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Chapter 128 The Code of Bethe Street!

Chapter 128 The Code of Bethe Street!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 128 The Code of Beth Street!

  Boss Xia was drunk.

  Chu Guang didn’t notice that this guy actually took out all the money in his pocket to buy wine. He sat on the chair and drank it without eating a bite of food.

  This guy never cares about tomorrow when spending money. It’s a pity that she can live until now.


  this seems to be the most true portrayal of the wastelanders.

  Even if tomorrow is hell, we must live optimistically for ourselves today.

  ”Burp… I can still drink!” Xia Yan, with long red hair scattered on her shoulders and a smell of alcohol, raised the cup and yelled.

  ”No one stopped you.”

  He gently pushed the head that fell on his shoulder to the armrest beside him and lay down.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on the bench at the north gate, tasted the wine lightly, savored the slightly bitter sweetness, and then stopped tasting it.

  Because of the psychological shadow of his previous life, he restrained himself from drinking more. After all, if he drank too much again and died again, he didn’t have the confidence to be reborn in this world.

  Moderation is a higher virtue than kindness.

  It’s not because of fear.

  In the distance, the nomads also joined the players’ celebration. They were good at singing and dancing and quickly won the applause and cheers of the players.

  ”My lord… Although I don’t want to spoil your fun, I’m afraid that the food consumed today will be a bit too much. The raw meat at the special price stall is almost sold out, and there is not much food left.” Walking to Chu Guang, Old Luca bent over and said carefully, “Those nomads used the silver coins you rewarded them to buy sheep’s horn potatoes, and after buying them, they didn’t use them in the celebration, but took them back to the tribe.”

  There was another sentence he didn’t dare to say, that is, these blue coats are too greedy, and they wish they could eat two meals in one meal.

  But the status of the residents of the shelter is higher than his own. Luca, who has the concept of status and inferiority engraved in his bones, dare not overstep his boundaries, and can only find fault with the nomads.

  ”It doesn’t matter. We can’t have banquets every day.” Chu Guang smiled faintly. “I took these things out just to make everyone happy. Don’t worry, I know what’s going on.”

  As for games, happiness is the most important thing.

  It just happened to be such a day worth celebrating. Taking out some supplies to hold an event for the players will also help boost the morale of the players and improve the server environment. There

  are always people on the forum complaining that his “Wasteland OL” is not casual at all. Look

  , the casual content is here.

  Judging from the players, they are having fun.

  Seeing that the host said so, Luca stopped talking and bowed his head respectfully and retreated.


  ”Woo woo woo, I can’t drink anymore.”

  ”Then don’t drink.”


  ”Don’t move your hands, be honest.”

  After carrying Xia Yan, who had drunk too much, back to the shelter, Chu Guang threw her on the bed and placed the crutches beside her bed.

  Her pupils were dilated, her eyes were blurred, and her cheeks were redder than her own hair, and all the way to her earlobes. One of the buttons on her collar was open, probably because it was rubbed open, revealing her collarbone and a bit of paleness.

  Chu Guang covered her with a blanket.

  This guy’s alcohol tolerance is really poor.

  Does the tavern in Boulder City only sell boiled water?

  Chu Guang has heard this guy bragging more than once about how much he can drink, and now it seems that he is really bragging.

  Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the room, blinked her eyes and looked over here curiously.

  ”Did she drink?”

  She had tasted the taste of wine once, and only once. It was when her eldest brother got married, and her sister-in-law brought it from home.

  She still remembers the taste, it was astringent and bitter, not tasty at all.

  Dad also said that when she gets married in the future, he will prepare a bottle for her to take to the other party’s house. But she doesn’t want to drink it at all, it would be better if she could replace it with sugar.

  ”Well, this guy drank too much,” Chu Guang put a bottle of milk on the table, “If she wakes up and cries for water, give her this… Please take care of her.”

  Xiaoyu nodded enthusiastically and said seriously.

  ”Well! Leave it to Xiaoyu without worry!”

  That’s great.

  If only everyone in the shelter was as well-behaved and sensible as Xiaoyu.

  That way I could collect materials every day.

  Resisting the urge to pat her head, Chu Guang rewarded her with a chocolate-flavored lollipop, told her to save it for tomorrow, then turned back to the resident hall and turned on the computer.

  As usual, take a look at the forum first.

  At this time, most of the players have already logged off, leaving only some newbies doing cleaning tasks and professional players who are doing order tasks online.

