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Chapter 129 LV10! The second stage of the sequence!

Chapter 129 LV10! The second stage of the sequence!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 129 LV10! The second stage of the sequence!

  At night.

  Chu Guang had a nightmare.

  In the dream, he was covered with fur and turned into a bear. In order to avoid the hunter’s pursuit, he ran desperately in the forest. Along the way, he tore a crawler to pieces with his two claws, killed a cracked crab with a slap, and finally punched a real bear away…

  Wait, I even knocked down the cracked crab, why should I be chased by the hunter?

  At this moment, Chu Guang woke up from his dream.

  The first thing he did after waking up was to touch his whole body and found that there was no other change except that he was sweating. Chu Guang

  breathed a sigh of relief.

  What a close call!

  Chu Guang was about to sit up from the bed with his hands supporting the bed board, but he didn’t control his strength well. He used too much force and actually jumped directly under the bed.

  Inertia took two steps forward before he stood firm. Before Chu Guang could come to his senses, his bones crackled again as his limbs moved.

  After the activity, every cell in his body felt more comfortable than ever before, as if every pore was breathing.

  Not only that, Chu Guang felt that his brain was more awake than ever before, and his vision was clearer than ever before. He didn’t feel like he had just woken up, but rather like he had taken a few bottles of taurine. What

  shocked Chu Guang most was that he could see the texture printed on the door handle clearly while standing by the bed! He

  immediately realized what had happened.

  Chu Guang didn’t stay in the room for a moment, and ran to the resident hall without saying a word, and gave himself a full-body examination using the physical examination equipment placed there.

  As he expected.

  He was upgraded again after waking up!



  Chu Guang Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 2)

  Level: LV.9→LV.10

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 11→16

  Agility: 6→11

  Constitution: 8→13

  Perception: 7→12

  Intelligence: 7→12




  1. Wild Instinct

  2. Psychic Deterrence


  [Psychic Deterrence: It can produce a psychological pressure effect on fully mental life forms that are weaker than itself, weakening its will to resist.]

  Phase 2!

  All attributes increased by 5 points! ?

  ”Fuck, this is too cool.” You

  can level up even when you lie down!

  Looking at the physical examination results input into the VM screen, Chu Guangle couldn’t close his mouth.

  As he guessed, LV10 is a bottleneck. Once the development progress of the gene sequence breaks through this bottleneck, the strength will usher in a qualitative leap!

  ”All attributes plus 5, and an additional talent… Is this what the wasteland natives call ‘awakening’?”

  Chu Guang still remembered that he first heard this word from Hain from Honghe Town.

  In the subsequent fight with the “bear”, the “bear” who was forced into a desperate situation even showed a phenomenon similar to “alienation”. If nothing unexpected happens, that should also be considered a situation of awakening. However, in Shelter

  No. 404, it seems that this phenomenon is called the second stage of the gene sequence.

  Unlike the “bear” who awakened naturally, his appearance and traits did not show particularly obvious changes due to awakening.

  The only changes that can be felt are that the strength has increased, the thinking is more agile, the perception of the surrounding environment is more acute, the reaction speed is faster, and the recovery and immunity are stronger.

  Chu Guang roughly speculated that the bonuses provided by the second stage of different sequences should be different, and the unlocking talents should also be different. For example, the strength system should focus more on strengthening the muscle level, and the agility system will focus more on reflex nerves.

  However, all this is just speculation.

  At present, in the entire shelter, only he has reached the second stage. Among other players, the fastest leveling cattle and horse team can only reach the peak of LV7.

  As for the situation of other sequences, we can only know when they reach LV10.

  Anyway, Chu Guang is quite satisfied with the second stage of the “Manager” sequence he holds.

  5 points of all attributes are improved, and he can be transformed into a pentagonal warrior in seconds. Coupled with the skill of “putting fear debuff on people”, he feels that he is invincible!

  Footsteps came from the corridor on one side.

  Yawning, Xia Yan, who had just woken up, walked out of the room with a cane under his arm.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was holding the VM and grinning foolishly, she was stunned for a moment with sleepy eyes and muttered softly.

  ”What good things are you looking at? You are laughing like this.”

  The smile on her face quickly disappeared, and Chu Guang raised his head and looked at Xia Yan, staring into her eyes.

  The two looked at each other.

  The air was quiet for a few seconds.

  The white cheeks gradually turned red.

  ”God, crazy.”

  Xia Yan turned her head and walked away with a cane.

