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Chapter 127 Triumphant Return! And a Dinner to Celebrate the Victory!

Chapter 127 Triumphant Return! And a Dinner to Celebrate the Victory!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 127 Triumphal Return! And a Victory Dinner!

  In the evening, as the last caravan left the north gate of Bette Street, the survivors of Shelter No. 404 went home singing the song of victory.

  The residents of Bette Street watched the group of victors disappear at the end of the street with a blank look on their faces. Many people had not yet recovered from the cannon fire in the morning.


  the end?

  No one died.

  The most seriously injured was just an unlucky guard who was scratched on the face by the wood chips flying from the shells. After breaking through the gate, the invaders did not burn, kill and plunder like the looters, but went straight to the castle in the middle of Bette Street – just as Zhao Shu and others said, they came to teach the old mayor a lesson, as long as they stayed at home and didn’t go out, they would be fine.

  As for the old mayor who was missing, no one cared about his fate. Everything he did was his own fault. It would be better for him to die and never appear in front of them again.

  As for the spoils taken away by those people, the residents of Beth Street did not feel anything. Whether it was the grain in the granary or the weapons in the armory, these were the property of the old mayor.

  He never shared these things with them, so they naturally had no obligation to feel sorry for him.

  ”Where did the mayor go?”

  ”I don’t know. It seems that no one saw him coming out of the castle.”

  ”Maybe he sneaked away disguised as a scavenger.”

  ”I think he was beaten to death by those blue coats.”

  ”I heard that blue coats rarely use force on their own initiative. It seems that the mayor’s family really pissed these people off.”

  ”The new mayor is the old butler?”

  ”Not bad, but he is so old…can he do it?”

  ”What I am concerned about now is the grocery store…If the grocery store is gone, where can we go to exchange salt?”

  After hearing the conversation of the residents, old Charlie coughed and walked in front of everyone.

  ”The grocery store will be open for business as usual. I will arrange a diligent and responsible store owner. Don’t worry. Your life will not be affected by what happened today. Instead, it will be better than before.”

  ”Celebrate this day. The tyrant who oppressed you has been overthrown. No one will sell you inferior goods in the future. The grocery store will be run by the street office, and profit will no longer be the primary purpose. I can assure you.”

  Street office?

  What is that?

  The residents of Bate Street looked at each other. It was the first time they heard such a difficult word.

  In fact, it was the first time for Old Charlie to hear it.

  However, it doesn’t matter what it is called.

  The name is just a symbol.

  The key is to see how it is done.

  After a group of residents gathered together and talked for a while, they couldn’t discuss it. In the end, they all dispersed and went about their own business.


  On the other side, the outpost of Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang, who was returning home, asked several strength players to help unload the supplies from the caravan and move them into the warehouse and granary for classification.

  Tens of tons of food, a dozen furs, and a lot of seasonings.

  Looking at the almost full granary, Chu Guang experienced the joy of beating the local tyrants for the first time.

  This is so damn cool!

  Otherwise… just beat down the local tyrant next door?

  Just when Chu Guang was wavering between the positions of lawful neutrality and lawful evil, old Luca, who was standing beside him, reported to him respectfully.

  ”Sir, while you were out, Brown Farm sent an envoy.”

  Retracting his gaze from the full granary, Chu Guang looked at Luca.

  ”Messenger? What did he say?”

  Luca nodded.

  ”He brought a message from Mr. Brown, saying that in order to thank you for your contribution to the survivors in the northern suburbs, he is willing to give you a batch of supplies as a thank you gift. This includes 5,000 kilograms of sheep’s horn potatoes, 5,000 kilograms of beets, and 5,000 kilograms of corn. At the same time, he also said that he hopes to establish friendly trade relations with us.”

  Chu Guang’s expression was slightly surprised.

  ”They’ve spent a lot of money.”

  He had originally thought that after taking over Bet Street, he would go to the gate of Brown Farm for a stroll, and implicitly express that he was in need of food. Unexpectedly, they were so proactive that they offered to send some food before he even opened his mouth.

  At this time, Chu Guang suddenly remembered the Boulder City broadcast he had heard on the radio in the mayor’s study, and his expression was a little strange.

  It seems that he should thank the host who was full of nonsense?

  Luca nodded and said with emotion: “It’s really a big investment. So much food… It’s not cheap to buy it.”

  In previous years, merchants from Boulder City came to the farm to buy food, all by the truckload, and the wholesale price was high and low, but even when it was cheap, 15,000 kilograms of food would cost thousands of chips.

  Moreover, corn and beets are more expensive than yams and green wheat.

  After all, the latter is the food of the “servants”, while the former is a high-quality staple food and a raw material for sugar production, and the planting cycle is also longer.

  Chu Guang estimated that these supplies were probably prepared for the Blood Hand Clan.

  Now that the Blood Hand Clan was gone, he had become the most threatening force in the region. The farm probably wanted to take this opportunity to establish friendly relations with him.