  Chu Guang glanced at the posts on the forum.

  There was no surprise. Just a few minutes ago, when he carried Xia Yan back to the shelter, these idiots started to make up stories about him again.

  Tail: “Big news! Tail saw the manager carrying the boss’s wife back to the shelter! (`)Ψ”

  WC Zhen You Mosquito: “Shocked! The owner of the weapon shop is actually the manager!”

  Elf King Fugui: “I also saw them enter a room!”

  Stop bullshitting: “He hasn’t come out for ten minutes!”

  Ye Shi: “! The manager only has ten minutes?!”

  Irena: “Your discussion makes me feel like I missed a version. Just tell me how old the kid is. (Funny)”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Is there any literary brother who can add details? WC Zhen You Mosquito said he is willing to pay for it.”

  WC Zhen You Mosquito: “No money, no money, bankrupt today. QAQ”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Hey, what’s the use of you… So I have to do it myself?”

  Ye Shi: “Brother Mole is awesome! (broken voice)”

  Seeing this group of idiots starting to add details that didn’t exist at all, Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen, couldn’t help it and typed a line of words and sent it out.

  Guang: “Stop it, except for that kind of pictures, that kind of text is also not allowed.”

  Canyon Escaped Mole: “Damn! I’m going outside to write! Let’s go brothers!”

  Ye Shi: “Ah! Charge!”

  Tail: “Oley Ge! (`)Ψ”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  In addition to these informal posts, there are also serious discussions on the forum.

  For example, a new player named [Fountain Commander] used an entire post to share his experience of being disconnected from drinking and the ideas that came to him.

  ”I’m shocked. The drunkenness effect in this game is so realistic. It turns out that drinking will cause you to be disconnected directly! Let’s analyze it rationally. When you need to temporarily go offline in the game, you can just drink a bottle of vodka.”

  This idea seems good, but the little player obviously forgot to consider how to get back online. If you drink so much that you lose your memory, you may not be able to wake up just because you want to. Even if you wake up, you will still be dizzy.

  Sure enough, someone complained below the post.

  Construction site boy and brick: “Don’t listen to this guy, the blackout DEBUFF will last for more than two hours! You can’t log into the game for these two hours. And the most important thing is… after the blackout, you may even pee your pants! If you want to die, just try it, I don’t dare to do it anyway TT”

  Night Ten: “It’s okay to go offline after drinking strong liquor, brother, you might as well ask Boss Crow for a mushroom, it’s much faster than that. (funny)”

  Crow Crow: “Shut up! You are slandering! When have I ever sold poisonous mushrooms! (`Д*)9”

  Irena: “Scared. (funny)”

  Although drinking will produce a series of DEBUFFs, and the experience from being drunk to blackout is not as realistic as in reality, everyone still praised the fact that they can drink in “Wasteland OL”.

  Especially some young players who are allergic to alcohol, who don’t drink alcohol in real life, finally experienced the feeling of being drunk in the game.

  Although everyone said that it is enough to experience this feeling once.

  The feeling of fighting with the network connection is really uncomfortable.

  In addition to the discussion about the banquet in the evening, the topics on the forum mainly focused on the task of “liberating Beth Street” during the day.

  After carefully observing the NPCs, some smart little players found some very interesting things.

  Those NPCs are so smart that they are just like real people. Each of them has his or her own unique life trajectory.

  And this trajectory is different from “Red Dead Redemption”. It doesn’t seem to be designed, but more like it is calculated by the program in real time.

  If there were not so many unscientific places, they would have suspected that these NPCs were all played by customer service.

  Just like the staff of the escape room, the DM of the script-killing…

  Debt Big Eyes: “This game is too real! Although it is a selling point, sometimes it is troublesome to be too real. This is the first time I have seen a game where even the novice village needs to be built by the players themselves, and not only build houses, but also the NPCs in the village have to be found from outside.”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, isn’t this interesting? Watching the game world change little by little because of us, isn’t it more interesting than simply spawning monsters?”

  The earliest outpost had nothing, just a broken building surrounded by trees.

  Now there are not only city walls and trenches, but also full of granaries and storehouses. The shelter has also been opened to the B2 floor, and the administrator has also changed into “divine clothes”.

  When Lao Bai thought about his own contribution, the sense of accomplishment and pride in his heart was so full that it was about to overflow.