  Watching the back of the twisting figure walking towards the buffer room, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought for a moment, and suddenly looked at the wastebasket squatting in the corner to charge.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  The signal light above his head lit up, and Xiao Qi raised the flat camera.

  ”Here, master.”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”Is she scared?”

  Xiao Qi seemed to be stunned for a moment, and after several seconds, he spoke weakly.

  ”Although the target’s blood pressure, heart rate and heat dissipation have increased slightly, Xiao Qi feels… that should not be the effect you expected, right?”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  Maybe it’s because his facial features are too handsome, so he doesn’t look that intimidating.

  This skill is still a bit useless to me.


  Better Street.

  The square in front of the castle was crowded with people.

  The residents of Better Street were called here early in the morning. Many of them had just woken up and had confusion and curiosity on their faces.

  For the residents living here, many have never been here in their lives.

  The old mayor’s family can’t stand poor people, so every time they get close to here, they will be driven away by the patrolling guards nearby.

  But now it’s different, the old mayor’s family has been driven away.

  Although a new mayor has come to power, at least this new mayor is an old acquaintance they have dealt with before, and is much more friendly than the vampire they have never met.

  Facing the eyes looking at him, Old Charlie took out a signed and dated paper from his arms, cleared his throat, and spoke.

  ”From today, the first code of Bette Street will come into effect! It will promise and protect the legal rights of all residents of Bette Street.”

  ”The rules are simple. Those who intentionally kill will be sentenced to hanging. Those who cause minor injuries to others in fights will be sentenced to more than one year of imprisonment and hard labor. Those who cause serious injuries to others in fights will be sentenced to more than three years of imprisonment and hard labor. In addition, those who steal or maliciously destroy property will be sentenced to imprisonment, hard labor and flogging according to the amount involved…”

  Old Chase said there were about twenty articles, and most people could understand only about ten articles.

  The people in the square looked at each other.


  Many of them heard this strange word for the first time.

  Although Bette Street had a guard before, the guard never dealt with disputes among residents. They were only responsible for the safety of the castle and the walls.

  There has been no murder in these years. Fights often happen, but no one is injured.

  After all, it is already difficult to live these days, and no one wants to offend others easily. Even if it is not out of moral constraints, everyone will weigh the pros and cons of the consequences of disrupting order.

  As for stealing…

  Is it considered stealing if you dig up the yams at someone else’s door?

  How should this be calculated?

  Looking at the residents who were looking at each other in bewilderment, Old Charlie knew what they were thinking, but he did not explain anything.

  There was no need to explain.

  They couldn’t understand anything too difficult. Things

  like laws are meaningless if they are just written on paper. After it has been strictly enforced once, someone will naturally weigh the consequences of violating it.

  After a pause, Old Charlie continued.

  ”From today on, the official currency of Bet Street will be silver coins and copper coins. Food, daily necessities, clothes and other supplies can be purchased at the grocery store run by the street office. The original chips can still be used, but only for the purchase of food and salt. In addition, the rewards for scavenging and hunting will no longer be paid with chips. The current exchange rate between chips and silver coins is tentatively set at one chip for one silver coin, and one month later, chips can only be exchanged for 5 copper coins.”

  As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of discussion around.

  ”The chips don’t work anymore?”

  ”Why do we have to change to silver and copper coins…”

  ”That’s right! I’ve never heard of those silver and copper coins.”

  ”Will you change them?”


  ”Only fools would do that!”

  When saying this, many people were secretly observing the expression on Old Charlie’s face.

  They thought Old Charlie would panic, or even get anxious.

  However, to the disappointment of those people, Old Charlie didn’t take their complaints to heart at all, and still had that calm expression, as if he didn’t hear them at all.

  Yu Hu, who was standing in the crowd, was even more anxious than Old Charlie.

  Unlike other residents of Bate Street, he had seen those silver and copper coins. The group of blue jackets in the wetland park used these coins to buy things, and they could buy a lot of good things.

  Now someone actually said that only fools would use chips to exchange for those silver coins. How could he bear it?

  However, just when he was about to explain, Yu Xiong, who was standing next to him, saw his plan at a glance and immediately reached out to pull him.

  ”Brother, why did you pull me?”

  Seeing his brother shaking his head with a face full of resentment, Yu Xiong said in a serious tone.

  ”What can you say to them? What’s the point of quarreling?”

  Yu Hu looked anxious.


  ”It’s nothing to do or not to do. Even you can think of something, how can Brother Chu not think of it? Since he has made this decision, he must have his ideas and plans. As for us, just do our own work well, don’t be busy and not help, and cause a basket of trouble for others!”

  After being scolded by his elder brother, Yu Hu finally calmed down.

  I didn’t think it through before, but after listening to what his elder brother said, it seemed to make sense. Brother

  Chu is such a smart person, how could he not consider the current situation?

  After figuring this out, Yu Hu immediately relaxed, looking at those thorns who shouted that they would never change the chips into silver coins, he just thought they were fools.


  Let’s wait and see!

  When I go back, I will change all the chips at home into silver coins, and see who will suffer the loss!

  The fathers of Yu Hu and Yu Xiong remained silent, but they obviously had their own ideas in mind.

  ”Don’t rush to exchange the chips.”

  Old Yu lowered his voice and pointed his index finger at his eldest son’s arm.

  ”If there are silver coins that have been collected and they don’t want them, we can exchange them with chips… We should be able to exchange more.”

  Yu Xiong was slightly stunned, and immediately understood what his father meant and nodded.


  After giving the surrounding residents enough time to discuss, Old Charlie slowly spoke and continued to talk about other arrangements.

  For example, the guard team.

  Although the original guard team was disbanded, Bet Street could not be left undefended for a day.

  The captain of the guard team was temporarily Yu Xiong, the eldest son of the Yu family, and at the same time, 15 young people aged under 35 and over 14 were publicly recruited to form a new guard team.

  The guard team’s daily work is patrolling, standing guard, and training.

  The work intensity is not high, and there is no need to risk life. At least it is safer than scavenging in the ruins and hunting, standing behind the shelter of the wall.

  As for the treatment, in addition to providing food and accommodation, the street office also pays each guard a salary every month.

  The current figure is 50 silver coins, and it may increase in the future.

  Although I don’t have a specific idea of ​​the purchasing power of silver coins, I heard from Old Charlie that in the grocery store run by the street office, one silver coin can be exchanged for one kilogram of lamb yams or green wheat.

  50 silver coins a month, that is 50 kilograms of food.

  Part of the money can be used to exchange for salt or other daily necessities at the grocery store, which is enough for the family’s expenses!

  After old Charlie finished speaking, many people showed eager expressions on their faces, planning to put their fingerprints on the application and sign up later.

  If they are selected, they don’t have to worry about going hungry all winter!

  ”… In addition, a welfare school will be opened in the Central Castle of Beit Street. Currently, there are two courses: literacy and arithmetic.”

  ”All young people aged 6 and under 14 must complete two semesters of courses. During class, the school will provide a free lunch to the students.

  ”Young people over the age of 14 can sign up for adult classes from 7 to 9 pm on their own, free of charge. Those who achieve passing scores in both courses can work in the street office. ”

  It is obvious that compared with the recruitment of the guard, most of the residents of Bette Street are not very interested in this so-called school, nor do they regard it as a welfare.

  However, providing meals is still very attractive.

  Even if you only provide meals for the children, you can save some food for the family for the winter.

  Regardless of whether the residents of Bette Street are interested in literacy and arithmetic, literacy work must be carried out.

  Establishing order is the first step, and getting rid of ignorance is the second step. Only after these two steps are done well can we lay a solid foundation for further work.

  Looking at the survivors whose faces were full of ignorance, Old Charlie sighed softly in his heart.

  There is a long way to go.

  After all the arrangements were made, Old Charlie immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting.

  Except for those who planned to sign up for the guard, the rest of the residents went back to their homes.

  Many people will go out hunting soon, and while it is not yet fully light, they will go home to pack up their equipment.

  On the way home, Wang Defu, the third son of the Wang family, complained angrily.

  ”Why should the Yu family be the captain of the guard? There are only two men in their family. Why! ”

  Not only was he dissatisfied, his two elder brothers were also obviously not very happy.

  Especially his eldest brother Wang Biao.

  He had a cheerful expression until Old Charlie announced the candidate for the captain of the guard.

  After all, from the beginning to the end, he considered himself Old Charlie’s man.

  However, when Old Charlie announced the candidate for the captain of the guard, he felt that the whole world turned gray in an instant, and his face became uglier than eating shit.


  It was obviously he who risked his life to deliver the letter to the Blood Hand Clan, and it was obviously he who kept his mouth shut and kept the secret of the Blood Hand Clan’s demise for Old Charlie.

  In the end, the captain of the guard was actually a member of the Yu family?

  After hearing this arrangement, he felt that the chips in his pocket were not so attractive…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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