  At least, don’t turn into an enemy.

  Chu Guang, who accepted this “thank you gift”, did not feel embarrassed at all, and looked at Luca and asked.

  ”When do they plan to deliver the things?”

  ”If it’s sunny, it will be delivered at noon tomorrow. If it snows, it may arrive later.”

  At this point, Luca paused for a moment and reminded.

  ”In addition, my lord, you should have noticed that our granary is full. And now the grain reserves of the base are getting larger and larger. I suggest building special silos for several major reserve varieties, which can not only extend the storage time of crops, but also save more space.”

  Before, there was not much food in the base, and the weather was getting colder, so they only built a shed that could shelter from wind and rain and piled the food in it.

  Now the population of the outpost is increasing, and the grain reserves are also increasing. It is definitely not possible to deal with it casually as before.

  If you want to preserve food for a long time, you must not only consider waterproofing and insect prevention, but also moisture and fire prevention and a series of other issues.

  After listening to Old Luca’s advice, Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Your suggestion is very good. I will arrange for someone to assist you. Now I have a task for you. I need you to withdraw 500 kilograms of raw meat, lamb horn potatoes, green wheat, cabbage, Chinese cabbage from the granary, as well as five barrels of beer and red wine from Bethe Street, and deliver them to the north gate of the outpost.”

  ”There will be a banquet tonight to celebrate our victory in Bethe Street.”

  ”All food and drinks transported to the North Gate Market will be sold at half price!”

  Old Luca nodded in response.

  ”Yes, sir!”


  [Activity: Victory Dinner]

  [Description: The guns of justice ended the tyranny of Bethe Street, and our soldiers triumphed gloriously amid the applause and cheers of local residents! Celebrate the victory, at the special price stalls at the North Gate Market, all food and drinks are half price! The owner of the weapons store reminds you that although the wine is good, you can’t drink too much. ] At

  6 o’clock in the evening.

  A grand party was held at the north gate of the outpost to celebrate the victory during the day.

  The NPC who manages the warehouse set up a special price stall at the north gate market, and put half-price food on the table for players to choose and buy.

  As the first in-game event since the launch of “Wasteland OL”, both new and old players are excited and have participated in it with 200% enthusiasm.

  Of course, it is mainly because the food is half price!

  In the past, 1 silver coin could buy 300g of raw meat, but now it can be bought with only 5 copper coins. There are also sheep’s horn potatoes and green wheat, as well as the recently updated cabbage, Chinese cabbage, etc., which can now be bought with very little money. If you don’t buy it now, when will you buy it?

  Fortunately, the slow replenishment speed of the special price stalls has limited the purchasing power of players, otherwise such cheap food would have been snatched up as soon as the event started!

  ”Wow, sister, sister, the food sold at that stall is so cheap! There are also vegetables!” Qiu Ye, who sneaked away to join in the fun, ran back to her sister excitedly, holding her arm and said, “I’ll go and tell everyone in the tribe!”

  Qiu Cao looked at her sister with a worried look.

  ”Can we buy those things?”

  Qiuye nodded excitedly.

  ”Yes! I asked the stall owner! As long as they have those small coins, anyone can buy them!”

  ”Then… you go quickly and come back quickly.”

  ”Okay! Leave it to me!”

  After getting her sister’s permission, Qiuye did not stop for a moment and ran towards the tribe in a hurry, fearing that if she ran too slowly, she would have nothing when she came back.

  Looking at her sister running away, Qiucao took out the coins in her bag and counted them. There were a total of 11 silver coins and 24 copper coins.

  ”If it’s half price… you can buy more than 20 kilograms of food.”

  Qiucao showed a happy smile on her face.

  Fortunately, she persuaded the tribe leader to save the money she earned, so that she can exchange it for a lot of food.

  No one should starve to death this winter.

  The sisters Qiucao and Qiuye are still worried about whether everyone in the tribe will starve. The players over there are already complaining that their stomachs are not enough.

  ”Damn it! Why can’t Tail have two stomachs!”

  Holding a skewer in one hand and a beer glass in the other, Tail’s cheeks were bulging like a hamster. It was hard for her to chew and talk at the same time.

  Looking at her friend whose image had collapsed, Sisi, who was tasting wine, glanced at her.

  ”Awei, do you know that you look like an uncle now?”

  Tail, who finally swallowed the food in his mouth and burped, turned his head and said nonchalantly.

  ”We are already in the game world! If we still have to control our diet, what’s the difference between it and the garbage game “Earth OL”! Such delicious food is not available every day, Si, you are too serious, and be more relaxed!”

  Sisi: “…”

  This guy.

  Once he entered the game, he completely let himself go.

  Obviously, he is quite a lady in reality.

  Not far away, a white bear was happily eating a whole grilled catfish. The way he was feasting made the nearby players envious.

  Of course, the most envious and jealous was a certain lizard.

  As alien players, some of them eat and drink to their heart’s content outside, while others can only watch helplessly in the shelter.

  Garbage has been hanging up in the shelter for a while.

  Every day when he goes online, he does nothing else but wander around the B2 floor, touch here and there, either exercise or wait for friends to feed him, and then log off on time at six o’clock, wash up and go to work.

  When in the game, the body in reality is equivalent to deep sleep. Put on the helmet at ten o’clock every day, and you can go to work with full energy at dawn the next day. Even if you can’t do anything, the function of sleeping in seconds is also excellent.

  In order to add to the fun of the celebration, Mosquito lit homemade fireworks in the open space at the north gate.

  As a result, I don’t know if there was a problem with the formula or the ignition posture was wrong, and a flying monkey flew to Teng Teng’s stall.

  Fortunately, no one was hurt.

  Only Mosquito was chased by the murderous Teng Teng for hundreds of meters with scissors.

  In the end, the storm ended with Mosquito buying all the burned dog fur coats with tears.

  Apart from this episode, most players enjoyed the banquet in a relatively normal way. The life-professional players took advantage of the discounts on ingredients and cooked the specialties of the wasteland into edible dishes in various ways.

  The normal ones were white oak roasted venison leg steaks, and the abnormal ones were pine nut rat tail soup and salt-roasted devil moth pupae.

  Well, devil moth pupae are actually edible, but eating insects still requires a little courage.

  The whole north gate was filled with the aroma of food.

  Not only food, but also fine wine.

  Ten half-person-high oak barrels were placed next to the special price booth, with wooden cups hanging next to them. The sign next to them read:

  [Beer 2 silver coins per cup, wine 10 silver coins per cup, now on sale at 50% off! ]

  [Note: Each person is limited to taking one cup at a time, and can buy it again after drinking it. No waste! Violators will be fined! ]

  The cups were wooden cups searched from the old mayor’s castle. As for the volume of a cup, it is about 330ml.

  Just like the food at the special offer booth, all drinks are half price, and players who participated in the daytime tycoon-hunting operation can get a free glass.

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t drink it, you can sell your glass to other players.

  However, I believe no one can refuse the opportunity to taste fine wine in the game. Even if you get drunk here, it will not affect your work the next day.

  Some of the young players drank so much that they staggered all over the place, and some even lay on the ground, struggling with the network connection.

  ”Fuck! I suggest that the game company open the pain adjustment function!”

  ”That’s right! I can’t feel the feeling of being drunk at all! What’s the point of drinking?”


  Two drunken young players shouted, and Yaya, who was not far away, stuck out his tongue, holding a wine glass in his hand, with a bitter face.

  ”Yue, it turns out that wine is bitter!”

  Teng Teng glanced at her: “You haven’t drunk it in real life?”

  Yaya shook his head like a rattle.

  ”I’m allergic to alcohol… But it’s so unpalatable, I don’t regret it.”

  Qiuye, who had run back to the village to call people earlier, now ran back with everyone.

  Looking at the excitement and prosperity of the celebration, the eyes of these nomads were full of curiosity, surprise, and deep envy!


  Baked cakes!

  And wine!

  It’s so rich!

  Not far away, the cattle and horse team and Mole Brother and other high-level players who had formed a group to brush the “Greenhouse Ruins” were pulling the spoils back in a covered wagon.

  Looking at the lively scene at the north gate, everyone was stunned at first, and soon the VM on their arms received an event pop-up window, and they were instantly dumbfounded.

  ”Fuck, what’s going on?”

  ”Victory dinner?!”

  ”There was a war?! What the hell, when I came back, it was already over?!”

  Looking at the confused old acquaintances, Daoxialiuren, who was eating skewers and drinking beer at the north gate, said with a smile.

  ”It’s over! Beth Street will be our territory from now on!”

  Ye Shi came back to his senses and asked immediately.

  ”It’s our territory? My giao, is there any top-quality equipment?”

  Daoxialiuren shook his head.

  ”No, but the mission reward is okay, 50 silver coins. I don’t know if the war rules have changed, or if the reward rules for invasion and defense are different. There was no auction this time, so I was given money and contributions, and there was also a chance to draw a lottery. The lottery is interesting, but there’s nothing good. I guess the planner forced it in to test the lottery system. I don’t understand.”

  Lao Bai glanced at the big handful of skewers in his hand. It was obvious that this was not the amount that could be eaten in a short time.

  ”Don’t you go to work during the day? Why don’t you go offline?”

  Daoxialiuren said with a smile.

  ”Tomorrow is Saturday, what a job.”

  ”You have two days off!” Lao Bai looked envious, “This is too cool.”

  ”There are fewer things to do, less money, and it’s not interesting. Sometimes I feel that it doesn’t matter whether I am in this unit or not.” Daoxialiuren, who was drinking and eating meat, suddenly sighed and expressed the thoughts of many players, “It would be great if I could be online 24 hours a day!”

  (The next chapter will be updated before 10:30. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I will check the typos twice again. QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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