  A completely realistic virtual reality game is great! What can I

  do with my father? “Laugh, this is meaningless. I suggest you play a few more games to broaden your horizons so as not to appear too ignorant. Have you played Skyrim 5? I’m afraid you XXS have never even heard of it? All the NPCs and players in the entire Morningwind Province were slaughtered by me alone. In the end, the GM had to chat with me privately and beg me to show mercy. Not only did he cancel my red name, but he also gave me a year of VIP.”

  Kuangfeng: “Brother, your hook is too direct. I almost suspect that you are playing the opposite role.”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha! So people’s joys and sorrows are not the same. I understand! (grin)”

  Jing Spirit King Fugui: “Hey, I suddenly feel that it is better not to conduct a public beta test. Otherwise, a bunch of arrogant people will be allowed in, and it will be unplayable. TT”

  Ye Shi: “You think too much. Can children play this game? (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “It’s good to release activation codes slowly now, but game companies have to make money too. Public beta testing is a matter of time. It depends on how the operator handles it at that time.”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “No, you Europeans, why don’t you eat meat? I haven’t got the reservation qualification yet! TT”

  Ye Shi: “There are many people queuing, just wait slowly. (Funny)”


  The next day.

  The envoy of Brown Farm brought the promised “thank you gift”.

  A total of 15 tons of food filled four covered wagons, which were pulled by two-headed oxen and delivered to the warehouse door of the outpost.

  I didn’t expect that Brown Farm actually raised cows?

  Chu Guang touched his chin and pondered.

  It was unknown whether the envoy had seen something from the eyes of the administrator, but he was so frightened that he dared not stay for a second. After receiving the promise of friendly exchanges and mutual exchange of what he had, he immediately called the servants and drove the ox cart back on the road. After

  seeing off the envoy from Brown Farm, it was already noon. Yu Hu rushed to the outpost from Bet Street with a handwritten letter from Old Charlie.

  The envelope contained the draft code he had drafted overnight.

  Chu Guang took a look and confirmed that there was no big problem, then signed his name and date on it, indicating that the document would take effect from that day on.

  Having laws to follow is the first step in establishing order. The first code does not need to be too complicated. It is best to be simple enough that even a scavenger who cannot read a single word can understand it.

  As for the regulations subdivided into various fields and industries, as well as the detailed interpretation clauses of various laws, these can be further standardized in the subsequent implementation.

  Just like the “Player’s Handbook” that has been updated to version 4.0, it basically clearly states what cannot be done and the consequences after doing it. The earliest version 1.0 only had a few lines of text.

  At present, Bet Street is just a small village with more than 100 households. Old Charlie has enough time to explore and find rules suitable for the survivors in the wasteland.

  Chu Guang is relatively relieved that Old Charlie will be the mayor of Bet Street.

  This former butler has enough understanding of the situation in Bet Street and is also capable of doing this not-so-difficult job.

  In addition to the mayor, there is also the candidate for the captain of the guard.

  The original captain of the guard is a direct descendant of the old mayor, so it is naturally impossible to use him again. It is already merciful not to confiscate his property and drive him out.

  Chu Guang thought about it and finally decided to give this job to Yu Xiong, the eldest son of the Yu family.

  Compared with his younger brother Yu Hu, his mind is more flexible and he is more careful than Yu Hu.

  The most important thing is that he has married a wife and will have children soon. People who have a family are always more stable than those who have not.

  The original guard team of Bet Street has been disbanded, and the defense is almost empty. In order to avoid chaos, a new guard team must be established as soon as possible.

  Considering that Bet Street is too far from the players’ resurrection point, the guard team can only be selected from the locals.

  In the follow-up work, the captain of the guard not only needs to maintain the law and order of Bet Street, but also needs to organize patrols to eliminate high-threat aliens near Bet Street.

  The patrol team can be mixed with players and NPCs, and this part can be done in the form of tasks.

  Chu Guang plans to repair the wall of Bet Street when there are extra building materials, so as to accommodate more survivors.

  Of course, the first priority at present is to develop the base on the Linghu Wetland Park.

  The broadcast heard at the old leech’s house before, although full of nonsense, still revealed some useful information.

  The unrest in the northern part of the Valley Province seems to be intensifying, and more refugees are migrating from the north to the south.

  If the news is accurate, then Linghu Wetland Park, located at the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, will soon usher in a large wave of new refugees.

  This will undoubtedly be a severe test for the budding outpost!

  (Sorry! A little late!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode