the granary for verification.

  ”The granary on Bethe Street has a total of 8,000 kilograms of yams, 12,000 kilograms of green wheat, 5,000 kilograms of cabbage, 800 kilograms of dried meat, 30 kilograms of coarse salt, and two sacks of pepper and Sichuan peppercorns… All the supplies are recorded in this account book, and every withdrawal of supplies is recorded. Please have a look.”

  As he said this, Old Charlie handed the wrinkled account book to Chu Guang respectfully.

  After Chu Guang took the account book, he glanced at it roughly.

  What surprised him was that in addition to the reserve grain, there were actually two bags of 500g of refined salt and 20 kilograms of white sugar in the warehouse.

  There was even soy sauce and vinegar!

  The food of this old leech is a bit too good.

  ”What about the reserves of supplies besides food and weapons?”

  Old Charlie replied respectfully.

  ”The warehouse is mainly stockpiled with furs for trading, which can be found at the back of this account book. But after Lister’s caravan came here last time, the Blood Hand Clan came here again to extort money, and there are not many left in the warehouse.”

  ”In addition, there are 173 chips and a hyena cub’s fur at the grocery store. Although it is not in the account book, I have packed it for you. It is on the table at the door of the warehouse.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  173 chips is a considerable sum.

  As for the batch of furs that Old Leech gave to Blood Hand as a tribute, they are now in his warehouse. Some of them seem to have been bought by Teng Teng to be made into clothes. Many players are wearing them.

  Just when he was about to let Old Charlie take him around the warehouse, a dusty little player came over from the direction of the castle.

  ”Master Manager!”

  Looking at Midnight Killing Chicken who came back alone, Chu Guang probably guessed the result, but still looked at him and asked.

  ”How is the situation?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken said with a guilty look.

  ”…When we went down, there was an explosion in the passage, and then the sewage flooded our shoes. We continued forward and soon encountered several frightened rats and mutant cockroaches…After getting rid of them, we used a shovel to try to clean up the rubble that was blown up, but the wooden beams of the passage had broken. As we dug, the front collapsed. We had no choice but to evacuate.”


  It seems that the underground passage of this wine cellar should be connected to the sewer of Qingquan City. When the old leech ignited the explosives, it probably blew up the water pipe buried nearby.

  After listening to the report of the midnight chicken killing, Chu Guang did not blame him, but just nodded.

  ”I know, you have done a good job, don’t blame yourself.”

  It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it.

  The survivors of Beth Street have already known the crimes of the old leech. Whether he is dead or not, the people here will never let him come back.

  After speaking, Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and slid it on the VM screen, and clicked “Confirmation Completion” for the task of this little player.

  After watching [Midnight Chicken Killer] leave happily, Chu Guang looked at Old Charlie and threw the account book in his hand.

  ”I will take all the supplies in the warehouse. As for the food, I will take half of it, and the rest will be temporarily placed here for the residents of Bet Street to buy. Keep the account book, I will have people check it regularly.”

  ”In addition, the official currency of Bet Street has been changed to copper coins and silver coins. The previous chips can still be used, but they will no longer be actively put on the market. In the future, if there are villagers who bring prey to exchange for money, you will directly pay him silver coins and copper coins.” It

  may be difficult to promote the new currency at the beginning, but Chu Guang will use the price as a lever to make his own choice in a subtle way.

  The same commodity is cheaper to buy with silver coins, so the survivors will naturally tend to use the new currency for transactions.

  After hearing Chu Guang’s instructions, Charlie immediately understood what he meant and nodded in understanding.

  ”I understand what you mean.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  At this moment, Chu Guang suddenly remembered that there was an important thing he hadn’t said. So, he looked at Old Charlie, cleared his throat, raised his voice, and continued with a solemn expression.

  ”The tyranny has been overthrown, and the survivors of Better Street will usher in a new order.”

  ”From now on, you are the new mayor.”

  ”I will pay you a salary of 400 silver coins every month, and your first task is to draft a set of rules in black and white as a contingency plan for the first law of Better Street. From now on, everything here will be done in accordance with what is written in the law.”

  Charlie’s expression was a little surprised.

  Although he guessed that Chu Guang would probably let him help him clean up the mess here, the salary and the law were honestly beyond his expectations.

  Does this gentleman still think that this world can be saved?

  Although he was full of confusion, Old Charlie did not say anything, but bowed his head respectfully and gladly accepted the appointment.

  ”As you command, sir.”

  (Brother Meng, it’s the Mid-Autumn Festival, I’ll take half a day off to reunite with my family and collect materials. There’s only one update today, but it’s still quite a lot. Can you praise me? I’ll continue to work hard tomorrow!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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