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Chapter 130 Let’s Talk About It After You Survive

Chapter 130 Let’s Talk About It After You Survive


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 130 Let’s talk about it after you survive

  . The next morning.

  ”Hua La La~”

  The sound of water in the yard woke Wei Changtian from his “dream”. It was still early and everything was the same as before.

  The wine he drank last night had been absorbed. He took a deep breath and his mind was clear without any discomfort.

  However, Ning Yuke, who drank too much bad wine, would probably have a headache after waking up.

  Oh, no, I almost forgot that she had no pain.

  Wei Changtian shook his head, put on his clothes, pushed the door and walked out of the house.

  There were already a few yellow leaves on the ancient tree in the yard, and a small figure was holding a bucket high and walking towards the ear room.

  Since entering the rank, the weight of a bucket of water is nothing to Ah Chun, but she is still too short, and she has to lift the bucket handle to her chest to get the bucket off the ground. The

  big bucket blocked most of her body. If you don’t look carefully, you might think that the bucket has become a spirit and is moving by itself.

  It is indeed a bit funny.

  Wei Changtian had no intention of helping Ah Chun. Instead, the little girl put down the bucket when she saw him and whispered respectfully:



  Wei Changtian responded and cast his eyes on Li Suyue and the little boy beside him who had just come in from the gate.

  ”Greetings, young master.”

  Li Suyue took two quick steps over and bowed gently.

  During this period of time, she had completely adapted to the “work” in the Wei residence. After getting familiar with Yuan’er and others, she spoke and acted more naturally.

  ”Good morning, madam.”

  Wei Changtian nodded and said hello in a very characteristic way of his previous life.

  In fact, the way of greeting “good morning” and “good evening” came from the West, and there was no such saying in ancient times.

  However, Wei Changtian said it so often because of habit, and the people around him got used to it and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

  ”Ran’er, quickly bow to the young master.”

  Li Suyue gently pressed her son’s head, but the latter’s eyes were always fixed on the big bucket in front of Ah Chun.

  He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly took a step forward and ran to the bucket, patting his chest in a somewhat heroic manner.

  It seemed that he wanted to help Ah Chun fetch water.

  Li Suyue was somewhat helpless, while Wei Changtian was very interested.

  Under the gazes of the two, the little boy tried his best to lift the bucket, but it did not move at all.

  Wang Ran’s little face immediately turned red, but no matter how hard he pushed up and down, left and right, the bucket seemed to be growing on the ground, and it did not even shake.

  ”Let me do it.”

  Ah Chun could not bear to see him waste his energy, so he took the handle of the bucket and lifted it high.

  ”Master, Sister Yuan’er is waiting for the water to boil, I’ll go first.”

  ”Well, go ahead.”

  Wei Changtian waved his hand and reached out to touch Wang Ran’s head.

  ”You are still too young now, and you will be able to carry it when you grow up a little bit.”


  The little boy turned his head and looked at Ah Chun, who was carrying a wooden bucket and walking towards the ear room, with a very lost expression.

  Wei Changtian stopped trying to persuade her. He glanced at the bamboo basket in Li Suyue’s hand and asked with a smile,

  ”Madam, are these pancakes?”


  Li Suyue lifted the white cloth covering the bamboo basket, revealing the pancakes that were still steaming.

  ”I just made them at home this morning.”

  ”Haha, okay, I’ll eat one first!”

  Wei Changtian smiled happily and took one out of the basket himself. He took a bite and his mouth was full of sesame fragrance.

  The pancakes made by Li Suyue were the most delicious food in his past life that he had eaten since he traveled through time. After eating them once, he basically had one or two every day.

  Li Suyue couldn’t understand why a nobleman like Wei Changtian liked to eat pancakes, but at the same time she was very happy that the food she made was recognized by others, so she would make some every few days and never let Wei Changtian “run out of food.”

  ”Huh? Did Madam put sugar in it this time?”

  Wei Changtian took two bites and suddenly asked.

  ”Ah, I added a little.”

  Li Suyue quickly replied: “I don’t know if it suits your taste, I also made a few without sugar, do you want it?”

  ”No, it’s delicious.”

  Wei Changtian nodded, and just wanted to tell Li Suyue to make some pepper and salt flavor next time, but Zhang San rushed in from the door.

  ”Mrs. Li.”

  He greeted Li Suyue first, and then leaned into Wei Changtian’s ear and whispered:

  ”Sir, the Freemasons have arrived.”

  From the time Wei Changtian sent the letter back to today, more than half a month has passed, and the “own people” have finally arrived.

  In fact, this speed is not slow, after all, it takes more than ten days to go back and forth.

  ”How many have come?”

  After returning to the room, Wei Changtian immediately asked impatiently: “Where are they staying now?”

  ”Reply to the young master, the first batch came with 21 people.”

  Zhang San replied: “It is said that there will be another 32 in the next few days, a total of 53 people. Now they are scattered in several inns in the city.”

  ”This is the letter that the helmsman asked them to bring to you.”


  Wei Changtian was stunned for

  a moment, then realized that Wang Er was the leader of the Freemasons. He took the letter and quickly read it. Most of the content was a report on the recent development of the Freemasons and Chunshen Bookstore, and a list of people who came to Shuzhou this time was also attached.

  Overall, there was nothing special, but the last sentence made him frown.

  ”Shuzhou may have a big change recently. Now I only know that it may be related to Prince Shun. I hope you will be more careful.”


  Are we going to tear each other apart so soon?

  Wei Changtian silently remembered this matter, raised his head and told Zhang San:

  ”I will not see the brothers of the Freemasonry anymore, you will be the one to contact them from now on.”

  ”You must try your best to conceal the existence of these people, and arrange the things I told you before as soon as possible.”

  ”Don’t worry, sir, I will do it today.”

  ”Well, there is one more.”

  Wei Changtian thought for a while, and then said: “Send someone to find a cave on the Yanyun Mountain outside the city.”


  ”Yes, it should be halfway up the mountain, and there is a huge stone that looks like a long sword at the entrance of the cave. If you find it, come back and tell me immediately, and remember that no one is allowed to go in, remember?”


  Zhang San didn’t ask any more questions, and after confirming a few things with Wei Changtian, he ran to “implement the task” and didn’t even have time to eat breakfast.

  It’s not that he didn’t eat at all. Li Suyue still stuffed him a few pancakes when he went out.

  It is estimated that these two people are almost done.

  Wei Changtian smacked his lips and moved his thoughts back to his own affairs.

  At present, Xiao Feng’s whereabouts cannot be locked, and it is unknown what bad intentions he is harboring.

  But now that he has the Tianluo Cult as his backer, as long as he can seize any opportunity, there is a high probability that he will kill him completely.

  Then there is Ning Qingyu. It is estimated that as Wang Er said in the letter, Ning Yongnian will soon attack him again.

  Wei Changtian doesn’t care about the life or death of this prince at all, but it’s a pity for his three beautiful young ladies.

  Thinking of this, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but recall the way Ning Yuke broke off a tooth on the comb and gently handed it to him last night.

  ”Sir, if I can survive, are you willing to marry me?”

  Obviously, Ning Yuke meant that she survived after helping Wei Changtian take that thing.

  Nine lives and one death, the probability is still very high.

  But what she didn’t know was that even if she could survive this time, when Ning Yongnian’s killer appeared again, her chance of survival would become nine deaths and one life, or even ten deaths.


  Wei Changtian sighed softly, and his expression was exactly the same as when he answered Ning Yuke yesterday.

  ”Let’s talk about it after you survive.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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